Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 619
upright, so as to add moisture and
supply fertilizer to the unex-
posed and growing roots, is also recommended.
"For all the purposes stated we
ask an appropriation of $400.
$40 only now being available.
Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Booth drew attention to the fact
that previous
recommendations of the committee on the
Logan Elm
had not been acted upon.
President Campbell stated that before
the desired im-
provements could be made it would be
necessary to get
an adequate appropriation from the
General Assembly
which he thought could be done if the
matter were prop-
erly presented.
Mrs. Dr. Howard Jones extended an
invitation to
the Society to be present at the
celebration of the anni-
versary of the dedication of the Logan
Elm at Logan
Elm Park October 2. On motion of Mr.
Wood the in-
vitation was accepted.
Colonel Orton then read the reports of
the Commit-
tee on the World War Memorial Building
and the Ad-
dition to the Hayes Memorial Building,
as follows:
"To the Archaeological and
Historical Society:
"Gentlemen: By resolution adopted
October 18, 1921, it
was provided that the Society would take
immediate steps with
funds now in their possession to begin
the erection of a World
War Memorial Annex to the Society's
Building, in memory of
the Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of
Ohio who served in the
World War; the object and purpose of the
building shall be for
the preservation of all records, maps,
muster rolls, newspapers,
relics and all military records
connected with the World War, and
also all papers and historical matter
pertaining to the work of the
nurses' organizations and civilian war
work of the citizens of the
state growing out of the World War.