294 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
The Captain has given his native town
and state wide and
honorable publicity. His book is a
lively, modest, straightfor-
ward statement of his services in the
World War, as full of
thrills as his daring exploits. It is
written in attractive form
and excellent spirit and deserves a
place in every American
library-especially those of Ohio,
Captain Rickenbacker's na-
tive state.
In this connection it may be proper to
say a number of
Captain Rickenbacker's trophies are
already in the museum of
our Society, where they are viewed with
special interest by
The other book is entitled, "The
Big Show," by Elsie Janis,
also a native of Ohio and the city of
Columbus. Miss Janis
did her part in entertaining our
soldiers back of the battle line on
many of the fighting fronts.
Her book bears to the general public, in
vivacious, breezy
style, an intimation of the cheerful
message that she must have
carried to the soldiers, presented at
times in the vernacular pecul-
iar to the rank and file, which is
nevertheless expressive and
readily understood. It contains not only
an account day by day
of her experience abroad, but some
creditable verse composed by
herself and interspersed through the
volume of 226 pages.
On June 10th, at the United States
Barracks in Columbus,
an heroic soldier soul passed to its
reward. In the Columbus
Evening Dispatch of June 19th, appears a letter from Franklin
Rubrecht, a Columbus attorney who was
much interested in this
wounded youth and at whose home he was
frequently welcomed.
In this letter Mr. Rubrecht gives the
following brief account of
the military service, unwavering
loyalty, patient fortitude and
triumphant death of Sergeant Stanley
*His given name was Stanislaus which he
changed to Stanley. He
was wounded at St. Mihiel, September 14,
1918; was in Field Hospital
No. 25, Base Hospital No. 25, Base
Hospital No. 8; then sailed from
Brest to the United States and was in
General Hospital No. 2 and Depot
Hospital at Columbus (Ohio) Barracks
where he died.