Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 585
umes of which was completed some time
ago, is still passing
through the press. As originally
planned, this work was to have
been completed in four volumes. When the
fourth volume was
in type it was found that enough
manuscript remained for a
fifth volume. This, we learn from the
printer, is in type await-
ing the index to the entire work.
Increased appropriations for the
Publications of the So-
ciety were allowed by the last General
Assembly, and though
the cost of printing is still high, it
has been possible to publish
more than in the past. The Secretary
informs me that the manu-
script of the "Life of Governor
William Allen" has recently been
accepted, and will soon be printed and
issued by the Society in
bound form. Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) F. C. FURNISS,
On motion the report was accepted and
placed on file.
Rev. Pascal A. Bright read the report
of the Com-
mittee on Ash Cave as follows:
In Benton and Laurel townships in
southwestern Hocking
County a group of exceedingly
interesting places of wild natural
beauty is found. Among these is the Ash
Cave which has ob-
tained a wider notoriety than some of
the others. A partial list
of the places includes the Rock House,
Conkle's Hollow, Crane
Hollow, the Split Rocks, Saltpetre
Caves, Cedar Falls, Old
Men's Cave, and Peterson's Hollow. These
attractions are all
within a radius of a few miles. They are
found in the Black
Hand conglomerate and are the result
either of erosion or
weathering. The erosion has been very
great in some of the
canyons, as is discovered in the canyon
of Queer creek where
about 200 feet of rock is disclosed.
There are miles of cliffs
varying in height from a few feet to the
above figure. Some of
the canyons are very narrow as in
Conkle's Hollow and others
are comparatively wide. In one of the
canyons south of the Ash
Cave a soldier of the World War hid for
eighteen months after
taking French leave from the army just
before his regiment left
Camp Sherman for France itself.
It is proper to say that from an
archaeological standpoint
there is little in this region that
would call for attention, but
from the standpoint of scenic interest
it is undoubtedly one of