The fame of those who rose to eminence
in the American
Revolution is secure. Time has not
dimmed the luster of their
achievements or our gratitude for their
patriotic service. The
monument reared to them in the hearts of
the American people
has withstood the test of the critic,
the sneer of the cynic and
the hammer of the iconoclast. This is
well. If they have been
idealized and idolized it is not to the
discredit of their posterity
and the Republic that they founded.
In the quest for historic truth,
however, it is inevitable that
there should be a revision of opinions
in regard to incidents and
men. No serious fault can be found with
"the man from Mis-
souri" who wishes "to be
shown." There can be no objection to
his doubt so long as it is a reasonable
and honest doubt. Dispas-
sionate consideration of evidence in the
determination of facts
is as timely in historic investigation
as in the study of the nat-
ural sciences. This, however, does not warrant conclusions
based upon unsupported assertion,
however novel and original
they may be and however startling
because they run counter to
long established public opinion.
The "higher criticism" is
entitled to respect and some of its
revelations may well provoke a smile
when applied to the ro-
mance and legends of the
Revolution. But the story of the
famous hatchet and cherry tree does not
diminish the regard
for the Father of His Country, however
much it may shake faith
in the narrative of the Reverend Mason
Locke Weems. Nor
shall mirth provoking humor, even when
used to camouflage the
keen shafts of sarcasm, prevail against
the substantial worth,
the generous enthusiasm and the
distinguished achievements of
the compatriots of Washington.
Lafayette has been fittingly styled
"the fortunate friend of
liberty in Europe and America," but
the success that crowned
his career on this side of the Atlantic
was the meed of merit as
well as good fortune. The crowning testimonial
to his achieve-
164 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
ment, the welcome accorded him in 1824
and 1825 on the occa-
sion of his second visit to America, was
so spontaneous and pro-
nounced that it has, in recent years,
invited at least one chal-
lenge by an apostle of "the higher
In the Atlantic Monthly for May,
1919, a gifted writer from
classic Princeton, a spot hallowed by
stirring events and tra-
ditions of the Revolution, has essayed
in a brilliant and somewhat
disconcerting contribution, entitled
"Since We Welcomed La-
fayette", to pluck a few feathers
from the plume of this
"knight errant of liberty,"
and incidentally to take a fall out
of the schoolbook historians and our
French "propaganda"
through the World War.
In this style the "higher
criticism" goes to the bat:
"No single phenomenon of America's
participation in the
Great War has been more striking than
the instant response, in
the average American heart, to the name
of Lafayette. It is one
of the most curious, the most absurd,
the most fortunate, of
moral accidents. We did not go into the
war because of Lafay-
ette; but who can say what help that
name has rendered in sus-
taining the enthusiasm of the draft
The foes of Germany; we are-given to
understand, had a
weapon of which they had scarcely
dreamed in the credulity
of the American people:
"Allied propaganda had an
instrument to its hand which
perhaps it did not, itself, suspect.
Like a sword from its sheath,
like Lazarus from the tomb, the figure
of Lafayette leaped forth
from the collective memory. People who
knew nothing else;
people who found it difficult to credit
German turpitude or to
feel a vital interest in any European
war whatsoever, knew all
about him. 'Why, yes,' they said,
rubbing their eyes; 'of course
we owe a debt to France; we don't know
much about France,
but France is a good scout, you bet: she
sent Lafayette to help us
fight the English.' For millions, France
meant Lafayette."
We are then enlightened as to the
comparative insignificance
of Lafayette:
"But he was never a great fighter,
and his military career in
America, though respectable, was not
distinguished. Except by
loving the insurgent Americans when most
people did not, it is
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 165
hard to know what peculiar and signal
service he rendered.
Even at that time of counting noses and
husbanding pitifully small
talent, he was not indispensable."
Our "ridiculous, unscientific
schoolbooks" and their young
dupes are the next exhibit:
"How much good Lafayette
accomplished in 1777 is prob-
lematical; the good he accomplished in 1917 is,
frankly, incalcu-
lable. We really needed no French
propaganda; you said, 'La-
fayette,' and you had all the young
throats cheering."
"American youths did not stop to
read what the Committee
on Public Information printed. They had
learned what was nec-
essary in their ridiculous, unscientific
schoolbooks. Didn't France
help us out? And didn't France, on top
of it, have a revolution
of her own and turn into a republic
The discovery of the influence of
Lafayette is presented as
a "joke:"
"And the joke of it is that no one
had suspected the power
of that name. When politicians and
public speakers first used it,
because there was no argument they dared
omit, they did not
dream that it would, for so many
millions, make any other argu-
ment unnecessary. It was sheer,
stupendous luck."
Reference is made to General Pershing's
famous speech with
the observation that when he said,
"Lafayette, we are here," he
said just what the school boy would have
him say:
"The propagandists here used
Lafayette in the beginning;
and General Pershing made him, as it
were, official. The French
themselves lagged a little behind, but
they did not lag for long.
They were too well-informed to suspect
Lafayette's importance in
the first place; but they were far too
intelligent not to use him
as soon as they saw what, to uninformed
young America, he stood
The "higher criticism" then
concludes with this somewhat
remarkable deduction:
"The near-historian might point to
the Lafayette legend as
one of Bismarck's 'Imponderables.' But we, if you
please, will
let it go at what it most obviously is:
an Arabian-Night-ish tale of
irrelevant magic and incommensurate rewards; a proof
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
Haroun-al-Raschid and Abraham Lincoln
were both right; that
not only to the gayety, but to the
positive benefit, of nations, you
can fool all the people some of the
With the hope that those who have
followed these quotations
thus far may read in full the article
from which they are taken,
we beg to observe that if the fame of
Lafayette is "a joke", based
largely on a misconception of services
to the patriot cause, the
American school boys of today are not
the first to have been
misled by its influence, or, to put it
in another form, led aright
by its unwarranted influence. From the
"higher criticism" of
1919, we appeal to the testimony of those who welcomed Lafay-
ette almost a century ago, who were
closer to him and his achieve-
ments and whose spirits were aflame with
the story and the
memories of the Revolution.
He first came to America in 1777, when
he was a youth of
nineteen years, when disaster seemed
about to overwhelm the
American cause. He joined Washington at
the Brandywine and
was wounded in the battle there, was
with the commander in
chief through the terrible winter at
Valley Forge and fought
without pay until the crowning triumph
of American and French
arms at Yorktown.
He first made a brief visit to the
United States in 1784.
Later when the young Republic had
expanded westward and was
fast becoming a nation wide and strong,
after the French revolu-
tion, his long imprisonment in an
Austrian dungeon and the
downfall of Napoleon, Lafayette came
again and as "the na-
tion's guest" visited every state
in the Union.
In the latter part of February, 1825, he
started on his south-
ern and western tour. Down the Potomac
and the Chesapeake,
through Virginia and the Carolinas he
went, down to the sunny
southland to meet the early spring.
Overland across Georgia he
passed and down the Alabama. Out from
the bay of Mobile
the vessel steamed and bore him to New
Orleans - the French-
American city that welcomed him in a
delirium of joy. Up the
"Father of Waters" he came,
visiting new states, then the west-
ern frontiers of civilization, and
marveling at the prodigies of
progress in the wilderness.
As his delighted eyes dwelt upon the
happy prospect, he
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley States. 167 |
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
forgot age and fatigue and felt bounding
through his veins again
the enthusiasm of revolutionary days. In
what had been
the Northwest Territory he rejoiced to
see the principles that
claimed his youthful heart embodied in
the structures of three
noble states, prophetic of what the
greater Republic was to be
when slavery under the flag should cease
and liberty should be-
come universal in America.
The fame of Lafayette's reception in the
East gradually
reached the frontier settlements of the
West and stimulated a
lively desire to see and greet the
nation's guest. Late in No-
vember of 1824 the legislature of
Illinois appointed a committee
who formulated the following address to
"To General Lafayette:
SIR:-The General Assembly now in
session, in behalf of
the people of the state of Illinois,
feel it their duty to express to
you, how largely its citizens
participate in the feelings of joy and
gratitude, which your arrival in the
United States has inspired.
All our sentiments are in perfect
harmony with those of our fel-
low citizens of the East, who have so
warmly greeted your visit
to this Republic. They have spoken the
language of our hearts.
The voice of gratulation which has been
sounded from Maine to
Louisiana, is echoed from the banks of
the Mississippi. Remote
as we are from the Atlantic states, we
have not been able to join
with our fellow-citizens in their
congratulations, and say to the
Guest of the Nation: "Welcome
Lafayette." But though we
have not spoken it, we feel it. No
sooner had the news of your
arrival reached this distant part of the
country, than every eye
sparkled with joy, every heart beat high
with gratitude, and every
bosom swelled with patriotic pride, that
Lafayette was in Amer-
ica. With your name is associated
everything that can command
our respect, admiration and esteem. Your early achievements
in the war of the Revolution, and the
uniform devotion to the
cause of American liberty, have written
the name of Lafayette
upon the tablet of our hearts, and
secured to you the brightest
page of our history. The same pen that
records the virtues and
glories of Washington, will perpetuate the name of
Few of us, in Illinois, have any
recollection of the eventful
scenes of the Revolution; but our
fathers have told us, and when
they have rehearsed to us its
interesting events, the names of
Washington and Lafayette have adorned
the recital. There are
few men living, if any, who have such
claims upon the gratitude
of the American people, as yourself. You
largely contributed to
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 169
lay the foundation, on which are erected
our present political in-
stitutions; and even here, in Illinois,
a thousand miles from the
scenes of your early exploits, we reap
the rich reward of your
toil and blood. When you were fighting
by the side of Washing-
ton, Illinois was scarcely known, even
by name. It has now be-
come an important member of the great
American family, and
will soon assume a prominent rank among
the sister states.
"The uniformity of your character
particularly endears you
to the hearts of the American people.
Whether we behold you
amid the storms of revolution or the
oppressions of despotism,
you appear the same consistent friend of
liberty and of man
throughout the world.
"We scarcely indulge the pleasing
hope of seeing you among
us; but if circumstances should induce
you to make a visit to the
western country, be assured, sir, that
in no part of it will your
reception be more cordial and welcome
than in Illinois; and you
will find hearts deeply penetrated with
that gratitude which your
visit to the United States has awakened
in every part of our
happy country. We entreat heaven, that
the evening of your life
may be as serene and happy, as its
morning has been brilliant and
The invitation was forwarded, together
with a letter by
Governor Coles. Under date of April 12, 1825, Lafayette writ-
ing from New Orleans signified his eager
desire to visit Illinois
and suggested points at which he might
meet representatives of
the state. Governor Coles in his reply
informed the General
that Colonel Hamilton* would meet him in
St. Louis and ar-
range the details of his visit to
*William S. Hamilton was the son of
Alexander Hamilton. His name
was William Stephen, not William Schuyler,
as written by Governor Coles.
He was aid-de-camp to Governor Coles
with the rank of Colonel. (For
interesting sketch of Colonel Hamilton
see Washburne's "Sketch of Ed-
ward Coles.")
2 The following letters passed between
Lafayette and Governor Coles:
NEW ORLEANS, April 12, 1825.
My Dear Sir: Notwithstanding many
expostulations I have received
on the impossibility to perform between
the 22 of February, and the
fifteenth of June, the tour of visits
which I would have been very unhappy
to relinquish, we have arrived thus far,
my companions and myself, and
I don't doubt but that by rapid
movements, we can gratify my ardent
170 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
On Saturday, April 30, 1825, Lafayette
and party accom-
panied by prominent citizens, chiefly
from Missouri, on board
the steamer Natches, arrived in
Kaskaskia. The visit was en-
tirely unexpected at that time and no
military parade was at-
tempted. The news of the arrival soon
spread, and the streets
and way leading to the landing were
thronged with people. The
party landed about one o'clock in the
afternoon. The guests
proceeded to the residence of General
Edgar where a reception
was held. After partaking of
refreshments the General was wel-
comed by Governor Coles in the following
desire to see everyone of the western
states, and yet fulfil a sacred duty as
the representative of the Revolutionary
Army, on the half secular jubilee
of Bunker Hill. But to do it, my dear
sir, I must avail myself of the
kind, indulgent proposal made by several
friends to meet me at some point
near the river, in the state of Illinois
-I would say, could Kaskaskia or
Shawneetown suit you to pass one day
with me? I expect to leave St.
Louis on the 29th of April, but being
engaged for a day's visit at General
Jackson's I might be at Shawneetown on the
8th of May, if you don't take
me directly from St. Louis to Kaskaskia
or some other place. Excuse
the hurry of my writing, as the post is
going, and receive in this private
letter, - for indeed, to the Governor I
would not know how to apologize
for this answer to so polite a
proposal,-receive I say, my high and
affectionate regards.
His Excellency, Governor Coles,
EDWARDSVILLE, Apr. 28, 1825.
Dear Sir:--This will be handed to you by
my friend and aid-de-
camp, Colonel William Schuyler Hamilton,
whom I take particular pleasure
in introducing to you, as the son of
your old and particular friend, General
Alexander Hamilton. As it is not known
when you will arrive at St.
Louis, or what will be your intended
route thence, Colonel Hamilton,is
posted there for the purpose of waiting
on you as soon as you shall arrive
and ascertaining from you, and making
known to me, by what route you
propose to return eastward, and when and
where it will be most agreeable
for you to afford me the happiness of
seeing you and welcoming you to
I am, with the greatest respect and
esteem, your devoted friend,
General Lafayette.
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley States. 171 "General Lafayette: In the name of the citizens of Illinois, I tender you their affectionate greeting and cordial welcome. Entertaining for you the most sincere affection, veneration and gratitude, they have largely participated in the joy diffused throughout our extensive Republic by your arrival in it; and are particularly gratified that you have extended your visit to their interior and infant state. |
For this distinguished mark of respect, I tender you the thanks of Illinois. Yes, General, be assured I speak the feelings of every citizen of the state, when I tell you that we experience no common gratification on seeing you among us. We are not in- sensible to the honor done us by this visit, and only regret that we are not able to give you a reception more consonant with our feelings and wishes. But you will find our excuse in the recent |
172 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
settlement of the state, and the infancy
of our condition as a
"You will doubtless bear in mind
that Illinois was not even
conceived at the period of the
Revolution, that she has come
into existence but a few years since,
and of course has not yet
procured those conveniences and comforts
which her elder sis-
ters have had time to provide. But,
General, though her citizens
can not accommodate you as they would
wish, believe me they
receive you with all those emotions
which swell the bosom of the
affectionate child, when receiving its
kind parent, for the first
time, at its new and unfinished
"Your presence brings most forcibly
to our recollections
an era of all others the most glorious
and honorable to the char-
acter of man, and most propitious to his
high interests; - when
our fathers aroused to a sense of their
degradation, and becom-
ing sensible of their rights, took the
resolution to declare,
and called into action the valor to
maintain, and the wisdom to
secure, the Independence of our country
and the liberty of them-
selves and their posterity. In the
performance of this noble but
arduous service, you acted a
distinguished part, - the more so as
your conduct was prompted by no motive
of self-interest. You
were influenced by an enlarged
philanthropy, which looked on
mankind as your kindred, and felt that
their happiness was near
and dear to yours. You saw a far distant
and alien people,
young and feeble, struggling for their
rights and liberties, and
your generous and benevolent bosom
prompted you to surmount
the many restrictions and obstacles by
which you were encom-
passed, and with a disinterested zeal,
chivalrous heroism, and
pure and generous philanthropy,
surpassing all praise, flew to the
assistance of the American patriots, and
aided by your influence,
counsel, services and treasure, a cause
you had so magnanimously
"The love of liberty, which is the
most prominent trait in
the American character, is not more
strongly implanted in every
bosom than is an enthusiastic devotion
and veneration for the
patriotic heroes and sages of the
Revolution. We glory in their
deeds, we consecrate their memories, we
venerate their names,
we are devoted to their principles and
resolved never to abandon
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 173
the rights and liberties acquired by
their virtue, wisdom and
valor. With these feelings, and looking
upon you as one of the
most virtuous and efficient, and the
most disinterested and heroic
champion of our rights and liberties, a
Father of the Republic,
an apostle of liberty, and a benefactor
of the human race, our
emotions can be more readily conceived
than expressed.
