Reviews, Notes and Comments 433
The timely and appreciative words of
welcome by
Governor Vic Donahey, friend of the
Society, the brief
but eloquent speeches delivered in the
afternoon by
Judge Benson W. Hough and Lieutenant
Colonel Ralph
D. Cole, former Congressman, and the
dedicatory ad-
dress by Congressman Theodore E.
Burton, former
United States Senator from Ohio, were
in the opinion
of the large audience among the most
impressive ever
delivered on the grounds of the Ohio
State University.
They will be printed in full in the
next issue of the
QUARTERLY together with the excellent address in the
forenoon of Alexander C. Flick,
Historian of the State
of New York, and the papers by Wallace
H. Cathcart,
Director of the Western Reserve
Historical Society,
Charles T. Greve, Secretary of the
Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, and Miss Lucy
E. Keeler of
Fremont, representing the Hayes
Memorial Library.
The Life and Letters of James Abram
By Theodore Clarke Smith, Professor of
American His-
tory at Williams College (New Haven:
Yale Uni-
versity Press, 1925, 2 volumes, 1283
James A. Garfield, twentieth president
of the United
States, had carefully kept his
correspondence covering
the period of his service in the Civil
War and the Con-
gress of the United States.
The author of this work had access to
the letters and
papers of President Garfield, which
have been preserved
by the Garfield family, and in the two
volumes are found
the final and definitive record of the
man, the soldier and
Vol. XXXV -- 28.