Ohio History Journal

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374 Ohio Arch

374      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications


Upon whose bosom snow has lain;

Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,

But only God can make a tree.'"

After the formal reading of Logan's Speech by

John R. Horst from McGuffey's Fourth Reader (edi-

tion of 1853), informal addresses were made by J. W.

Johnson of Circleville, editor of the Democrat and

Watchman, Professor C. C. Miller of Lancaster and

Mrs. Orson D. Dryer of Shepard, Ohio. Mrs. Dryer's

contribution to the day's celebration was extremely

valuable from an historical standpoint, and as the sole

representative present of the Colonial troops which ac-

companied Lord Dunmore's army, the story of her dis-

tinguished ancestor was full of historical information.

Mrs. Dryer has been, and is, among the women of

Columbus foremost in religious, civic, and patriotic

work of that city.   She has been active in the affairs

of the League of Women Voters, Young Women's

Christian Association, and is at present Vice-Regent

of the Columbus Chapter of the D. A. R., and President

of the Columbus Presbyterial Society.     Her address


"Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am the great-

granddaughter of Colonel Benjamin Wilson, whose name is

graven on yonder bronze tablet, and who was aide-de-camp

to Lord Dunmore in his march to this place against Cornstalk,

the Shawnee. Colonel Wilson was a witness to all that this day


"In order that you may understand my relationship to him,

I will state that I am the daughter of Henrietta Wilson and Wil-

liam C. Maholm; Henrietta Wilson was the daughter of Daniel

Davisson Wilson, who was the son of Colonel Benjamin Wil-

son. Daniel Davisson Wilson, my grandfather, came to Ohio

when my mother was an infant, carrying her in front of him on