Ohio History Journal

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Reviews, Notes and Comments 349

Reviews, Notes and Comments      349

officers in the allied service. There were also citations

and high honors conferred upon him. Ohioans will ex-

perience genuine pride in reading this interesting record

of the World War service of one of her distinguished

sons. The Journal is supplemented by the official re-

ports of General Dawes and the work as a whole de-

serves a place in every library with a department de-

voted to World War history.

We must add, of course, that these volumes are pub-

lished by the Houghton Mifflin Company and in illustra-

tion, typography and general appearance do credit to

the best work turned out by that well known publishing

house. The numerous photogravure illustrations are

especially fine. The Society is under obligation to Gen-

eral Dawes for this gift to its library.



In recent years there has been a renaissance of in-

terest in the life of United States Senator Morris. He

was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, January 3,

1776.  Soon afterward the family moved to Virginia.

He came to the Northwest Territory in 1795 and died

at his home in Bethel, Clermont County, December 7,

1844.  Interest in his career has been heightened by

the recent centenary of the birth of General Ulysses S.

Grant, the proceedings of which are detailed in this

issue of the QUARTERLY.  He served almost continu-

ously in the General Assembly of Ohio from 1806-1832.

He was a member of the House of Representatives in

1806, 1808, 1810 and 1820; of the Senate 1813-14,

1821-22, 1825-28 and 1831-32. In 1832 he was elected

United States Senator and served one full term of six