As the American people rush along in
their hurried life,
often observing only the big things of
the world, they sometimes
forget the pleasure and value which may
be derived from the
smaller ones. Let us consider the
importance and significance
of the lesser. May we go into a very
little valley which has
been prominent in our country's history
When one scans the broad Ohio, which
affords so many
commercial advantages, he thinks of the
business world and fails
to look backward to some of its rivers'
picturesque tributaries-
not the broad, courageous Miami river,
nor the rushing Mad
river, but a still smaller stream of
water known as Mac-o-chee
This little stream takes its source from
two small springs
in Monroe Township, Logan County, Ohio,
and flows for some
seven miles, finally emptying into Mad
river in a meadow just
south of West Liberty. Time has changed
the channel of this
creek, so that today there are two
Mac-o-chees having their
mouths in the same river and only a few
miles apart.
Why is it this little body of water has
so much charm?
Why in early times did the red-man place
his village on its
bank? Was it because of the soil's great
fertility for raising
corn? Was it for the game which its
forests afforded or was
it the beauty and solitude of this
secluded place that attracted
the Indians? Yes, it was for all these
reasons, and probably
for many more, which the white man of
today fails to perceive.
In those days stood the grand, old
forest, the smoothly
rounded hills and the broad stretch of
land, through all of which
flowed the bright sparkling water. The
white man as well as
the Indian recognizes advantages of this
locality and at the close
of the Revoltuionary War, we find him
encroaching upon the
red-man's territory.
The first inhabitants of this valley
were Indians from the
456 Ohio Arch. and
Hist. Society Publications.
tribes of Wyandotes, Delawares, Mingos
and Shawnees-the
Mac-o-chee Indians belonging to the
last. As civilization moved
westward, these Indians were loath to
leave their homes in
"Smiling Valley", which is the
meaning of the Indian word Mac-
o-chee and so they fought many battles
in defense of their lands.
Previous to the coming of the white man,
the Shawnees had
established several villages along the
creek and these were known
as the Mac-o-chee towns. They were by
name: Mac-o-chee
near West Liberty on the Judge Benjamin
Piatt farm; Pigeon
town, three miles northwest on the
George T. Dun farm and
Wappotomica below Zanesfield.
Authorities differ as to the
spelling of these names and also as to
their exact location. They
probably had no permanent site, but
according to Indian custom,
they moved up and down the valley in
pursuit of game. Yet,
we do know that such towns did exist.
After the destruction of the principal
Indian towns on the
Muskingum river in 1781, the tribe of
the Delawares retreated
from that river and took up their abode
among the Shawnees
and the Wyandotes -the village chief
Buckongehelas locating
in one of the Mac-o-chee towns. In 1782, these three
tribes were
in close alliance.
It was at this time Col. Wm. Crawford
started upon his
ill-fated expedition to subdue the
Indians living in this part of
Ohio. Throughout his entire campaign,
the fighting was terrific,
with incidents of the worst possible
cruelty enacted by both
races. After a two days' fight at Upper
Sandusky, Crawford
with his men was compelled to retreat.
When the Indians
realized this, they began such a furious
attack that the troops
were compelled to disband, scattering in
small groups. In one
of these groups was a party of six men
guided by John Slover,
who when a boy, had been captured and
adopted by the Shawnees.
In Wayne County, the band was ambuscaded
by a number of
Shawnees. Two of the six men were shot,
one escaped, while
Slover and two others were taken
prisoners. These three men
were brought to one of the Mac-o-chee
villages, Wappotomica,
just below what is now Zanesfield. At
first, the captured were
treated with great kindness, but upon
their arrival at the village,
they were made to suffer great torture.
Mac-O-Chee Valley. 457
The three captives were made to run the
gauntlet. One
of the trio was persecuted until
relieved by death, another sent
to a distant town, while Slover was
retained. The same evening
of their arrival in the village, the
Indians assembled in the
council house to examine Slover. They
tried to learn from him
the real conditions of the country and
the proximity of their
foe. Slover explained all and told them
they need not fear any
approaching danger. On the following
day, however, Captain
Matthew Elliot with James Girty, who
also had been adopted
by the Shawnees, came into the camp and
suspicious of Slover
changed from their attitude of kindness
to one of extreme
cruelty. A lengthy council of war was called at Wappotomica,
which resulted in Slover being
sentenced to death. A party of
forty warriors accompanied by George
Girty, an adopted
Delaware and brother of Simon and James
Girty, placed a rope
around Slover's neck; they tied his
arms behind him and after
having stripped him, they painted his
body black, which was a
sign of death. They, then, set out with
him to Mac-o-chee
where he was to be burned. This journey
was most arduous
for the white man. As he passed through
one of the villages
he was beaten with clubs, and pipe ends
of tomahawks, and for
a time was kept tied before one of the
At Mac-o-chee, a part of the council
house was unroofed.
