On July 7, 1923, Honorable James E.
Campbell, by
general consent was hailed as the first
citizen of Colum-
bus on the occasion of the celebration
of the eightieth
anniversary of his birth. Throughout
the day he was
the recipient in his office of many
congratulatory greet-
ings and messages from other states and
nations. In
the evening a banquet was given in his
honor at the
Scioto Country Club by about 250 of his
friends. Hon-
orable Claude Meeker of Columbus,
formerly private
secretary to Governor Campbell and for
many years his
intimate associate and friend, presided
as toastmaster.
Those who paid tribute to the guest of
honor were Gov-
ernor A. V. Donahey, former Governor
James M. Cox,
former Secretary of the Navy Newton D.
Baker, Joseph
Schonthal, Dr. W. O. Thompson, Robert
F. Wolfe,
Henry A. Williams, Colonel Edward
Orton, Jr., and
Mayor James J. Thomas. From a great
mass of tele-
grams Mr. Meeker read a few from
Americans, friends of the guest of the
evening. Among
these were greetings from President
Warren G. Hard-
ing, who wired from Seattle,
Washington; former Pres-
ident Woodrow Wilson, Senator F. B.
Willis, Joseph P.
Tumulty, Congressman John McSweeney,
Chief Justice
William Howard Taft, former Governor
Judson Har-
mon, former Governor Harry L. Davis,
Judge Kenesaw
Mountain Landis, Ambassador Myron T.
Herrick, who
cabled his congratulations from Paris;
Charles G.
Dawes, Clarence R. Edwards, Webb C.
Hayes, D.
Meade Massie, and Dr. T. C. Mendenhall.