Enthusiastic interest was manifest at
the dedication
of the monument to George Rogers Clark
August 8 on
the site of the battle of Piqua near
Springfield, Ohio.
It was here on August 8, 1780, that
George Rogers
Clark and his little army of Kentucky
vanquished the Shawnee Indians and
burned their vil-
lage. This was a punitive expedition
provoked by the
incursions of the Indians into the
territory south of the
Ohio. Its purpose was completely
successful and se-
cured peace to the white settlers south
of the Ohio.
Together with his achievements at
Kaskaskia and
Vincennes it confirmed the claim of the
United States
to the territory northwest of the Ohio
River when the
treaty with England was made at the
conclusion of the
Revolutionary War.
In honor of this achievement the county
which in-
cludes this historic site was named
after General Clark.
The site of the Indian village is
historic for another
reason. It was here in 1768 that the
famous Indian
chieftain Tecumseh was born. He was
twelve years
old at the time of the battle. It is
said that he never
forgot the fate of his people on this
eventful day, the
smoke of their burning cabins and his
flight into the
The program of the day opened with a
street parade
in the city of Springfield. Companies
of the 147th
Regiment of the Ohio National Guard,
members of the
George Rogers Clark 493
Loyal Veterans organization, uniformed
companies of
local fraternal orders, Boy Scouts and
school children
marched by the flag-decked stand in
front of Memorial
Hall where they were reviewed by
Governor A. V.
Donahey and other distinguished guests.
John B. McGrew was grand marshal of the
which was in three divisions. Colonel
Simon Ross of
the Ohio National Guard was assistant
The first division was led by the 147th
Band, with Merrill H. Mellott as
commander. In this
division were the National Guard
troops, Spanish-
American War Veterans, members of the
Grand Army
of the Republic, American Legion
members, local mem-
bers of the Reserve Officers Corps, the
George Rogers
Clark Chapter of the Sons of the
American Revolution
and the fraternal order of Red Men.
The second division was commanded by
Charles J.
Gobel, and was composed of various
local fraternal
In the third division commanded by
Sherman Otstot
were the children from the local
schools and playgrounds
marching to music furnished by the
children's drum
corps of the K. of P. Home.
Later the distinguished guests were
entertained at
luncheon at the Springfield Country
Club by the local
committee in charge of the dedication
which was headed
by A. D. Hosterman. A great concourse
of people at
two o'clock assembled on the hill
overlooking the valley
west of Springfield where the battle of
Piqua was fought
in 1780. The program opened with music
by the 147th
Regiment band of the Ohio National
Guard. A
military salute was fired to Major
General Omar Bundy
494 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
of the United States Army, who had been
by President Coolidge as official
representative of the
President of the United States
Government, and to
Honorable A. V. Donahey, Governor of
A flag was then raised, the ceremony
directed by
General Omar Bundy, followed by flag
salute and the
singing of the National anthem.
Prayer was offered by Rev. T. Wallace
Gross. The
statue was unveiled by Honorable George
Rogers Bal-
lard Thurston of Louisville, Kentucky,
a direct descend-
ant from the youngest sister of General
George Rogers
Dr. Benjamin F. Prince, President of
the Clark
County Historical Society presented the
statue to the
State of Ohio.
Following are brief excerpts from his
One hundred and forty years ago there
was enacted here a
deed of more than ordinary character and
significance, by the
brave and daring pioneers of Kentucky,
then a county of Virginia.
In the spring of 1780 invasions were
made into that region led by
the Shawnee Indians from their village
here and other places in
Ohio. They were supported by Captain
Bird, of the British
Army of Detroit, with a number of
soldiers from that post. Two
stations were taken and about three
hundred prisoners were car-
ried into captivity. Many of the
children were cruelly murdered
by the savages. The hearts of the
pioneers of Kentucky were
deeply stirred and a day of vengeance
was longed for.
When this invasion of Kentucky occurred
General George
Rogers Clark was at Vincennes. He heard
of this foray and
hurried back to Kentucky. As commander
of the Western Army
he at once issued an order for every man
of military age to re-
port at the mouth of the Licking River.
These hardy men came
from farms and stations to the number of
about one thousand,
ready with Clark as leader to enter the
forests for their north-
ward march. * * * Clark and his army
approached the Indian
village in three divisions. * * * The
battle lasted several hours
with a loss in killed of but twenty on
each side. The Indians left
George Rogers Clark 495
Piqua as a dwelling place forever. For a
short time they rested
on the site of the present city of Piqua
and then located in the
region about Fort Wayne.
Here then the men of Kentucky not only
warred but shed
their blood that this region as well as
their own Kentucky might
resound with the arts of civilized life
rather than the war cry of
a savage people.
Honorable James E. Campbell, former
governor of
Ohio and President of the Ohio State
and Historical Society, on behalf of
the state accepted
the monument. In his remarks he recounted the
pioneer history of Ohio and praised the
courage and
fortitude of the early settlers.
