In the days when forests covered most
of New Eng-
land, when the Indian war-whoop still
echoed on its bor-
ders, when children ate corn-meal
porridge from pewter
porringers, and their elders stirred
their hot drinks with
a poker heated in the fireplace -- in
those good old days
two centuries ago, there was born one
of the great heroes
of our Nation. To be more exact, on
January 7, 1718,
in an old homestead at the foot of
Hathorne Hill in
Salem Village, now Danvers,
Massachusetts, was born
the subject of this sketch--Israel
Putnam. It is interest-
ing to know that this old homestead --
the original prop-
erty of his great-grandfather -- is
still standing, and in
1897 was suitably marked by the Israel
Putnam Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution.
Israel Putnam came of brave and
sterling stock.
His father, Joseph Putnam, was one of
the few men
brave enough to defy the Rev. Samuel
Parris and the
principal men in Salem Village for
their persecution of
all those accused during the witchcraft
delusion. For
six months his loaded firelock was
within reach and his
swiftest horse kept saddled that he
might escape if ar-
rested. This warm sympathy for all
persons wrongfully
accused, great generosity and
indomitable courage were
the birthright of Joseph Putnam's son,
* Read at celebration of birthday
anniversary of Rutherford B. Hayes,
in Spiegel Grove State Park, Fremont,
Ohio, October 4, 1927.
Israel Putnam 529
On his mother's side, too, Israel
rightfully inherited
greatness. She was the daughter of
Israel Porter who
married Elizabeth Hathorne, daughter of
William Ha-
thorne, one of the most influential men
in the colony.
Indeed, Salem Village had granted him
large tracts of
land for his presence among them,
regarding him as a
"public benefit." He was a
soldier, legislator and judge.
Nathaniel Hawthorne, a lineal
descendant (and the one
who preferred to add a W to the family
name), in his
interesting writings of old Salem,
quaintly pictures him
as "the grave, bearded,
sable-cloaked and steeple-
crowned projenitor, who came so early
with his Bible
and his sword and trod the unknown
street with such
a stately port and made so large a
figure as a man of
war and peace."
Israel Putnam was an unusually active
and robust
youth. Books were few and school terms
short, so in a
sense, our hero was turned loose upon
nature for his
education. He loved out-of-door life
and in athletic
sports with his playmates was ever the
champion. His
fearlessness and quick thinking are all
well displayed
in the following story. One day, while
hunting birds'
nests with his playmates, he climbed
out so far on a
limb that it broke. A lower branch
happened to catch
him by the seat of his pantaloons and
there he hung,
head downward, hands wildly beating the
air for some-
thing to grasp and feet vainly
struggling for a resting
place. His companions were powerless to
help him until
he shouted to one of them to shoot the
branch on which
he hung and let him down. So the gun
was fired and
and down he tumbled, quite bruised, but
as no bones
Vol. XXXVI--34.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
were broken, back he went the very next
day and secured
the bird's nest.
