A. B.
Abolitionism: in Ohio, 193-194; Demo- Baatz, Capt. C. L., "Fort
Laurens: the
crats denounce, 212; Liberty League Story
of the Acquisition of its Site
resolutions, 237; Free Soilers,
240, by
the State of Ohio," 480-486; ad-
passim. dress at unveiling of Boundary-line
"Absquatulators," 278-280, 295. monument,
Adams, Mrs. Cecelia (McMillen), 16. Bailey,
Dr. Gamaliel, 232.
Adams, Charles F., 250, 283. Baird,
Prof. F. S., 499.
Adams County, Ohio, 133-134. Baker,
Phoebe, 5, 8.
"An Adventure with the Indians -- 1875," Baldwin, Dr.
James F., 176.
513-517. Ballard,
Capt. Bland W., 336-338.
Algonquin flag, 91. Ballard,
Mrs. Grace F., 176.
Alien, Rep. Charles, 228. Baltimore,
Political bolt at, 243.
Allen, Colonel John, 332-339 Baltimore
Sun, 273, 276.
Allen, William, 188, 282. Banks
in Ohio, 189-193; state banking
Allen, William B., 332. law,
190; attack on state banks, 189-
Allison, Capt. J. S., 259. 193;
the state debt, 191.
Allison letter, 259, 260, 293.
Allison letter, 259, 260, 293. Barnburners:
why so called, 205; conven-
American Historical
Association, 4. tion 205-206, 238-239 speakers at Na-
Amistad case, 294. tional
convention, 210; coldly received,
Anders, Isaac Q., 176. 210-211;
mentioned, 213, 243; National
Ann Simpson Davis Chapter D. A. R., convention,
244-245; Cass unpopular
571. with,
256-257; charges against,
Anti-Slavery: renewed interest
in, 194; their
demand, 285; many support Cass,
the Wilmot Proviso, 200-204;
Ohio's 285;
result of bolt, 301-302.
resolutions, 214; the
Liberty Party,
232-255, 284. Barnes,
Mrs. Cleo, 177.
Anti-Slavery Bugle, 235, 238,
288. Barron,
Loyal W., 177.
Apportionment bill: 278; a bone of con- Barthalow,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley C.,
tention, 278-282; effect on election, 302; 175.
called unconstitutional, 303. Bartley,
Thomas W., 209, 301.
Archbold, Edward, 279, 280. Bascom,
Harold W., 177.
Armour, Allison V., 506. Batt,
Charles P., 179.
Arnold, James, 183. Battle
of River Raisin, 333-339.
Arnold Arboretum, 183-184. "A Bear Hunt in Yellowstone Park--
Artz, Harry L., 570. 1872,"
Artz, Harry L., Jr., 570. Bebb,
Edward, 56, 57.
Artz, John A., 570-571. Bebb,
Michael, 56.
Artz, Mrs. Sarah (Thomas), 570. Bebb,
Governor William, 188; elected on
Ashland County, Ohio, 219, 299. Abolition
issue, 193; mentioned, 216,
"Ashtabula County, Pioneer
Life in," 289; asked to convene
Legislature, 281;
551-562. plurality
of, 291, 301.
Ashtabula Sentinel, 230, 298-299, 549-550. "Bebb, William, Trial of,"
Aviation: meet at Dayton, 39-41; flight Beecher,
Henry Ward, 6-7, 26.
from Vancouver to Dayton, 40-41. Belmont
County, Ohio, 201.
Benton, George W., editor, 179.
* Index to Proceedings of Annual Meet- Bessels,
Dr. Emil, 499.
ing of Society and Board of Trustees fol- Bibb, Henry, 249.
lows this general index. Bingham,
John A., 223, 227.