He said in part:
The few remarks I shall make are
addressed to Governor
Donahey, the titular head of the State,
to Mr. Eustice and the
two ladies who are descended from
General Clark, to Mr. Alford,
the descendant of Tecumseh, and to all
of you who, like myself,
are just simply American citizens.
It is very appropriate that this
monument should be given by
the Historical Society of Clark County,
through Dr. Prince, a
member of the board of trustees of the
Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Society, the oldest
member in point of years, al-
though probably when he looks at me he
would like to deny it,
the senior member in point of service
and scholastic ability on the
board. Although he is a college
president, the rest of us just
graduated from the little red school
house. Perhaps you ought to
know something about this Society.
It is supported practically by the
State, the members paying
in a little money. They elect nine
members of the board of
trustees and the governor appoints six
members. The governor
and the head of the educational
department of the state are ex
officio members of the board. These
seventeen members ad-
minister the affairs of the Society. It has a great
building on the
campus of the Ohio State University. It
is now building at an
expense of more than three hundred
thousand dollars an addi-
tion to be known as the World War
Memorial Wing, dedicated
to the soldiers living and dead of the
World War, that will be
dedicated, we hope, on next Memorial
Day, and it will be a
credit to the state and to our American
I am impressed by the audience here
gathered to see this
496 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
unveiling today. We have not only the
governor of the State of
Ohio; we have two United States Senators
-- that is all we are
entitled to or they would all be here.
We have the Secretary of
State, the Treasurer of State and the
Auditor of State -- all five
of these gentlemen are well known
Republican politicians. Now
I say that somewhat smoothly, being a
Democrat myself, but I
will exonerate them from playing
politics today. The Democrats
will come out when occasion demands, I
will admit, but Fess and
Willis have their seats nailed down for
a long term.
We have here Major General Bundy,
commander in this
region of the United States Army, with
headquarters at Fort
Hayes in Columbus, Ohio, whom you are to
hear later. General
Bundy organized the second overseas
division and commanded
it when the American troops started in
at Chateau Thierry and
never stopped until they had the German
army on the run across
the border.
We have here today four trustees of this
Society which I
represent -- your fellow townsmen Dr.
Prince and General Kei-
fer, hero of I don't know how many wars,
but every war that
ever happened since he was born, and if
he lives until the next
war he will be one of the heroes of
that; also General Flor-
ence who was with our regiment in the Rainbow Division
France, and General Orton. You will
notice that we deal in
nothing less than generals. I am the
only warrior on the board
who was not a general. I was in a war
once, just a common
buck private, but they shot at me as
readily as they did at these
big fellows with the shoulder straps. We
have also on our
Board Dr. William O. Thompson, President
of the Ohio State
University, the best educational
institution in America.
In conclusion Governor Campbell said:
Dr. Prince said he thought I would
accept this monument.
This reminds me of Allen O. Myers. Those
of you who knew
him will remember that he was a great
mimic. He used to go
around with me to political gatherings.
I was running against
Foraker that time. I might tell you I
was beaten twice, but then
you know a lot of good men who have been
elected governor only
once. Isn't that so, Willis?
Senator Willis: "You bet."
The only difference is that the rest of
us relapsed to our
native obscurity and Willis moved up
into the United States
Senate, which shows you can't keep a
good man down.
Well, Allen used to imitate Foraker's
acceptance of his third
nomination. One is enough for some good
men, but three is too
many for any man. It was said that
Foraker would not accept
George Rogers Clark 497
the third nomination, but he was
nominated and then Allen would
imitate his acceptance. He said that
Foraker marched out and
said, "Gentlemen of the convention,
I accept this nomination."
And gentlemen, I am equally ready to
accept this monument on
behalf of our Society, for the Society
of which I am President,
and I hope and believe it will stand
forever as a memorial to a
great man, a great cause and a stimulus
to American patriotism.
Mr. Charles Keck of New York City,
sculptor of the
memorial statue of General Clark, was
presented to the
audience as was also Mr. Thomas W.
Alford of the
Shawnee Indian Agency, Shawnee,
Oklahoma. Mr.
Alford is a lineal descendant of the
noted Shawnee
chief, Tecumseh, who was born in the
Indian village
of Piqua which was destroyed by George
Rogers Clark
and his followers. Mr. Alford was sent
to participate in
the unveiling ceremonies through the
Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C., and
Honorable A.
W. Leech, Superintendent of the Indian
Agency in
The chairman introduced Governor A. V.
who spoke in part as follows:
It is my privilege and honor as Governor
of Ohio to welcome
and introduce to you the visiting
dignitaries of other states, but
before I present them I desire to take a
few minutes of your time.