When only twenty-one, Israel married
Pope, who was but eighteen. The
following year the
young couple, with their baby, followed
many of the
other Massachusetts settlers to East
Connecticut. Their
pioneer blood had been stirred by the
prospect of more
fertile land. The entire journey of
seventy-five miles
was made on horseback. When they arrived,
the mother
and baby were sheltered under a hastily
improvised shed
of bark while the men -- Israel and his
one black servant
-- felled trees, and in a few days a
substantial log-cabin
was built. The soil was easily
cultivated and in a few
years fertile fields were enclosed with
stone fences, sleek
cattle, sheep and goats were grazing,
and fruit trees
were blooming -- as Israel planted and
grafted, intro-
ducing many new varieties. All this had
been done by
the young landowner with only his negro
servant to help
Many hardships must have been endured
and the
indomitable spirit of the nest-hunting
boy is well shown
in this youth of maturer years by the
story of the wolf
hunt. A she-wolf caused Putnam and his
great loss by preying upon their
sheep-folds. One morn-
ing young Putnam found seventy of his
sheep and goats
dead. A hunt was started, the wolf
tracked to her lair
-- a small cave. One whole day was
spent in attempt-
ing to dislodge her. Dogs sent in, came
out wounded and
refused to go back. Straw and sulphur
were burned,
but all to no purpose. Finally, Putnam
threw off his
coat and waistcoat, tied a rope around
his legs to be
drawn out by, when he kicked as a
signal, and with a
Israel Putnam 531 torch in his hand entered the cave. The entrance was only two feet square, the cave uneven and not more than a yard wide in any place, and so low overhead that in no place could one raise himself from his hands and knees. Putnam crawled in and on, until, at the very end of the cave, he saw two balls of fire glaring at him as the wolf |
growled and gnashed her teeth. He gave the signal, but so great was the excitement of his rescuers, that he reached the exit minus his shirt and severely scratched and bruised. Nothing daunted, he procured his gun, en- tered again and crawled toward the wolf. When he fired, he was again quickly dragged out, this time completely stunned by the discharge of the gun in such narrow |
quarters. Quickly recovering, he entered for the third time, and now his S. O. S. brought him out clothed and in his right mind, his dead trophy being hauled out with him. Israel's fame was now fairly established, the term, "Old Wolf Put," being a familiar one. The wolf den continues to be one of the most interesting spots in picturesque Pomfret, now a part of Brooklyn, Connecti- cut, and is annually visited by patriotic pilgrims. |
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
Israel Putnam was thirty-seven years
old when the
"call for arms" came. The
ambition for supremacy in
America had been between Spain, France
and England,
but, as Spain had not occupied or made
settlements as
had the other two, the real contention
narrowed down
between France and England. The Seven
Years' War,
soon to be declared, was the fourth
between these two
nations. In 1755, the disturbed
condition between them
reached a dangerous climax. This
condition had little
interest for the New England farmers
until it imperiled
their homes; then they became aroused,
especially on ac-
count of the revengeful Indians whom
the French had
enticed into their service, and the
American phase of the
conflict, known as the French and
Indian War, now be-
gan almost a year before the formal
declaration of war.
When the stirring appeal was made for
Israel Putnam was one of the first in
his colony to re-
spond, and in the early summer of 1755,
he bade fare-
well to his wife and six children --
the eldest a lad of
fifteen, who with his mother carried on
the work on the
farm during his father's absence -- and
with the other
Connecticut volunteers started across
the country for
Albany, where they were joined by the
forces from the
other colonies and a band of Indian
allies. This pro-
vincial army was unsoldierlike as to
its outward appear-
ance. It was composed chiefly of
farmers in their or-
dinary clothing with their own
firelocks, hatchets, belts,
cartridge boxes and blankets, but this
crude army, which
the French considered a "mere mob
of country men,"
contained sterling quality and a
knowledge of Indian
warfare unknown to the army trained in
military tactics.
This was soon proven in the Battle of
Lake George, their
Israel Putnam 533
first engagement. Here Putnam received
his "first bap-
tism of fire" and also his first
commission, being ap-
pointed lieutenant by the Connecticut
Assembly. The
French fled in great confusion and
terrible loss, but in a
short time rallied and fortified
themselves at Ticon-
Israel Putnam now began to win
distinction as one
of Rogers' Rangers. It had been
apparent for some
time that the ordinary soldier was at a
great disadvan-
tage in the woods infested with Indians
lying in ambush.
There were needed, for special duty,
men who knew In-
dian modes of warfare and who were ever
ready to out-
wit the enemy. After the Battle of Lake
George, Robert
Rogers, who, with one hundred men, had
escorted the
provision wagons from Albany to Fort
Lyman, was or-
dered to reconnoiter the strongholds of
the French. He
at once recognized the fearlessness and
quickness of Is-
rael Putnam and selected him as one of
his men, with
the rank of captain.