Here, Slover was tied to a stake. Fuel
was placed around it
and a fire was kindled. As this began
to blaze, there came a
heavy rain, which extinguished the
flames and saved Slover's
life. To the superstitious Indians,
this was a bad omen, and
after much consideration, they released
their prisoner from the
stake, having decided to burn him on
the following day. That
night, however, Slover made his escape
and reached home in
The Indians continued to fight for
their lands, even after
the coming of the white man. In 1785 a
treaty of peace was
made with several of the tribes, but
the Shawnees refused to enter
into any compact with the white man. In
1786 Col. Benjamin
Logan was commissioned by Gen. George
Rogers Clark to attack
the Mac-o-chee towns on Mad river. With
Col. Logan on this
expedition, there were several well
known Indian fighters; among
458 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
these were Col. Daniel Boone, General
Simon Kenton and Gen.
Wm. Lytle. It is the last, who has given
an account of the
campaign. The party proceeded towards
the Mac-o-chee towns
on Mad river - one on the west bank and
the other about a
half mile northeast. The latter town was
situated on a high
commanding point of land and here
resided the great chief of
the tribe. The commander, Col. Benjamin
Logan, cautioned his
officers not to kill anyone, whom they
supposed to be prisoners.
As the advance was made, the savages
retreated in all directions,
while the whites pursued. After having
fought desperately for
sometime, one of the Indian warriors
surrendered. In review-
ing the skirmish, one of the prisoners,
who had been taken was
no other than Moluntha, the great chief
of the Mac-o-chee tribe
belonging to the Shawnee nations. With
Moluntha, were cap-
tured twelve other Indians, the most of
whom were children.
When Moluntha was taken into the town, a
crowd of curious
men pressed around to see the great
Indian chief. The whites
were suspicious of Moluntha and both
races showed signs of
fighting, but the more conservative of
each side held all in
check. The impetuous Colonel McGary,
however, rushed up to
Moluntha; and thinking that the Indian
had fought against him
at Blue Licks, he seized an ax from the
hand of the grenadier
squaw and with this McGary dealt the
blow which ended the
life of the great chief. The murderer
then sought refuge in
the woods and was never seen afterwards.
Colonel Logan or-
dered another detachment of soldiers to
proceed to a town
which lay several miles north of here.
They burned the town,
which included a large block house, that
had been built by the
English. On this expedition, Colonel
Lytle tells that a certain
Indian youth was taken captive with some
prisoners. All were
sent to Kentucky, where Colonel Logan
made the boy a mem-
ber of his own family. Later the Indian
was permitted to return
to the land of his childhood, and was
afterwards known by the
name, Logan. He proved himself to be an
unwavering friend
of the white man.
The Indians of Mac-o-chee valley had
been warned of the
approach of General Logan, by one of his
own men, who was
a deserter. Yet, his arrival occurred
much sooner than had
Mac-O-Chee Valley. 459
been expected. In one of these towns
lived Jonathan Alder.
When a youth, he had been captured by
the Indians, and brought
to this settlement which was located on
the present Alfred John-
son farm in Salem Township, Champaign
County, Ohio. It was
Mr. Alder who gave the evidence that the
Indians had been
warned of the coming danger of the white
man. At the time
the attack was made, most of the Indians
were hunting so the
conquest was an easy one. Upon the
destruction of the village
of Mac-o-chee, Alder with the women and
children fled. The
following spring, the Shawnees returned
to their burned city;
but, after a short stay, they left this
locality forever, establish-
ing their new settlements at Blanchard
There is a pretty legend, which has been
connected with
the Indian history of this famous
valley. The authenticity of
it is denied by some authorities, by
others it is confirmed. At
any rate, the story shows that love was
a dominant factor in
the red race, as well as it is in the
white. On the General A.