"Language can not describe our love
for the individual, our
gratitude for his services, our
admiration of his character; a
character which has under the most
adverse and trying circum-
stances, throughout a long and eventful
life, remained pure, con-
sistent and unsullied, by an act of
injustice, cruelty, or oppres-
sion. Whether aiding the cause of
liberty in a foreign and dis-
tant country, or in your own dear native
France; whether at the
zenith of power, commanding millions of
men, and wielding the
destinies of a great nation, or
imprisoned by the enemies of free-
dom in a foreign dungeon, suffering for
many years all the pains
and privations which tyranny could
devise, we still see displayed
the same distinguished traits of
character;-never tempted by
power, nor seduced by popular applause;
always devoted to lib-
erty, always true to virtuous
principles; never desponding, but
ever firm and erect, cheering and
animating the votaries of free-
dom; and when overtaken by adversity,
beset with difficulties, the
victim of your virtues, preferring the
loss of wealth, of power,
nay of liberty, and even of life itself,
to the smallest sacrifice or
compromise of your principles.
"I would not have ventured, on this
occasion, to have said
thus much, but for the difficulty I have
met with in restraining
my feelings when addressing General
Lafayette; and also from
a belief that it would have a good
effect on those of our country-
men about us, to hold up to their
admiration the strong and
beautiful traits of your character. In
this view your visit to
America will not only make the present
generation better ac-
quainted with the Revolution, but will,
by exhibiting so perfect
a model, render more attractive and
impress more forcibly upon
their recollections the republican
principles, and the pure and
ennobling virtues of that period.
"I must be permitted to say, in
addition to that joy which is
common to all portions of the Union,
there is a peculiar grati-
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
fication felt in receiving you, one of
the fathers of our political
institutions and the friend of universal
freedom, in the bosom
of a state, the offspring of those
institutions, which has not only
inherited the precious boon of self
government, but has been
reared in the principles and in the
practice of liberty, and has had
her soil in an especial manner protected
from oppression of every
"In addition to this, what
reflections crowd the mind when
we consider who is our Guest, and when
and where we are re-
ceiving him. Not half a century has
elapsed since Jefferson
penned the declaration of America's
wrongs and of man's rights;
Washington drew the sword to maintain
the one and avenge the
other; and Lafayette left the
endearments of country and family
to assist in the arduous contest. Then
our population was con-
fined to the sea-board and extended back
no further than the
mountains. Now our republic stretches
from ocean to ocean,
and our population extends 1200 miles into the interior of this
vast continent. And here 1000 miles from
the ocean and from
the interesting scenes of your glorious
achievements at Brandy-
wine, Monmouth, and Yorktown, we, the
children of your com-
patriots, enjoy the happiness of
beholding the great friend of our
"These reflections expand our
imaginations, and make us
delight in anticipating the future. And,
judging from the past
do I hazard too much in saying the time
is not far distant when
the descendants of the revolutionary
worthies, inheriting the
spirit of their fathers, and animated
with the same attachment
to liberty, the same enthusiastic
devotion to country, and imbued
with the same pure and divine
principles, will people the country
from the Atlantic to the Pacific;
irradiating this whole continent
with the diffusion of intelligence, and
blessing it by the establish-
ment of self government, in which shall
be secured personal,
political and religious liberty? When, in the progress of our
country's greatness this happy period
shall arrive, the phil-
anthropist may look with confidence to
the universal restoration
of man to his long lost rights and to
that station in the Creator's
works and to that moral elevation to
which he was destined.
And then, my dear the world will resound with the
atives in both houses, and of their chief magistrate, my gratitude for their affectionate invitation, for the reception I now meet in this patriotic town of Kaskaskia, my best wishes, my devotion and respect." After the address the crowd of citizens pressed forward to grasp the General by the hand. Among them were some old revolutionary soldiers who had fought with him at the Brandy- wine and at Yorktown. They were affectionately greeted by their old commander. The meeting of these revolutionary veterans deeply affected those who witnessed it. The company then pro- ceeded to the tavern kept by Colonel Sweet where an ample |
176 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
dinner awaited them.* The decorations,
though hastily prepared,
were most appropriate. The walls of the
room were hung round
with the laurel wreath tastefully
displayed, while over the chair
of the guest was erected an arch of
roses and other flowers which
presented the form and colors of the
After dinner the following toasts were
By General Lafayette- Kaskaskia
and Illinois; may their
joint prosperity more and more evince the
blessings of congenial
industry and freedom.
By Governor Coles - The inmates of La
Grange - let them
not be uneasy; for though their father
is 1000 miles in the interior
of America, he is yet in the midst of
his affectionate children.
By G. W. Lafayette-The grateful and
respectful confi-
dence of my father's children and
grandchildren, in the kindness
of his American family towards him.
By Governor Bond-General Lafayette-may
he live to
see that liberty established in his
native country which he helped
to establish in his adopted country.
By General Edgar - John Quincy Adams.
By Col. Scott, of Mississippi--The
memory of General
By Col. Morse- Gratitude to an old
soldier, which equally
blesses the giver and receiver.
*Order of procession-General Lafayette,
George Washington
Lafayette, Colonel Levasseur, De Syon,
Governor Coles; Colonel Morse
and Colonel Ducros, aids of the Governor
of Louisiana; Mr. Caire, Sec-
retary of Governor of Louisiana; Mr.
Prieur, Recorder of N. Orleans;
Colonel Scott, aid to Governor of
Mississippi; General Gibbs, General
Stewart, Colonel Rutledge, Colonel
Balch, Tennessee Committee; Judge
Peck, General Dodge, Colonel Wash,
Colonel O'Fallon, St. Louis Com-
mittee; Citizens of Kaskaskia and
vicinity; Committee of arrangements-
General Edgar, Governor Bond, William
Morrison, Sr., Capt. Stacy Mc-
Donald, Judge Pope, Hon. E. K. Kane,
Col. Menard, Col. Greenup, Col.
Mather, Major Maxwell, Major Humphreys,
Doctor Betz, Pierre
Menard, Jr.
2We joined the procession and took our
places at the table, where
the General was seated under a canopy of
flowers prepared by the ladies
of Kaskaskia with much skill and taste;
and which produced by the blend-
ing of the richest and most lively
colors the effect of a rainbow.
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 177
By Gen. Dodge -General Lafayette, the
champion of the
rights of man in the old world -the
hero who nobly shed his
blood in defense of American liberty.
By S. Breese, Esq. - Our illustrious
Guest - in the many
and trying situations in which he has
been placed, we see in him
the same consistent friend of liberty
and of man.
By Col. Stewart--Boliver, the South
American liberator.
By S. Smith-General Lafayette, the
protector of Ameri-
can liberties.
By Col. O'Fallon -The states of Illinois
and Missouri--
united by the same interests, their
citizens should regard each
other as members of the same family.
By Wm. Morrison, Esq. - The land we live
By Col. Balch - Governor
Coles - sound in his principles,
amiable in his manners; his efforts to
promote the interests of his
state will be received with gratitude by
the freemen of Illinois.
By William Orr-The American revolution-May the
patriotic feeling which distinguished
that period never cease to
exist in this Union.
The General and other guests now
proceeded to the house
of William Morrison, Sr., by whom a ball
was given on this
occasion. Here the ladies of the town
and vicinity were presented
to the General; and far into the night,
in honor of the illustrious
guest "youth and pleasure chased
the glowing hours" that van-
ished all too soon.
While General Lafayette was taking a
short rest at General
NOTE - The following account
of the reception is given by Levasseur,
the private secretary of Lafayette:
"In the escort which formed to
accompany him, we saw neither
military apparel nor the splendid
triumphs we had perceived in the rich
cities; but the accents of joy and
republican gratitude which broke upon
his ear was grateful to his heart, since
it proved to him that wherever
American liberty had penetrated there
also the love and veneration of its
people for its founders were
"We followed the General on foot
and arrived almost at the same
time at the house of General Edgar, a
venerable soldier of the revolu-
tion, who received him with affectionate
warmth and ordered all the doors
to be kept open that his fellow citizens
might enjoy, as well as himself,
Vol. XXIX-12
178 Ohio Arch. and
Hist. Society Publications.
Edgar's before the banquet, Mr. George
Washington Lafayette
and Mr. Levasseur walked through the
streets of the town with
some of the citizens and viewed with
much interest the life of
this frontier capital. The attention of
Levasseur was attracted
to the Indians who were present in great
numbers, several tribes
being represented. It was the season of
the year when they came
to sell the furs that they had
accumulated as the result of their
winter's trapping and hunting. He soon
engaged in conversation
with these sons of the forest, many of
whom could speak French.
At the suggestion of Mr. Caire, private
secretary of the Gov-
ernor of Louisiana, the two visited an
Indian camp about half
an hour's walk distant. With the
exception of an old woman
cooking at a fire in the open air there
was no one in the camp.
She did not answer questions, and
maintained a stolid indiffer-
the pleasure of shaking hands with the
adopted son of America. After a
few minutes had been accorded to the
rather tumultuous expression of the
sentiments which the presence of the
General inspired, Governor Coles
requested silence, which was accorded
with a readiness and deference
which proved to me that his authority
rested not only on the law but still
more on popular affection. He advanced
towards Lafayette, about whom
the crowd had increased, and addressed
him with emotion in a discourse
in which he depicted the transports his
presence excited in the population
of the state of Illinois, and the happy
influence which the remembrance of
his visit would produce hereafter on the
youthful witnesses of the enthusi-
asm of their fathers for one of the most
valiant founders of their liberty.
"During an instant of profound
silence, I cast a glance at the
assembly in the midst of which I found
myself, and was struck with
astonishment in remarking their variety
and fantastic appearance. Beside
men whose dignity of countenance and
patriotic exaltation of expression
readily indicated them to be Americans,
were others whose course dresses,
vivacity, petulance of movement, and the
expansive joy of their visages
strongly recalled to me the peasantry of
my own country; behind these,
near to the door, and on the piazza which
surrounds the house, stood some
immovable, impassive, large, red,
half-naked figures, leaning on a bow or
a long rifle: these were the Indians of
the neighborhood.
"After a pause of some seconds, the
Governor resumed his address,
which he concluded by presenting, with
great eloquence, a faithful picture
of the benefits which America had
derived from its liberty and the happy
influence which republican institutions
would one day exercise on the
rest of the world. When the orator had
finished, a slight murmur of
approbation passed through the assembly,
and was prolonged until it was
perceived that General Lafayette was
about to reply, when an attentive
silence was restored.
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 179
ence while they examined the huts and
surroundings. When
they were about to leave, Levasseur, on
crossing a stream that ran
through the camp, saw a small water
wheel which appeared to
have been thrown on the bank by the
rapidity of the current.
"I took it up," said he,
"and placed it where I thought it had
originally been put by the children, on
two stones elevated a little
above the water, and the current
striking the wings made it turn
rapidly. This puerility, which probably
would have passed from
my memory, if, on the same evening, it
had not placed me before
the Indians in a situation sufficiently
extraordinary, excited the
attention of the old woman, who by her
gestures, expressed to us
a lively satisfaction."
On returning to Kaskaskia, Levasseur met
Mr. De Syon, a
young Frenchman who at the request of
Lafayette had accom-
panied the party from Washington. He
also had made an excur-
sion into the adjacent country and had
met among the Indians a
handsome young woman who spoke good
French and asked if La-
fayette was at Kaskaskia. When told that
he was, she manifested
a strong desire to see him. "I
always carry with me," she said,
"a relic that is very dear to me; I
wish to show it to him; it
will prove tohim that his name is not
less venerated in the midst
of our tribes than among the white
Americans for whom he
fought." Thereupon she drew from
her bosom a pouch, which
contained a letter carefully wrapped in
paper. "It is from La-
"After these reciprocal
felicitations, another scene not less interesting
commenced. Some old revolutionary
soldiers advanced from the crowd
and came to shake hands with their old
general, while he conversed with
them, and heard them, with thought and
feeling, cite the names of their
ancient companions in arms who also
fought at Brandywine and York-
town, but for whom it was not ordained
to enjoy the fruits of their toils
nor to unite their voices with that of
their grateful country. The persons
whom I have remarked as having some
likeness in dress and manners to
our French peasants,* went and came with
vivacity in all parts of the
hall, or sometimes formed little groups,
from the midst of which could
be heard, in the French language, the
most open and animated expressions
of joy. Having been introduced to one of
these groups by a member of
the committee of Kaskaskia I was
received at first with great kindness and
was quickly overwhelmed with a volley of
questions, as soon as they found
I was a Frenchman, and accompanied
General Lafayette."
*These were French Canadians who had
emigrated to Illinois.
180 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
fayette," she said. "He wrote
it to my father a long time since
and my father, when he died, left it to
me as the most precious
thing he possessed." This
interested Mr. De Syon and he asked
her to accompany him to the city. She
declined the invitation
but requested him to come to her camp
that evening if he wished
to speak further. "I am well known
in Kaskaskia," she said.
"My name is Mary."
De Syon's story so impressed Levasseur
that he determined
to see the young Indian princess and
bring about a meeting be-
tween her and the General. When he and
De Syon reached Gen-
eral Edgar's residence where Lafayette
and a number of friends
had been entertained, they joined the
procession as it crossed
to Col. Sweet's where they were to dine.
We can not do better than relate the
story of the daughter of
Panisciowa in the words of Levasseur, of
which the following is
a translation:
"I spoke to General Lafayette of
the meeting with the young
Indian girl; and from the desire he
manifested to see her, I left
the table with Mr. De Syon, at the
moment when the company
began to exchange patriotic toasts, and
we sought a guide to
Mary's camp. Chance assisted us
wonderfully in directing us to
an Indian of the same tribe that we
wished to visit. Conducted
by him we crossed the bridge at
Kaskaskia, and notwithstanding
the darkness, soon recognized the path
and rivulet I had seen
in the morning with Mr. Caire. When we
were about to enter
the enclosure, we were arrested by the
fierce barking of two
stout dogs which sprang at, and would
probably have bitten us,
but for the timely interference of our
"We arrived at the middle of the
camp, which was lighted
by a large fire, around which a dozen
Indians were squatted,
preparing their supper; they received us
with cordiality, and, as
soon as they were informed of the object
of our visit, one of
them conducted us to the hut of Mary,
whom we found sleeping
on a bison skin. At the voice of Mr. De
Syon, which she recog-
nized, she arose, and listened
attentively to the invitation from
General Lafayette to come to Kaskaskia;
she seemed quite flat-
*Known to Americans by the name
"Chief Jean Baptiste Du
Coigne," or "Du Quoin."
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 181
tered by it, but said before deciding to
accompany us that she
wished to mention it to her husband.
"While she was consulting with him,
I heard a piercing cry;
and turning round I saw near me the old
woman I had found
alone in the camp in the morning; she
had just recognized me
by the light of the fire and designated
me to her companions,
who, quitting immediately their
occupations, rushed round me in
a circle, and began to dance with
demonstrations of great joy
and gratitude. Their tawny and nearly
naked bodies, their faces
fantastically painted, their expressive
gesticulations, the reflection
of the fire, which gave a red tinge to
all the surrounding objects,
everything gave to the scene something
of an infernal aspect,
and I fancied myself for an instant in
the midst of demons.
Mary, witnessing my embarrassment, put
an end to it, by order-
ing the dance to cease, and then
explained to me the honors
which they had just rendered me.
"'When we wish to know if an
enterprise which we meditate
will be happy, we place in a rivulet a
small wheel slightly sup-
ported on two stones; if the wheel turns
during three suns with-
out being thrown down, the augury is
favorable; but if the cur-
rent carry it away, and throw it upon
the bank, it is certain
proof that our project is not approved
by the Great Spirit, un-
less, however, a stranger comes to
replace our little wheel before
the end of the third day. You are this
stranger who have re-
stored our manitou and our hopes,
and this is your title to be thus
celebrated among us.' In pronouncing
these last words, an iron-
ical smile played on her lips, which
caused me to doubt her
faith in the manitou.
"She silently shook her head, then
raising her eyes, 'I have
been taught,' she said, 'to place my
confidence higher;-all my
hopes are in the God I have been taught
to believe in; the God of
the Christians.'
