The Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical So-
ciety's examination of the Hopewell
Group of Prehis-
toric Earthworks, if set down in
detail, would more than
fill the allotted space; and yet, such
a report, without
some mention of two former partial
explorations would
lack much of being a complete story.
Moreover, should
anything like a full review of previous
explorations be
included, the resultant report would
extend entirely out
of bounds.
The solution, then, appears to lie in
the direction of
a somewhat curtailed account of the
recent Survey, sup-
plemented by sufficient reference to
former ones to pro-
duce a report suited to the
requirements of the average
reader. Adapting this plan to the
following pages, such
recent data as seem not to be of
immediate importance
are omitted; and minute details of
exploration and ma-
terial not recorded herein, but to be
found in the So-
ciety's field notes and study collections
will be available
at the Museum to those interested.
As regards former explorations, only
phenomena and features not duplicated
in the recent ex-
amination are cited. Unfortunately, the
material from
the first examination of the group --
that of Squier and
Davis -- is not easily accessible for
study, it having been
taken from this country to England at
an early date.
Their official report, however, will be
found in Volume I
Vol. XXXV-1. (1)