Ohio History Journal

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624 Ohio Arch

624       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications


are the World War trophies from the government; flags and docu-

ments of the 332nd infantry; World War relics loaned by Captain

John L. Hamilton; a dress made of glass for Maxine Elliott in

1901; World War relics loaned by Mr. G. R. Weaver, Columbus,

Ohio; World War relics presented by Reverend Arthur H.

Limouze, Columbus, Ohio; an Egyptian mummy presented by

Dr. J. Morton Howell, United States Minister and Envoy Extra-

ordinary to Cairo, Egypt. The Archaeological collections number

from 333 to 350 inclusive. The collection of the late J. C. Sample,

of Perrysville, O., was presented by Mrs. Elizabeth Sample. Mr.

D. S. Leech of Lima, Ohio, presented a very wonderful specimen,

the effigy of a fish, found by Mr. Leech's father many years ago.

Considerable attention has been given to the Mineral col-

lections. Labels have been made giving name, composition, local-

ity and uses of the mineral, as well as the name of the donor.

It is proposed to form a collection of the various minerals found

in Ohio and some progress has been made in this direction. The

Ohio shales exposed along Paint Creek have been examined and

fine specimens of quartz, pearl-spar, barite and calcite in crystal-

lized form have been found, lining cavities in concretions weath-

ered out of the Ohio shale. Pyrite and marcasite have also been

found in the lower strata and this may have been the source of

the nodules found in the mounds of the Hopewell Group.

The following additions have been made to the Museum:

Accessions to Historical Collections.

648 (Addition) Coins and curios; presented by Mr. C. M.

Emerson, Columbus, O. 10-7-25.

37 (Addition) Wooden bowl and cotton cloth; presented by

Miss Zarel Jones, Honolulu, T. H. 10-7-25.

686 Civil War uniform (part); presented by Mr. John J. Ross,

Northfield, O. 10-7-25.

687 World War relics; loaned by Mr. Harold A. Barnhart,

Chillicothe, O. 10-8-25.

688 Publications; from The Archaeological Institute of America,


689 Early Ohio pottery; presented by Mr. Irving Kreager,

Brownsville, O. 10-15-25.

690 Early Ohio pottery; presented by Mr. George McMasters,

Brownsville, O. 10-15-25.

208 (Additional) Dulcimer; presented by Mr. Homer Zimmer-

man, Sugar Creek, O. 10-15-25.

691 Statuary--Lincoln, Stanton and Grant; purchased. 10-16-25.