Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 591
torical Society at Nazareth are assured
that every pre-
caution will be taken to insure its
"Some day I hope every one of you
can go to the old
Church and sit in front of the old
fireplace, which we
discovered was twelve feet long and six
feet deep. We
will have candlesticks along the wall,
we will serve you
on a Moravian service such as was used
one hundred
and fifty years ago, when the Moravians
held services
"I know the State of Ohio will prize
the bell and take
good care of it if any such thing
should happen as the
restoration ever being abandoned."
Secretary Galbreath: "It seems to
me it is proper at
this time to state for the information
of all present that
Reverend Weinland is the last in lineal
succession of
a series of Ministers beginning with
Heckewelder and
Zeisberger. He is the present Minister
of the Mora-
vian Church at Dover, Ohio. (Applause.)
Mr. Arthur C. Johnson, Chairman of the
appointed to draft resolutions of
respect to the memory
of Daniel J. Ryan, made the following
WHEREAS, It has pleased Divine Providence to remove
from our midst our co-worker, associate
and friend, Honorable
Daniel Joseph Ryan, and
WHEREAS, He had been a life member of
this Society al-
most from the time of its organization,
a member of the Board
of Trustees for thirty-five years and
second Vice President at
the time of his death, and
WHEREAS, Through all these years he was
active in the up-
building of the Society, a frequent
contributor to the Ohio Ar-
chaeological and Historical QUARTERLY
and a constant student
and writer of the history of our state, therefore