There was no invariable rule for this
method of scout-
ing and fighting, but the Rangers were
instructed "to
distress and harass the French and
their allies" in every
way. Nothing can surpass the
adventurous hardihood
of their lives. Summer and winter, day
and night were
were alike to them. Embarked in
whale-boats or birch
canoes they glided under the silent
moon of a summer
night, or in the tomblike silence of
the winter forest they
strode on snowshoes over the spotless
white of the snow-
drifts or glided on skates over the
glistening ice. Some-
times there would be a band of thirty
men sent out to-
gether, sometimes only two lonely
scouts, but, be that
as it may, it is said, "So perfect
was their mode of attack
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
and defense that a hundred Rangers were
enabled to do
more service than thousands of the
British Regulars."
Putnam was always to be found in the
most perilous
positions and many were his miraculous
escapes. On
the 30th of May, 1756, war was formally
declared be-
tween France and England, and Putnam
received the
commission of captain of the 4th
Company in the 1st,
or Lyman's Regiment, from Connecticut,
and was or-
dered to guard the English forts which
were in constant
danger from the wily tactics of the
Indians. It was,
however, a difficult task to outwit
them as they practiced
the most cunning strategies. At one of
the posts, for
several nights in succession, the
sentinels had been killed
by an unseen enemy, so the sentinels
subsequently as
they went on duty, were commanded to
call out, "Who
goes there?" at the slightest
noise and if no one an-
swered to fire at once. In spite of
this precaution they
continued to disappear, until finally,
even the bravest
men in camp refused to volunteer for
this service. They
were about to draft men when Putnam,
who, as a com-
missioned officer, was not in line for
this service, volun-
teered and took the post. His quick ear
must have de-
tected a slighter noise than the
others, for after his call
and fire he found the body of a large
Indian dressed in
a bear skin to deaden the sound of his
approach and with
a quiver full of arrows.
In the spring of 1758, Putnam was promoted
to the
rank of major. He served in the
disastrous Battle of
Ticonderoga and was again with the
Rangers to recon-
noiter, especially in the vicinity of
Ticonderoga, where
Montcalm was still ensconced with the
army. During
this service near Whitehall, New York,
our seemingly
Israel Putnam 535
invulnerable hero was captured by an
Indian and tied
to a tree. When the armies pressed
forward in battle,
Israel found to his horror that he was
directly between
the two firing lines. Balls whistled
around him, striking
the tree, some passing through the
sleeve and skirt of
his coat. Once a young warrior amused
himself by
hurling a tomahawk at his head to see
how near he could
come and not kill him, and a French
petty officer leveled
a fusee at his breast, but it missed fire.
Finally, a fire
was started under him and when the
flames were well
under way a sudden shower came up and
put them out.
The fire was again started, but just as
Putnam com-
mended his soul to God with a prayer
for his loved ones
at home, Marin (or Molang), who was in
command of
the French and Indians engaged in this
skirmish, ap-
peared and released him from his
perilous position. Put-
nam still suffered much as a prisoner,
being finally re-
leased by Bradstreet's fortunate capture
of Fort Fron-
tenac in the autumn of 1758, when he
and one hundred
and fifty others, including officers,
soldiers, sailors, la-
borers, women and children were
exchanged by the
French for an equal number of their own
Putnam now returned home for a short
stay with his
family, where death and birth had
entered during his
absence; the oldest son, a lad of
seventeen, having died
on the very day of Putnam's capture and
cruel treat-
ment, and a baby girl having been born.
Very soon,
however, as lieutenant-colonel, he was
off again fighting
until Ticonderoga, Crown Point,
Montreal and all of the
Canadian dependencies passed to the
British Crown.
Jealous of the growing power of
England, France
and Spain now entered into an
arrangement called the
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
"Family Compact," by the
terms of which they agreed
to support each other against any
trouble with England,
which country had now decided upon the
capture of Ha-
vana. Putnam was now to share in the
tragic experi-
ence of this adventure. As acting
colonel of the Con-
necticut forces, he helped to storm
Morro Castle --
that great Spanish stronghold at the
deep and narrow
entrance to Havana Harbor. Five hundred
of the
enemy fell. The English lost only two
officers and thirty
men. Havana soon fell and passed into
the possession
of the English. The next year, 1763,
the Seven Years'
War was ended and, by the Treaty of
Paris, peace with
France and Spain was assured the colonists.