S. Piatt farm is a certain rock, which
since the story, has been
known as "Squaw Rock." While
the white people were burn-
ing the village, an Indian squaw with
her young baby was
lurking behind the large rock. Why she
was there we do not
know, but one of the invaders, mistaking
her for a warrior, shot
and killed the mother. As the white man
approached the body
of his victim, he saw his mistake. By
the side of the dead Indian,
lay her bright faced son. When the
slayer saw the child, he
was filled with remorse. He buried the
mother at the foot of
the rock and took the baby boy to his
own home. Years passed
and these the Indian spent in playing
with the pretty little daugh-
ter of the household. When both reached
maturity the old-
timed friendship grew into love.
Unfortunately, for the Indian,
a white lover sought the hand of the
young woman. The girl
had much difficulty in deciding between
the two woers. Since
public sentiment condemned a marriage
with the red-man, pride
caused her to choose the boy of her own
race. The night fol-
lowing the wedding, the young bride and
groom were found
murdered and the Indian foster-brother
had disappeared never
to return.
Tom Corwin has well described this
valley. "If there is
460 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
a line," said he, "Where
Mac-o-chee ends and Heaven begins,
it is imperceptible- the easiest place
to live and die in, I ever
saw." It has witnessed many
thrilling deeds among the first
settlers. Here in 1778, the great Indian
fighter Simon Kenton
was forced to run the gauntlet. He was
then a youth full of
great daring. The Indians had been
stealing horses from the
white people in southern Ohio for
sometime. So Kenton, to-
gether with several other companions,
decided to retaliate, and
they set out for Chillicothe. They had
roamed around the
southern part of the state for some time
and had taken a great
many horses from the Indians, when
Kenton was separated
from his party. Later he was pursued and
captured by the
Indians. For a suitable punishment,
there were many delays
and much debating among the Indians, but
their final decision
was a death sentence for the captive.
The place of execution
was to be at Wappotomica, one of the
Mac-o-chee towns. On
the way to this town, it was necessary
to pass through the vil-
lages, Mac-o-chee and Pickaway. At both
these places, Kenton
was forced to run the gauntlet. At
Mac-o-chee-now known
as the Nash farm, Kenton attempted to
escape and broke through
the line, but he was soon captured by an
Indian on horse-back
and was again returned to the village.
He was then taken to
Wappotomica, where his torture was
intensified to the enjoyment
of the Indians who crowded around him.
One of these in the crowd was no other
than the wild
Simon Girty, who was known throughout
the land for his
cruelties. Kenton and Girty had been
together at Fort Pitt
and in the campaign against Lord
Dunmore. When the latter
recognized Kenton, his cruel heart was
moved and at the risk
of his own life, he saved that of
For several years following this, Kenton
roamed about
through the country. He did not care to
return to his home in
Fauquier County, Virginia. He thought himself a fugitive
from justice, because since in his
youth, he and one of his
friends, William Veach, had loved the
same girl. Veach mar-
ried the young woman. Some time after
the wedding, Kenton
and Veach fought a duel. Kenton
succeeded in throwing his
opponent to the ground and after kicking
him on the breast and
Mac-O-Chee Valley. 461
stomach for some time Veach ceased to
resist. Apparently life
was extinct. With a dreadful feeling of
guilt and shame, Ken-
ton fled from his home country. Veach,
however, recovered
from the wounds. This free life in Ohio
was not to be enjoyed
by Kenton for any great length of time.
After Kenton and
Girty had roamed about for some time,
they met a defeated war
party of Indians. These were determined
to reap revenge and
had decided to kill any white persons,
who might come within
their grasp. They seized Kenton to pay
the penalty and ordered
Girty to bring him to the grand council,
which was to be held
at Wappotomica. When they arrived there,
the council house
was crowded as they entered, Girty was
greeted cordially, while
Kenton was received with contempt.
Kenton understood well
the meaning of such a greeting. After
the war chief had ad-
dressed the council Girty arose, and
urged the Indians to spare
Kenton's life, if for no other reason,
than his (Girty's) sake;
but the council decided by an
overwhelming majority, for death.
Girty was still persistent and through
his intervention, the coun-
cil resolved to convey their prisoner to
Upper Sandusky for
execution. It was this delay in time
that saved Kenton's life,
for on the way, the Indians stopped at a
village where the great
Indian chief, Logan, interceded in
behalf of the white man,
which act ultimately resulted in
Kenton's freedom. Many years
later, Kenton returned to the vicinity
of Mac-o-chee to the site
of old Wappotomica and there spent his
closing days.
After the Indians in this valley were
virtually subdued the
white men began to look beyond the
protection of their little
settlements. In the War of 1812, this valley
was crossed, at
Captain Black's farm, by General Hull
and his army during their
ill-fated expedition from Urbana to
Detroit. The army, en-
camped also, for a short time just south
of West Liberty.
The water of Mac-o-chee creek offered
excellent power for
the water wheel of the old fashioned
mills, many of which were
built along the banks of the stream in
the early part of the
nineteenth century. Some of these were
the James Stanoge
mill, which was erected in 1813 for
weaving woollen materials
and the Piatt mills which were
especially important as one was
a flour mill, while the other was a saw
mill. The mill that
462 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
probably was the oldest as it was found
by the first settlers
was known as the Judge Smith mill and
while it was primarily
a saw mill, it did some carding. Another
mill, known as the
Dickinson mill, was at first a
distillery, but, later, having been
purchased by William Enoch, it was
converted into a flour mill.
About five miles east of West Liberty
was another flour mill,
belonging to Isaac James.
Today as one enters West Liberty from
the south, he may
still hear the roar of a water wheel,
for here near the junction
of Mac-o-chee Creek and Mad River, but
fed by the latter, stands
a busy flour mill. It was built by John
Enoch in 1812, and has
been in operation almost constantly
since that time. Thus, the
original building has been used these
many long years. At the
present time, the mill is owned by David
Hartzler, and is the
only mill in Mac-o-chee valley, that is
in operation.
In 1784 when Virginia ceded her lands in
the northwest
Territory to the Confederation, she
reserved the tract of land
lying between the Scioto and the little
Miami rivers. This was
to be distributed to her soldiers, who
had fought during the
Revolutionary War. North of the Virginia
Military Lands lay
the Congress Lands. At that time, the
exact dividing line, was
not known, as the relation of the
sources of the two rivers had
never been ascertained. In 1804 Israel Ludlow
was employed
to survey the land from the source of
the Little Miami to the
supposed source of the Scioto. Ludlow
failed, however, to be
accurate in his calculations and his
measurements were found
to run some miles east of the source of
the Scioto. This line
passes through the Mac-o-chee Valley
about one-half mile east
of General A. S. Piatt's home. Some
years later, another sur-
veyor was secured to run the line
correctly between the sources
of the two rivers, and this has been
known as the Rovert's line.
Later, however, the Ludlow line was
decided to be the legal
limit of the Virginia Military Land.
Such a historical valley could bring
forth only the best of
mankind and here among her pioneers were
those who stood
forth for integrity and strong
characters. A great many of these
came from Kentucky, among whom were Captain
Black and Moses Mcllvain. Two families,
the Piatts and the
Valley. 463
Enochs that have always been prominent
in the life of the com-
munity, came from Cincinnati. The latter
of these, whose first
representative was John Enoch owned
several sections of land
in the valley. During the War of 1812, John Enoch entered
into an agreement with John Piatt of
Cincinnati to furnish and
to deliver in Detroit a certain number
of cattle to be used for
food for the soldiers in the army. Owing
to great floods in the
spring of the year, Mr. Enoch was unable
to keep the contract
and in settlement for the same, he
deeded to Mr. Piatt a por-
tion of his land in this famous valley.
A part of the Enoch land
is still owned by members of the Enoch
The Piatt family came to the banks of
this little creek from
the busy whirl of Cincinnati in order
that they might find a quiet
home - one which would be better suited
to literary pursuits.
The Piatts were of pure Huguenot blood,
and had emigrated
from France to America in order that
they might escape religious
persecutions. The first of this family
who came into prominence
was John Piatt. He had five sons. Of
these Jacob is the ances-
tor from whom Colonel Donn Piatt and
General A. S. Piatt
Jacob Piatt established his home on the
Ohio river, op-
posite the mouth of the Miami, later
known as Federal Hall.
The selection of this spot for his home
shows the taste of an
old soldier. Here, long before
Cincinnati had an existence, this
Piatt lived the strenuous life of a
frontier settler. He served
his county for thirteen years as judge
of the common pleas
court. The simple epitaph inscribed on
his tombstone in the
old cemetery near his home best
describes the real man "A
soldier of the Revolution and a soldier
of the Cross." This
also gives the keynote to the characters
of the later Piatts, who
settled in Mac-o-chee Valley.
Benjamin M. Piatt, the eldest son of
Jacob Piatt, early in
life devoted himself to the mastery of
law and in this profes-
sion he became widely known. After his
marriage he moved
to Cincinnati, where for a time he was
the law partner of
Nicholas Longworth. As Judge Piatt grew
older, he desired
a quiet life, so he moved to the farm
inherited from his brother
John H. Piatt in Mac-o-chee Valley. Here
with his family he
464 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
spent the remainder of his life on the
homestead, which he
named, "Mac-o-cheek." While
Judge Piatt was very prominent
in the business and the political world
his wife was no less in-
fluential. Her strength of character was
shown when she began
her rural life. At that time, there were
no churches of her
denomination in the community, and as
she desired a place to
worship at Mac-o-cheek, she urged that a
church should be
built. The building of this was
postponed from time to time,
Judge Piatt being then engaged in urgent
business. One time
while her husband was away from home,
she took advantage of
his absence and personally superintended
the building of her little
Catholic Church. With her own hands she
decorated the in-
terior. This building was used for many
years as a house of
worship and still stands ivy-covered in
the family cemetery a
short distance south of the Piatt
The home of Judge and Mrs. Piatt was
known for its great
culture. Many guests of fame were
entertained at Mac-o-cheek
among whom were Henry Clay, Tom Corwin,
Salmon P. Chase,
Edwin M. Stanton and Richard M. Johnson.
Of the visits of
the last to Mr. Piatt's home, an
interesting anecdote has been
told. As Mr. Johnson was a very large
man Mrs. Piatt had a
chair built especially for him. This the
Piatt children called the
"Dick Johnson" chair, and it
is still used by the great grand-
children of Mr. Piatt.
Other historic pieces of furniture in
the Piatt family are
a bedstead, upon which President Madison
slept while serving
as chief executive of the United States,
and a camp table used
by John C. Fremont in the West Virginia
Campaign during the
Civil War. The home of Mr. Piatt
contained, also, the first
piano ever carried across the Alleghany
Mountains. This
brought entertainment to the family and
amazement to all the
settlers in the community. In this home,
there was a large and
carefully selected library, which stood
for intellectual training.
To Judge and Mrs. Piatt were born a
family of ten children.
Two sons, Donn and Abram Saunders spent
practically their
entire lives in the valley, as they each
established homes near
that of their parents. While youths,
these two boys were al-
Mac-O-Chee Valley. 465
most inseparable, and were always the
best of friends through-
out life.
The younger brother, Abram Saunders
Piatt, was born in
After receiving a thorough education at
the Athenium,
subsequently called St. Xavier, in
Cincinnati, resided at Mac-o-
chee, having built a beautiful stone
home of French architecture
a short distance north of his boyhood
home. When "The War
of the Rebellion" came upon the
country, he entered earnestly
into the strife and was a true soldier,
not only in character, but
even in stature. His career was short
but it was brilliant. He
was among the first to answer to
Lincoln's call for volunteers.
On April 30, 1861, Mr. Piatt was
commissioned Colonel of the
Thirteenth Ohio Infantry, then organized
in Camp Jackson, near
Columbus. After three months' service,
he solicited and received
authority from Mr. Lincoln to enlist a
brigade. This he did at
his own expense, and organized the first
Zouave regiment,
probably so-called because they wore a
fancy red-legged uniform,
which they were soon forced to discard.
This regiment was
designated the Thirty-Fourth. The great
cost of this undertak-
ing brought financial embarrassment upon
General Piatt, from
which he never fully recovered. With
permission from the
state authorities Mr. Piatt continued
recruiting and a second
regiment was organized and designated
the Fifty-Fourth. Un-
fortunately, however, just as this
regiment was being rapidly
filled up, General Piatt was ordered to
report with the Thirty-
Fourth to General Rosecrans, who was
then commanding in West
On the way to join General Rosecrans'
forces, Mr. Piatt
met, attacked and put to rout an
organized band of confederates,
under the command of Colonel J. W.
Davis, near Chapmansville,
West Virginia. In March, 1862, General
Piatt took sick with
typhoid fever and was forced to return
to his home at Mac-o-
chee. During his absence he was
commissioned Brigadier-Gen-
eral, having regained his health and was
ordered to report to
General Fremont, the Mac-o-chee soldier,
with his brigade was
ordered to Winchester. While commanding
and fortifying this
post his work was inspected and approved
by General Sigel. In
Vol. XXVI - 30.