686 Index
Birney, James G., heart of Liberty Party, ogy,
507; publishes Handbook of the
202-203; aids
Gamaliel Bailey, 232; American Indians, 507; establishes
makes address at Liberty Party Con- Division of Physical Anthropology,
vention, 241; mentioned, 295. 507-508; rapid growth of
art collec-
Black Fish, 88. tions,
508; is named Director, 508; two
Black Laws, 193-194, 277, 301. mountain-peaks
named for him, 508-509;
Bland, Mrs. Mary S., 175. receives
Loubat prize, 509; and an-
Blegen, ............., 148. other,
509; a founder of Cosmos Club,
Blegen, 148. receives
honorary degree, 509; cele-
Boardman, Alice, 178. brates seventieth birthday, and
Bolivar, Ohio, 480-486. eightieth,
510; marriage, 510; family,
Book Reviews: Ox-Team Days on the 510-511.
Oregon Trail, 147-148;
Honor Roll of Briggs,
James, 249.
Ohio--Lawrence County, 317-318; Fair- Brinkerhoff,
Jacob: real author of Wil-
field County in the World War, 478-480. mot
Proviso, 200, 201, 304; accepts no
Booth, John F., 180. compromise,
202; opposes Cass, 206-208;
Between U. S. and the at
Buffalo Convention, 249, 252; Brin-
Indians, 581-583. kerhoff
and Cass, 264.
Bouquet, Col. Henry, 88, 532, 542. Brock,
Major-General Isaac, 568.
Bowman, George, 135. Brown,
Mrs. Alice M. (Pettit), 313.
Bradstreet, Col. John, captured, 535; sent Brown, Austin,
to Indian country, 538-539; duped, 539- Brown, Charles P.,
grandson of martyr,
540; at Detroit, 540; in council with 312-313;
Akron home of, 313.
Indians, 541; causes Indians to sue Brown,
Gerald H., 313.
for peace, 542. Brown,
Jason, 312.
Brady, Capt. John, 541. Brown,
John, Jr., 312.
Brant, Joseph (Thayendanegea), Iroquois Bruce, James,
chief, 89-90. Brundage,
J. F., 572.
Biography of William
Henry Buck,
Solon J., 148.
Holmes," 493-527; birth and parentage, Buck, William, 10,
493; early experiences, 493-494; artis- Bucks County,
Pennsylvania, 564-568.
tic attempts, 494-496; education, 496- Buffalo Commercial
Advertiser, 248.
499; formative influences, 498; enters Buffalo, Ohio in
the Convention at, 230-
employ of Smithsonian Institution, 255.
499; studies art, becomes artist for the Burke, Edmund,
quoted, 169.
U. S. Geological Survey of the Ter- Burritt,
Elihu, 233.
ritories and in Colorado, is appointed Burroughs, John,
Address on, by G.
Assistant Geologist of the Survey, Clyde
Fisher, 676-683.
visits New Mexico and Arizona, 500; Butler, Colonel,
Colorado and Yellowstone Butler, Benjamin F., 249, 250-252.
Park, 501; a year in Europe, is ap- Butler,
William O., 213.
pointed on New U. S. Geological Sur- Byrd, Charles W.,
vey, visits Grand Canyon of the Colo- Byers, Andrew H.,
rado, closes up affairs of old Survey,
502; prepares exhibits for expositions, C.
visits Mexico, 503, and New Mexico Calhoun,
John C., 246, 264.
and Arizona, 503-504; ascends Jemez Cambreleng,
Churchill: presides at New
504; "paleolithic contro- York Democratic Convention, 205;
versy," 504-505; participates in the Field makes
protest, 210-211; speaks in City
Columbian Exposition, 505; is called to Hall Park,
244; mentioned, 250.
the Field Columbian Museum, 505-506; Campbell,
ex-Governor James E., 175.
receives loving-cup, 506; visits Yuca- Campbell, Lewis
D., writes Whig reso-
tan, 506; returns to Washington as lutions,
216; Proposes substitutions,
Head Curator, 506; visits Cuba, Ja- 218-219;
delegate to Whig National
maica and
Mexico, 506-507; becomes Convention,
223; reports Convention,
Chief of Bureau of American Ethnol- 223-224; submits
resolution which
Index 687
causes storm,
225; threatens the Clay,
Henry, speaks at review, 333; en-
South, 228; scourged
for "apostasy," dorsed
by Ohio counties, 219-220; at
283; endorsed, 288;
opposes Robert Whig
National Convention, 223-227;
Winthrop, 291-292. Governor
of Tennessee pleads for, 226;
Canal, Miami, 92-115. vote
for, 226-227; "sacrified on altar
Canals, comparative
cost of, under dif- of
slavery," 249; mentioned, 273.
ferent parties, 191. Claypool,
Mrs. Mary McL., and sister,
Capture of Old
Vincennes, 578-580. 177.
Carlisle, John F.,
mentioned, 157; speaks Clemens,
Lemuel, 54, 56, 57.
at McGuffey Presentation Meeting, Cleveland,
President Grover, 185, 314.
158-160; mentioned,
176. Cleveland
American, 235.
Cary, John, 215. Cleveland
Herald, 192.
Cass, Lewis:
suggested for President, Cleveland
Plain Dealer, 208-209, 248, 249,
206-207; endorsed by
Ohio Democrats, 286.
208; nominated for President, 211; Cleveland True Democrat,
289, 302.
opposed by South
Carolina, 213, by Clinton
County, Ohio, endorses Clay for
Ohio, 243; sketch of,
256; compared President,
with Taylor,
256-258; attempts to Cobb,
Howell, 265, 286.
evade issues,
260-261; jingle on, 261; Coins,
Memorial, 43.
opposed to Wilmot
Proviso, 263; his Collard,
Martin T., 176.
stand, 263-270;
mentioned, 276; many Collier,
Col. James, 215, 217, 228.
Barnburners vote for,
285; Hamlin's Columbus,
Ohio: visits of Ezra Meeker
opinion of, 287;
mentioned, 294, 295; to,
30-33, 38, 43-46.
results of election,
300. Columbus
Evening Dispatch, 316.
Chain, Mr. and Mrs.,
503. Columbus
Free Territory Convention, 304.
Chamberlain, Prof. T.
C., 505. Columbus
Sunday Capital, 316.
Chambers, Maj., 336. Commander,
General, 212.
Champaign County,
Ohio, endorses Clay, Conference
of Historical Agencies in the
219. Upper
Mississippi Valley, 148-149.
Charivari, A famous, 48-61. Contributors and
contributions: Gal
"Charles Richard
Williams": sketch of breath,
C. B., "Ezra Meeker, Ohio's
life, 327-331; birth,
education, mar- Illustrious
Pioneer," 3-47, "Trial of
riage, and death of
wife, 328; public William
Bebb," 48-61; Downes, R. C.,
life, 328-329;
second marriage, 329; "Thomas
Jefferson and the Removal
removal to Princeton,
329; death, 327; of
Governor St. Clair in 1802," 62-77;
eulogy, 329-331. Moorehead,
Warren K., "Logan, Te-
Chase, Governor
Salmon P., "mistrusts cumseh,
The Shawano Indians," 78-
banking," 191; opinion 91;
George, John J., Jr., "The Miami
of slavery, 203, of
Barnburners, 206; Canal,"
92-115; Roush, L. L., "The
defends negroes, 231,
232, 233; speaks Roush
Family in America," 116-144;
for Liberty Party,
234, 236 passim; Mitchell,
Whittier C., "Kansas' Dead
speaks, 285;
endorsed, 288; admits in France" (poetry), 145-146; Gal-
Corwin's ability as
campaigner, 297; breath,
C. B., "Presentation of Mc-
influence for
anti-slavery, 304. Guffey Readers," 1??7-180; "Eminent
Chillicothe, Old,
346-347. Representatives
of the Sargent Fam-
Chittenden, George
B., 511-516. ily,"
181-187; Price, Erwin H., "The
Chittenden, Mrs.
George B., 511. Election of 1848 in
Ohio," 188-311;
Christian, Col.