Putnam had hardly returned home from
the Cuban
conquest than he was called upon to
help quell one of
the greatest Indian uprisings that had
taken place in
North America since the white man
entered. The Valley
of the Ohio was the very first
objective section in the
struggle between the French at Detroit
and the English
at Fort Duquesne -- renamed Fort Pitt
after its capture
by the British -- for a foothold in
Ohio. This was be-
cause the Sandusky, with its portage
connection with the
Scioto, was the easiest and
earliest-traveled waterway
from Lake Erie to the Ohio and thence
on to the Mis-
The first clash in the rival efforts of
France and Eng-
land to get a foothold in Ohio was at
the mouth of the
Sandusky River. Here a Huron chief,
whose Indian
name was Orontony -- baptismal name
Nicolas-- had
settled with his Wyandot followers. He
had been a
friend of the French, but was now their
deadly foe.
English traders from the colonies had,
as early as 1700,
Israel Putnam 537
penetrated the Sandusky Valley.
Nicolas, in order to
strengthen his efforts against the
French, allowed the
Pennsylvania colonists to erect a
trading post or block-
house, known as Fort Sandoski, at the
principal Huron
town on the northwest point of Sandusky
Bay, about
three miles south of the present site
of Port Clinton.
This was in 1745 and was the first fort
built by white
men in Ohio. Nicolas now made a
well-laid plan to ex-
terminate the French in the Detroit and
Sandoski re-
gions, but his plan failed and to save
himself he ordered
all the English to leave the Indian
towns in the Sandoski
region, finally tore down the stockade
at Fort Sandoski
and departed. The English traders must
have returned
and rebuilt the fort in 1749. It was
usurped by the
French in 1751, and in 1754 was
abandoned by them and
Fort Junundat built on the east side of
Sandusky Bay,
just opposite the old Fort Sandoski,
near Pickerel Creek.
It was from this Fort Junundat that many
of the Indian
trails were made on the east side of
the Sandusky River.
After peace was declared between the
French and
English, the loosely organized Indian
tribes, being de-
prived of French leadership, caused no
apprehension to
the English who lorded it over them,
driving them away
from the garrisons and otherwise
insulting them. Tak-
ing advantage of this condition,
Pontiac, that crafty and
ambitious chief of the Ottawas,
gathered together all of
the tribes between the Allegheny and
Mississippi Rivers
for one grand, simultaneous attack on
all the western
forts, each of which, for this purpose,
was assigned to
the tribe nearest to it. His plan was
successful and a
terrible massacre followed. Forts
Mackinac, Presqu'il
(now Erie), Sandoski and all the other
isolated forts
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
but one, fell before the fury of the
Indians. Detroit
alone held out, having been prepared
for the onslaught
by the disclosure of an Indian girl.
In the call for arms which followed
this perfidious
and cruel massacre of the English,
General Gage, the
British commander-in-chief, appointed
Israel Putnam
lieutenant-colonel of the Connecticut
forces. The plan
of General Gage for this battle of the
year 1764 was for
two expeditions, from different points,
to be sent into the
heart of the Indian country, one under
Colonel Bouquet,
the other under Colonel Bradstreet, the
latter of whom
was to have for his object the relief
of Major Gladwyn
at Detroit -- which fort having escaped
the treacherous
capture by Pontiac, was still under
siege by the Indians
-- and the subjection of the
neighboring tribes.
It was in this latter expedition that
our hero was to
serve as major with his Connecticut
battalion of two
hundred and fifty men. The entire force
under Brad-
street was only about twelve hundred
men, much fewer
than he had expected. These proceeded
from Albany
across the colony of New York and up
Lakes Ontario
and Erie. When they reached Fort
Ontario, they were
joined by six hundred friendly Indians
under Sir Wil-
liam Johnson. Among these savage allies
was the chief
under whom Putnam had been kept a
captive, who had
been his friend ever since. This Indian
was now at the
head of one hundred warriors of his own
tribe and it is
said that the affection which he had
for Putnam kept the
natives particularly loyal in this
On July 3, 1764, the flotilla,
consisting of two
vessels -- the Mohawk and the Johnson
-- seventy-
five whale-boats and numerous canoes,
issued forth
Israel Putnam 539
upon Lake Ontario and steered westward.
At Fort
Niagara the main army of the English
staid for a month
in conference with the Indians and
finally secured a strip
of land on each side of the Niagara
four miles wide.
The provincial army was ordered on to
build a fort at
the mouth of Lake Erie. Putnam and some
of his men,
under Lieutenant Montresor, engineer,
were chosen
among some others for this work. After
the new Fort
Erie was finished, Bradstreet joined
the working party
and from this post, on August 8th,
Putnam and the oth-
ers accompanied the expedition as they
crossed the Lake
and, coasting along the southern shore,
finally camped
at a point halfway between the present
cities of Buffalo
and Erie.
At this place, arrived one morning, ten
strange In-
dians who claimed to have been sent
from the Dela-
wares, Shawanese and Five Nations to
sue for peace.
The Indian allies were for
"knocking the impostors on
the head" and Putnam warned
Colonel Bradstreet
against putting any trust in their
overtures, but Brad-
street, confident and headstrong, make
a treaty with
them, whereby he was to refrain from
marching against
the tribes which they represented,
provided that within
twenty-five days they should meet him
at Fort Sandoski,
deliver all prisoners, and make a
definite treaty. When
the Bradstreet troops reached Sandusky
Bay they were
met by Indian representatives who
promised to follow
him to Detroit and conclude the treaty.
Thus, although
General Gage had ordered Bradstreet to
attack and chas-
tise the Wyandots, Miamis and Delawares
at this place,
the latter was again duped and the very
center of Pon-
tiac's conspiracy was left unmolested.
540 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
Bradstreet proceeded on his way to
Detroit, where
he spent some time. While there, he was
startled by the
news that eight hundred warriors had
assembled at San-
doski to prevent the English troops
from landing at the
expiration of the twenty-five days
agreed upon. The
troops were ordered to embark at once
for Fort San-
doski; so, at eight o'clock on the
morning of September
14th, in the midst of the beautiful
autumn scenery, the
whole flotilla, consisting of sixty of
the long-boats and
one barge, glided down the Detroit
River out upon Lake
Erie. In five days the little fleet
entered Sandusky Bay
and thence up the river to a good clay
beach, one-half
mile west of the old Fort, where,
sixteen months before,
Pontiac's followers had butchered the
English garrison
and burned the fort. It was here that
Bradstreet ex-
pected to meet the deputies for the
treaty, but not a chief
appeared. The army then came further up
the river
and encamped at the Huron Village, (now
Lieutenant Montresor, on that day, made
the following
entry in his journal: "I went to
the Huron Village and
took a sketch and Bearings of that
advantageous and
beautiful situation and the meanderings
of the River.
Remarked that the Left of our
Encampment is con-
tiguous to the remains of an old Fort
where the Dela-
wares & some of the Western Indians
took Post to shel-
ter themselves against the Iroquois near
100 years ago
-- this constructed in the form of a
circle 300 yards in
circumference, one half defended by the
River and a
remarkable Hollow way or Gully which
covers the left
and part of the Front of our present
Here Bradstreet and his eleven hundred
men encamped
for over a week and here Israel Putnam
and others,
Israel Putnam 541
under the instruction of Lieutenant
Montresor, built and
fortified their encampment. The camp
thus selected ex-
tended from the high ground on the
river bank around
through what is now known as the County
Fair Grounds,
recently named the Israel Putnam
Agricultural Park.
in honor of Israel Putnam, and along
the high ground
until it reached the old Factor's house
which was later
changed into a fort and named Fort
Stephenson, after
Colonel Stephenson, who was in charge
of the troops
engaged in making the charge, The
encampment thus
enclosed the low rich ground on which
the Indians had,
from time immemorial, grown their
crops, and through
the center of which the unfortunate
prisoners were forced
to run the gauntlet, and the racing of
the numerous
horses brought here with the captives,
took place as they
were tried out by the Indians. In the
Sandusky River,
opposite, was the island where Captain
Brady, the spe-
cial messenger of George Washington, secreted
and for three days watched the
meanderings of the In-
dians in an effort to learn whether
they planned a gen-
eral war of all Indian tribes on the
white men or were
simply engaging in forays as individual
This Sandusky encampment became a scene
of great
Indian activity. The friendly Indians
meeting in coun-
cil with Colonel Bradstreet were then
sent out to treat
with the Indian tribes, many of whom
vowed "war
against the English as long as the sun
should shine."
On the 24th of September, the troops
broke camp and
proceeded down the river near the site
of the old Fort
Junundat and began operations to erect
a fort and be
ready for battle should the Indians
refuse to come to
terms. During the long parley of the
Indians, as was
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
afterwards disclosed, a plot had been
laid that three
hundred picked Indians should appear to
treat with them
until the English were off their guard,
then the others
should join in and spear and tomahawk
all the men of
the army. Thus Bradstreet had taken his
command into
the very heart of the Indian country
and caused the In-
dians to sue for peace and agree to
restore some two
thousand prisoners, but it was not for
him to receive the
glory of his feat. He left the scene at
the crucial mo-
ment, and Bouquet, appearing on the
scene, reaped the
Putnam reached home by the first of
1764. The following spring his life was
saddened by
the death of his wife and a daughter of
only seventeen.
On March 22, 1765, the Stamp Act
stirred the col-
onists to rebellion and we find Putnam,
who had joined
"The Sons of Liberty," one of
its most ardent opponents,
riding from town to town to see what number
of men
could be relied upon to make an armed
resistance to the
obnoxious law. The Sons of Liberty
declared that they
would fight up to their knees in blood
rather than suffer
the Stamp Act to be put in force. In
1766, the impor-
tance of his influence being
recognized, Putnam was
elected as Representative to the
Connecticut Assembly.
The next year, 1767, little more than
two years after
the death of his wife, Hannah, Putnam
married Mrs.
Deborah Lothrop Gardiner, and now began
a life of
social activity. Their hospitable home
drew throngs of
visitors, relatives, friends,
ministers, distinguished
strangers and gushing patriots and
soldiers, who went
out of their way to call upon their
beloved colonel. A
Virginian Jefferson might submit to this,
even though it
Israel Putnam 543
brought bankruptcy, but a Yankee Putnam
never, so by
one of his masterful strokes he turned
his hospitable
home into a tavern, with a sign upon
the tree in front of
it, and thus made a goodly income.
In 1772, Putnam was made a member of
the Com-
pany of Military Adventurers, organized
by General
Phineas Lyman, and, as such, visited
the Lower Missis-
sippi and West Florida, where land
grants had been
promised by the British Government for
the provincial
soldiers who had survived the French
and Indian War.
No grants were ever made and all plans
of the company
were abolished by the outbreak of the
American Revo-
Just four months after Putnam's return
from his
southern voyage, occurred the incident
of the "Boston
Tea Party," and Putnam was one of
a committee of
three from Pomfret to prepare a glowing
letter to the
Boston Patriots, promising aid to them
in their distress
at the passage of the Boston Port Bill.
No sooner was
the letter written than it was decided
that Putnam him-
self should be the carrier, so he set
out at once on horse-
back for Boston, nearly a hundred miles
distant, driving
before him a flock of one hundred and
twenty sheep --
Pomfret's gift to the distressed town.
On reaching Bos-
ton, Putnam was an honored guest at the
home of Dr.
