Reviews, Notes and Comments 497
Dr. Mendenhall was educated in the
public schools,
was one of the members of the first
faculty of the Ohio
State University, was called to the
Imperial University
of Japan where he occupied the chair of
physics from
1878-1881; returned to Ohio State
University where he
taught three years, after which he was
successively pro-
fessor of the U. S. Signal Corps,
President of Rose
Polytechnic Institute, Superintendent
of the U. S. Coast
and Geodetic Survey and President of
Worcester Poly-
technic Institute. From 1901-1912 he
was in Europe.
Degress have been conferred upon him by
a number of
colleges and universities in America
and he has been
decorated with the Order of the Sacred
Treasure of
Japan and honored with a gold medal
from the National
Educational Society of Japan. He is at
present a trustee
of the Ohio State University, where he
celebrated his
eightieth birthday this month. He is author of a
Century of Electricity. His home is in Ravenna, Ohio.
Rev. John J. Lutz, a native of Wayne
County, Ohio
and later a citizen of Kansas, wrote
for the Kansas
Historical Society an article on
"Quantrill and the
Morgan Walker Tragedy" (Kansas
Historical Collec-
tions, Vol. 8, pages 324-331) in which
he says that
Richard J. Hinton is in error in regard
to the participa-
tion of Barclay Coppoc in this affair.
The three young
men who were killed through the perfidy
of Quantrill
were Charles Ball, Chalkley T. Lipsey
and Edwin S.
Morrison. Charles Ball was born in
Salem, Ohio, in
the year 1837. He was first cousin of
Edwin and Bar-
Vol. XXX--32*