George B., 573. Galbreath,
C. B., "J. Morton Howell
Cincinnati Gazette,
230, 240. --His
Gift to the Museum of the
Cincinnati Herald,
235, 287. Ohio State
Archaeological Society,"
Cincinnati Signal,
263. 321-325;
Keeler, Lucy E., "Charles
Sammedary," 280. Richard
Williams," 327-331; Wesley,
Citizenship, 172-173. Edgar
B., "A Letter from Colonel
Clark, George R.,
345; Sesqui-Centennial John
Allen," 332-339; Downes, Ran-
of, 578-580. dolph
C., "Evolution of Ohio County
Clark, Henry A., 497. Boundaries," 340-477; "Brief Biog-
688 Index
and Contributions--Concluded. Dana,
Laurence N., 152.
raphy of William
Henry Holmes," Dana,
Lockwood N., 152.
Edgerton, Mrs. H. G., "Is- Dana,
Mrs. Lucy (Brighton), 151.
Putnam," 528-548; Galbreath, C. Dana,
Mrs. Mary (Bancroft), 150.
"Joseph A. Howells," 549-550; Dana,
Roderick N., 152.
Joseph A., "Pioneer Life in Dana,
Capt. William, 151.
Ashtabula County," 551-562; Jaeger, Daughters
of the American Revolution.
Mrs. Eva S.,
"Sketches of John and Missouri,
Ann S. Davis:
their Forbears and Daughters
of the American Revolution.
563-571; Galbreath, C. Ohio,
481, 483-484, 582, 583.
B., "Fort
Morrow Soldiers of the Daughters
of the American Revolution.
War of 1812,
Honored," 572-577. Ohio.
Ann Simpson Davis Chapter,
Cook, Frank,
562. 571.
Corn, Judge E.
E., 178. Daughters
of the American Revolution.
Shawnee chief, 83, 87. Ohio.
Jonathan Dayton Chapter, 158,
Thomas, defends Gov. William 180.
Bebb, 51,
53-54, 55, 58, 59-60; in U. S. Davenport
family, 18.
Senate, 188;
traces party lineage to Davis,
Mrs. Ann (Simpson), 563-566, 567,
its source,
197; heads Senate opposi- 569,
tion to
Mexican War, 198, 200; men Davis,
Judge David, 180.
tioned for
President, 198-199, 215; Davis,
Colonel John, 567-568.
Bill, 198; opposition to, Davis,
John, 563-571.
199; endorsed,
217, 219; as Whig can- Davis,
John W., 263.
didate for
President, 222; epithet con- Davis,
L. A., 572.
268-269; mentioned, 219, 285, Davis,
Captain William Watts Hart, 566.
294, 295; most
effective Whig cam- 568-569.
297-300; causes Free Soil de- Davis
family (John Davis), 566.
feat in Ohio,
302; as a campaigner, Deardorf,
Abraham, 571.
297-300. Deeg,
Mrs. Cora C. and sister, 176.
Crabbe, Mrs.
Clara H., 175. Delano,
Columbus, name coupled with
Crawford, Col.
William, 89. Corwin's,
199; Whigs of Greene Co.
Thomas T., confers on Three- choose
for Governor, 215; defeated at
Million Bill,
198; accused of writing nominating convention, 217; men-
letter, 293; mentioned, 334. tioned,
288, 294.
Cromley, Mrs.
Matilda J., 569. Democratic Party;
embarrass Ohio
Cromley, Dr.
W. A., 569. Whigs,
188; mentioned, 190-191; at-
William Wallace, 569-570. tack State banking system, 191-193;
Crum, Ira H.,
178. secure
Pennsylvania support by prom-
campaign, 536. ises,
194; support Walker tariff, 194-
Curry, Colonel
James, 486. 195;
resolutions, 195; blame Mexico
Stevenson, 486. for
Mexican War, 196; denounce
Curry, Colonel
William L., 178, 486-489. "the
Mexican Whigs," 197; dislike of
collection, 487. Corwin
and Delano, minority report,
Cushman, Rep.