"I had at first been much
astonished to hear an Indian
woman speak French so well, and I was
not less so in learning
that she was a Christian. Mary perceived
it, and to put an end
to my surprise, she related to me her
history, while her husband
and those who were to accompany her to
Kaskaskia, hastily
took their supper of maize cooked in
milk. She informed me
182 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
that her father, who was a great chief
of one of the nations
that inhabited the shores of the great
lakes of the north, had
formerly fought with a hundred of his
followers under the orders
of Lafayette when the latter commanded
an army on the
frontiers; that he had acquired much
glory, and gained the
friendship of the Americans. A long time
after, that is, about
twenty years ago, he left the shores of
the great lakes with some
of his warriors, his wife and daughter;
and after having marched
a long time he established himself on
the shores of the river
"'I was very young then,' she said,
'but have not forgotten
the horrible sufferings we endured
during this long journey,
made in a rigorous winter, across a
country peopled by nations
with whom we were unacquainted; they
were such that my poor
mother, who nearly always carried me on
her shoulders, already
well loaded with baggage, died under
them some days after our
arrival; my father placed me under the
care of another woman,
who also emigrated with us, and occupied
himself with securing
tranquil possession of the lands on
which we had come to estab-
lish ourselves, by forming alliances
with our new neighbors.
The Kickapoos were those who received us
best, and we soon
considered ourselves as forming a part
of their nation. The
year following my father was chosen by
them with some from
among themselves, to go and regulate
some affairs of the nation
with the agent of the United States,
residing here at Kaskaskia;
he wished that I should be of the
company; for, although the
Kickapoos had shown themselves very
generous and hospitable
towards him, he feared that some war
might break out in his
absence as he well knew the intrigues of
the English to excite
the Indians against the Americans. The
same apprehension in-
duced him to accede to the request made
by the American agent,
to leave me in his family, to be
educated with his infant daughter.
My father had much esteem for the whites
of the great nation
for which he had formerly fought; he
never had cause to com-
plain of them, and he who offered to
take charge of me inspired
him with great confidence by the
frankness of his manners, and
above all, by the fidelity with which he
treated the affairs of the
Indians; he, therefore, left me,
promising to return to see me
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 183
every year after the great winter's
hunt; he came, in fact, sev-
eral times afterwards; and I,
notwithstanding the disagreeable-
ness of sedentary life, grew up,
answering the expectations of my
careful benefactor and his wife. I
became attached to their
daughter who grew up with me, and the
truths of the Christian
religion easily supplanted in my mind
the superstitions of my
father, whom I had scarcely known; yet,
I confess to you, not-
withstanding the influence of religion
and civilization on my
youthful heart, the impressions of
infancy were not entirely
"'If the pleasure of wandering
conducted me into the
shady forest, I breathed more freely,
and it was with reluctance
that I returned home; when, in the cool
of the evening, seated
in the door of my adopted father's
habitation, I heard in the dis-
tance, through the silence of the night,
the piercing voice of the
Indians, rallying to return to camp, I
started with a thrill of
joy, and my feeble voice imitated the
voice of the savage with a
facility that affrighted my young
companion; and when occasion-
ally some warriors came to consult my
benefactor in regard to
their treaties, or hunters to offer him
a part of the produce of
the chase, I was always the first to run
to meet and welcome
them. I testified my joy to them by
every imaginable means,
and I could not help admiring and
wishing for their simple orna-
ments, which appeared to me far
preferable to the brilliant decor-
ations of the whites.
"'In the meantime my father had not
appeared at the time
for the return from the winter's
hunting; but a warrior, whom I
had often seen with him, came and found
me one evening at the
entrance of the forest, and said to me:
"Mary thy father is old
and feeble, he has been unable to follow
us here; but he wishes
to see thee once more before he dies,
and he has charged me to
conduct thee to him." In saying
these words he forcibly took
my hand and dragged me with him. I had
not even time to reply
to him, nor even to take any resolution,
before we were at a great
distance, and I saw well that there was
no part left for me but
to follow him. We marched nearly all
night, and at the dawn
of day we arrived at a bark hut, built
in the middle of a little
valley. Here I saw my father, his eyes
turned towards the just
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
rising sun. His face was painted as for
battle. His tomahawk,
ornamented with many scalps, was beside
him. He was calm and
silent as an Indian who awaited death.
As soon as he saw me
he drew out of a pouch a paper wrapped
with care in a very dry
skin, and gave it me, requesting that I
should preserve it as a
most precious thing.
"I wished to see thee once more
before dying," he said, "and
to give this paper, which is the most
powerful charm (manitou)
which thou canst employ with the whites
to interest them in thy
favor; for all those to whom I have
shown it have manifested
towards me a particular attachment. I
received it from a great
French warrior, whom the English dreaded
as much as the
Americans loved, and with whom I fought
in my youth." After
these words my father was silent. Next
morning he expired.
Sciakape, the name of the warrior who
came for me, covered
the body of my father with the branches
of trees, and took me
back to my guardian.'
"Here Mary suspended her narrative
and presented to me a
letter a little darkened by time, but in
good preservation. 'Stay,'
said she to me, smiling, 'you see that I
have faithfully complied
with the charge of my father; I have
taken great care of his
manilou.' I opened the letter and recognized the signature and
handwriting of General Lafayette. It was
dated at headquarters,
Albany, June, 1778, after the northern
campaign, and addressed
to Panisciowa, an Indian chief of one of
the Six Nations, to
thank him for the courageous manner in
which he had served
the American cause.
"'Well,' said Mary, 'now that you
know me well enough to
introduce me to General Lafayette, shall
we go to him that I
may also greet him whom my father
revered as the courageous
warrior and the friend of our nations?'
"Willingly," I replied,
"but it seems to me that you have
promised to inform us in
what manner, after having tasted for
some time the sweets of
civilization, you came to return to the
rude and savage life of
the Indians?"
"At this question, Mary looked
downwards and seemed
troubled. However, after a slight
hesitation, she resumed in a
lower tone: 'After the death of my
father, Sciakape often re-
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 185
turned to see me. We soon became
attached to each other; he
did not find it difficult to determine
me to follow him to the
forest, where I became his wife. This
resolution at first very
much afflicted my benefactors; but when
they saw that I found
myself happy, they pardoned me; and each
year, during all the
time that our encampment is established
near Kaskaskia, I rarely
pass a day without going to see them; if
you wish, we can visit
them, for their house is close by our
way, and you will see,
by the reception they will give me, that
they retain their esteem
and friendship.' Mary pronounced these
last words with a de-
gree of pride, which proved to us that
she feared that we might
have formed a bad opinion of her, on
account of her flight from
the home of her benefactors with
"We accepted her suggestion and she
gave the signal for de-
parture. At her call, her husband and
eight warriors presented
themselves to escort us. Mr. De Syon
offered her his arm, and
we began our march. We were all very
well received by the
family of Mr. Menard; but Mary above all
received the most
tender marks of affection from the
persons of the household.
Mr. Menard, Mary's adopted father, was
at Kaskaskia as one of
the committee charged with the reception
of Lafayette, and Mrs.
Menard asked us if we would undertake to
conduct her daughter
to the ball which she herself was
prevented from attending by in-
disposition. We assented with pleasure;
and, while Mary as-
sisted Miss Menard to complete her
toilet, we seated ourselves
round a great fire in the kitchen. After
we had spent some time
talking to a colored servant who claimed
to be more than one hun-
dred years old and who grew remarkably
reminiscent as we
listened*, Mary and Miss Menard came to
inform us that they
were ready, and asked if we would be on
our way as it began to
grow late.
"We took leave of Mrs. Menard and
found our Indian
escort, who had waited patiently for us
at the door and who
resumed their position near us at some
distance in front, to guide
and protect our march, as if we had been
crossing an enemy's
country. The night was quite dark, but
the temperature was
*Adapted by omitting the
186 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
mild, and the fireflies illuminated the
atmosphere around us.
M. De Syon conducted Miss Menard, and I
gave my arm to
Mary, who, notwithstanding the darkness,
walked with a confi-
dence and lightness which only a forest
life could produce. The
fireflies attracted and interested me
much; for, although this was
not the first time I had observed them,
I had never before seen
them in such numbers. I asked Mary if
these insects, which
from their appearance seem so likely to
astonish the imagination,
had never given place among the Indians
to popular beliefs or
tales. 'Not among the nations of these
countries, where every
year we are familiarized with their
great numbers,' said she to
me, 'but I have heard that, among the
tribes of the north, they
commonly believe that they are the souls
of departed friends who
return to console them or demand the
performance of some
promise. I even know several ballads on
this subject. One of
them appears to have been made a long
time since, in a nation
which lived farther north and no longer
exists. It is by songs
that great events and popular traditions
are ordinarily preserved
among us, and this ballad, which I have
often heard sung by
the young girls of our tribe, leaves no
doubt as to the belief of
some Indians concerning the firefly.' I
asked her to sing me
this song, which she did with much
grace. Although I did not
comprehend the words, which were Indian,
I observed a great
harmony in their arrangement, and, in
the very simple music in
which they were sung, an expression of
deep melancholy.
"When she had finished the ballad,
I asked her if she could
not translate it for me into French, so
that I might comprehend
the sense. 'With difficulty,' she said,
'for I have always found
great obstacles to translating exactly
the expressions of our
Indians into French, when I have served
them as interpreter with
the whites; but I will try.' And she
translated nearly as follows:
Legend of the Firefly.
'The rude season of the chase was over.
Antakaya, the
handsomest, the most skilful, and
bravest of the Cherokee war-
riors, came to the banks of the
Avolachy, where he was expected
by Manahella, the young virgin promised
to his love and bravery.
'The first day of the moon of flowers
was to witness their
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 187
union. Already had the two families,
assembled round the same
fire, given their assent; already had
the young men and women
prepared and ornamented the new cabin,
which was to receive
the happy couple, when, at the rising of
the sun, a terrible cry,
the cry of war, sent forth by the scout
who always watches at the
summit of the hill, called the old men
to the council, and the
warriors to arms.
'The whites appeared on the frontier.
Murder and robbery
accompanied them. The star of fertility
had not reached its
noontide height, and already Antakaya
had departed at the head
of his warriors to repel robbery, murder
and the whites.
'Go, said Manahella to him, endeavoring
to stifle her grief,
go fight the cruel whites, and I will
pray to the Great Spirit to
wrap thee with a cloud, proof against
their blows. I will pray
him to bring thee back to the banks of
the Avolachy, there to be
loved by Manahella.
'I will return to thee, replied
Antakaya, I will return to
thee. My arrows have never disappointed
my aim, my tomahawk
shall be bathed in the blood of the
whites; I will bring back their
scalps to ornament the door of thy
cabin; then I shall be worthy
of Manahella; then shall we love in
peace, then shall we be
'The first day of the moon of flowers
had brightly dawned,
and many more had passed away, and none
had heard from Anta-
kaya and his warriors. Stooping on the
shores of the Avolachy,
the mournful Manahella every evening
raised to the evil spirits
little pyramids of polished pebbles, to
appease their anger and
avert their resistance to her well
beloved; but the evil spirits
were inflexible, and their violent
blasts overthrew the little pyra-
One evening of the last moon of flowers,
Manahella met on
the banks of the river a pale and bloody
warrior. 'Die, poor
ivy,' said he to Manahella; 'die! the
noblest oak of the forest,
that proud oak under whose shade thou
hopedest to enjoy re-
pose and happiness, is fallen! It has
fallen under the redoubled
strokes of the whites. In its fall it
has crushed those who felled
it, but it is fallen! Die, poor ivy,
die! for the oak which was to
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
give thee support is fallen!"-- Two
days after, Manahella was
no more.
"Antakaya, whose courage had been
deceived by fate, had
fallen covered with wounds into the
hands of the whites, who
carried him far away. But he escaped;
and after wandering long
through the forest, he returned to mourn
his defeat and meditate
vengeance with Manahella. When he
arrived, she was no more.
Agitated by the most violent despair, he
ran in the evening to the
banks of the Avolachy, calling
Manahella, but echo alone replied
to the accents of his grief.
'O Manahella! he exclaimed, if my arrows
have disappointed
my skill, if my tomahawk has not spilt
the blood of the whites,
if I have not brought thee their scalps
to ornament the door of
thy cabin, forgive me! It is not the
fault of my courage, the evil
spirits have fought against me. And yet
I have suffered no
complaint to escape me, not a sigh, when
the iron of my enemies
tore my breast: I have not abased myself
by asking my life!
They preserved it against my will, and I
am only consoled by the
hope of one day avenging myself, and
offering thee many of their
scalps. 0 Manahella! come, if but to
tell me that thou pardonest
me, and that thou permittest me to
follow thee into the world
of the Great Spirit.
'At the same instant a vivid light, pure
and lambent, ap-
peared to the eyes of the unfortunate
Antakaya. He saw in it
the soul of his beloved, and followed it
through the valley dur-
ing the night, supplicating it to stay
and to pardon him. At
the dawn of the day he found himself on
the border of a great
lake; the light had disappeared, and he
believed that it had passed
over the water. Immediately, although
feeble and fatigued, he
made a canoe of the trunk of a tree
which he hollowed, and with
a branch he made a paddle. At the end of
the day his work was
achieved. With the darkness the
deceptive light returned; and
during all the night Antakaya pursued
the delusion on the face
of the unsteady waters. But it again
disappeared before the light
of the sun, and with it vanished the
slight breath of hope and the
life of Antakaya.'
"Mary ended her ballad, and I
expressed to her my thanks
as we arrived at the bridge of
Kaskaskia. There, Sciakape col-
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 189
lected his escort, said a few words to
his wife, and left us to
enter the village alone. We approached
the house of Mr. Mor-
rison, at which the ball was given to
General Lafayette. I then
felt that Mary trembled; her agitation
was so great that she
could not conceal it from me. I asked
her the cause. 'If you
would spare me a great mortification,'
she said, 'you will not con-
duct me among the ladies of Kaskaskia.
They are now without
doubt in their most brilliant dresses,
and the coarseness of my
clothes will inspire them with contempt
and pity, two sentiments
which will equally affect me. Besides I
know that they blame me
for having renounced the life of the
whites, and I feel little at
ease in their presence.' I promised what
she desired, and she
became reassured. Arrived at Mr.
Morrison's, I conducted her
into a lower chamber and went to the
hall to inform General La-
fayette that the young Indian girl
awaited him below. He
hastened down and several of the
committee with him. He saw
and heard Mary with pleasure and could
not conceal his emo-
tion on recognizing his letter and
observing with what holy ven-
eration it had been preserved during
nearly half a century in a
savage nation, among whom he had not
even supposed his name
had ever penetrated. On her part, the
daughter of Panisciowa
expressed with vivacity the happiness
she enjoyed in seeing him,
along with whom her father had the
honour to fight for the good
American cause.
"After a half hour's conversation,
in which General Lafay-
ette was pleased to relate the evidences
of the fidelity and cour-
ageous conduct of some Indian nations
towards the Americans,
during the Revolutionary War, Mary
manifested a wish to re-
tire, and I accompanied her to the
bridge, where I replaced her
under the care of Sciakape and his
escort and bade them fare-
Shortly before midnight Lafayette bade
farewell to the cit-
izens of Kaskaskia and accompanied by
his party and Governor
Coles embarked for Nashville, Tennessee.
