Ohio History Journal

Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 631

Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting       631



(1)  The Committee desires to extend SPECIAL invita-

tions to certain cities and communities to visit the Museum on

certain week days or Sunday afternoons.

(2)  The Committee suggests that the Library retain the

use of the south rooms of the main building for the present, and

suggests that the present Board of Directors' Room and Director

Mills' Office Rooms be set aside and fitted up for special exhibits.

Director Mills and Curators Shetrone and Hine will explain

the need for separate suitable rooms.

The reports of Director Mills, Curator Shetrone, Curator

Hine and others will no doubt cover all other items concerning

the Museum.

(Signed)    GEORGE F. BAREIS, Chairman.



This committee has not met since the last Annual Meeting

of the Society, but some important items may be reported at this


Several thousand copies of Scenic and Historic Ohio have

been distributed in the State. The largest demands for these

come from Automobile Clubs, Schools, and County Agricultural


The Diary and Letters of Rutherford B. Hayes, in five sub-

stantial volumes numbering over 550 pages each, edited by the

late Charles Richard Williams, has been published by the Society.

An ample index of 57 pages, by Lucy E. Keeler, concludes the

last volume of this important work.

The General Assembly, at its recent session, appropriated

money to publish, in two volumes, uniform with the "Diary and

Letters" in typography, paper and binding, the Life of Ruther-

ford B. Hayes, by the late Charles Richard Williams. These

volumes are to be printed from plates originally used by Hough-

ton, Mifflin and Company, and later presented to the Society by

Colonel Webb C. Hayes.

Within the year there has been published, under the direction

of the Secretary, a neatly illustrated pamphlet, entitled, Ohio

State Archaeological and Historical Society -- Notes on Present

Activities, Past Achievments and Future Prospects."  This

pamphlet is conveniently available for use in the membership cam-

paign soon to be inaugurated.

Some unusual delay has been occasioned in the issue of the