Ohio History Journal

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Reviews and Comments 317

Reviews and Comments           317

education. He overcame this and other handicaps and

reached the limit of his days crowned with success. To

his friends he was loyal and he had the faculty of bind-

ing others to himself with a friendship as loyal as his

own. Employes were thoroughly devoted to his inter-

ests. To those in need he was generous. He was char-

itable without ostentation. He was public-spirited and

gave freely for the upbuilding of Columbus. Beneath

a rugged, reticent and unemotional exterior he was ten-

der-hearted and kind. After his death many bore testi-

mony to aid received from him in the hour of need. The

number of his benefactions will never be known.

He was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeologi-

cal and Historical Society. On one occasion when the

Society was struggling along with inadequate appro-

priations and had reached the end of its resources to

continue its field work, he contributed $2000, with the

simple injunction that no publicity was to be given to his


In the newspapers following his death, from which

the preceding sketch has been gleaned, are found ex-

tended accounts of his life with testimonials of appre-

ciation from prominent citizens, including officials of

the state and nation -- all attesting his wide acquaint-

ance and influence that grew as he approached life's end.



Among the material relating to the World War, on

the shelves of the Library of the Society, are two very

interesting publications. The first of these is the "Honor

Roll of Ohio -- Lawrence County." In the introduction

we read: