Ohio History Journal

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Aboriginal Pottery of the Eastern United                                          33, 111; Imitation bear teeth, Mound

States, 126.                                                                                 25, 77, 92, 94; General, 154, 156, 158-

Abraham    Lincoln, The   Prairie  Years,                                            162;  Beaver   teeth, Mound 25, 80;

434.                                                                                             Fossil teeth, Mound 1, 17; Jaws, 163-

Adena culture, 553.                                                                           164, Mound    25, 76; Panther teeth,

Adornment, Objects of personal, 149-189.                                       Mound 25, 76, 82, 92; Raccoon teeth,

Altars, 22 (footnote).   Mound 4, 34, 154; Mound 25, 68, 154;

American Anthropologist, 7.                                                              Shark teeth, Mound 1, 18; Wild cat

American Pioneer, 545.                                                                     jaws, Mound 25, 88, 89; Wolf jaws,

American   Society of Dental Surgeons,                                           Mound 4, 34, Mound 25, 80, 93.

396.                                                                                             Antler, Mound 25, 77, 93, 123.

Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Antlers, Imitations of, See Headplates.


Valley, 9.                                                                        93, 123, Mound      27,  107;  Copper,

Anderson, Morris, 3.    Mound    17, 125.

Antiquarian, 31.

Antiquity of Mounds, 6.                      Axes; Copper, Mound 2 22, 26, Mound

Archaeological History of Ohio, 7.                                                     17, 46; Mound 23, 120, Mound 25, 79,

Archaeological            society,  first  in  Ohio,                                 95, 120-123, Mound 26, 105, 107, 120-

546; makes           exhibit at Centennial,                                     121; Stone, Mound 17, 49, 118-120.

546; ceases to exist, 546; is revived

546; merged into Ohio State Archae-                                        Bar-shaped objects, Mound 17, 49, 191.

ological and Historical Society, 546-                                        Barracuda jaws, Mound 25, 84, 92, 95,

547.                                         163-164.

Archives, State, Importance of, 458-459,                                         Baskets.   See Woven Fabric.

472.                                                                                             Beads: Bone, Mound 26, 107, Mound 28,

"Art for art's sake," 199.                                                                    108; Copper, Mound 2, 22, 154; Gen-

Art features, Sub-committee on, 632-534.                                        eral, Mound 17, 46, Mound 25, 68, 76,

The Art of the Great Earthwork Build-            149-153; Mound    26, 103-107 .Pearl,

ers of Ohio, 213.   Mound 2, 25, Mound 5, 35, Mound

ARTIFACTS                                                      7, 38, 39, Mound II, 40, Mound 23,

Abundance, Mound 2, 20, 27, 39; Mound                                         55, Mound 25, 63, 64, 65, 68, 72, 74,

17, 44; Mound 25, 61, 63, 76; Mound 27                                   76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 86, 88,

108; Distribution, 224-226; From      Seip                                  89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 104, 105, 106, 178;

Mound, 245-246; Replicas of, 2, 75.                                          Kunz on, 153; Rare necklace, Mound

Abrading Stones (Whetstones), 114-116.                                         26, 105, 149, 153; Shell, Mound 2, 25,

Adzes. See Axes.                                                              26, Mound 7, 38, Mound 25, 63, 76,

Amber-like Gum. See Gum.                                                                77, 78, 80, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95,

Animal Effigiese, Mound 25,77; at Tur.                                           97, Mound 26, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,

Animal Effigies, Mound      25, 77; at Tur            Study   of, in        Moorehead's re-

ner's, 210.                    149; Study of, in            Moorehead's re-

ner's, 210.                                  port     153

Animal Teeth and Claws, as Ornaments,

154-156; Bear claws, Mound 17, 46, 49,                                   Birds: Mound 17, 143, 148, 199, Mound

Mound 25, 72, 87, 93, 154; Bear teeth,                                     25, 72, 95, 143, 148, 199.

Mound 4, 154, Mound 25, 63, 64, 68,                                        Boat-shaped Ceremonial Objects, Mound

76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86, 88, 89, 90,                                         17, 46, 49, 194, 199, Mound 25, 199.

92, 94, Mound 26, 104, 108, Mound                                          Bone, Carved. See Engraved Bone.

* For indexes to fortieth and forty-first annual meetings of the Society, etc., see

pages 689 and 693