Joseph Warren, who, in a postscript to
a letter ad-
dressed to his bosom friend, Samuel
Adams, wrote, "The
celebrated Colonel Putnam is now in my
house, having
arrived, since I subscribed this
letter" (dated Boston,
August 15, 1774), "with a generous
donation of sheep."
Putnam remained in Boston several days
as Colonel
Warren's guest. The newspapers, in
announcing his
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
presence in town, spoke of him as
"one of the greatest
military characters of the age," a
person whose "bravery
and character need no
One warm day in April, 1775, Israel
Putnam and his
son, Daniel, were plowing in the
fields. Suddenly they
heard the sound of galloping hoofs and
the rat-a-tat-tat
of a drum. A man on horseback reined up
his horse for a
moment and shouted, "War's begun!
British troops
have fired upon our men at Lexington and
we chased
them all the way to Cambridge"!
Putnam dropped the
handle of his plow, unharnessed the
horse, told his son
to tell his mother that he had gone to
Boston, mounted
his farm horse and was off, reaching
Boston the next
day. Returning home that same evening,
he found hun-
dreds of men gathered on the Green
ready to obey his
orders. It was now nearly sunset, but,
without stopping
to rest or to change the checked farmer
suit which he
had been wearing since he left his plow
the morning be-
fore, Putnam started on a night ride
for Cambridge,
reaching there the next day. He was
made brigadier-
general and organized and drilled a
regiment. In May,
he led a battalion to Noddle's Island,
burned a British
schooner, captured a sloop and killed
and wounded many
of the enemy.
On April 26, 1775, the Assembly
of Connecticut
voted to raise an army of sixteen
thousand troops. Put-
nam was made second brigadier-general,
also colonel
of the Third Regiment and captain of
the First Com-
pany in the same regiment, and was now
to win distinc-
tion in the Battle of Bunker Hill. It
was by his advice
that it was decided to fortify Bunker
Hill in order that
there might be a second rallying point
in case the troops
Israel Putnam 545
were driven from Breed's Hill. Time is
too short and
the story of the Battle of Bunker Hill
too long to be en-
tered into, but General Putnam was the
life and soul of
the battle, inspiring the men, shaming
the cowards, urg-
ing everything forward. He did not have
charge of the
battle, but was galloping here and
there on his old white
horse, in his white shirt sleeves and
with an old white
felt hat on his head. The battle raged
and Israel Put-
nam at last, when all his troops had
left him, stood with
only one sergeant beside him. The
sergeant was shot
down and the British bayonets were upon
him before he
retreated. General Putnam, in his final
stand, is immor-
talized by Trumbull, the painter, who
shows him in the
rear of the picture waving his sword at
the enemy. The
Americans lost the battle, but they had
proved their
mettle and encouraged wavering
Americans to join the
patriotic side, and they had heartened
all the colonies.
Washington arrived at this time and
Putnam was made
On the evacuation of Boston in the
spring of 1776,
Putnam was placed in command of New
York. He held
the fortified lines during the Battle
of Long Island, was
sent to Philadelphia to fortify that
city in December,
1776, and in May, 1777, was ordered to
take command
in the Highlands of the Hudson. It was
during this
service that Putnam met his Waterloo
and his popularity
waned. How much of this was due to
politics or to
Putnam's own failure is a question, but
after the loss
of Forts Clinton and Montgomery,
Washington re-
moved him from his command. A Court of
ordered by Congress, exonerated him
from all blame and
he was then sent to Connecticut, April,
1778, to super-
Vol. XXXVI--35.
546 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
intend the sending of recruits for the
coming campaign,
in which service he made such progress
that he was soon
ready for service elsewhere.
"Old Wolf Put is growing
old," Washington himself
says in a letter to Gouverneur Morris,
in June, 1778,
"What am I to do with Putnam? If
Congress means to
lay him aside decently, I wish they
would devise the
means." Putnam was not yet to be
laid aside. He was
restored to his command of troops in
the main army and
served at different posts with all of
his accustomed in-
It was in February, of the year 1779,
that he was in
command of a small picket at Horseneck,
a part of
Greenwich, Connecticut, when he heard
that Governor
Tryon, of New York, was approaching
with fifteen hun-
*dred men to seize the salt works in
this vicinity, which
were of much value to the Continental
Army. When
Putnam got the word, he was shaving.
