Ohio History Journal

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156 Ohio Arch

156        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


his countenance betokened a sensual rather than an intellectual quality of

character; he had not inherited the Napoleon cast of face; he was Beau-

harnais, not Bonaparte; the forehead was broad, the nose prominent,

suggesting a certain German type; the eyes small, grayish-blue in color,

rather expressionless; as one biographer said, 'if they were windows of

his soul, their blinds were constantly drawn;' his hair was iron-gray;

his natural 'make-up' was given a distinguished air by the famous im-

perial goatee and the spreading, heavy, mustachios, each curled to a sharp

point and stiffly waxed. He bore an expression of extreme placidity, al-

most of sadness, an absent-minded look as if harboring some serious

thought that dominated his environment; pallid and apparently care-

worn, he was the living embodiment of Shakespeare's lines, 'All sicklied

o'er with the pale cast of thought.' Doubtless his prophetic soul uncon-

sciously glimpsed the gory aftermath, lurking just beyond the glory of

the present halcyon days."


One is tempted to quote at greater length but no quotation

can do justice to the address which deserves a wider circulation

than it has been accorded in the literary magazine from which

this extract is taken.




Reference has been made in preceding pages to Mr. Ran-

dall's newspaper work. Following is a list of his writings, in-

cluding books and his more important contributions to periodicals

and other publications:





Blennerhassett. 1888. v. 1, p. 127-163.

The Separatist Society of Zoar. An experiment in communism, from its

commencement to its conclusion. 1900. v. 8, p. 1-105.

Ohio in early history and during the Revolution. 1902. v. 10, p. 395-434.

The Dunmore War. 1903. v. 11, p. 167-197.

Clark's Conquest of the Northwest. 1903  v. 12, p. 67-94.

*Pontiac's Conspiracy. 1903. v. 12, p. 410-437.

Ohio Day at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1905. v. 14, p. 101-120.

Tecumseh, the Shawnee Chief. 1906. v. 15, p. 419-499.

*This monograph was republished in Great Events by Famous His-

torians, volume 13, pages 267 to 288.