A little more than a century and a
quarter ago George Rogers
Clark crossed the Ohio River and wrested
the Northwest Terri-
tory from the British. At that time this
great territory was a
wilderness with only about two or three
hundred white inhabi-
tants. I wish you to visualize in this
century and a quarter what
has occurred in Ohio. Today we are six
and a quarter millions
of people with a grand tax duplicate of
eleven and one half bil-
lion dollars, twenty-two thousand
corporations organized and
chartered to do business, ninety-five
steam railroads intersecting
the state, with eighty-five thousand
miles of highways, with ten
thousand school buildings in Ohio and
employing thirty-five
thousand teachers, while twenty-five
thousand Buckeye boys and
girls are attending our state-supported universities
and colleges.
Vol. XXXIII -- 32.
498 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
In addition we have ninety-eight hundred
churches of all
denominations, and best of all, when a
death takes place, vital
statistics record two births in Ohio. If
as a people we will edu-
cate ourselves, and approve morality and
patriotism, our country,
for which our forefathers fought, will
increase blessings for all
the people for all time.
In a few well chosen words Governor
Donahey then
presented the representatives of
Virginia, Indiana,
Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan and
Minnesota who were
present by the authority of the
governors of these differ-
ent states and each of whom responded
in a well timed
and appropriate address.
The Chairman then introduced the
veteran soldier
and statesman, General J. Warren
Keifer, ex-speaker
of the national House of
Representatives and the hero
of two wars who delivered an eloquent
historical ad-
He pointed out the places of special historic
interest that could be seen from the
elevated point on
which the monument stands -- the
battleground over
which the Americans under Clark charged
the Indians
and the site of the village which they
burned and the
birthplace of Tecumseh. He dwelt
especially upon the
significance of the results of this
battle and its in-
fluence in strengthening the claim of
the United States
to the Territory northwest of the Ohio
River at the
conclusion of the Revolutionary War. Of
and Clark General Keifer said:
Tecumseh was in that battle and it was
his first. He was born
here in 1768. He was twelve years old.
Tecumseh became one
of the greatest Indian chieftains of
this country. He never com-
pletely forgave the people of the United
States for having dis-
possessed his people of their lands. He
joined the English later
in the War of 1812, was made
brigadier-general in the British
Army and was killed at the battle of the
Thames in Canada.
Clark was a great soldier and entitled
to be honored through
all the ages. * * * The time came when
it was a question
George Rogers Clark 499
whether this territory northwest of the
River Ohio should be
included with Canada and become British
territory. History
tells us that the distinguished
patriot, Benjamin Franklin, was
willing to concede that Great Britain
held it by treaties with
the Indian tribes. But the new Republic
claimed it had acquired
it by conquest, by the victory won by
George Rogers Clark; and
it was finally decided that the
territory northwest of the Ohio
River and south of the Great Lakes
belonged to the United
Dr. W. O. Thompson, President of the
Ohio State
University, was then introduced and
delivered the prin-
cipal address of the occasion. It is
published in full
elsewhere in this issue of the QUARTERLY.
Benediction was then pronounced by Dr.
R. H.
Hume and the program closed with music
by the 147th
Regiment Band.
Many distinguished guests were present
a number of state officials, United
States Senators,
Frank B. Willis and Simeon D. Fess, and
officers of
the Ohio National Guard and the United
States Army.
The program was interspersed with
flights of United
States airplanes under charge of
officers from Fort
Mr. A. D. Hosterman, chairman of the
presided with dignity and the entire
program closed
without a break and on time. The
occasion will long
be recalled with pleasure by those who
were present.
The Historical Society of Clark County
deserves great
credit for its economical application
of the funds pro-
vided by the state in the erection of
this historic monu-
ment which for generations to come will
invite the at-
tention of the passer-by and tourist to
the historic Mad
River Valley and the scenes enacted
there in the long
ago when the American colonies were
struggling to be
free and independent states.
Enthusiastic interest was manifest at
the dedication
of the monument to George Rogers Clark
August 8 on
the site of the battle of Piqua near
Springfield, Ohio.
It was here on August 8, 1780, that
George Rogers
Clark and his little army of Kentucky
vanquished the Shawnee Indians and
burned their vil-
lage. This was a punitive expedition
provoked by the
incursions of the Indians into the
territory south of the
Ohio. Its purpose was completely
successful and se-
cured peace to the white settlers south
of the Ohio.
Together with his achievements at
Kaskaskia and
Vincennes it confirmed the claim of the
United States
to the territory northwest of the Ohio
River when the
treaty with England was made at the
conclusion of the
Revolutionary War.
In honor of this achievement the county
which in-
cludes this historic site was named
after General Clark.
The site of the Indian village is
historic for another
reason. It was here in 1768 that the
famous Indian
chieftain Tecumseh was born. He was
twelve years
old at the time of the battle. It is
said that he never
forgot the fate of his people on this
eventful day, the
smoke of their burning cabins and his
flight into the
The program of the day opened with a
street parade
in the city of Springfield. Companies
of the 147th
Regiment of the Ohio National Guard,
members of the