Ohio History Journal

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Abbott, Julius D., tells of the last visit                                                tobacco pipes, 513-522; bone   imple-

of Grant to Clermont County, 245.                                            ments, 522-523; chipped flint imple-

Abbott, Louise, her paper on "The Grants                                        ments, 523-525; implements made of

at Bethel," 241-245.                                                                   copper, 525-528; ornaments of copper,

Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 83; his let-                                            529-555; bead necklaces, 555-556; beads

ter urging Carl Schurz to take part in                                        of metal, 556-557; objects made of

Ohio political campaign of 1875, 83-84.                                   shell, 557-559; woven fabric and mat-

Adams, Henry, 83.                                                                            ting, 559-560; 566-682.

Agricultural Industry, depression in, 48-                                  Atwater, Caleb, his History of the State

49.                                                                                               of Ohio quoted, 299.

Alexander, Mrs. Angeline, 215.                                                Automobile industry in Ohio, 322, 334.

Alfred, Mrs. Frank H., 1.

Alfred, Maud Bush, contributor of "A                                       Baker, Charles Eber, 384; responds to ad-

Vision  Fulfilled", 5-21.                                                              dress of welcome at Marion Centen-

Allen, William, political prominence in                                             nial Celebration, 385-386.

Ohio, 53-54; renominated for governor,                           Baker, Chauncey B., service in World

70; opening campaign speech at Galli-                                     War, 156.

polis,  75-77;  conducts  enthusiastic                                  Baker, Eber, founder of Marion, 381-382;

campaign, 81, 82; is defeated, 86;                                             387, 388, 404.

placed  in  nomination  for president                                 Baker, Lincoln, 387.

before National Democratic Conven-                               Ball, William H., 419.

tion, 91.                                                                               Baltimore Telegraph, 179.

America, carries guests at Grant Centen-                                 Bartley, Mordecai, 214.

ary, 223.                                                                              Bartley, Thomas, acting    governor and

America Colonization Society, attitude of                                         judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio,

Osborn's Philanthropist toward, 176-                                        sketch of, 213-214.

178; plans of opposed by Elisha Bates                               Bartram, John H., 284.

in Philanthropist, 184-185.                                                 Bates, Elisha, editor of the Philanthro-

American Legion, at Marion Centennial                                           pist, 172; sketch of later years, 190-191.

Celebration, 410-413.                                                         Beads, in Mound City group of mounds,

American   Merchant   Marine, John     ..                                         449, 453, 459, 463, 464, 468, 484, 486, 487,

Pershing on, 393.                                                                        494, 495, 496, 555-556, 556-557, 571, 572.

Anti-slavery  newspapers, published   in                                   Bennett, Smith, W., 1.

Ohio prior to 1923, 172-212; Philan-                                 Bethel, Ohio, former home village                               of

thropist, published  and   edited  by                                            Ulysses  S.   Grant,  celebration                           at,

Charles Osborn, 173-180; Philanthro-                                       240-262; prosperous appearance of, 240-

pist published and edited by Elisha                                             241; large crowd at Grant celebration

Bates, 180-193; Genius of Universal                                          in, 211;  address   of  Congressman

Emancipation, published and edited by                                      Charles Kearns at, 241; "The Grants

Benjamin Lundy, 193-211; sources of                                       in Bethel," 241-245; abounds in legends

information relative to, 211-212.                                                and reminiscences of Grant, 261.

Appleseed, Johnny, 3, 20.                                                           Birchard, Sardis, quoted relative to death

Army of the United States, John J. Per-                                             of Seneca John, 130-131; 140.

shing on reduction of, 392-393.                                          Birney, William, on historical value ot

Artifacts  in  Mound    City  Group   of                                              the Genius of Universal Emancipa.

mounds, 430, 431, 433, 434, 443, 445, 446,                               tion, 203.

447-456, 459, 463, 464, 468, 483, 484, 487,                      Bishop, Mrs. Genevra Johnstone, 388.

190, 491, 492-493, 494, 495, 496, 498, 500.                      Black Hoff, 363.

501, 507, 508; taken from Mound City                               Blackburn, Elizabeth, 375.

Group, 508-584; pottery-ware, 509-513;                           Blaine, James G., 83.
