We are indebted to Rev. J. E. einland,
of Dover,
Ohio, for the following list of
burials, admission to the
Holy Communion and marriages at
Schoenbrunn, 1772-
-- Samuel's little daughter. Baptized December 17th,
by David Zeisberger. Went home, December
28th, 1772, aged
3 yrs. 11 mo. Buried in Schoenbrunn.
-- Isaac
Glikhican's daughter's child, born April 9th.
Was baptized April 19th by Brother
Jungman. Went home
in Schoenbrunn April 27th, and was
buried April 28th, 1773.
ABIGAIL -- Little daughter of Wilhelm and
Martha, born Febru-
ary 7th, 1772, in Friedenshutten. Was
baptized by Brother
Schmick, February 7th, 1772. Went home
in Schoenbrunn.
June 27th. 1773, and was buried June
28th. 1773.
TOBIAS-Little son of Nicholas and
Amelia, born October 5th.
1771, baptized October 6th, by Brother
Jungman, in Schoen-
brunn. Departed this life July 9th, and
was buried July
10th, 1773.
BENJAMIN -- A youth,
baptized July 2nd by Brother David Zeis-
berger in Schoenbrunn, departed this
life on the 10th of the
same month and was buried July 11th,
SABINA -- Little daughter of Michael and
Charlotte, born in
January and baptized February 2nd, 1772,
by Brother David
Zeisberger. Departed this life, July
15th in Schoenbrunn and
was buried July 16th, 1773.
REBECCA -- Little daughter of Levi and
Salome, born March 18th
and baptized March 21st, by Brother
Jungman. Departed
this life July 17th, 1773, in
Schoenbrunn, and was buried the
same day.
ANNA -- A child of unbaptized parents,
one year old, was bap-
tized by Brother David Zeisberger,
August 10th, in Schoen-
brunn, died soon thereafter and was
buried August 11th,
Burials and Marriages at
Schoenbrunn 591
CORNELIA -- Isaac Glikhican's mother, was
baptized January 6th,
1771, by Brother David Zeisberger in Langun-----k. De-
parted this life in Schoenbrunn August 20th, 1773. And
buried August 21st, 1773.
-- Little daughter of Samuel and Sarah Nantikok. Was
baptized by Roth, January 27th, 1772, 4
mos. old. Went
home in Schoenbrunn August 25th, 1773.
Was buried on
the 26th.
LUCIA -- A widow (A
Delaware), was baptized April 10th, 1757,
in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, by Martin
Mack. Widow of
Lucas (who died January 14th, 1757), now
wife of Peter.
Admitted to Holy Communion in 1758. Went
home August
31st, 1773, at Schoenbrunn and
was buried September 1st,
ANTON (a Delaware) -- Was baptized by
Frederick Camerhoff
in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, February
8th, 1750. Admitted
in April of the same year to the Holy
Communion. Went
home in Schoenbrunn, September 5th,
1773, and was buried
on September 6th, 1773. As a National
Helper (Native
Helper) his work was much blessed.
REBECCA -- Solomon's daughter, was
baptized June 7th, 1767, in
Friedenshutten, by Schmick. Was admitted
to the Holy
Communion June 17th, 1769. Departed this
life, September
17th, 1773, and was buried in Schoenbrunn.
SAMUEL -- A child of unbaptized parents, was baptized by
Brother David Zeisberger, October 23rd,
1773. Departed
this life October 25th and was buried
the same day at Schoen-
SIMON -- Was baptized in 1772 at
Longun-----k by Jungman
and was admitted to the Holy Communion,
February 6th,
1773. Went home October 31st, 1773, at Schoenbrunn and
was buried November 1, 1773.
-- Son of Samuel and Sarah Nantikok, born
August 22nd,
of this year, (1773). Baptized on the
same day by Roth, in
Schoenbrunn. Departed on November 9th,
following, and
was buried on the 10th.
PHOEBE -- A widow. Was baptized January
6th, 1767, in Fried-
enshutten by Schmick. Admitted to the
Holy Communion,
March 31st, 1768. Went home in
Schoenbrunn January 17th,
1774, and was buried on the 18th of
January, 1774. (See
Diary concerning her suffering.-- J. E.
592 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
LUDWIG -- Grandson of Margaretha, born
November 20th, 1773,
was baptized December 2nd by Brother
David Zeisberger.
Departed this life March 1st, 1774, in
Schoenbrunn and was
buried the next day.
JOSEPH -- Gutgigamen's little son. Was
baptized in his 4th year,
during the last hours of his life, April
15th, by Brother David
Zeisberger. Departed this life, April
16th in Schoenbrunn.
Was buried on the same day, April 16th,
NICODEMUS -- Was baptized June 10th.
1764, in the Barracks at
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Brother
Grube. Was admit-
ted to the Holy Communion, October 11,
1765. Went home
in Schoenbrunn, June 25th, 1774, and was
buried June 26th,
MARIA MAGDELENA -- Isaac's cousin,
a widow, was baptized
March 13th, 1775, in Schoenbrunn by
David Zeisberger. De-
parted this life soon after and was
buried March 14th, 1775.
