In a pamphlet entitled "Ohio
Emblems and Monuments"
compiled by the editor of the QUARTERLY in 1906
is an
of the Ohio Buckeye which is here
reproduced in adapted form.
It is somewhat singular, but true
nevertheless, that the
average Ohioan is not able to point out
with certainty the tree
whose name is the soubriquet of his
state. In the popular de-
scriptions, fact and fancy, science and
oratory are so promis-
cuously blended that there is nothing
remarkable in the resulting
F. Andrew Michaux, the eminent French
botanist who
visited this country in 1807, was
somewhat unfortunate in his
description of the Ohio Buckeye, or
pavia Ohioensis. He says:
"This species of the horse
chestnut, which is mentioned by
no author that has hitherto treated of
the trees and plants of
North America, is unknown in the
Atlantic parts of the United
States. I have found it only beyond the
mountains, and par-
ticularly on the banks of the Ohio for
an interval of about 100
miles, between Pittsburgh and Marietta,
where it is extremely
common. It is called "buckeye"
by the inhabitants, but as this
name has been given to the pavia lutea,
I have denominated it
"Ohio buckeye" because it is
most abundant on the banks of this
river, and have prefixed the synonym of
"American horse chest-
nut" because it proved to be a
proper horse chestnut by its fruit,
which is prickly like that of the
Asiatic species instead of that
of the paviae.
"The ordinary stature of the
American horse chestnut is ten
or twelve feet, but it sometimes equals
thirty or thirty-five feet
in height and twelve or fifteen inches
in diameter. The leaves are
palmated and consist of five leaflets
parting from a common
center, unequal in size, oval-acuminate
and irregularly toothed.
The entire length of the leaf is nine or
ten inches, and its breadth
six or eight inches.
"The bloom of this tree is
brilliant. Its flowers appear early
in the spring and are collected in
numerous white bunches. The
fruit is one of the same color with that
of the common horse
chestnut and of the large buckeye, and
of about half the size.
It is contained in fleshy, prickly
capsules, and is ripe in the be-
ginning of autumn.