Ohio History Journal



Archaeological and Historical





A wide interest attaches to everything that is said

or written of Abraham Lincoln. Ohioans will be

pleased to review the authentic historic record that links

his name and fame with the Buckeye state.

The monograph on the following pages presents for

the first time in chronological order Lincoln's contact

with Ohio and the relation of our state and its promi-

nent public men to the crisis through which our Nation

passed in the Civil War, under the leadership of the

Martyr President whose fame, increasing with the pass-

ing years, has become to the civilized world a sacred

heritage and hallowed memory. Abraham Lincoln is

and will continue to be a beneficent, living influence in

our Republic.

Without the effective support given Lincoln by fol-

lowers in Ohio, he could not have been nominated for

the presidency. This will be the conclusion of those

who read the chapter on the following pages entitled

"Ohio's Part in Lincoln's Nomination." Especially in-

teresting will be found the attitude of the Ohio delega-

tion at the Chicago convention of 1860. With so able

and deserving a candidate from their own state as Sal-

mon P. Chase it required on the part of delegates cour-