GERTRUDE -- This was the daughter of
this same Maria Mag-
dalena and was born in Schoenbrunn,
March 11th, 1775.
Was baptized March 18th by Brother David
Zeisberger. De-
parted this life March 19th
and was buried on the same day.
ANNA HELENA -- Daughter of
Samuel and Sarah Nantikok.
Born in Schoenbrunn, March 29th.
Baptized by David Zeis-
berger on the 30th. Departed this life
May 4th, 1775, and
was buried on the 5th.
JOHANNES -- Alias Papunhank, baptized by David Zeisberger in
Wihilusing, June 26th, 1763, admitted to
the Holy Com-
munion, in May, 1765. Was afterwards a
National Helper.
Went home in Schoenbrunn, May 15th,
1775, and was buried
on May 16th, 1775.
JOHANNES -- Son of Thomas and Sabina.
Born in Schoenbrunn,
April 25th, 1774, and baptized by David
Zeisberger, Septem-
ber 18th, of the same year. Departed
this life, August 25th,
1775, and was buried on the 26th.
SOLOMON -- A chief of the
Monsey nation. In 1768 came to the
Brethren in Goschgoschunk,1 and was
baptized in Lawunak-
hannek, December 25, 1769, by David
Zeisberger. Admitted
to Holy Communion March 28th, 1771. Died at Schoen-
brunn, September 27th, 1775, and was
buried September
28th, 1775.
1 Coshocton.
Burials and Marriages at
Schoenbrunn 593
NICODEMUS -- Came to the congregation in the spring of this
year. Was baptized December 7th, by
David Zeisberger.
Went home December 10th in Schoenbrunn
and was buried
December 11th, 1775.
JEPTHA -- (Jephtah) Ger. Was baptized in
Schoenbrunn Janu-
ary 6th, 1774, by David Zeisberger. Was
admitted to the
Holy Communion, July 8th, 1775. Departed
this life Febru-
ary 3rd, 1776, and was buried February
5, 1776.
-- Daughter of Leonard and Rachel, born in
brunn April 9th, 1776, was baptized by
Brother David Zeis-
berger April 10th, and departed this
life April 14th and was
buried April 16th, 1776.
LABAN -- A single man, baptized January
7th, 1776, by David
Zeisberger. Departed this life May 28th,
1776, in Schoen-
brunn and was buried on the 29th.
BOAS--Baptized by David Zeisberger, May
3rd, 1771, in
Langundantenunk. Admitted to Holy
Communion May 30th,
1772. Departed this life in Schoenbrunn, September 5th,
1776, and was buried. September 6th,
ROSINA -- Wife of Jacob Gendaskund.
Baptized by David Zeis-
berger, March 21St, 1771, in Langundrantenunk. Admitted
Holy Communion April 11th, 1772.
Departed this life in
Schoenbrunn, September 16th, 1776, and was
buried on Sep-
tember 17th, 1776.
SETH -- Alias Netawustond. Came to the
congregation in the
spring of 1774. Was baptized in
Schoenbrunn, July 17th,
1774, by David Zeisberger. Admitted to Holy Communion
May 27th, 1775. Died September 17th, 1776, and
was buried
September 18th, 1776.
PHOEBE -- Daughter of
Moses and Lois, born in Schoenbrunn,
July 18th of this year and baptized on
the 21st by George
Jungman. Departed this life October 4th,
1776, and was
buried October 5th, 1776.
CHRISTINA--Daughter of the widow Helena,
6 years of age.
Baptized October 4th, 1776, in
Schoenbrunn by Brother
Jungman. Departed soon thereafter and
was buried on the
ANNA ROSINA (A Delaware)-- Wife of
Gottlieb, was baptized
in Gnadenhutten, on the Mahoney, at the
Synod there August
594 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
11th, 1754, by Christian Henry Rauch.
Lived afterward in
the Sister's House at Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania. March 1st,
1769, she was married to Gottlieb at
Nain. Was a Sister,
admitted to the Holy Communion. Departed
this life in
Schoenbrunn, October 13th,
1776, and was buried October
14th, 1776. (Was a sister of Priscilla and Agnes and
was about 18 years of age at her
baptism. Priscilla was the
wife of Nathanial, baptized July 24th,
1751, at Gnadenhutten
on the Mahoney, by Martin Mack and died
July 17th, 1764,
in the Philadelphia Barracks. Agnes was
the second wife
of Joshua, Jr. His first wife was
Magdalena. This Joshua
was a Delaware. Had a sister named
Berona. He was bap-
tized June 24th, 1749, by Camerhoff at
Gnadenhutten on the
Mahoney, died August 17th, 1760, in
Nain. --Added by
J. E. W.)
ANNA ELIZABETH -- Daughter of Fredrick
and Bathsheba, eight
years of age. She was baptized October
17th, 1776, by Jung-
man. Departed this life October 24th in
Schoenbrunn and
was buried October 25th, 1776.
