Ohio History Journal

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432 Ohio Arch

432       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

blood in his veins.    Senator Curtis of Kansas also

points with pride to his Indian ancestry.




The Greenville Advocate of February 22 contains

an extended article by Mr. George A. Katzenberger an-

nouncing the moving of the Second National Bank of

Greenville to its new building on the 24th of that month.

The new home of the bank has appropriate medallions,

prints of which were distributed on post cards. These

are described in the article as follows:

Facing the bank from the Fourth Street side the observer

will note two large bronze oval medallions of Generals St. Clair

and Greene. The former was the first American officer passing

through the present site of Greenville with an army, and the

latter was the particular friend of General Wayne, who had

served with General Greene in the southern campaign in the

Revolutionary war, and in honor of whom Wayne caused the

first fort erected here to be known as Fort Greenville. The two

medallions to be seen from the Broadway side are those of

Little Turtle, the celebrated Miami chieftain, who defeated

General St. Clair's army at what was afterwards known as

Fort Recovery, and who participated in the Treaty of Green-

ville, the other medallion being that of "Mad Anthony Wayne"

whose history is known to every citizen of Greenville. These

medallions, forty inches high, were designed in plaster, by

sculptor Bruce Haswell, of Cincinnati, from engravings in the

collection of George A. Katzenberger, and were executed in

bronze by Gorham and Company of New York City, and are in

recognition of the historical importance of Greenville.




Frequently within the past year General J. Warren

Keifer has been hailed as the "grand old man of Ohio."

On Jnuary 30, 1923; he reached the eighty-seventh an-

niversary of his birth. On this occasion he received