Ohio History Journal

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Forty-First Annual Meeting 653

Forty-First Annual Meeting             653

change in Logan Elm during the past year. The famous old tree

continues to hold its own against the elements. More than four

thousand visitors registered at the park during July, and pos-

sibly as many or more in August, could they have been checked.

Some time during the first week of August a sneak thief carried

away the register, and either the same party or another ran an

automobile through the wire fence near the creek. This makes

it more apparent that we should have a caretaker on the grounds,

at all times. The present caretaker lives half a mile from the

park, thereby making it impossible to give it proper supervision.

The peaceful purchase of additional ground cannot be consum-

mated at this time. A plan is being worked on, and if success-

ful will clear the way of all difficulties.

Respectfully submitted,




At the request of Mr. Galbreath I send a report on the

Campus Martius property, as Mr. Dawes left the work in the

hands of the resident members of the committee.

A caretaker was employed in the spring and since that time

the house has been open for visitors on an average of three times

a week. The grass has been cut regularly and the grounds are

in good condition.

When we were about to begin repairs on the building last

fall we were told that any improvement amounting to over five

hundred dollars must be approved by the State Architect and for

months we besought him to come down. He appeared the first

of June and after looking over the house, said it must be weather-

boarded and that he would send specifications for the work.

Hearing nothing more Mr. Brenan called on him on September

2nd, while in Columbus, and he promised to attend to it at once.

After considering his recommendation and discussing the

matter with other interested persons, your committee does not

approve of his plan as it would take away the old look and leave

nothing for other necessary repairs. With the roof repaired,

timbers strengthened, some preservative put on the sides, new

steps, and some painting and restoring on the inside, it would be

put in good condition, and made very attractive with some old

furniture which has been promised us.

The old house, with its interesting site and history, has

aroused great interest in all tourists, and the people in Marietta

are looking forward to the time when it will be restored and