Levasseur was very
favorably impressed with the Governor as
may be gathered from
his journal where he recorded the
following tribute:
All persons agree in saying that he
fulfills his duties as
Governor with as much philanthropy as
justice. He owes his
190 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
elevation to the office of governor to
his opinions on the abolition
of the slavery of the blacks. He was
originally a proprietor in
Virginia, where, according to the custom
of the country, he cul-
tivated his lands by negro slaves. After
having for a long time
strongly expressed his aversion for this
kind of culture, he
thought it his duty to put into practice
the principles he had pro-
fessed, and he decided to give liberty
to all his slaves; but know-
ing that their emancipation in Virginia
would be more injurious
than useful to them he took them all
with him into the state of
Illinois, where he not only gave them
their liberty, but also es-
tablished them at his own expense, in
such a manner that they
should be able to procure for themselves
a happy existence by
their labor. This act of justice and
humanity considerably dimin-
ished his fortune, but occasioned him no
regret. At this period,
some men, led astray by ancient
prejudices, endeavored to amend
that article of the constitution of the
state of Illinois, which pro-
hibits slavery. Mr. Coles opposed these
men with all the ardor of
his philanthropic soul, and with all the
superiority of his enlight-
ened mind. In this honorable struggle he
was sustained by the
people of Illinois. Justice and humanity
triumphed, and soon
after Mr. Coles was elected Governor, by
an immense majority.*
This was an honorable recompense, and to
this there is now
joined another which must be very
grateful to him; his liberated
negroes are perfectly successful, and
afford a conclusive argu-
ment against the adversaries of
The boat steamed down the Mississippi to
the Ohio, and as-
cending this, reached the mouth of the
Cumberland the following
evening. Soon after the arrival, the
steamboat Artisan came
down the river. To this Lafayette and
his companions, after
bidding an affectionate farewell to
their friends from Louisiana
and Mississippi, were transferred, and
the journey was continued
up the river to the capital of
Tennessee. On the 4th of May they
reached Nashville where a great ovation
was tendered the illus-
trious guest. At the landing he was met
by General Andrew
*While the above statements in regard to
Governor Coles and his
attitude toward slavery are correct, he
was not elected by an "immense
majority," but by a very small
plurality. The vote was as follows: Coles,
2,810; Phillips, 2,760; Brown, 2,543;
Moore, 522. Coles was therefore
elected by a plurality of only fifty
votes. By these votes Illinois was
saved to freedom.
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 191
Jackson with whom he rode in a carriage
at the head of a long
procession under a triumphal arch and
through streets strewn
with flowers. Here forty officers and
soldiers of the Revolution
greeted Lafayette, among them a German
veteran by the name
of Hagy who had come with the General on
his first voyage to
America and had served under him through
the Revolution. The
white haired old soldier who had walked
many miles to see his
General, threw himself into Lafayette's
arms exclaiming: "I
have enjoyed two happy days in my life;
one when I landed with
you at Charleston, and the present. Now
that I have seen you
once again, I have nothing more to wish
for; I have lived long
Lafayette was welcomed by the Governor
of Tennessee and
the mayor of the city. He visited the
camp of the militia, Cum-
berland College, and the home of General
Jackson. The cere-
monies in his honor closed with a ball,
after which he started
down the river to resume his journey
toward the east.
On the 7th of May the boat again entered
the Ohio, and on
the day following the party with
Governor Coles and other mem-
bers of the committee from the state of
Illinois, landed at Shaw-
neetown. Here the greeting of the people
was most cordial. As
the boat approached the landing, a
salute of twenty-four rounds
was fired. The people were out in great
numbers to welcome
the hero. Two lines were formed
extending from Rawling's
Hotel to the river. Down this passed the
committee of reception,
town officials and other dignitaries,
and received the nation's
guest, who with the distinguished party
accompanying him passed
up the line, the citizens standing
uncovered in perfect silence,
until he arrived at the hotel where many
ladies were assembled.
Here James Hall, one of the judges of
the state and a literary
man of note in his day, delivered the
following address of wel-
"Sir:- The citizens of Shawneetown,
and its vicinity, avail
themselves with infinite pleasure of the
opportunity which is this
day presented to them, to discharge a
small portion of the na-
192 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
tional debt of gratitude. The American
people are under peculiar
obligations to their early benefactors.
In the history of govern-
ments, revolutions have not been
unfrequent, nor have the strug-
gles for liberty been few; but they have
too often been incited
by ambition, conducted with violence,
and consummated by the
sacrifice of the noblest feelings and
the dearest rights. The sep-
aration of the American colonies from
the mother country was
impelled by the purest motives, it was
effected by the most vir-
tuous means, and its results have been
enjoyed with wisdom and
moderation. A noble magnanimity of
purpose and of action
adorned our conflict for independence;
-no heartless cruelty
marked the footsteps of our patriot
warriors, no selfish ambition
mingles in the councils of our patriot
sages. To those great and
good men we owe, as citizens, all that
we are, and all that we
possess; to them we are indebted for our
liberty - for the un-
sullied honor of our country--for the
bright example which
they have given to an admiring world!
"Years have rolled away since the
accomplishment of those
glorious events, and few of the
illustrious actors remain to par-
take of our affection. We mourn our
Hamilton -we have wept
at the grave of our Washington--but
Heaven has spared us
LAFAYETTE, to the prayers of a grateful
"In you, sir, we have the happiness
of recognizing one of
those whom we venerate-the companion of
those whom we
deplore. We greet you as the benefactor
of the living, we greet
you as the compatriot of the dead. We
receive you with filial
affection as one of the fathers of the
Republic. We embrace with
eager delight an opportunity of speaking
our sentiments to the
early champion of our rights-but we want
language to ex-
press all we feel. How shall we thank
you, who have so many
claims upon our gratitude? What shall we
call you, who have
so many titles to our affection? Bound
to us by a thousand
fond recollections - connected with us
by many endearing ties-
we hail you by every name which is dear
to freemen. Lafayette
-friend - father - fellow citizen - patriot - soldier - phil-
anthropist ! We bid you welcome! You
were welcome, illustrious
sir, when you came as our champion; you
are thrice welcome as
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 193
our honored guest. Welcome to our
country and to our hearts -
to our firesides and altars.
"In your extensive tour through our
territories, you have
doubtless beheld many proofs that he who
shared the storms
of our infancy has not been forgotten
amid the genial beams of a
more prosperous fortune. In every
section of the Union, our
people have been proud to affix the name
of Lafayette to the
soil, in fighting for which that name
was rendered illustrious.
This fact, we hope, affords some
testimony that although the
philosophic retirement in which you were
secluded might shelter
you from the political storms which
assailed your natal soil,
it could not conceal you from the
affectionate solicitude of your
adopted countrymen. Your visit to
America has disseminated
gladness throughout the continent, but
it has not increased our
veneration for your character, nor
brightened the remembrance
of those services, which were already
deeply engraven in our
"The little community which has the
honor, today, of paying
a tribute to republican virtue, was not
in existence at the period
when that virtue was displayed in behalf
of our country. You
find us dwelling upon a spot which was
then untrodden by the
foot of civilized man; in the midst of
forests whose silent echoes
were not awakened by the tumults of that
day. Around us are
none of the monuments of departed
patriotism, nor any of the
trophies of that valor which wrought the
deliverance of our
country. There is no sensible object
here to recall your deeds to
memory - but they dwell in our bosoms -
they are imprinted
upon monuments more durable than brass.
We enjoy the fruits
of your courage, the lesson of your
example. We are the de-
scendants of those who fought by your
side -we have imbibed
their love of freedom- we
inherit their affection for Lafayette.
"You find our state in its infancy,
our country thinly popu-
lated, our people destitute of the
luxuries and elegancies of life.
In your reception we depart not from the
domestic simplicity of
a sequestered people. We erect no
triumphal arches, we offer
no exotic delicacies. We receive you to
our humble dwelling
and our homely fare -we take you to our
arms and our hearts.
Vol. XXIX-13
194 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
"The affections of the American
people have followed you
for a long series of years-they were
with you at Brandywine,
at York, at Olmutz, and at La
Grange-they have adhered to
you through every vicissitude of fortune
which has marked your
virtuous career. Be assured, sir, that
you still carry with you
our best wishes-we firmly desire you all
the happiness which
the recollection of a well spent life
and the enjoyment of ven-
erable age, full of honor, can bestow-we
pray that health and
prosperity may be your companions, when
you shall be again
separated from our embraces, to exchange
the endearments of
a people's love for the softer joys of
domestic affection, and that
it may please heaven to preserve you
many years to us, to your
family, and to the world."
The reply of Lafayette was short and
extempore. His
voice was tremulous with emotion. He
said, in substance:
"I thank the citizens of
Shawneetown for their kind atten-
tion. I am under many obligations to the
people of the United
States for their manifestations of
affectionate regard since I
landed on their shore. I long wished to
visit America, but was
prevented by circumstances over which I
had no control. This
visit has afforded me unspeakable
gratification. I trust that
every blessing may attend the people of
this town and the state
of Illinois."
A collation prepared by the citizens was
then served, at
which General Joseph M. Street presided,
assisted by Judge
Hall. A number of toasts followed,
appropriate to the occasion.
After spending a few hours in pleasant
converse and greeting
many citizens, the General was conducted
back to the steamer.
Here Governor Coles bade him adieu and
proceeded by land to
Vandalia. A salute was fired as the
vessel bearing the guest as-
cended the river and vanished from the
sight of loving eyes.
The Ohio was ever the "River
Beautiful". In the spring-
time of long ago, before the adventurous
white explorer first
gazed upon its waters, it rushed round
the rocky angles of green
in its rugged mountain home, and coyly
checking its pace as it
traversed a widening valley, moved in
curves majestic through the
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 195
forest primeval to meet the mighty
"Father of Waters". Then, as
now, the canopy of sky and sun and
fleecy clouds by day, of moon
and stars by night, reflected in the
bright waters, between
vistas of fern and forest fringed shore,
yawned like an inverted
subterranean heaven. Falls and rapids
left behind, the waters
ceased to murmur, the valley widened,
the hills receded and in
gentle curves stood dimly outlined
against the distant horizon.
Who can tell what volumes would be
revealed if rock and
hill and sentinel star could speak the
unwritten history of the
"River Beautiful"? What
records of "men and things" are hid-
den in the unknown graves on its shores.
Gone are the days
when the architects of the stone age
laid the via saca at the
mouth of the Muskingum. Beacons no
longer blaze on sentinel
hills or sacrificial altars, and the
hands that raised the mounds
have mingled with the earth that they
heaped high through un-
recorded time as their only memorial.
The French trader and
the picturesque savage have departed,
and the pioneer at the
dawn of a new century bids a last
farewell. The Past keeps
her secrets well, but those who have
looked upon the meandering
river may know at least that through the
generations the limped
waters have gladdened loving eyes and
inspired brave hearts to
deeds heroic for home and native land.
As The Mechanic with a numerous
company of distinguished
passengers on board, steamed up the
noble river, a moving pan-
orama of wild and romantic beauty spread
out before them. The
day was calm; the sun high in heaven;
and the river a winding
mirror with green islands that seemed
floating in mid air. The
forests along the shore, for miles
unbroken by the habitation of
civilized man, were clothed in the
virgin verdure of May. At
the river's marge, white armed sycamores
leaned over, holding
aloft wreaths of green; stately elms
here and there waved trail-
ing vines in salutation, while
underneath flowers bloomed and
ferns kissed the silent waters. All this
passed in pleasing review
before the eyes of the passengers who
moved languidly along
the deck as the vessel steamed rapidly
up the river, calling
echoes from the woodland as the engine
sent up volumes of
smoke and steam.
But Lafayette rested not nor did he gaze
long on the back-
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
ward moving shores. The boat was crowded
with passengers.
The General, his son George, Mr. De Syon
and M. Levasseur,
his private secretary, were assigned to
the ladies' cabin, in the
stern of the vessel, which could only be
reached by a flight of
about a dozen steps. Here with the aid
of his private secretary
Lafayette was answering letters that had
accumulated to the
number of more than two hundred. They
came from all sec-
tions of the United States and even from
beyond the Atlantic.
The typewriter had not then been
invented and the handling of
heavy mail was slow and tedious. The
General worked indus-
triously and happily, cheered by the
thought that his health and
strength were not only proving adequate
to the long journey, but
that he had been able to meet the
expectations of a grateful
people and had not been compelled to
disappoint even his hum-
blest correspondent.
The afternoon passed swiftly by. The
weather continued
calm, but gathering clouds shut out the
light of the declining
sun. Twilight faded into night.
Fireflies danced along the shore,
and at long intervals a distant taper
sent its ray through the
deepening gloom. An occasional scream
came from some wild
denizen of the forest, and near the
screech owl and the whip-
poorwill made solemn music. As the long
hours passed, these
sounds became less frequent; the
passengers sought their berths,
and there was little to break the
profound silence save the
puffing of the engine and the rush of
waters through which the
boat plowed her way right onward.
Wearied at last with his correspondence,
after dictating a
letter to the superintendent of La
Grange, his estate in France,
relative to improvements he wished made
before his return,
he lay on his couch and was soon asleep.
His son George came
down from the deck when the clock struck
ten and remarked
as he entered the cabin:
"I am surprised that in a night so
dark our captain does
not make a stop or at least abate his
Similar thoughts had been in the minds
of Levasseur and De
Syon, but they had become so thoroughly
accustomed to river
navigation at all hours in fair and
stormy weather, that their
conversation soon drifted to other
subjects. At length George
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 197
Lafayette lay down and slept. Levasseur
corrected his notes
and talked at intervals with De Syon.
With the exception of the
pilot and two of the crew, all others
had fallen asleep when the
clock struck eleven. The grating of the
engine and the dash of
waters alone broke the silence. Sleep
began to weigh heavily on
the two in the cabin. Twelve o'clock
struck. With a terrible
shock the vessel stopped short. The
timbers creaked ominously
and a tremor ran through the boat.
The General and his son sprang from
their berth and a
number of passengers ran to the deck.
"We have struck a sand bank,"
said one. "We are in no
"I am not so sure of that,"
said Levasseur, as he entered
the great cabin where he found the
passengers much agitated,
but still in doubt of the nature of the
accident; some had not
even quited their beds. Deciding not to
go below without ascer-
taining the real state of things,
Levasseur proceeded with the
captain and opened the hatches. The hold
was found half filled
with water, which rushed in torrents
through a large opening.
"A snag! A snag!" cried the
captain. "Hasten Lafayette
to my boat! Bring Lafayette to my
The cry of distress reached the great cabin
and the deck but
General Lafayette did not hear it in the
room below. Here Le-
vasseur found him half dressed with his
"What news?" he asked.
"That we shall go to the bottom,
General, if we do not
extricate ourselves," said
Levasseur, "and we have not a moment
to spare."
George Lafayette and Levasseur began
gathering together
papers and other articles of value. They
begged the General to
leave the room at once.
"Go first and prepare for our
escape," said the General,
"while I complete my toilet."
"What," cried his son,
"do you think that under such cir-
cumstances we would leave you for a
The two took the General by the hand and
hurried him to-
wards the door. He followed, smiling at
their haste, and as-
cended the steps.
198 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
At this time the rolling of the vessel
was so violent and ir-
regular, and the tumult so great that
those on board were in
imminent danger of a watery grave. At
last Lafayette and his
friends emerged on deck where confusion
reigned in the dark-
ness. Half dressed passengers were
running wildly about; some
were dragging trunks; some were looking
for the boat; others
were calling for Lafayette. He was
already in their midst, but
in the uncertain light they did not
recognize him.
The dim lantern revealed only the
complete confusion; the
boat heeled to starboard; scarcely could
the affrightened men keep
their footing.
The captain and two sailors brought his
boat to this side and
lowered it.
"Lafayette, Lafayette," rang
out the captain's sonorous
The confusion was so great that the
General could not reach
the boat. Again the vessel rolled
"Here is General Lafayette,"
shouted Levasseur.
This had the desired effect. The crowd parted,
and those
about to leap down into the boat made
way for the General.
He hesitated to descend before provision
had been made for
the safety of the other passengers, but
he was obliged to yield
to their will. He was almost forced to
The rolling of the vessel and the
rocking of the little boat
in the darkness made the passage
difficult and dangerous. Levas-
seur descended first. He received
Lafayette in his arms as he
was lowered by two strong men. Losing
his equilibrium under
the great weight, both fell, and had it
not been for Mr. Thibeau-
dot who prevented the boat from
capsizing, both would have
been thrown into the river.
The boat pushed off into the darkness,
but the danger was
not wholly past. The land was to be
reached,-but at what
distance, and toward what shore should
they direct their course?
The captain promptly made up his mind.
Holding the rudder, he
directed the oarsmen to pull for the
left bank. In a few
moments the boat reached the shore, and
those on board disem-
barking found themselves in the midst of
a dense forest.
On landing, those who were so fortunate
as to be in the
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 199
boat found their number to be nine: the
captain, two sailors, Gen-
eral Lafayette, Mr. Thibeaudot, Dr.
Shelly, carrying in his arms
a little daughter of a Presbyterian
clergyman, the father of the
child, and Levasseur. Then the General
perceived for the first
time that his son was not with him, and
his habitual coolness in
the presence of danger deserted him.
