Ohio History Journal

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Winthrop Sargent 273

Winthrop Sargent                 273


became adopted amongst them, his head shaved, painted, etc., as

is their custom upon such occasions, and has since, by his own

account, been much in favor with them. He relates that he has

been with them to the British posts, Michilmackinac particularly.

That they are there equipped with all the necessaries to come to

war against the United States--march out upon these occasions

under English colors, and are received when they return with

scalps with military parade and every mark of approbation and

encouragement. This man has brought to me from Michilmack-

inac a couple of small memorandum books in manuscript which I

left in the field upon the 4th of November at General St. Clair's

defeat. They were sewed up under a blank cover to my address,

but without any information of the person sending them to me.







In the library of the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society is a typewritten copy of the Journal

of Winthrop Sargent, Secretary of the Territory North-

west of the Ohio River, covering the period from Oc-

tober 1, 1793, to December 31, 1795. This for the most

part is made up of weather reports day by day but oc-

casionally other items of interest are included. It shows

that the writer by no means spent all of his time at his

post in the Northwest Territory. There were visits to

the East covering a number of months. The Journal

begins when he was in New York, setting out on a jour-

ney to Mount Vernon where he visited General Wash-

ington October 13 and 14, 1793. He describes Mount

Vernon and its environs. Washington's farm, he tells

us, includes about 10,000 acres of land, "700 of which

are in plantations the present season, cultivated by

slaves of which the President has now fully 200, better

Vol. XXXIII--18.