Francis W., 35. 199; Wilmot Proviso introduced
Manasseh, 140. by a Democrat, 201; State Con-
William P., 215. vention
doubts its legality, 202; many
slavery, 202-203; New York
D. Convention,
204-206; Anti - Slavery
Dale, Mrs.
Sophie (Dana), 152. Democrats
(Barnburners) bolt, 205;
Dall, Dr. W.
H., 499. the Herkimer
convention, 205-206;
Dana, Mrs.
Anna E. (Lockwood), 151-152. Ohio
Convention, 206; opposition to
Dana, Edward,
152. Cass,
206-207; Weller the final choice
Dana, Edward
P., 152. for
Governor, 207-208; Convention re-
Dana, George,
151. solves
to support Cass for President,
Dana, George
B., 152. 207-208;
press opinions on the una-
Dana, John,
151-152. nimity of the
Convention, 208-209;
Index 689
delegates to
National Convention, 209; of
the State of Ohio--by Counties,"
Baltimore National Convention, 307-309;
Bibliography, 310-311.
Barnburners again leave, 211; Elections,
Ohio (1848): returns by coun-
nominated, 211; the resolutions, ties, 305-307;
presidential election
mentioned, 229-230; 15 Sena- (1848),
tors leave
Senate, 278, 280; agreement Elliott,
Henry W., 499.
Democrats and Free Soilers, Elyria
Courier, 219, 230.
claim victory in Ohio, 288-289; "Eminent
Representatives of the Sar-
bolt, its effect, 301-302. gent
Family," 181-187.
Jerry, 180. Epes,
Mary, 181.
Chauncey M., 46. Equal
Rights movement, 277.
Devol, Mrs.
G. P., 152. Erie
Canal, 33.
Senator Daniel S., 210, 264. Erie
County, Ohio, endorses Clay, 219.
David B., 178. Erie
County History, 318.
Louis M., 179. Erwin,
Captain David, 554.
David, 209. "Evolution
of Ohio County Boundaries,"
Dodge, A.
H., 562. 340-477; introduction, 340-341; New
Augustus C., 250. Counties,
342-351, 353-358, 360-362, 368-
Governor A. V., 43-46, 175. 371,
372-375, 379-382, 386, 389, 390-392,
Mrs. Arcelia, 179. 397-400,
403-406, 413-414, 419-421, 426-
Stephen A., 264. 427,
433-439; Changes, 352-353, 358-
Randolph C., "Thomas Jeffer- 360,
363, 367-368, 371, 378-379, 384-385,
son and the
Removal of Governor St. 386-388,
390, 393-396, 410-411, 414-417,
Clair in
1802," 62-77; "Evolution of 421-424,
427-432, 439-450; New Counties
Ohio County
Boundaries," 340-477. Unorganized,
375-377, 382-383, 386, 389-
Thomas W., 209. 390,
392-393, 401-403, 406-410, 411413,
Lyman C., 345. 418-419,
425; New Counties as Organ-
Dunbar, U.
S. J., 508. ized,
363-367; Alphabetical Summary,
Daniel, 207, 267, 295. 450-477;
Notes, 417, 450.
Peter, 181. Ewalt,
Rev. John A., 157, 158, 177.
Dunham, Dr.
John M., 177. Ewing,
General Thomas, 492.
Clyde A., 4. Ewing,
Senator Thomas, mentioned, 294,
Carolus, 186. 295;
a candidate, 304.
Major Clarence E., 502. Eyman,
Lieutenant Karl H., 479.