"George, George," he called
aloud, but his voice was
drowned by the cries that went up from
the sinking vessel and
the roar of the steam escaping from the
His friends tried in vain to reason with
the General. He was
reminded that his son was a good swimmer
and it was suggested
that he had probably remained on the
vessel voluntarily, and
that with his coolness he would
certainly escape all danger. The
General continued to walk up and down
the shore calling for his
The captain and Levasseur returned to
the vessel. The
former had scarcely reached the deck,
when twelve men clinging
to the wreck leaped down into the boat
and were rowed to the
shore, but neither young Lafayette nor
De Syon was among the
number. The boat was again approaching
the vessel which now
stood almost on her beam ends, when a
terrible crash and cries
of despair announced that she was
rapidly sinking. The pas-
sengers began leaping overboard, and the
water was agitated in
many directions as they attempted to
reach land through the
On the shore, Mr. Thibeaudot coming down
to the water's
edge to render assistance to the
unfortunates, found a man
drowning near the bank of the river, and
drawing him out of the
water, laid him on the grass. The poor
man delirious with fear
and agitation, and not realizing that he
was on land, made mo-
tions as if attempting to swim, and
continued to struggle vio-
lently. He was at length calmed by the
reassuring words of his
Others now began to arrive on shore, but
young Lafayette
was not among them, nor could any one
tell what had become
of him. The General's anxiety increased.
It was known that the
vessel had not entirely sunk; that her
starboard was under water,
200 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
but that the larboard and gangway were
still above it; and that
a number of passengers had taken refuge
Again the little boat approached the
wreck, and Levasseur
called loudly for his missing companion.
No voice replied.
Rowing to the stern he called once more.
"Is that you, Mr. Levasseur ?"
It was the servant Bastien who spoke. He
was clinging
to the roof of the upper cabin. He
loosened his hold and slid
down, fortunately alighting in the boat.
"George Lafayette," shouted
"Here I am," was the calm
reply from the stern.
"Are you safe?"
"I never was better."
Mr. Walsh, of Missouri, who was standing
on the deck near
all the effects of Lafayette and his
party that could be rescued
from the inrushing flood, handed them
down to the boat. Among
them were about sixty letters that had
been prepared for post.
Lafayette was promptly assured of the
safety of his son.
Levasseur, having learned that the boat
had struck the bottom
of the river and could sink no further,
turned his attention to
the General for whom a comfortable
bivouac had been established
around a large fire of dry branches.
Here George Lafayette,
De Syon and others soon arrived.
As the discomfited passengers and crew
dried their clothing
and conversed about the fire, the
General learned that his son
had won the admiration of those on the
wreck by his coolness
and the assistance that he kindly
rendered his fellow passengers.
Standing at times waist deep in the
water, he calmed those be-
side themselves with fright, assisted
others to places of safety,
and refused to leave the vessel until
all the passengers were out
of danger.
"Mr. George Lafayette must have
been shipwrecked before,"
said the captain, "for he has
behaved tonight as if he were ac-
customed to such adventures."
From accounts of passengers it appeared
that General La-
fayette had rather a narrow escape. A
few moments after he
left, the water rushed into the ladies'
cabin making entrance or
egress impossible.
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 201
Careful inquiry at last brought the
gratifying assurance
that passengers and crew had all been
saved. It was very dark
and a storm seemed impending. A
number of fires had been
lighted and swarms of sparks were rising
through the arms of
the huge trees to be swallowed up in the
blackness of the night.
A floating mattress, almost dry on one
side, was brought for the
General, and on it he soon slept. Some
occupied themselves
in collecting wood for the fire and
others stood about endeavor-
ing to dry their soaking garments. At
length the rain began to
patter down, but fortunately it soon
passed by.
At daybreak trips were recommenced to
the vessel and an
endeavor made to save baggage and food
supplies. Captain
Hall, Governor Carroll of Tennessee, and
Mr. Crawford, a
young Virginian, directed the work. The
foreign passengers
were somewhat surprised to see the
Governor of a state without
shoes, stockings or hat, seriously doing
the work of a boatman,
more for the benefit of others than for
himself, as he had very
little on board to lose by the
shipwreck. The searchers brought
to shore a small part of the baggage
belonging to the passengers,
the General's trunk containing some of
his most valuable papers,
also wine, biscuits, and a leg of smoked
venison. With these
provisions the men numbering about
fifty, repaired their strength,
exhausted by a night of labor and
Day on its return revealed an
interesting picture. The shore
was covered with wreckage of many kinds,
in the midst of which
each eagerly searched for his own
property. Some mournfully
recounted their own losses; others who
had lost most of their
wardrobe or had soiled what was rescued
from the flood could
not keep from laughing at the grotesque
appearance that they
made in their scant and disordered
raiment. The mirth provoked
by the situation was contagious;
pleasantries circulated around
the fires of the bivouac, smoothed the
visages of the sorrowful,
and almost transformed the shipwrecked
travelers into a pleasure
Upon investigation they found themselves
near the mouth
of Deer Creek, Indiana, about one
hundred and twenty-five
miles below Louisville.
At nine o'clock General Lafayette, with
Mr. Thibeaudot and
202 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
Bastien, was induced to cross to a house
on the other side for
protection from a threatening storm.
Soon after he had left one
of the party announced a vessel
descending the river, and im-
mediately afterwards another. Joyful
salutations greeted the
vessels as they arrived opposite and
stopped. One of them, a
steamer of large size and remarkable
beauty, was The Paragon.
She came from Louisville and was on her
way with a heavy
cargo for New Orleans. Fortunately for
those on shore, one
of their number, Mr. Neilson, owned an
interest in the vessel
and promptly offered it to the committee
from Tennessee, that
General Lafayette might continue his
voyage up the river.
The party now abandoned the bivouac and were soon
aboard The Paragon. Before leaving the captain of The
Mechanic, who remained with his wrecked vessel, they offered
their services which he promptly
refused, assuring them that he
had hands enough for the work. It was
easily seen, however, that
he was much depressed, not because of
the loss of the vessel, the
twelve hundred dollars on board, or the
fear of not finding em-
ployment; his grief rose from having
shipwrecked the nation's
"Never," said he, "will
my fellow citizens pardon me for the
peril to which Lafayette was exposed
last night."
To calm the agitation arising from this
apprehension, a
statement was reduced to writing and
signed by all the passengers
of The Mechanic, declaring that
the loss of the vessel could not be
attributed either to the unskilfulness
or imprudence of Captain
Hall, whose courageous work in bringing
them safely to land
had been witnessed and appreciated by
all.* This gave the cap-
tain much satisfaction, but did not
entirely console him.
*The statement in part is as follows:
"We would deem it a great injustice
to Captain Hall, should his
character for skill and prudence, as an
officer, sustain any injury from
this occurrence. The accident was such
as neither prudence nor foresight
could have avoided. The snag which
produced this disaster was concealed
some distance under water, and at a
distance of more than fifty yards from
the shore. The depth of the water where
the boat sunk was not less than
eighteen feet.
"We feel it a duty to ourselves, as
well as to Captain Hall, to make
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 203
As soon as The Paragon got under
way, Levasseum and
George Lafayette went in a boat to bring
the General on board.
They found him on the opposite shore,
and after about half an
hour's rowing joined the vessel which
without further incident
worthy of special note reached
Stormy weather marred the entertainments
given in honor of
Lafayette at Louisville. The vessel
landed at Portland, a few
miles below the city, at nine o'clock
Wednesday morning, May
10, and was welcomed with the national salute. Lafayette
met at the landing by the local military
organization and com-
mittees representing the city and state.
Solomon P. Sharp de-
livered the address of welcome on behalf
of Kentucky. He said
in part:
"No lapse of time can make you a
stranger to the American
people. On the historic page your name
is destined to be en-
rolled with the names of Washington and
Bolivar; and so long
as enlightened and civilized man shall
love freedom, its founders
will live in his memory and claim the
first place in his affection.
"The distinguished men of our own
country acquired fame
in the good cause, but that cause was
their own. You came a
volunteer and staked your fortune and
your life in defense of the
rights of others; you found us destitute
of arms, of money, of
knowledge of the military art, of every
aid but heaven -yet
you found us a people with banner
unfurled, resolved for free-
dom to die. In that moment of holy
enthusiasm a kindred feel-
ing was born that will never permit you
to be considered a for-
known the above facts; so highly
honorable to the worthy but unfortunate
subject of these remarks."
To this statement signed by all the
passengers the General added the
"I eagerly seize this opportunity
of doing justice to Captain Hall's
conduct, and acknowledging my personal
obligations to him."
The statement above referred to may be
found in full in The National
Republican, Cincinnati, May 17, 1825. For Captain Hall's account of
steamboat disaster, see his letter to
Dr. Hildreth on page 250
204 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
eigner. We must ever esteem you one of
the founders of the
"The care which a kind providence
has taken to preserve
you, in all the perils of war to which
you have been exposed,
and to deliver you safe from varying
imminent and recent dan-
ger in the wreck of your vessel on our
waters, elicits the grate-
ful emotions of the heart toward the
Supreme Ruler of the uni-
verse, and inspires the pious hope that
you may continue to en-
joy His beneficence."
The General replied:
"While, in the last days of the
Revolution, we were indulg-
ing in patriotic anticipation, our fancy
was entertained with dis-
tant and half credited reports from this
part of the vast wilder-
ness. You may judge, sir, what must be
my feelings when I have
lived to see these remote hopes not only
verified, but far sur-
passed by the creations and prosperity
of the state of Kentucky,
where I have been most kindly invited
and where you are pleased
to welcome me in most gratifying terms.
I beg you, gentlemen
of the state committtee, to accept my
grateful acknowledgement."
Judge Rowan next addressed Lafayette on
behalf of Louis-
ville and Jefferson county. Among other
things he said:
"Permit me, General, as the organ
of the citizens of the town
of Louisville and the county of
Jefferson to express to you the
very great pleasure which your visit to
this place affords them.
They have felt an ardent desire to see
you from the moment
they have had reason to anticipate your
arrival. Their wish to
see and honor you was not the impulse of
that curiosity which
seeks its gratification in beholding and
admiring the man of
whose virtues and services to mankind
fame has spoken so
loudly, so universally, and so justly;
nor was it a wish merely
to swell, by the contribution of their
humble mite, the moral
spectacle which the United States has
been exhibiting to the
world ever since your arrival within the
precincts of the nation
--a spectacle entirely new to mankind,
that of a great nation,
twelve millions of freemen,
spontaneously and eagerly tendering
to one man the gratitude of its heart.
The singularity and
grandeur of the spectacle might justify
their wish to partici-
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 205
pate. But they had other and higher
motives for their eager-
ness to see and honor you-motives which
spring from asso-
ciations inseparably connected with the
freedom they possess and
the liberties they enjoy. * * * *
* * An attempt to de-
lineate your claims to their homage and
that of mankind would
be to recount your heroic services,
sacrifices and sufferings
throughout a long life devoted to the
cause of liberty and human-
ity; the task is one to which I feel
unequal, and which the occa-
sion forbids. They are destined to
enrich and instruct posterity.
Your fame, General, will be as extended
and as durable as the
principles of liberty; and the gratitude
of mankind will be coex-
tensive with their love of liberty and
durable as your fame.
"But it was not the object of this
address to eulogize Gen-
eral Lafayette. It was to bid him
welcome. Welcome, then,
General- a cordial welcome to the town
of Louisville and the
county of Jefferson."
Lafayette responded as follows:
"I feel highly obliged, sir, for
the gratifying welcome, which
in the name of the people of Jefferson
county, you are pleased
most kindly to express. It is to me a
great satisfaction to visit
the town of Louisville, the flourishing
emporium of this im-
portant state. Among the inexpressible
enjoyments of my visit
to the United States, where twelve
millions of citizens are pleased
so very affectionately to greet one of
their earliest soldiers, I am
particularly flattered to have been an
additional occasion for the
people of those happy states to testify
their attachment to the
principles for which we fought. Accept,
sir, the expressions of
my gratitude to the citizens of
Louisville and Jefferson county."
The General was then assisted to an open
carriage, drawn by
four horses, and accompanied by Colonel
Anderson, one of his
aides in the revolution, was escorted to
the city preceded by
cavalry and followed by the artillery,
light infantry, and a large
procession of citizens. As he passed
Shippingport, the steam-
boats there each fired a national
salute, and on reaching Louis-
ville he found ten thousand people on
the streets awaiting his
arrival. The windows of the houses along
the line of march
were filled with ladies, and little
misses from the schools, ar-
206 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
rayed in white and stationed along the
sidewalks, bowed, waved
their handkerchiefs, and strewed the
street with flowers as the
venerated guest passed along. As the
procession moved up
Main street, the vast crowd moved with
it to the lodgings pre-
pared for the General at Union Hall. A
little later a deputation
from Indiana formally invited the
General to visit their state. He
signified a desire to grant their
request, and the following day
was fixed for the visit.
At night, accompanied by his son and
suite, General Lafay-
ette attended a ball given in his honor
at Washington Hall.
Among the distinguished guests present
were Governor Carroll
of Tennessee, Governor Duval of Florida,
and Governor Ray of
In the midst of the joy occasioned by
the arrival of Lafay-
ette, the citizens of Louisville did not
forget the generous service
of Mr. Neilson to whom they showed
substantial evidences of
their gratitude. His name was coupled
with that of the General
in the toasts at the public dinner, and
the city presented him a
costly piece of plate, on which was
engraved the thanks of the
Tennesseeans and Kentuckians for his
generous act that pre-
vented inconvenience and delay in the
journey of the nation's
On the day after his arrival in
Louisville, General Lafayette,
accompanied by a numerous party, on
board the steamer General
Pike, crossed the river to
Jeffersonville, Indiana, where he was
received in a manner that did credit to
the young state.
When the word went abroad that General
Lafayette would
probably visit the western states before
returning to France, the
legislature of Indiana then in session
promptly provided for the
selection of a committee who reported
the following resolution
in reference to Major General Lafayette:
"The Senate and House of
Representatives of the state of
Indiana, in General Assembly convened,
would be deficient in
respect to the feelings of their constituents
and unmindful of
their obligations to a
distinguished benefactor, did they fail to
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 207
join the paean of national gratitude and
unanimous welcome to
Major General Lafayette, on the occasion
of his late arrival
in the United States. It is scarcely
necessary for them to say,
that they unanimously accord with the
sentiments expressed
toward their illustrious friend, by the
Chief Magistrate of the
Union, and cordially add their sanction
to the provision in his
favor recently enacted by Congress. The
latter they view as
the smallest return for his preeminent
services and sacrifices the
American people could make, or the
National Guest receive.
It is the dignity of a spectacle
unparalleled in the history of man,
which they particularly feel and admire.
"Ten millions of hearts, spontaneously
offering the homage
of their gratitude to a private
individual, unsupported by rank
or power, for services long past, of the
purest and most exalted
character; - whilst they furnish
consoling evidence that republics
are not ungrateful, also carry with them
the delightful convic-
tion that the sons of America have not
degenerated from their
fathers of the Revolution.
"In pausing to contemplate with
appropriate feelings this
sublime example of popular gratitude,
united with reverence for
character and principle, the General
Assembly learn, with peculiar
satisfaction, that it is the intention
of General Lafayette to visit
the western section of the United
States. The felicity denied
by a mysterious providence to the father
of his country,
has, it is hoped, been reserved for his
adopted son. What the
immortal Washington was permitted to see
only through the
dark vista of futurity, will be realized
in the fullness of vision
by his associate in arms and glory.
"The General Assembly hail, with
inexpressible pleasure, the
prospect of this auspicious visit. They
can not, they are aware,
receive their benefactor in the costly
abodes of magnificence
and taste, nor vie with their sister
states in the embellishments
of a hospitality more brilliant than it
is theirs to offer, but not
more sincere.
"But they can, and do, in common
with the whole American
people, welcome him to a home in their
hearts. They feel per-
suaded that he will take a deep interest
in this part of our
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
country, which though not the actual
theatre of his generous
labor, has emphatically grown out of the
glorious results of his
revolutionary services. On the west of
the Alleghany Moun-
tains, our illustrious guest will behold
extensive communities of
freemen, which within the period of his
own recollection, have
been substituted for a trackless
wilderness; where forty years
ago primeval barbarism held undisputed
sway over man and
nature, civilization, liberty, and law
now wield the mild sceptre
of equal rights. It is here that our
illustrious friend will find
his name, his services, and, we trust,
his principles flourishing in
perenniel verdure. Here, too, may he
enjoy the exulting pros-
pect of seeing them in the language of a
favorite son of the
West, 'transmitted, with unabated vigor,
down the tide of time
to the countless millions of posterity.'