BENIGNA--Daughter of Sem (Shem) and
Lucia. Born, in
Schoenbrunn, April 19th. Was
baptized by David Zeis-
berger, July 7th. Departed this life,
October 25th, and was
buried October 26th, 1776.
NOAH--The first fruit of the Cherokee
Nation. Baptized in
Schoenbrunn, July 4th, 1773, by David
Zeisberger. Admitted
to the Holy Communion, September 17th,
1774. Departed
this life, December 26th, 1776. Was
buried on the 27th.
HELENA -- A widow, was baptized at
Gnadenhutten on the Ma-
honey, April 13th, 1755, as a girl of 14
years by Brother
Grube. Was afterward enticed from the
church. In 1775
she returned to the church at
Schoenbrunn, where she was
absolved February 4th, 1776, and
received. She departed
this life January 12nd, 1777, and was buried January 24th,
Burials and
Marriages at Schoenbrunn 595
Sept. 26 Amelia
Lea, Simon's wife
Agnes, Isaac's wife
Feb. 6 Simon
Anna Salome,
Nathanial's wife
(Lorel, Philip's wife,
in Gnadenhutten.)
Apr. 8 Anton
Sept. 4 Michael
Oct. 18 Margaret, a widow
May 14 Charlotte
Sept. 17 Noah
Dec. 17 Samuel Nantikok
Jan. 21 Tobias alias Melimius
Martha, William's wife
Mar. 4 Maria, Boas' mother.
Apr. 13 Sarah Nantikok
May 27 Aaron
July 8 Jeptha
Salome, Steph. wife
Theodora, Boas' wife
Sept. 30 Stephanus
Nov. 11 Ezra
596 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
Feb. 3 Cornelia
Mar. 9 Ludwig
Apr. 4 Gottfried
May 25 Leonhard
Johanna Sophia
July 6 Regina
Feb. 15 Priscilla, a widow
Mar. 27 Renatus
Richard Conner
Note -- Peggy Conner was
admitted to the Holy Communion
at Lichtenau, Sept. 13,
(O. K. Feb. 26, 1924, W.
N. S.)
1773 Samuel Moor--with the widow Helena--June
1773, in Schoenbrunn, by
1774 Abraham -- with the
widow Anna -- January 16th, 1774,
in Schoenbrunn, by Roth.
1774 David, Jr. -- with Salome,
daughter of Timothy and Mar-
tha -- March
27th, 1774, in Schoenbrunn, by Jungman.
1774 Stephanus -- with Salome.
sister of Martha -- April 27th,
1774, in Schoenbrunn by
1774 Tobias--alias Melimius--with Rebecca
Nantikok, by
Roth, May 11th, 1774.
1774 Peter--with
Jannetje, by Jungman, May 11th, 1774.
1774 Adolph -with
Susanna--by Jungman, May 29th, 1774,
in Schoenbrunn.
1776 Nicholas--with
Sophia, daughter of Jacob Gendaskund,
in Schoenbrunn, April 17,
1776, by Jungman.
1776 Peter, son of Cornelius, with the single
sister Christiana,
April 24th, 1776, in
Schoenbrunn, by Jungman.
(O. K. Feb. 26, 1924, W.
N. S.)
We are indebted to Rev. J. E. einland,
of Dover,
Ohio, for the following list of
burials, admission to the
Holy Communion and marriages at
Schoenbrunn, 1772-
-- Samuel's little daughter. Baptized December 17th,
by David Zeisberger. Went home, December
28th, 1772, aged
3 yrs. 11 mo. Buried in Schoenbrunn.
-- Isaac
Glikhican's daughter's child, born April 9th.
Was baptized April 19th by Brother
Jungman. Went home
in Schoenbrunn April 27th, and was
buried April 28th, 1773.
ABIGAIL -- Little daughter of Wilhelm and
Martha, born Febru-
ary 7th, 1772, in Friedenshutten. Was
baptized by Brother
Schmick, February 7th, 1772. Went home
in Schoenbrunn.
June 27th. 1773, and was buried June
28th. 1773.
TOBIAS-Little son of Nicholas and
Amelia, born October 5th.
1771, baptized October 6th, by Brother
Jungman, in Schoen-
brunn. Departed this life July 9th, and
was buried July
10th, 1773.
BENJAMIN -- A youth,
baptized July 2nd by Brother David Zeis-
berger in Schoenbrunn, departed this
life on the 10th of the
same month and was buried July 11th,
SABINA -- Little daughter of Michael and
Charlotte, born in
January and baptized February 2nd, 1772,
by Brother David
Zeisberger. Departed this life, July
15th in Schoenbrunn and
was buried July 16th, 1773.
REBECCA -- Little daughter of Levi and
Salome, born March 18th
and baptized March 21st, by Brother
Jungman. Departed
this life July 17th, 1773, in
Schoenbrunn, and was buried the
same day.
ANNA -- A child of unbaptized parents,
one year old, was bap-
tized by Brother David Zeisberger,
August 10th, in Schoen-
brunn, died soon thereafter and was
buried August 11th,