Ohio History Journal

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Reviews, Notes and Comments 321

Reviews, Notes and Comments          321

setts. He has a national and international reputation

for his contributions to botany and horticulture. From

1888 to 1897 he was editor of Garden and Forest. He

has contributed extensively to publications of the Smith-

sonian Institution and is author of numerous mono-


Winthrop Sargent VII is complimented on page 91

of the volume as follows:

Winthrop Sargent, of the seventh generation, the eleventh

of that name, will always be remembered with gratitude by the

descendants of Epes Sargent, for it is largely to his imagination,

industry and generosity that they are indebted for this genealogy

and for the preservation as a family memorial of the house built

in Gloucester by another Winthrop Sargent for his daughter

Judith. Mr. Sargent has printed for private circulation an

account of Paul Dudley Sargent and of the "Early New England

Sargents." Mr. and Mrs. Sargent live at Haverford, Pennsyl-

vania, and in summer at Bass Rocks, Gloucester.

We are under special obligations to Mr. Sargent for

copies of the publications referred to as well as for the

special interest that he has manifested in our work by

becoming a life member of the Ohio State Archaeolog-

ical and Historical Society.




There has recently been added to the library of the

Society a very interesting volume entitled Life of Al-

phonso Taft, by Lewis Alexander Leonard. In one of

the chapters near the conclusion of the work there is an

account of the relation of Judge Taft to General Grant

and his consideration for the distinguished warrior in

his last illness at Mount McGregor. Mr. Charles P.

Taft, son of Judge Taft, "in obedience to the wishes of

Vol. XXXIII--21.