With the lather
still on his face, he grasped his
sword, rushed out of the
house, and pressed forward to rally his
troops. He
formed them on a hill ready to receive
the enemy, who
charged on horseback. The American
troops numbered
but one hundred and fifty as against
fifteen hundred
British troops. When General Putnam saw
no chance of
success, he ordered his men to retreat
across a swamp
inaccessible to horses while he himself
mounted his horse
and galloped to Stamford for
reinforcements. The
British, seeing his maneuver, started
in pursuit. For a
quarter of a mile they pursued him,
when the road curved
sharply and led down a steep precipice.
A part of the
way down were some rough stones to form
steps for a
short cut to a little church on the
hill, but the rest of the
Israel Putnam 547
way was steep and rocky. The pursuers
reined in as
they saw Putnam force his horse over
the brow and
down the rocky height, waving his sword
tauntingly at
the baffled British, whose balls went
whizzing past him.
One pierced his cap and it is said that
Governor Tryon
sent him a new one in recognition of
his wonderful
bravery. At the centennial
commemoration of the ride,
in 1879, a granite boulder was placed
on this historic
spot, now called "Put's
The brave Putnam was now to have a
leave of ab-
sence, little thinking that he would
never return. In
December of the same year, as he set
out on horseback
to rejoin the army, a slight stroke of
paralysis came
upon him and he was forced to
retirement. Eleven
years of peace and comfort remained to
him. On May
19, 1790, death closed his eyes. He is
buried in Brook-
lyn, Connecticut, with this epitaph
upon his tomb:
Sacred be this Monument,
To the memory
Israel Putnam, Esquire,
Senior Major-General in the Armies
The United States of America
Was born at Salem
In the Province of Massachusetts
On the seventh day of January
A. D., 1718;
and died
On the nineteenth day of May
A. D., 1790.
548 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications Passenger, If thou art a Soldier, Drop a Tear over the dust of a Hero Who Ever attentive To the lives and happiness of his Men Dared to lead Where any Dared to follow; If a Patriot, Remember the distinguished and gallant services Rendered thy Country By the Patriot who sleeps beneath this Marble; If thou art Honest, generous and worthy Render a cheerful tribute of respect To a Man Whose generosity was singular Whose honesty was proverbial; Who Raised himself to universal esteem And offices of Eminent distinction By personal worth And a Useful life. |
In the days when forests covered most
of New Eng-
land, when the Indian war-whoop still
echoed on its bor-
ders, when children ate corn-meal
porridge from pewter
porringers, and their elders stirred
their hot drinks with
a poker heated in the fireplace -- in
those good old days
two centuries ago, there was born one
of the great heroes
of our Nation. To be more exact, on
January 7, 1718,
in an old homestead at the foot of
Hathorne Hill in
Salem Village, now Danvers,
Massachusetts, was born
the subject of this sketch--Israel
Putnam. It is interest-
ing to know that this old homestead --
the original prop-
erty of his great-grandfather -- is
still standing, and in
1897 was suitably marked by the Israel
Putnam Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution.
Israel Putnam came of brave and
sterling stock.
His father, Joseph Putnam, was one of
the few men
brave enough to defy the Rev. Samuel
Parris and the
principal men in Salem Village for
their persecution of
all those accused during the witchcraft
delusion. For
six months his loaded firelock was
within reach and his
swiftest horse kept saddled that he
might escape if ar-
rested. This warm sympathy for all
persons wrongfully
accused, great generosity and
indomitable courage were
the birthright of Joseph Putnam's son,
* Read at celebration of birthday
anniversary of Rutherford B. Hayes,
in Spiegel Grove State Park, Fremont,
Ohio, October 4, 1927.