Elizabeth, 82. "Ezra Meeker, Ohio's Illustrious Pio-
Oliver, 224. neer":
Introduction, 3-4; Birth and
4-5; Early environment, 5;
E. Education,
5-6; Moves to Lockland,
George, Sr., 571. Ohio,
6; First employment, 6-7; Meets
George, Jr., 571. Henry
Ward Beecher, 6-7; Early mu-
Mrs. H. G., "Israel Putnam," sical
training, 7; Attends Whig Con-
528-548. vention,
7-8; Sells songs, 8; Father
John P., 209. buys
a farm, 8; Ezra marries, 8;
Captain John, 337. Moves
to Iowa, 8-9; Almost loses
Edwards ............, 295. life,
9; Treks to Oregon, 9-10; Diffi-
Election of 1848 in Ohio," 188-311: culties
of journey, 10-21; Cholera epi-
Chapter 1,
"The Legislative and Polit- demic,
14-15; Deaths, 15-16; Trouble
Background," 188-203; Chapter 2, with
Indians, 16; Trouble with buf-
and National Conventions," faloes,
17; Method of crossing rivers,
Chapter 3, "Ohio in the Buffalo 18-19;
End of journey, 19-20; Arrives
230-255; Chapter 4, "The at
Portland, 21; Seeks employment,
Campaign in
Ohio," 255-290; Chapter 5, 22-23;
Kindness of natives, 23; Family
Consideration of the Election Re- comes
from East, 23-24; Deaths of
turns," 290-305; "Returns of State mother
and brother, 24; Ezra settles
of Election
1848 by Counties," 305-307; at
Puyallup, 24; More trouble with
Election of 1848--Figures Indians,
24-25; Gold rush, 25; Death
Ezra Meeker--Concluded. Folk,
Governor Joseph W., 37.
of Brother, Oliver, 25; Ezra becomes Foraker,
Mrs. Joseph B., 177.
hop-farmer, 25; Visits England, 25; Ford,
Henry, gives books to Library, 176,
Death of father, 26; Return trip to 179,
180; "Henry Ford and the Mc-
"States," 26; Again
hears Beecher, Guffey
Readers," 314-315.
26; Hop crop destroyed, loses
for- Ford, Seabury:
suggested for Governor,
tune, 26; Goes to Klondike, 26-27; 215;
nominated, 217; sketch of, 272-
Journeys East in ox-team, over Old 273,
276; Barnburners fail to support,
Trail; sees many markers
erected, 284;
reticence of,
286-287; Journal
arouses interest in Trans-continental claims
plurality for, 288; is
highway, 27-29; Visits Ohio -- royally Governor,
288-289; votes for "Sea-
welcomed, 30-32; Sells book enroute, bury,"
303; notified, 303.
28-29, 32; Addresses Columbus audi- Forest
Reserves, Origin of, 184-185.
ence, 32-33; Participates in benefit at Fort
Ancient, 4.
Buffalo, 33; Meets trouble on Erie Fort Clinton, 545.
Canal, 33; Great welcome in New Fort Defiance, 334, 336.
York, 33-34; Trouble with mayor, Fort
Duquesne, 536.
dog-thief, etc., 34-35; Reaches Wash- Fort
Erie, 338, 537-538, 539.
ington, 35; Meets President Roose- Fort
Frontenac, 535.
velt, 35-36; Winters at Pittsburgh, 36; Fort
Junundat, 537, 541.
Experiences in Cincinnati, St. Louis, "Fort
Laurens: the Story of the Ac-
Jefferson City, and other points, 37- quisition
of its Site by the State of
38; Ovation on return to
Portland, Ohio";
the author's first visit, 481;
38; Returns East by automobile, 38; writes
to local paper, 481; addresses
Again, by airplane, 39; Excerpt from D.
A. R. on subject, 481-482; plea for
letter, 42; Passage of bill authorizing rehabilitation
of the site, 482; story
memorial coins, 43; Dedication of of
the Fort, 482-483; present owner-
monument to Meeker, 43; Re-visits ship,
483; lethargy on the subject,
Columbus, meets Governor Donahey, 484-485;
Captain Baatz publishes
43-46; Attends National Game Con- account, with petition to
ference, 46; Poem on, 46-47. Assembly;
sends to S. A. R. and
D. A. R. chapters, 484; bill presented,
F. becomes
a law, 484; credit not given
Fairfield County, Ohio, 478-480; Fairfield to the originator thereof,
484-485; ap-
County in the World War, 318. peal
made to Hon. C. B. Galbreath.