466 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
recognition of this service the citizens
of West Liberty,
sent General Piatt a saddle horse. Later
Mr. Piatt played a gal-
lant part in the battle of Manassas
Junction, and a short time
after he took a prominent part in the
battle of Fredericksburg.
When the War closed, Mr. Piatt returned
home and lived the
retired life of a farmer, enlivened by
books and literary pursuits.
His contributions to magazines, notably
the "North American
Review" reveal him as a clear
thinker, whose style was vigorous
and incisive. In his literary work, he
was an essayist and a poet;
in politics a Democrat. He always
regarded the Greenback
party, as the true Jeffersonian
Democracy. On this party ticket,
he once led as a candidate for Governor
of Ohio. From the
time Cleveland was president and his
great message to Con-
gress in 1887, placing the Democratic
party firmly upon a
platform of tariff reduction, General
Piatt always supported
this party.
The older brother, Donn Piatt was born
in Cincinnati in
1819 and with his parents
came to Mac-o-chee, when only a
lad of twelve years. As a youth, the
child showed the traits
of unusual ability. When he was about
thirteen years old, an
Atheist came to West Liberty, and
challenged the ministers of
the village to a joint debate. The
clergy refused such an offer,
but the Atheist received a notice that
if he still cared for a
debate, he would be accommodated by an
orator, named Piatt.
Every one supposed this to be Judge
Piatt's son, Donn. The
debate was begun, but as the child
finished his opening sentence,
which was very eloquent, the box upon
which he was standing
gave way, thus causing the young speaker
suddenly to disappear
from view. A tremendous applause
followed, after which the
boy confused and stammering appealed to
the judges for their
decision, which was promptly given in
favor of the lad. Such
courage as this, was shown all through
his life, with the result,
that at the close of it, he was known as
a statesman, poet, novelist,
soldier, diplomat, and journalist. Like
his brother, Donn Piatt
received his education partly at Urbana,
and partly at St. Xavier
College, Cincinnati.
He studied law under his father and for
a time, he was a
pupil of Tom Corwin. In spite of the
fact that Mr. Piatt had
Mac-O-Chee Valley. 467
a great dislike for the profession, he
had an excellent practice
which yielded him a good income. He was
associated with the
law farm of his brother, Wykoff and his
brother-in-law N. C.
Read in Cincinnati.
Donn Piatt was truly a literary man for
at the age of
twenty, he wrote much which was
published in the leading news-
papers of the land. As his interests
grew in politics, he used
his literary talents for the cause of
the Democratic party, of
which he was an ardent supporter. In 1840 he edited his
newspaper known as the "Democratic
Club", in which he at-
tacked the Whigs most boldly. As a
journalist, his record is
hard to follow. Several years after the
close of the Civil War,
Mr. Piatt in partnership with Alfred
Townsend, became the
editor of a Sunday newspaper "The
Washington Capital." Mr.
Townsend was connected with paper only a
short time. This
paper became very popular, for while
maintaining a high literary
standard, it also gave its readers the
happenings of Congress, and
commented sometimes favorably,
sometimes, unfavorably upon
the measures before the national
legislature. Thus Mr. Piatt
often aroused the anger of his opponents
and was called upon
to explain his criticisms. Mr. Piatt
probably did the most con-
servative writing of his life, while
editor of "Bedford's Maga-
zine", but his opinions were always
original and his expressions
In 1847 Colonel Piatt married Louise
Kirby of Cincinnati.
The following three years were spent at
Mac-o-chee, where
Colonel and Mrs. Piatt engaged in
literary work. They
both were constant contributors to the
"Cincinnati Commercial",
the "Louisville Journal", and
the "Home Journal" of New York.
This correspondence was continued by
Mrs. Piatt for many
years, while she was in France. These
letters were later pub-
lished in book form under the title
"Belle Smith Abroad." For
this, she became widely known.
In 1851, Colonel Piatt was appointed Judge
of the Com-
mon Pleas Court of Hamilton County. Again, he took
up his residence in Cincinnati, but
owing to Mrs. Piatt's ill health,
the Colonel and Mrs. Piatt in company
with the latter's sister,
Miss Ella Kirby went to France. Here
during the administra-
468 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
tions of Pierce and Buchanan, Colonel
Piatt was made Secretary
of the Legation at Paris, under
Honorable John Y. Mason.
