Ohio History Journal

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480 Ohio Arch

480       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

a brief description of the service of each, and a roster

of officers and men. We are told that "Fairfield County

is credited with a service enrollment of 1821" in the

World War. There is a complete list of these, alpha-

betically arranged. This is followed by a brief account

of "Women in the Service."

The concluding chapter, "After Armistice Day," de-

tails the return of the soldiers who survived the perils

of camp and field, the organization of the American

Legion and other orders of World War Veterans.

This survey touches only a portion of the interesting

material in the 192 pages of this compactly written

book. One lays it aside with the conviction that the

writer of the "Foreword" has well and truly said:

Coming generations will appreciate this volume and preserve

it as a sacred memory from the fact that it contains so much that

would never find its way into public records and which would

otherwise be inaccessible. It will stand as a monument to those,

who at home or abroad, had anything to do with the greatest of

all wars, and as a memorial more lasting than the wreaths to

those who have passed over the heights into the valley of the


When every county in the State has made a similar

contribution, we shall have the basic materials for a

"History of Ohio in the World War."




The Story of the Acquisition of its Site by the State of Ohio

The following is a stenographic report of an ad-

dress, delivered by C. L. Baatz, to a community gather-

ing of the people of Bolivar, Tuscarawas County, Ohio,

June 21, 1927: