Ohio History Journal

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654 Ohio Arch

654       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications


made worthy of the many heroic events in the history of our state

which it perpetuates.


Member of Campus Martius Committee.

The Chairman of the Committee on



submitted the following report:

The local grange held its annual picnic in the park on

August 28th. They put the grounds in good condition and re-

paired the pump. A part of their program consisted of a pageant

of the "Massacre" at that place in 1791. They built a block-

house at the upper end of the park next to the river and roped

in a space for the pageant stand, the crowds of people and the

cars. The picnic proved to be a success in every way with the

exception of some annoyance due to a local party without any

authority. The people who witnessed the pageant state it was

the best of the kind they ever saw, and have asked that it be

put on again. The crowd was the largest since the dedication.

Work will soon begin on the state highway that passes the

park. Provision should be made for the care of the place when

the road is completed, as the traffic will be greatly increased.



Dr. F. C. Furniss, Chairman of the Committee on



read the following report:


has been issued this year for January and April. The January

number is of unusual interest, because of the very complete and

attractive report of Mr. H. C. Shetrone, the Curator of Archae-

ology, on the exploration of the "Hopewell Group of Prehistoric

Earthworks." The April number includes a valuable contri-

bution on "Education in Territorial Ohio," by W. Ross Dunn,

M. A., Cincinnati. Ohio. This monograph in large measure fills

a gap in the educational history of Ohio.

The July number of the QUARTERLY is in press. It con-

tains a very full account of the dedication of the Memorial Wing