Ohio History Journal

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Alder, Jonathan, early pioneer, honored                                  Bible, Indian   translates Gospels into

with marker, 533-536; sketch of life                                        Shawnee language, 339-340; Bibles pro-

by great-granddaughter, 534-535; ad-                                     vided for prisoners at Ohio Peni-

dresses by C. B. Galbreath, L. C.                                              tentiary, 390.

Dick and others, 535; unveiling by                                   Bibliography:   Shorthorn  Cattle, 65-66;

descendants, 535; list of descendants                                       works of George Kennan, 226; Mitch-

present, 535-536.                                                                       ener's Legend of the White Woman,

Alford, Thomas Wildcat, descendant of                                          299-300; Hicks' History of Penal In-

Tecumseh, sketch of, 339; at dedica-                                       stitutions in  Ohio, 423-426; Cady's

tion of monument to George Rogers                                         Western Opinion and the War of

Clark, 497.                                                                                 1812, 475-476; works of Frank G. Car-

Algonquin Indians, language of, 519.                                               penter, 530.

Allen, Governor William, 182.                                                 Bigelow, Russell, 399.

American Historical Association, meets in                              Billings, Josh, pseud. See Shaw, Henry

Columbus, 95-103; address by Dr. H.                                      W.

A. Garfield, 96-97; by Dr. E. P. Chey-                             "Black Beard," pirate, 4.

ney, 97-101; by Professor Carl Wittke,                            Blackfoot Indians, language of, 518-519.

101.                                                                                    Blue-laws, cited, 210.

Ames, Nabby Lee, Chapter, Daughters of                               Book Reviews: Sargent Genealogy, 318-

the American Revolution, 87-89.                                              321; Scenic and Historic Ohio, 324-

Andrew, John A., quoted, 218.                                                         325; The Mythology of All Races--

Andrews, Charles M., 102.                                                               Vol. XI--Latin American, 325-328;

Annual address of president of Amer-                                             Logan the Mingo, 536-537.

ican Historical Association, excerpts                               Booth, Henry J., address at dedication

from, 97-101.                                                                            of James E. Campbell Elm, 83-84.

Armstrong, John, 361.                                                               Bradford, Gamaliel, his estimate of John

Ashby, Benjamin, 93.                                                                        Brown, 217-218.

Assenisipia, 119.                                                                         Bradford, Thomas, Jr., 375.

Athens, exercises at, preliminary to ded-                                 Brazil, local architect plans building for,

ication of tablet at Fort Gower, 87-88.                                     107.

Brough, Mayor Bernard F., Address at

Backus, Mrs. Herbert, 105.                                                               dedication of Peter Navarre memo-

Badgley, George, prosecutor in case, State                                     rial, 86.

of Ohio vs. Abigail Church, 206.                                      Brown, John, Gamaliel Bradford on, 217-

Baker, Rev. Purley A., sketch of, 216;                                              218; Frederick Douglass on, 218; John

birth, connection  with  Anti-Saloon                                         A. Andrew on, 218; influence of song,

League, death, appreciation of, 216.                                        "John Brown's body---," 218, 224;

Bancroft, George, quoted, 155.                                                        C. B. Galbreath on, 217-224; Leland

Bassett, John S., 102.                                                                         H. Jenks on, 218-224; J. J. Ingalls on,

Bates, Cadwallader, 33-34, 55.                                                         221.

Bates, Thomas, of Kirklevington, 31-34,                                  Buckingham, Ebenezer, 379.

40-41, 55; independence of, 55-56.                                  Bundy, Maj. Gen. Omar, 493, 494.

Battleship Ohio, silver service of, trans-                                   Burdell, 406, 409.

ferred to Ohio State Archaeological                                 Burr, Aaron, agents of, cause discontent

and Historical Society, 527.                                                       among Indians, 441-442.

Benton, Thomas H., 111; detraction of                                     Business meeting of American Historical

Dane, 130-132; ascribes authorship of                                     Association, 101.

Ordinance to Jefferson, 131; answered                            Butler, General Richard, 237.

by Webster, 132; 136, 137, 142, 143; ex-                          Butterfield, Consul W., quotation from,

tracts from  his Thirty Years' View,                                             283; assertion concerning first white

146-147.                                                                                      woman settler in Ohio, 283-284.

For Index to Annual Meeting of Society and Board of Trustees, see page 613.
