Ohio History Journal

584 Ohio Arch

584       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

Shetrone made some splendid finds while exploring

mounds, the specimens being on exhibition in the ro-



Mr. C. W. Justice, Chairman of the Committee on

Necrology, reported that the following members have

passed away within the past year: Professor R. G. Kin-

kead, Columbus; Judge Lewis M. Hosea, Cincinnati;

Clinton Cowen, Cincinnati; Dr. T. C. Mendenhall, Ra-

venna; Colonel John L. Vance, Gallipolis, and Mozart

Gallup, Sandusky.


Dr. F. C. Furniss, Chairman of the Committee on

Publications, read the report as follows:


has been issued as usual during the past year. A better quality

of paper has been used, which improves the illustrations. Con-

tributions are devoted to the history of Ohio and the Northwest

Territory, together with reports of the archaeological explora-

tions of the Society. This is a fruitful field and it is by no

means exhausted. A cordial invitation is extended to members

of the Society and others interested in this field to send in con-

tributions. These may be mailed to our Secretary, Mr. C. B.


Scenic and Historic Ohio, a brochure which catalogues

numerous points of historic interest and scenic wonders in Ohio,

has recently been issued jointly by the Agricultural College Ex-

tension Service of the Ohio State University and the Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society.  It contains a map of

Ohio showing the location of the points of interest to which the

text of the pamphlet is a key. The material in the pamphlet is

so arranged alphabetically that it affords ready access to the lo-

cation designated on the map. The map also shows the condi-

tion of the roads and enables the tourist to choose routes. There

were 5,000 of these booklets printed and such has been the de-

mand for this first issue (now almost exhausted) that it seems

advisable to republish in the near future a more elaborate edition.

The Hayes Diary and Letters, the publication of two vol-