"In accordance with the preceding
sentiment the General
Assembly adopt the following resolution:
"Resolved, That this General Assembly, in common with
their fellow citizens of this state and
Union, entertain the highest
admiration for the character, and the
most heartfelt gratitude
for the services of Major General
Lafayette, and most cordially
approve of every testimonial of kindness
and affection he has
received from the people and government
of the United States.
"Resolved, That, in the opinion of the General Assembly,
it would afford the highest gratification
to the citizens of
Indiana, to receive a visit from their
revered and beloved bene-
factor, the only surviving General of
the American Revolution,
and that the Governor of this state be
requested, without delay,
to transmit to General Lafayette this
and the preceding resolu-
tion and preamble, accompanied by an
invitation to visit this
state, at the seat of government or such
town on the Ohio River
as the General may designate.
"Resolved, That the Governor of this state, together with
such officers and citizens as may find
it convenient, attend at the
point selected by General Lafayette to
receive him with the honor
due to the illustrious guest of the
state and nation, and that the
Governor draw on the contingent fund for
the payment of all
expenses incurred in executing these
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 209
"Resolved, That the Governor be requested to transmit a
copy of the foregoing preamble and
resolutions to the president
of the United States, and to each of our
senators and representa-
tives in congress.
Speaker of the House of
President of the Senate, pro tem.
"Approved Jan. 28, 1825.
Soon after the arrival of General
Lafayette in Louisville
Colonel Farnham, aid to the governor of
Indiana, accompanied
by Messrs. Gwathmey, Merriwether, Beach,
and Burnett, waited
upon him with the congratulations of the
state which were ex-
pressed as follows:
"General Lafayette-We have the
honor to present our-
selves as a committee, in behalf of the
executive, the legislature
and the people of Indiana, to tender you
our warmest felicita-
tions on your progress thus far, in a
tour grateful and exhilar-
ating to every American heart! We
particularly congratulate you
on your recent escape from a disaster
that menaced your personal
safety and the destruction of our
fondest hopes. Accept, sir,
on the soil of a sister state the
preliminary welcome of Indiana.
She anticipates with eagerness the
satisfaction of indulging at
home, those effusions of sensibility and
affection which your
presence can not fail to inspire. She
bids us tell you that her
citizens, one and all, impatiently await
the happy privilege of
rallying around a national benefactor,
and of wreathing in the
shrine of gratitude a garland of honor
to republican freedom!
In yielding yourself to their
affectionate wishes, you will con-
summate the claims you already possess
to their choicest affec-
To this greeting the General replied:
"A visit to Indiana, where I shall
have the opportunity in
person to express my sense of gratitude
to her executive, repre-
sentatives and citizens for their very
kind invitation and gener-
Vol. XXIX-14
210 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
ous expressions of regard, has been
among the fond wishes of
my heart."
He then appointed the following day to
make his visit to
the state, at Jeffersonville.
At eleven o'clock, Thursday forenoon,
the Indiana com-
mittee met Lafayette on board of the
Steamboat General Pike
to which he had been escorted by the
committee of arrangements
and marshals of Louisville and Jefferson
county. The General
was greeted on the Indiana shore by a
salute of thrice twenty-
four guns, discharged from three pieces
of artillery, stationed
on the river bank, at the base of three
flag staffs each seventy-
five feet high and bearing flags with
appropriate mottoes. He
was received at the shore by Generals
Clark and Carr, marshals
of the day, and escorted by a detachment
of three artillery com-
panies, commanded by captains Lemon,
Mifford, and Booth, to
the pleasant mansion of the late
Governor Posey; on his entrance
to which he was welcomed by his
excellency, James B. Ray, in
the following address:
"General Lafayette--You have
already been apprised of
the sentiments of the General Assembly
of this state, through
resolutions which my predecessor had the
honor of transmitting
to you, and which have received on your
part, the most affec-
tionate acknowledgment.
"Permit me, as the organ of their
feelings, and of those of
the people of this state, to hail with
delight this auspicious visit.
Your presence on our soil, whilst it
satisfies the wishes of the
present generation, will be marked by
posterity as the bright
epoch in the calendar of Indiana.
Accept, dear General, our
cordial congratulations, our heartfelt
welcome, our devoted as-
pirations for your happiness.
"In presenting this free will
offering of our hearts, we do not
obey exclusively the impulses of
personal affection and grati-
tude. In the language of our
legislature, we unite with these
'reverence for character and principle.'
We exult, in cooperat-
ing with our brethren of this Union, to
demonstrate to the world
that a benefactor and friend,
superadding to these sacred claims
those of patriot, philanthropist and
republican, 'without fear
and without reproach,' will ever receive
the unanimous acclama-
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley States. 211 tion of a free people. If we look in vain into the history of other nations for this concentration of feeling and sentiment on any individual, it is because we shall find but one nation en- joying the preeminent felicity of claiming as its citizens a Wash- ington and a Lafayette! Allow me, General, on this grateful oc- casion, to intimate a hope that our sister republic of Columbia may find in the illustrious Bolivar a legitimate successor in their hearts to these venerated titles in ours. |
"General, when you first landed on our shores and were re- ceived with outstretched arms by all our citizens who had the happiness to be near you, the enemies of freedom in Europe derided these genuine impulses of gratitude as the results of popular effervescence and caprice. It is now approaching a twelve-month since your presence diffused joy and gladness among us, and twenty-one states out of twenty-four have |
212 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
recorded by public demonstrations, their
deliberate sense of the
honor and happiness you have conferred
on them by your visits.
"The states of this Union west of
the Alleghany Mountains
were, -at the
commencement of your generous services in the
cause of America, unknown, except as
boundless tracts of an un-
subdued wilderness.
"This extensive territory you now
behold, reclaimed and
fertilized, with a population of
millions all cherishing with en-
thusiasm your principles, and emulating
each other with har-
monious rivalry in rendering to
illustrious merit the grateful
offices we now attempt.
"This population is daily extending
with increasing strides
to the western limits of our continent,
where your name, in con-
junction with that of the immortal
father of his country, will
be repeated, as it now is here, in
accents of love and veneration,
and where in all human probability, some
of the immediate de-
scendants of those you see around you
this day will rehearse
the passing scene to their posterity,
till the tones of joy and exul-
tation shall be lost in the murmurs of
the Pacific ocean.
"Once more, General, Indiana greets
you with a cordial
To which the General returned the
following answer:
"While I shall ever treasure in
grateful memory the man-
ner in which I have been invited by the
representatives of
Indiana, it is now an exquisite
satisfaction to be, in the name of
the people, so affectionately received
by their chief magistrate
on the soil of this young state and in
its rapid progress to wit-
ness one of the most striking effects of
self government and
perfect freedom.
"Your general remarks on the
blessings and delightful feel-
ings which I have had to enjoy in this
continued series of popu-
lar welcomes, -as they sympathize with
my own inexpressible
emotions, so the flattering personal
observation you have been
pleased to add claim my most lively
acknowledgment; and never-
more, sir, than when by a mention of my
name you honor me as
the filial disciple of Washington and
the fond admirer of
"Be pleased to accept this tribute
of my thanks to you, sir,
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 213
to the branches of the representatives of Indiana, and my most
devoted gratitude and good wishes for
the people of this state."
The General was then conducted to rooms
where refresh-
ments were provided and presented to a
numerous company of
ladies assembled to welcome him, and to
several hundred citi-
zens, including a few revolutionary
soldiers. Though the crowd
was large, the stormy weather prevented
some from attending.
At three o'clock the General was
escorted to dinner by the
military accompanied by a band of music.
The table was hand-
somely prepared under an arbor, about
two hundred and twenty
feet in length, well covered and
ornamented throughout with
forest verdure and foliage, among which
roses and other flowers
were tastefully interwoven by the ladies
of Jeffersonville. At
the head of the table a large
transparent painting was hung, on
which was inscribed, "INDIANA
HEMISPHERES." Over this was
a fine flag, bearing the arms of the
United States. At the foot
of the table was a similar painting,
with the following inscrip-
tion: "INDIANA, IN '76 A
distinguished gentlemen from Kentucky,
Tennessee and other
states were present, among whom were
recognized Governor
Carroll and suite, Hon. C. A. Wickliffe,
Judges Barry and Bled-
soe, Attorney-General Sharp, Col.
Anderson, the Hon. John
Rowan, committee of arrangements from
Louisville and Jeffer-
son county, Kentucky, Major Wash, Mr.
Neilson and others.
After dinner the following toasts were
offered amid fre-
quent and hearty applause:
1. Our country and country's friend.
2. The memory of Washington.
3. The Continental Congress of the
thirteen united colonies
and their illustrious coadjutors.
4. The congress of 1824-They have
expressed to our
benefactor the unanimous sentiments of
our hearts.
5. The president of the United States-A
vigorous scion
from a revolutionary stock!
6. Major General Lafayette, united with
Washington in our
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
hearts-We hail his affectionate visit
with a heart cheering
In reply to this General Lafayette gave
the following:
"Jeffersonville and Indiana-May the
rapid progress of
this young state, a wonder among
wonders, more and more
evince the blessings of republican
7. The classic birthplace of freedom-The
crescent and
scimeter are no longer terrible to the
descendants of Leonidas
and Aristides!
8. Simon Bolivar, the liberator of
Columbia and Peru-
May the example of Washington continue
to direct his course
and consummate his glory.
9. The surviving revolutionary
compatriots of General La-
fayette-They have lived years of
pleasure in one interview
with their illustrious associate!
10. The ordinance of '87 containing
fundamental laws for
the government of the northwestern
territory, and providing a
perpetual interdiction to slavery-Immortal gratitude and
honor to its framers!
11. The native soil of our illustrious
guest, the classic land
of chivalry and the arts, the smiling
region of hospitality, honor,
and refinement - Americans can never
forget their first "great
and magnanimous ally."
The memory of George Rogers Clark, the
brave and
successful commander of the Illinois
regiment - His achieve-
ments at Kaskaskia and St. Vincent
extinguished the empire of
Great Britain on the Ohio and the
13. The fair of America -It will be
their delightful task
to instil in our children those exalted
lessons of honor and virtue
taught in the life of our distinguished
guest, and thus embalm
his memory in the hearts of posterity!
General Lafayette, on being invited to
propose a toast, gave
"The memory of General Greene."
The following volunteer toasts were then
offered by
1. Governor Ray. The people of the
United States-
Gratified with the opportunity of
expressing to the world their
gratitude to their friend and
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 215
2. Governor Carroll. The State of
Indiana. Rich in nat-
ural resources, her industrious and
virtuous citizens know how
to improve them.
3. Judge Barry. General Andrew Jackson
-The hero of
New Orleans!
4. General M. G. Clarke. The rights of
man and the
memory of Thomas Paine, their intrepid
and eloquent advocate.
5. Colonel Ford. Henry
Clay--The statesman, the
patriot and orator.
6. J. H. Farnham. Our amiable guest,
William H. Neil-
son- His noble conduct towards the guest
of the nation claims
the tribute of our sincere admiration.
7. General Carr, (one of the marshals of
the day). Gen-
eral Andrew Jackson-Posterity will view
with admiration the
deeds of glory achieved by the hero
whose motto was, "The
country held sacred to freedom and
8. A. P. Hay, Esq. The late war with
England--It has
evinced to the world that republican
government is able to with-
stand the attack of the best regulated monarchy.
.............. Henry Clay - Gold from the crucible,
seven times refined.
10. Samuel Gwathmey, Esq. The day we now
Long will it be engraved on the hearts
of the citizens of Indiana !
After the banquet, in the midst of
reluctant farewells,
General Lafayette and his party
re-embarked in the evening for
On Friday morning, May 12th, after
presenting a stand of
colors to the Lafayette Guards, a corps
of volunteer cavalry
that had been expressly formed to escort
him on his arrival in
Kentucky, he proceeded on his journey to
the state capital. Gov-
ernor Carroll of Tennessee, yielding to
pressing invitations, ac-
companied the General. Shelbyville was
reached at the end of
the first day's journey. At four o'clock
Saturday afternoon the
General and his escort entered South
A contemporary witness tells us that
"the long and brilliant
procession winding down the hill and
through the streets, the
course has been honorable, and that ultimately when you leave this terrestrial globe you may meet in the mansions of bliss with our beloved Washington, is the sincere and heartfelt prayer of a grateful people." To which Lafayette replied substantially as follows: "My old and endearing connection with those parts of America from which Kentucky has made a splendid offspring |
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 217
could not but make me very anxious to
visit this state where
the splendid results of fertility and
industry have surpassed our
most romantic hope and where in the
gallant and spirited Ken-
tuckians I recognize the sons of my
revolutionary contemporaries
Thanks to the kindness of friends, among
your fine corps of vol-
unteers I have had the pleasure of
meeting a body of my old
companions, and those also who in that
Revolutionary War
fought on the western frontier. Here
also I meet many of the
patriots who in the last war proved
themselves the glorious de-
fenders of their country. While my
lively gratitude is excited
by the affectionate welcome I now
receive from the people of
Kentucky, and which at this seat of
government you are pleased
most kindly to express, I have also
personally to acknowledge
anterior obligations; for from this
place, by the two branches of
the legislature and the chief magistrate
of the state, I have been
invited in most flattering terms, for
which I beg leave to join my
thanks with the tribute of my grateful
and devoted respects to the
citizens of this commonwealth."
After the General had rested from the
fatigue of his journey
the military re-formed and he was
conducted along the serried
columns under a gorgeous arch, to a
large pavilion. Here a
touching scene occurred. A band of
revolutionary soldiers,
wearing on their hats the figures '76,
were drawn up in line to
meet the General. Gray and bent with age
they stood up proudly
to look once more upon their commander
of other years. The
General walked along the line and warmly
greeted each veteran.
In his sturdy frame and in his face as
yet unmarred by time,
they saw no traces of the slender boy
General of the days "that
tried men's souls." From their
faces the freshness of youth and
the pride of vigorous manhood had
departed. "Half a century
had obliterated the features that once
made these brave men
known to each other, but they mutually
recalled a number of
incidents which had occurred in their
former service." As they
grasped the hand of the man who in his
youthful days had led
them to danger and glory, grateful
emotions found expression,
and down the furrows of war and time
tears freely found their
Later in the evening over five hundred
guests sat down to
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
dinner, the General occupying the place
of honor. To his right
and left sat the aged men who had been
his companions in arms.
Around the tables were seated officers
of the war of 1812, sen-
ators, representatives in congress,
members of the state legisla-
ture, judges, clergymen and
distinguished guests from other
Among many toasts offered were the
By General Lafayette- Kentucky and this
seat of govern-
ment- May the gallant and patriotic
Kentuckians forever unite
in the enjoyment of the principles for
which we have fought and
of the blessings to which their
industry, their valor, and their
republican spirit give them a triple
By Governor Desha-Generals Lafayette and
One fought to obtain American liberty;
the other to perpetuate it.
By Colonel Richard M. Johnson - Joseph
Desha, Governor
of Kentucky - distinguished for services
in the field and the un-
deviating support of republican
By Chief Justice Barry- The captain,
crew, and passengers
of the Steamboat Mechanic - They
showed their love for liberty
in their anxiety to preserve its great
By Judge Bledsoe- Washington,
Lafayette, Bolivar, and
Manrocordato -apostles
of liberty in two worlds.
In the evening a ball was given in honor
of the General,
in one of the most spacious halls of the
then western country. It
was surmounted with an arched roof
supported by two rows of
columns. A description of the room as it
appeared that night has
been preserved:
"It was hung around with crimson
drapery, relieved at inter-
vals by gilt laurel wreaths, from which
were suspended festoons
of white drapery ornamented with red
roses. Wreaths of ever-
green and roses were displayed on the
entablatures of the capi-
tals and entwined around the shafts of
the columns. At the
upper end of the room was a large
military trophy, in the center
of which was an oval transparency,
exhibiting a striking likeness
of the General, surrounded by festoons
of crimson drapery and
enclosed in a triangular frame of
stacked muskets, from behind
which the projecting points of bayonets
and swords formed
brilliant rays of glory. The trophy was
surmounted by the fol-
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 219
lowing motto; 'Welcome, Champion of
Freedom.' In the
orchestra opposite the trophy, the
French and American colors
were displayed above the tops of cedars
ornamented with roses.
On the floor between the columns was
drawn a beautiful design
- the French and American flags entwined
around a shield sur-
mounted by a laurel wreath and
surrounded by the motto, 'La-
fayette, Our Country's Guest.' On the
walls hung several por-
traits tastefully ornamented, among
which were those of Wash-
ington, Jefferson, Madison, and General
Scott. Two elegant
chandeliers and numerous candles
illuminated the fairy scene."
On the day following, the General and
his party started to
Lexington. On their way they stopped for
dinner at the town of
Versailles, whose citizens with those of
the surrounding country
were out in great numbers to honor the
General. That afternoon
the party traveled to within three miles
of Lexington, where they
spent the night. On Monday morning a
large body of state
cavalry, headed by a deputation from
Lafayette county, came
to escort the General into the city.
On an eminence from which Lexington
could be dimly seen
in the distance, the procession formed.
By eight o'clock the
column was in motion. Rain was falling
in torrents and the sky
covered with dark clouds, portended a
bad day; but when the
cavalcade was entering the city, at the
discharge of artillery on a
neighboring hill as if by enchantment
the rain ceased, the clouds
scattered, and the returning sun
revealed the landscape of living
green, the city in holiday attire and a
great concourse of people
anxiously awaiting the arrival of the
nation's guest.
The entertainments at Lexington were
especially brilliant,
but the General was most interested in
the evident educational
progress of all classes of the people.
He was not a little sur-
prised to find so far west a town of six
thousand inhabitants,
rivaling in culture the favored
communities of Europe. The
first place he visited was Transylvania
College, the university of
Kentucky. Here he was welcomed by John
Bradford, president
of the Board of Trustees, and Dr.
Holley, president of the uni-
In his reply General Lafayette paid the
following compli-
220 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
ment to Henry Clay, who was a trustee of
the university, but
was not present on this occasion:
"To your interesting remarks on the
diffusion of light
through the western states, I will add
that already the western
stars of the American constellation have
shone with splendid
lustre in the national councils. South
America and Mexico
will never forget that the first voice
heard in congress for the
recognition of their independence was
the voice of a Kentuckian ;*
nor can they any more forget that to the
wise and spirited declar-
ation of the government of the United
States they have been
indebted for the disappointment of
hostile projects, and for a
more speedy recognition by European
The General and his party then proceeded
to a spacious hall
where the students honored him with
addresses in Latin, English
and French. To each of these he made a
brief response that
showed his familiarity with the
languages. The addresses of
the young men have been preserved.
The General next visited the academy for
young ladies,
conducted by Mrs. Dunham under the name of Lafayette
Academy. Here students welcomed him with
a patriotic song
composed by Mrs. Holley and addresses
similar to those de-
livered at the university. Lafayette was
agreeably surprised and
deeply affected at the interest of the
young in his visit and their
familiarity with the incidents of his
life. The affectionate wel-
come tendered him here made him
reluctant to leave, and when
finally he bade farewell to the young
ladies and their teachers
he said, "I am proud of the honor
of having my name attached
to an institution so beneficial in its
aim and so happy in its re-
While in Lexington, Lafayette visited
Mrs. Scott the widow
of General Scott of revolutionary fame.
He also drove to Ash-
land, the charming home of Henry Clay,
recently appointed
Secretary of State. Mr. Clay was not
there to receive him, but
Mrs. Clay and her children did the
honors in a manner that was
highly appreciated by the distinguished
*Henry Clay was one of the earliest and
most enthusiastic advocates
of the recognition of the independence
of the South American republics.
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 221
At Lexington the General parted with
Governor Carroll and
almost all of his friends from
Louisiana, Tennessee, and Frank-
fort, and turning northward with
Governor Desha, other state
officials, and a detachment of volunteer
cavalry from George-
town, at the end of thirty-six hours
arrived, on the nineteenth
of May, at ten o'clock in the morning,
on the bank of the Ohio
River opposite the city of Cincinnati.
Lafayette's entry into the city of
Cincinnati was most
auspicious. The day was cloudless; the
spirit of peace seemed
to fall upon the expectant landscape and
the laughing waters.
In the Queen City a great concourse of
people was eagerly
awaiting the signal that should announce
the approach of the
"Nation's Guest." When this
was given an elegant barge, pre-
pared and manned for the occasion and
commanded by mid-
shipman Rowan, crossed the river. The
moment it commenced
its return with Lafayette on board a
salute was fired by the
artillery and he approached the shores
of Ohio "amidst the roar
of cannon and the shouts of a joyful
multitude that thronged
the banks of the river."
Governor Jeremiah Morrow at the head of
a large body of
gorgeously uniformed soldiery met him at
the landing. As he
came ashore the Governor grasped his
hand and proceeded to
address him as follows:
"General -On behalf of the citizens
of the State of Ohio,
I have the honor to greet you with an
affectionate and cordial
"This state, from the circumstances
of its recent origin,
was not a member of the American
confederation until many
years after the termination of the
Revolutionary War. Her ter-
ritory has not been the theatre of those
military operations so im-
portant in their results, nor have her
fields been rendered memor-
able by the then sanguinary conflicts.
Hence, in visiting a country
barren of revolutionary incidents, those
recollections and associa-
tions with which you were impressed on
lately traversing
Bunker's Hill and the scene of hostile
action and victory at
Yorktown cannot be produced.
222 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications. "Still, sir, we flatter ourselves that your visit to the western country, which has excited on our part the most lively emotion, will not be wholly uninteresting to yourself. To you it must be interesting to witness, in the social order which prevails and the rapid progress of improvement in our country, a practical illus- tration of the effects produced on the condition of man, by those principles of rational liberty of which you have been the early defender, the consistent advocate, and the uniform friend; and |
the same people welcome you here as on the more classic ground over which you have passed; for here, as in the elder states, many of those patriots who achieved our nation's independence have fixed their residence. They and their descendants form a large portion of our population, and give a like tone to the feel- ings and character of our community. With the sentiments of gratitude and veneration common to our fellow citizens through- out the United States, we hail you, General, as the early and |
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 223
constant friend of our country, of
rational liberty, and of the
rights of man."
General Lafayete replied as follows:
"The highest award that can be
bestowed on a revolutionary
veteran is to welcome him to a sight of
the blessings which have
issued from our struggle for
independence, freedom, and equal
rights. Where can those enjoyments be
more complete than in
this State of Ohio, where even among the
prodigies of American
progress, we are so particularly to
admire the rapid and wonder-
ful results of free institutions, free
spirit, and free industry; and
where I am received by the people and in
their name by their
chief magistrate, with an affection and
concourse of public kind-
ness, which fill my heart with most
lively sentiments of grati-
tude. While I am highly obliged for your
having come so far
to meet me, I much regret the
impossibility to present to you
my acknowledgments, as I had intended,
at the seat of govern-
ment. You know, sir, the citizens of the
state know, by what
engagements, by what sacred duties, I am
bound to the solemn
celebration of a half secular
anniversary, equally interesting to
the whole Union. I offer you, sir, my
respectful thanks for the
kind and gratifying manner in which you
have been pleased to
express your own and the people's
welcome; and permit me here
to offer the tribute of my grateful
devotion and respect to the
happy citizens of the State of
The soldiers then stood in open order
and presented arms,
while the General proceeded in a
"barouche and four", accom-
panied by the escort from Kentucky and
the city authorities, to
a platform in front of the Cincinnati
Hotel where he was re-
ceived by the committee of arrangements
for the city. "The
crowd of citizens was immense. The whole
common in front of
the town presented an unbroken mass of
freemen, anxiously
looking for the object of their
admiration, and occasionally
rending the air with shouts of the most
enthusiastic joy." Ladies
thronged the doors, windows and
balconies of adjacent build-
ings. Handkerchiefs fluttered, flags
waved, the crowd swayed,
and the troops with military precision
performed their evolutions
as the General and his party mounted the
platform. Here he
was warmly greeted by a number of old
revolutionary soldiers
224 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
and prominent citizens of the state.
General William Henry
Harrison, chairman of the committee,
delivered the following
welcome on behalf of the city:
"General Lafayette - In the name of
the people of Cincin-
nati, I bid you welcome to their city.
"In other places, General, your
reception has been marked
by a display of wealth and splendor
which we could not imitate,
even if it were not imcompatible
with the simplicity of manners
and habits which distinguish the
backwoodsmen of America.
But let me assure you, General, that in
no part of the Union or
of the whole earth is there to be found
a greater respect for your
character, a warmer gratitude for your services,
or a more af-
fectionate attachment to your person
than in the bosoms of
those who now surround you.
"But, if we cannot rival some of
our sister states in the
splendor of an exhibition, or in the
fascinating graces of a
highly polished society, to a mind like
yours we can present a
more interesting spectacle-the effect of
those institutions, for
the establishment of which your whole
life has been devoted, in
producing in the course of a few years a
degree of prosperity
and a sum of human happiness which you
have nowhere seen
surpassed in the wide circuit of your
tour. When you last em-
barked from your adopted country,
General, the bounds of this
extensive state did not contain a single
white inhabitant. No
plow had yet marked a furrow on its
luxuriant soil. One un-
broken mass of forest equally sheltered
a few miserable savages
and the beasts which were their prey.
"In this immense waste no human
being offered the song of
praise and thanksgiving to the throne of
the Creator; the country
and its wretched inhabitants presented
the same appearance of
wild, savage, uncultivated nature. But
now see the change, 'the
wilderness and the solitary places have
been made glad, and the
desert to blossom as the rose.'
"There is no deception, General, in
the appearances of pros-
perity which are before you. This
flourishing city has not been
built like the proud capital of the
frozen Neva, by command of
a despot, directing the labor of
obedient millions. It has been
reared by the hands of freemen. It is
the natural mart of a
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 225
highly cultivated country. These crowded streets are filled
with the inhabitants of this city and
its vicinity, and are a part
of the 700,000 Christian people who
daily offer up their orisons
to heaven for the innumerable blessings
they enjoy. The youth
who form your guard of honor are a
detachment of the 100,000
enrolled freemen, whose manly bosoms are
the only ramparts
of our state. They have all assembled to
present the freewill
offering of their affections to the
benefactor of their country.
"Happy Chief! How different must be
your feelings from
those of the most distinguished
commander who, in the proudest
days of Rome, conducted to the capitol
the miserable captives
and the glittering spoils of an
unrighteous war. This, your
triumph, has not brought to the millions
who witnessed it, a
single painful emotion. Your victories
have not caused a sigh
from the bosom of any human being,
unless it be from the tyrants
whose power to oppress their fellowmen
they have curtailed.
"Happy man! The influence of your
example will extend
beyond the tomb. Your fame, associated
with that of Washing-
ton and Bolivar, will convince some
future Caesar that the path
of duty is the path of true glory; and
that the character of the
warrior can never be complete without
faithfully fulfilling the
character of the citizen.
"Welcome, then, companion of
Washington, friend of
Franklin, Adams and Jefferson-devoted
champion of liberty,
-- welcome."
The General was visibly moved, and
replied as follows:
"The wonders of creation and
improvement which have hap-
pily raised this part of the Union to
its present high degree of
importance, prosperity and happiness,
have been to me, from the
other side of the Atlantic, a continued
object of attention and
delight; yet, whatever had been my
patriotic and confident antici-
pations, I find them still surpassed by
the admirable realities
which, on entering this young, beautiful
and flourishing city offer
themselves to my enchanted eye, and by
the testimonies of affec-
tion which the kind and happy multitude
of citizens which sur-
round us are pleased to confer upon me.
So, while I here enjoy
the blessed results of our revolutionary
action, of the last war,
Vol. XXIX-15
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
and the fine appearance of the numerous
corps of volunteers
who have turned out to meet me, in these
young patriots, I see
a most gratifying specimen of the
hundred thousand citizen
soldiers of this state, ever ready to
stand in defense of national
rights and American honor. Here, also, I
meet revolutionary
companions in arms, the sons of my old
friends, and the sound
of names most dear to me. Accept, sir,
my best thanks for the
kind manner in which you and the
gentlemen of the committee
are pleased to welcome me and a tender
of my respectful and
affectionate gratitude to the citizens
of Cincinnati for their bril-
liant and, you will allow me to observe,
my dear sir, their so
very affectionate reception."
At the conclusion of these ceremonies
the military retired
and the General held an informal
reception at the hotel. At five
o'clock he attended the masonic lodge,
which bore his name,
which had been organized in anticipation
of his visit, and of
which he was made an honorary member. An
ode prepared for
this occasion by Morgan Neville, was
read. George Graham
made the principal address to which the
General feelingly replied.
Later in the evening he witnessed a
"brilliant exhibition of fire
works" at the Globe Inn and on his
return visited the Western
Museum which was brilliantly illuminated
in his honor as was
the entire city. "At a seasonable
hour", says a writer who was
present, "he returned to his
lodgings at the house of Mr. Febiger
on Vine Street."
Early the next morning the streets were
thronged with peo-
ple eager to see and honor the nation's
guest. The committee
had arranged to give the Sabbath school
children of Cincinnati
precedence in the parade. At nine
o'clock they were formed in
procession and marched, "bearing
appropriate banners, to the
foot of Broadway, where under the
guidance of the teachers
they were arranged in a hollow square
ready to receive the Gen-
eral." He was soon presented among
them and seemed more de-
lighted with this exhibition of
gratitude than with any other
which the best efforts of the citizens
could present. He took the
children affectionately by the hand,
proceeding with his saluta--
tions through the greater part of them,
amounting in all to more
than fifteen hundred, besides the pupils
of Dr. Locke's female
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 227
academy. These last were dressed in
uniform and added much
to the beauty of the procession. Rev.
Ruter, in behalf of the
children and teachers addressed the
"General Lafayette -The
return to our Republic, of one of
its principal founders, after an absence
of almost half a century,
brings to the mind an association of
ideas and emotions not easily
described. When this part of the United
States was a wilderness,
without inhabitants to appreciate your
cause, you came to our
shores and fought and bled in defense of
our national rights.
Success attended your efforts; you left
America in peace and re-
turned in triumph to your native land.
Years have rolled on,
revolutions have shaken Europe, kingdoms
have risen and fallen.
By a gracious providence you have been
preserved to see the end
of those perils. You have outlived the
storm. And now, in the
bright evening of your days, returning
to the theatre of that
memorable revolution in which you bore
so conspicuous a part,
you behold its happy effects in the
widespread blessing which
crowned the American people. From the
East to the West, over
the land of the free, over the homes of
surviving patriots once
your companions, and over the tombs of
our departed heroes,
liberty reigns.
"During your absence, the
wilderness has become a fruit-
ful field, filled with inhabitants,
abounding with plenty, favored
with religious toleration and
flourishing in the arts and sciences.
Our citizens who first emigrated to the
western country brought
with them the principles which you have
uniformly defended,
and their children have received them.
The rising generation of
our land have been taught the origin of
our political institutions;
they have learned your history as being
interwoven with that of
their nation; they cherish and will
transmit to posterity a grate-
ful remembrance of your sufferings and
your achievements in
the sacred cause of freedom. General,
the people of the West,
while they give thanks to God who first
sent you to our shores,
receive you as their benefactor, as
their friend, and as the
former friend and companion of the great
Washington. All
hearts greet you, and perhaps none with
more sincerity than
these juvenile companies, gathered from
our schools and from
our principal female academy, with the
instructors and guard-
228 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
ians, whom I have the honor of
representing, and in whose
name I am happy to welcome your arrival
in Cincinnati."
After greeting the children*, the
General replied:
"Amidst the affectionate and
universal greeting from the
people of Ohio whom I have the happiness
to meet in this ad-
mirable city of Cincinnati, I have with
peculiar delight noticed
the eagerness and warmth of juvenile
feelings in behalf of an
old American soldier. There I rejoice to
find not only additional
testimonies of the personal kindness of
their parents and tutors,
but a most gratifying mark of their own
early attachment to
the principles for which their
forefathers fought and bled. Their
eyes have first opened on the public
prosperity and domestic hap-
piness which are the blessed lot of this
American land. Here
liberty and equal rights surround them
in every instance, in every
progress of their tender years, and when
admitted to compare
their country with those parts of the
world where aristocracy
and despotism still retain their baneful
influence, they will more
and more love their republican
institutions and take pride in the
dignified character of American
citizenship. So when they re-
flect on the toils in the war of
independence, on the source to
which they owe these various
institutions, they will be more
disposed to cherish the sentiments of
mutual affection between
the several parts of the confederacy.
