Ohio History Journal

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Mr. Chairman and Fellow Citizens:

The Guests

At the outset let me express the appreciation, in

which we all join, of the patriotic generosity on the

part of the General Assembly of the state of Ohio in

making an appropriation for the erection of the statue

which today we dedicate. I may also express our ap-

preciation of the presence on this occasion of His

Excellency, the Honorable A. V. Donahey, Governor

of Ohio; of former Governor, Honorable James E.

Campbell; and our gratitude that a kindly Providence

permits our esteemed citizen, the Honorable J. War-

ren Keifer, to grace this occasion with his presence.

We are not unmindful either of the fact that the leading

citizens of the city of Springfield throughout the years

have shown an abiding interest in this historic ground,

and of the evidence of pioneer days which were so

fruitful in determining the character of our present-day


We are highly gratified and appreciative of the dis-

tinguished honor to the State of Ohio and to this oc-

casion as evidenced by the presence here of representa-

tives from the adjacent and nearby commonwealths.

These men represent in person the governors of the


* An address by W. O. Thompson at the dedication of the George

Rogers Clark memorial in Clark County, Ohio, Thursday, August 8, 1924.
