Ohio History Journal

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Reviews, Notes and Comments

Reviews, Notes and Comments.            465


This quotation is a gem, and the reader will thank the author

for including it.

A wrong impression is left on page 288, by the statement

that the senate "finally voted 'yea' unanimously" on this bill.

Seven senators at one time voted against it including Senator

Brown from Ohio who opposed it in a speech.

While the author uses the correct spelling of the name of

Lafayette she makes a mistake in the spelling of another name

that occurs very frequently in the volume.  She writes the

name of Lafayette's private secretary "Lavasseur." It should

be "Levasseur."

The book has no index.   Why so reputable a publishing

house would issue such a work without an index we do not

know.   In these times of "ready references," "prompt library

service" and "American hurry," indexes are almost a necessity.

Perhaps the index is reserved for a second edition.

This book is stimulating and inspiring.  It is timely and

covers in a single volume a field not recently attempted by

other writers. It is an appropriate gift to any young American.




Through an incidental suggestion of Mr. W. D. Barge, of

1708 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Illinois, we have been enabled to

establish the identity of Chief Panisciowa and Jean Baptiste

Ducoigne. or, as the name is variously spelled, Decoigne, Ducoin

and Du Quoin. There are still other variations. The daughter

of this chief met Lafayette at Kaskaskia and much space was

given to that meeting in the July Quarterly.  Levasseur speaks

of her as Mary and of her father as Panisciowa. This was prob-

ably his Indian name.  Lafayette's secretary devoted much at-

tention to what she said and doubtless exercised care in recording

her name and that of her father as he received them from her


In Bulletin No. 30. Part I, "Handbook of American Indians,"

issued by the Bureau of American Ethnology, page 405, we have

the following:

Vol. XXIX-30.