546 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications
this loyal public would ever especially
enjoy the St. Clair park of
seventy-seven acres embracing the site
of Fort St. Clair, the
battle field, burial place, and the
scenic lands surrounding.
The old flag of thirteen stars and many
scars, which now
drapes the form of our darling dead, she
greatly prized on ac-
count of the hallowed remembrances
thereof to herself person-
ally relating. This old flag was her
talisman; it tenderly thrilled
her patriotic and friendly heart.
Be it resolved, That this resolution be spread upon the min-
utes of this Society and that copies
thereof be delivered to her
daughter, Mrs. Nellie Reynolds Eastman,
and her son, L. C.
Reynolds, of Baltimore, Maryland.
In her will Mrs. Reynolds left to the
Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society
her collection of
early Ohio newspapers and her decorated
illustrative of local history, chiefly
of scenes and inci-
dents relating to Fort St. Clair.
On the afternoon of June 13 a very
interesting meet-
ing of the Sons and Daughters of the
American Revolu-
tion was held under the spreading
branches of the Logan
Elm. The principal address was
delivered by Honorable
Simeon D. Fess, junior United States
Senator from
Ohio. In his opening remarks he
commended very
highly the work of patriotic societies
and the Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Society in marking
places of historic interest in Ohio. He
spoke of the
educational value of contact with the
past through the
association of place and material
things relating to men
and incidents of other years. We have a
livelier inter-
est in an achievement of the long ago
when we stand
upon the very spot that it has immortalized.
He com-
mended also in strong terms the effort
of the Society
to collect the trophies and relics of
Ohio history.