"I beg you, sir, to accept my
affectionate thanks for your
kind address, and I also present my
acknowledgments to the
worthy teachers and to my friends of
both sexes in your so
very interesting schools and
At eleven a. m. the grand procession was
formed. In ad-
dition to the local military, companies
from Springfield, Madison,
and Vevay, Indiana, participated.
Mechanical organizations with
*When the General appeared before them,
their young hands scattered
flowers under his feet, and Dr. Ruter
advancing delivered him an address
in their name, the sentiments of which
sensibly affected the General, who
wished to express his acknowledgments to
the doctor, but, at the moment
was surrounded by the children, who in a
most lively manner stretched
out their little hands to him, and
filled the air with their cries of joy. He
received their caresses and embraces
with the tenderness of a parent who
returns to his family after a long
absence, and then replied to Dr. Ruter's
address. LEVASSEUR.
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 229
appropriate banners were in line:
printers, cordwainers, hatters,
shipwrights, carpenters, engravers,
saddlers and other labor
societies numbering in all more than
The shipwrights, several of whom carried
models of boats
on their shoulders, were preceded by the
barge in which the
General had crossed the river, now
mounted on wheels and
drawn by three horses. On the stern was
painted, 'Yorktown,
Oct. 19, 1781.' The star spangled banner
floated proudly at
her bow and stern and the barge was
manned by young men who
had volunteered to uniform themselves
for the honor of con-
veying the General to the city.
Never had Cincinnati witnessed a more
impressive spectacle.
Fresh arrivals from the surrounding
country swelled the crowd
beyond the bounds of the city. Streets,
doorways, windows and
roofs were thronged with people. After
traversing the principal
streets the procession halted on the
open plain back of the city.
Here was erected for the accommodation
of the General and
suite an elegant pavilion, decorated
with roses and evergreens
and sufficiently elevated to command a
view of the surrounding
multitude. After the General was seated
and the hum of the
crowd had been silenced, Mr. Samuel M.
Lee sang the following
ode which had been composed for the
(AIR -
Marseilles hymn.)
With wealth and conquest grown
A foreign despot seized the rod,
And bade us in a tone imperious
To bow submissive to his nod.
His hostile navies plowed the ocean,
His threatening armies thronged our
But when we heard his cannon roar,
* Thousands exclaimed, with one emotion,
Columbia's sons, to arms!
Oh who would be a slave!
March on! march on! unchecked, unawed,
To freedom or the grave.
230 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
The god of battles, from his dwelling
Of light and glory in the skies,
Heard from a thousand temples swelling
Our heart-felt prayers and praises
And nerved each arm, inspired each
To fight, to conquer, and be free,
And bade each son of liberty
His father's freeborn soul inherit.
Columbia's sons, to arms!
Oh who would be a slave!
March on! march on! unchecked, unawed,
To freedom or the grave.
See, one by one, those heirs of glory,
Forever fled their health and bloom,
In freedom's cause grown weak and
Descending to the patriot's tomb.
But yet of this great constellation
A few bright planets have not set:
We yet behold thee, Lafayette!
The guest, and glory of our nation.
Columbia's sons, to arms!
Oh who would be a slave!
March on! march on! unchecked, unawed,
To freedom or the grave.
With comrades, kindred, friends
With ease and wealth and titles blest-
The gallant youth, when freedom sounded
Her trumpet-blast, sprang from his
And flew, when tyrants sought to
enslave us,
To western wilds, o'er ocean's tide-
Took ours, and heaven's and glory's
And toiled, and fought, and bled to
save us.
Columbia's sons, to arms!
Oh who would be a slave!
March on! march on! unchecked, unawed,
To freedom or the grave,
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 231
Welcome, Fayette! with arms extended,
And hearts as boundless as our soil,
We hail thee to a land, defended
By thy own prowess, wealth and toil
In glory's page while bards and sages
Enroll the patriot's honored name,
Beloved Fayette! thy deathless fame
Will pass unsullied through all ages.
Columbia's sons, to arms!
Oh who would be a slave!
March on! march on! unchecked, unawed,
To freedom or the grave.
From a stand opposite the pavilion,
Joseph S. Benham,* the
orator of the day, then delivered the
following address:
"The love of liberty, natural as
the love of life, is an in-
stinct common to all animals. In man,
beneficently endowed
with intellect by which he is
preeminently distinguished, it dis-
*A discourse upon the solemnity of the
day succeeded the patriotic
song. The orator who was to pronounce it
arose, advanced toward the
expecting multitude, before whom he
remained some moments silent, his
countenance depressed, his hand placed
upon his breast, as if overcome by
the greatness of the subject he was to
treat. At length his sonorous voice,
although slightly tremulous, was heard,
and the whole assembly soon
became fascinated with his eloquence.
The benefits and advantages of
freedom, the generous efforts made for
its establishment in the two hemi-
spheres by Lafayette, the picture of the
present and future prosperity of
the United States, furnished the topics
of Mr. Benham's address. He
took such possession of the imagination
of his auditors that even after
he had ceased speaking the attentive
crowd remained some time silent as
though they still heard his voice.
Popular eloquence is one of the
distinctive characteristics of the
Americans of the United States. The
faculty of speaking well in public
is acquired by all the citizens from the
universality and excellence of their
education, and is developed in a high
degree by the nature of their institu-
tions, which call upon each citizen for
the exercise of that power in the
discussion of public affairs. In each
town, in every village, the number
of persons capable of speaking before a
numerous assembly, is truly
surprising; and it is not uncommon to
meet among them men who, although
born in obscurity, have justly acquired
great reputation for eloquence.
232 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
plays itself in every action of his
life. It is the center of all his
affections - the key to his heart, - no
less essential to his great-
ness than to his felicity. Subject his
destiny to the arbitrary
will of a tyrant, and you mar the beauty
and majesty of his form,
which is so 'express and admirable'; you
extinguish every noble
and godlike aspiration, and 'tame him
into dullness.' All order
is subverted, all harmony is destroyed.
Subordinate the social
mass to one feeble and impotent will,
ever influenced by narrow
and contracted views, by tumultuous
passions, by self aggrandize-
ment, or by the adulation of courtiers,
and it either pines in a pas-
sive lethargy, or, if called into action
by extraordinary excite-
ments, exhausts its strength by its
efforts, while its produce is
wholly drawn off by the privileged part,
- like to the aged oak,
on which we see a few of the higher
branches verdant, while the
trunk is rotten and sinking speedily to
the dust.
"Despotic governments exert a like
baleful influence upon
the inhabitants and the country. Their
wealth is in the hands of
the nobility-a few haughty lordlings who
regard the populace
as an inferior race of beings, forming a
portion of their inherit-
ance, and fit only to minister to their
sensual gratifications. The
inestimable rights of person and
property are alike insecure:
industry receives no encouragement; the
arts and the sciences
languish and commerce is in the hands of
strangers, while pov-
erty, ignorance, degradation and
wretchedness brood upon the
face of the country like primitive
darkness upon the face of the
waters, and form the national character.
"Fix your eye upon the map of the
Ottoman Empire, and you
have a glaring example of these truths.
You there see an exten-
sive region of exuberant soil, in a
genial climate, salubrious air,
and benignant skies; yet, such is the
despotism of the govern-
ment, that with all these blessings, it
is the poorest and most
barbarous upon the continent. This, too,
was once the seat of the
muses and is now the scene of every
classic reminiscence: the
land of Homer, the country of
Epaminondas, of Themistocles and
Leonidas! But, alas! liberty, the muses,
and the arts, like the
last flight of the dove from the ark,
have wended their course
from those inhospitable regions.
Ignorance has here shown her
natural hostility to taste by mutilating
the statues, demolishing
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 233
the temple, and defacing the elegant
forms of sculpture and
architecture. On the rock of the
Acropolis, where once stood
the magnificent temple of Minerva, famed
for its golden statues,
marble fragments are all that remain.
The odeum of Pericles,
which once resounded with the notes of
the lyre and the sub-
lime strains of the choral song, is now
appurtenant to a Turkish
castle. These are the deleterious
effects of despotism upon the
moral and physical world.
"Compare this picture, though
feebly crayoned (for the orig-
inal would justify darker shades and
deeper hues) with the
government of these United States, the
prosperous, cheerful,
and happy condition of her citizens, and
how vivid is the con-
trast. All the trans-Atlantic dynasties
have been fortuitously
formed. They have mostly begun in bloody
anarchy, and after
describing the whole circle, have at
last terminated in sullen
despotism. They have passed from infancy
to manhood, and
from manhood speedily to old age. The
American government
no less prudent, cautious and
circumspect than those of the old
world, like Minerva from the head of
Jove, sprang at once into
full maturity and symmetry, armed in
sovereign panoply and
took her rank among the kingdoms of the
"The Greeks and Romans boasted that
their laws and gov-
ernment were divine emanations. We
propagate no such delu-
sions. Our government is universally
acknowledged to be the
production of human reason, consecrated
by the free will of
the people. The constitution delineated
by their mighty hand, in
their sovereign and unlimited capacity,
establishes certain first
principles of fundamental law, and is
predicated upon the inde-
structible pillars of justice and
equality. In its shade, like that
of a great rock in a weary land, the
pilgrims of the old world
repose peaceful and happy. The
philanthropists, philosophers
and sages who formed this charter of our
rights never lost sight
of the self-evident truths that all men
are created equal; that they
are endowed by their Creator with
certain inalienable rights; that
among these are life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness.
"This beautiful fabric of free
government which has ex-
cited so much envy and admiration, was
no sooner formed than
it was hailed as a 'magnificent
stranger' in the world. Here the
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
wealth of the nation is equally
distributed among her children,
who are alike noble with the gaudy
'insignia of nobility.' We
have no laws of primogeniture to create
and foster an aristoc-
racy. The rights of person and of
property are sacred and in-
violate. Industry in every branch of
business is encouraged, the
arts and the sciences flourish, and
commerce unfurls her canvas;
while contentment, independence,
enterprise and intelligence
form the bright escutcheon of the
national character. Here civil
liberty, in exile from the old world,
has established her empire
and fixed her throne. It is here our
laws are equal, mild and
beneficent; it is here that religious
bigotry and intolerance are
unknown; it is here a provision is made
by government for the
poor; it is here, in fine, that
persecuted truth finds refuge and
persecuted man an asylum and a home.
"These, Lafayette, are the fruits
of thy toils and sacrifices.
These are the laurels that bloom for
thee in America- won by
thy gallantry in the vales of
Brandywine, on the plains of Mon-
mouth and at Yorktown, and which like
the aloe flower, blos-
som in old age. These form the bright
constellation of thy glory.
Let its shining radiance impart one
cheering ray to guild the
gloom of despotism, and like the star of
Bethlehem conduct the
king and wise men of the earth in the
road to civil and religious
"At the mention of thy name,
revered and venerated hero
and sage, every countenance beams with
joy, and every heart
dilates with gratitude, while you 'read
your welcome in a nation's
eyes.' Most nations, when tyranny
becomes intolerable, have
had their benefactors and
deliverers-daring spirits whom no
dangers could appall, no difficulties
dismay. Scotland had her
Wallace- Switerland her Tell - Poland,
dismembered, pros-
trate Poland, her Kosciusco ; and
America, thrice happy America,
her Washington. But these immortal
champions of human lib-
erty were inspired by an ardent love of
country to save from
pollution their household gods and their
altars. Lafayette, in-
spired by the same enthusiastic love of
liberty, and prompted
by a generous, disinterested sympathy,
at the juvenile age of
nineteen, relinquished the charms of
nobility, the ease of af-
fluence, the fascinations and
endearments of friends, home and
"The disastrous condition of our affairs seemed to offer but an humble theatre to the aspirant for military fame. The cy- press extended its mournful boughs over our army. But nothing could extinguish the ardor of the young hero. He immediately clothed, equipped, and organized, at his own expense, a corps of men, and entered as a volunteer into our service. All Europe gazed with admiration, mingled with regret, upon the eaglet that |
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
had left the royal nest and soared into
a distant hemisphere to
fight the battles of liberty. In
retracing the incidents of the
eventful life of our benefactor, a duty
which gratitude imposes,
we find them alike illustrious. They
exhibit a man passing with
the constancy of truth, the sternness of
stoicism and the resig-
nation of Christianity, through greater
trials and reverses of
fortune than any other in the annals of
biography. Behold him
in his youth, contemning all patrician
effeminacy, courting fatigue
and danger in the tented field, and
leading our fathers to inde-
pendence and glory. See him soon after
acting a conspicuous
part in the most awful and appalling
convulsion in the annals of
the world, in which every old
institution was covered in its
cradle with blood. We see him a member
of the national as-
sembly, alike obnoxious to the Jacobins
and the ancient regime,
to bloody anarchy and frightful
despotism, moving the abolition
of the odious letters de cachet and the
emancipation of the
protestants, holding in his hands for
adoption a constitution con-
taining the elements of a representative
monarchy. View him
in the Champ de Mars, at the head of the
national guards, in
the midst of an amphitheatre containing
half a million of his
countrymen, kneeling at the altar and
swearing on their behalf to
a free constitution. But the Jacobins
get the ascendency. La-
fayette and constitutional liberty are
proscribed. Danton and
Robespierre reign and France is deluged
with blood! He now
suddenly disappears; even his family
know not where he is.
Behold him in the Austrian dungeon,
spurning all compromises
with oppression upon dishonorable terms
and claiming the pro-
tection of an American citizen. He is at
length released and
lives for many years patriarchal like,
in the bosom of retirement,
when we again after the battle of
Waterloo hear his well known
voice in the tribune, endeavoring to
rally his bleeding country-
men around the ancient tri-colored
standard of '89. In fine,
we behold him in his old age, in the
bosom of the Republic whose
eagles he defended in his youth, the
'guest of the nation', and
hear as he passes through it the united
voices of millions salut-
ing him in the accents of gratitude, -
Welcome, welcome La-
fayette !
Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley
States. 237
"When we behold thee, General,
after an absence of more
than forty years, mingling
affectionately among us, we involunta-
rily look around with an inquiring eye
for others who are absent,
the compeers of your toil and glory.
Where are Greene and
Wayne, Washington and Hamilton? Where is
Franklin the
sage? Their names are familiar among us;
their actions are
engraven upon our hearts. But 'honor's
voice cannot provoke
the silent dust'; in you we behold the
only surviving officer of
the general staff, while your companions
'rest in peace and in
glory' in the bosom of the soil they
"A tomb is theirs on every page,
An epitaph on every tongue."
"On your former visit to this your
adopted country, they
were all alive to welcome you. You now
find yourself in the
midst of a new generation. But they are
not aliens; they are
kindred spirits. They occupy the same
country, shaded by the
same vine and fig tree. They speak the
same language and are
characterized by the same simple manners
and customs. They
support the same good government, feel
the same devotion to
liberty and worship the same God.
"Who can unveil the future glories
of this rising Republic?
When these divine institutions, which
now unite us in the bonds
of fraternity, shall have received their
fullest expansion, what
political astronomer can 'cast the
horoscope in the national sky'
and count the stars that shall rise to
emblazon the banner of our
country? Calculating the future by the
past, the imagination is
overpowered, when we look down the vista
of time and contem-
plate the growing millions which in a
few years will fill the bosom
of the West, united in one common
brotherhood, by the same
laws and government, language and
consanguinity. Only fancy
them, congregating on the same national
jubilee, commemorating
the same battles, and recounting the
deeds of the same heroes.
Methinks I hear the valleys of the Rocky
mountains echoing the
names of Washington and Lafayette.
"Less than forty years ago this
beautiful and fertile country,
stretching from the foot of the
Alleghanies westward, now filled
with intelligence and blossoming like
the rose, was a howling
238 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
wilderness. Our rich valleys and green
hills, which now reward
the toil of the husbandman, so unbroken
was the forest, had
never felt the genial influence of the
sun. Annually as he rises
in his course, the circle of our free
institutions is widening, and