Later when the minister died, Mr. Piatt
served for nearly a year
as charge d'affaires.
Upon his return home, Colonel Piatt
actively engaged in
the presidential campaign, giving his
support to Lincoln. When
the Civil War came upon the United
States Mr. Piatt along with
his brother, enlisted the older brother,
and served as staff officer
for General Schenck. While Colonel Piatt
was temporarily serv-
ing as chief of the staff at Boston, he
issued an order to General
William G. Buney to recruit a brigade of
negro soldiers - to
enlist none but slaves. Such an order
was contrary to the policy
of the administration and for the time
being greatly embarrassed
Lincoln and his cabinet. Secretary
Stanton, however, interceded
with President Lincoln in behalf of
Piatt. Colonel Piatt was per-
mitted to hold his rank in the army, but
was denied further
promotion. His consolation was that he
had made Maryland
a free state.
After his retirement from service
Colonel and Mrs. Piatt
returned to Mac-o-chee Valley, where
they built the beautiful
cottage which was to be their home.
Scarcely had this work
been completed until Mrs. Piatt passed
away. Colonel Piatt
continued living on the farm and
devoting much of his time
to writing. In 1865, as a Republican in Logan County,
he was elected to the Ohio House of
Representatives. The fol-
lowing year, he married Miss Ella Kirby,
who possessed the
qualities of a truly cultured
gentlewoman. These she still retains
although she is now in frail health. The
home life of Colonel and
Mrs. Piatt was beautiful. In 1884, they
too, built a magnificent
stone home of Flemish architecture near
the site of their former
home. For many years this house has been
known not alone
for its beauty, but for its great
hospitality, such as had been
offered in the home of Colonel Piatt's
parents, Judge and Mrs.
Benjamin Piatt, many years before. Among
the many renowned
friends of Colonel Piatt were Thackeray
and Dickens. The
former of whom Colonel Piatt entertained
at a notable dinner
held in Cincinnati. Another friend was James Whitcomb
Riley, who was a guest at Mac-o-chee
Castle during the summer
Mac-O-Chee Valley. 469 of 1884. There is a popular tradition that Mr. Riley wrote "When the Frost is on the Pumpkin", while at Mac-o-chee enjoy- ing the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Piatt. This is a mistake, which Mr. Edmund H. Eitel, a nephew and biographer of Mr. Riley, has corrected many times. The poet did no writing, while in the Mac-o-chee valley, although undoubtedly at a later time he used material which he secured while being a guest at the famous home. After Colonel Piatt's death, Mrs. Piatt no longer cared to live in the mansion, so she built for herself a quaint bungalow in West Liberty, where now she lives a retired life. In the beauty of the natural setting, in the history of its varied Indian life and intense pioneer struggles, in its unique con- tribution to the literature of our state, Mac-o-chee Valley will never cease to rank with the most favored of Ohio's historic grounds. |
As the American people rush along in
their hurried life,
often observing only the big things of
the world, they sometimes
forget the pleasure and value which may
be derived from the
smaller ones. Let us consider the
importance and significance
of the lesser. May we go into a very
little valley which has
been prominent in our country's history
When one scans the broad Ohio, which
affords so many
commercial advantages, he thinks of the
business world and fails
to look backward to some of its rivers'
picturesque tributaries-
not the broad, courageous Miami river,
nor the rushing Mad
river, but a still smaller stream of
water known as Mac-o-chee
This little stream takes its source from
two small springs
in Monroe Township, Logan County, Ohio,
and flows for some
seven miles, finally emptying into Mad
river in a meadow just
south of West Liberty. Time has changed
the channel of this
creek, so that today there are two
Mac-o-chees having their
mouths in the same river and only a few
miles apart.
Why is it this little body of water has
so much charm?
Why in early times did the red-man place
his village on its
bank? Was it because of the soil's great
fertility for raising
corn? Was it for the game which its
forests afforded or was
it the beauty and solitude of this
secluded place that attracted
the Indians? Yes, it was for all these
reasons, and probably
for many more, which the white man of
today fails to perceive.
In those days stood the grand, old
forest, the smoothly
rounded hills and the broad stretch of
land, through all of which
flowed the bright sparkling water. The
white man as well as
the Indian recognizes advantages of this
locality and at the close
of the Revoltuionary War, we find him
encroaching upon the
red-man's territory.
The first inhabitants of this valley
were Indians from the