As Kagi in his letters to the press
severely criticized Gov-
ernor Geary it is but fair to state here
that the Governor went
to Kansas Territory, as he afterwards
freely admitted, with er-
roneous opinions as to conditions there.
He was sincerely de-
sirous to do justice to the contending
parties but his precon-
ceived prejudices were in favor of the
pro-slavery party. This led
to severe criticism on the part of the
free state men. It was
not long, however, until the governor
began to change his views.
He learned later that the Buchanan
administration expected him
to see to it that Kansas was admitted as
a slave state. There
were extremes to which he would not go
in the interest of such
a movement and he soon found himself out
of harmony with
the President who had appointed him.
Nicolay and Hay in
Abraham Lincoln, A History, have this to say in regard to the
conclusion, of Governor Geary's
administration of Kansas af-
In less than six months after he went to
the territory, clothed
with the executive authority, speaking
the President's voice and
representing the unlimited military
power of the Republic, he, the
third Democratic governor of Kansas,
was, like his predecessors,
in secret flight from the province he
had so trustfully gone to
rule, execrated by his party associates,
and abandoned by the ad-
ministration which had appointed him.
Governor Geary was born at Mount
Pleasant, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania, December 30. 1819.
He was a lawyer
and lived for a time in Pittsburgh,
studied engineering and
served with honor in the Mexican War. He
was the first mili-
tary commander of the city of Mexico,
first postmaster of San
Francisco, California, and mayor of that
city. He returned to
Pennsylvania where he remained until he
was appointed gov-
ernor of Kansas Territory. When the
Civil War broke out he