Ohio History Journal



Archaeological and Historical





The centennial of the city of Bucyrus, Ohio, was

most appropriately celebrated in a program of exercises

extending from October 2 to 5, 1921. There were ad-

dresses by Honorable Harry L. Davis, Governor of

Ohio, Honorable Hugh L. Nichols, former Chief Justice

of the Supreme Court of Ohio, Honorable Benson W.

Hough, Judge of the Supreme Court, Mrs. Frank H.

Alfred, great-granddaughter of Samuel Norton, one of

the founders of Bucyrus, Nevin O. Winter, the well-

known writer of Toledo, Ohio, Honorable Smith W.

Bennett and other prominent citizens. The exercises

throughout were interspersed with music selected espe-

cially for the occasion and this feature of the program

culminated in a grand musical entertainment by the

Bucyrus centennial chorus on Thursday evening,

October 5. This was repeated on the following evening.

An interesting feature of the musical program was the

rendition of Colonel Kilbourne's Bucyrus Song by the

centennial chorus. The words of this song are found

on a subsequent page of the QUARTERLY.

The entire program of the centennial may be said

to have reached its height of interest and enthusiasm in

the remarkable pageant which was presented on Tues-

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