Ohio History Journal

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Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 481

Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial      481


fought for freedom and tolerance and your Society with its new

facilities can do much to see that that fight was not in vain.

In this work which we think of great value, your elder sister

pledges you its constant and sincere help with the conviction

that the glory and achievement of one is that of all.

Mr. Greve is a graduate of Harvard and the Cin-

cinnati Law school, a prominent attorney of Cincinnati

and author of biographical and historical works includ-

ing the Centennial History of Cincinnati. His address

was of especial interest, showing, as it did very clearly,

the origin of the institution with which he is now con-

nected and set forth the collections of unusual interest

that have been gathered in the Historical and Philosoph-

ical Society of Ohio in recent years.



Mr. Greve's address was followed by a paper from

Miss Lucy E. Keeler of Fremont which was read by

former State Senator A. E. Culbert of that city. Miss

Keeler spoke for Spiegel Grove, its beautiful park, the

Hayes residence and Memorial building and the rare

and valuable collection of Americana, left by the late

President Rutherford B. Hayes. Her paper follows:

The Hayes Memorial is my special theme, doubly appropriate

on this happy occasion because the very site of this newly dedi-

cated World War Memorial Building is a part of the noble tract

of land saved for the Ohio State University through the far-

sighted and vigorous policy of Rutherford B. Hayes during his

first term as Governor in 1868; after his two terms in Congress

just prior to which the land grant for colleges was authorized;

and because at the time of his death he was Chairman of the

Board of Trustees of the Ohio State University.  President

Hayes's last public service was in attendance as Chairman of the

Board of Trustees of the Ohio State University, returning from

which he was stricken while in the depot at Cleveland and reached

his home in Spiegel Grove only to die on January 17, 1893, fol-

Vol. XXXV -- 31.