272 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
General George Florence and Mr.
Clarence D. Laylin,
who were declared duly elected Trustees
for the term
of three years.
It was stated that the Committee on
with Ohio State University had no
report to make.
On motion the meeting recessed to 1:30
P. M.
The meeting was called to order by
President Ar-
thur C. Johnson, who stated:
It is with mingled feelings that I stand
before you this aft-
ernoon, a humble successor to the
beloved leader who so long
presided over the meetings of The Ohio
State Archaeological and
Historical Society. It is not for us to
express sorrow that our
friend has left us, but rather to
express gratitude to the Omnipo-
tent God for having given our friend so
long a life among us.
I am going to ask our Secretary to read
to you a set of resolu-
tions drawn in memory of Governor James
E. Campbell.
Mr. Galbreath then read the following:
WHEREAS, It has pleased Divine
Providence to call to his
final rest our President, co-worker and
friend, Honorable James
E. Campbell, formerly governor of Ohio,
WHEREAS, The members and friends of
Governor Camp-
bell, who are assembled in this annual meeting and who
his genial presence, his happy remarks
and the grace with which
he presided one year ago and on former
occasions, must mingle
with pleasing recollections the poignant
regret that he cannot
be with us still, and
WHEREAS, This Society holds in grateful
memory his as-
sociation as a life member and his
service as President for six
years, and
WHEREAS, This service was continuously
active and to the
last moment of his life indicated his
unfailing interest in the
work of the Society, therefore
Be it resolved by the Ohio State
Archaological and His-