"Family Compact," 535-536. 485-486.
Field, David D., 204, 238, 244. Fort
Lyman, 533.
Fillmore, Millard, 228. Fort
Mackinac, 537.
"First Ascent of the Mountain of the Fort Malden, 335, 336, 339.
Holy Cross," 517-527. Fort
Montgomery, 545.
First brick made in Northwest Territory, "Fort
Morrow Soldiers of the War of
151. 1812,
Honored," 572-577; Movement to
First cheese factory in north-eastern Ohio, have Graves marked, 572-573; Cere-
562. mony
at Marking of Graves, 573-577;
First church in Virginia, 123. Address
by Senator Frank B. Willis,
First fort built by whites in Ohio, 537. 573-577.
First grafted apple orchard in Ohio Val- Fort
Ontario, 538.
ley, 151. Fort
Pitt, 482, 536.
First Lutheran church in Ohio, 124-126. Fort
Presqui'l, 537-538.
First photograph of
Mountain of the Fort Sandoski, 537, 539,
Holy Cross, 523-526. Fort
Steilacoom, 23, 24.
First western state to build canals, 92. Fort
Stephenson, 541.
Fisher, Dr. G. Clyde, Address by, 676- Fort
Ticonderoga, 534-535.
683; brief sketch of, 681. Fort
Wayne, 334-339.
Flags: Ojibwa war flag, 91. Foster,
.........., 210.
Florence, Colonel Elias, 215. Foucart,
Professor G., 491.
Index 691
Free Soil Banner, 263, 284. falo
Convention, 249, 283; speaks on
Free Soil Party: Germ of, 240-241; en- Free
Soil Party, 285; endorsed, 288;
dorse Barnburners, 242; bolt at Bal- influence
on Whigs, 291; his career,
timore and its effect, 243-245; Buffalo 292; makes
charge against Truman
Free Soil
Convention, 245-255; in- Smith,
293; attacked by him, 294, and
fluence of Ohio, 249, 255; Hale by
Whittlesey, 294-295; influence on
boomed, 250; Van Buren nominated, slavery,
304; candidate for Congress,
252; resolutions, 252-254; Free Soil 304-305;
mentioned, 230-231, 295.
press comments, on Cass and Taylor, Gifts: to
Library, 174-180; 318; 478-480;
266-268; on
Ford and Weller, 284- 488-489;
492; 590-592.
285; unite with Whigs on a candidate, to
Museum, 321-325; 491, 597, 600-605.
287; Cincinnati Herald on, 287-288; to
Society, 599.
did not support Ford, 289; members Gilbert,
Prof. G. K., 508-509.
visit Massachusetts, 291; influence in Gill, De Lancey
W., 503.
Ohio politics, 290-305; platform, 301; Glasgow, Lenora,
lose in Ohio, gain in New York, 302; Goddard,
..........., 295.
influence of Chase and Giddings, 304- Godman, H. C.,
Company, 316.
305. Gold
rush, 25, 26-27.
French and English War, 534-537. Goodell, William, 232.
French and Indian War, 532-538. Graham, Rev. William,
130, 139.
Frenchtown, Battle of, 333. Greeley,
Horace, 292-293.
Fries, George, 201, 202, 286. Greene County,
Ohio, 215, 219.
Fullerton, Hugh S., 176. Greenway,
Robert, 563.
Gregory, D., 293.
G. "A
Grizzly Bear Adventure--1874," 511-
Gabler, William, 573. 513.
Gabriel, Eli, 175. Guilford,
Nathaniel, 241.
Gage, General Thomas, 538, 539. Gunn, ........., 228.
Charles B.: meets
Meeker, 30, 38; speaks at McGuffey H.
Society meeting,
158, 165-167, 177; Haas,
Frank W., 178.
re-elected Secretary,
Editor and Li- Hale,
John P.: suggested for President,
brarian, 660; mentioned, 485. 235; tide strong
for, 237; nominated
Galbreath, Charles
B. (Contributions): by
Liberty Party, 240; endorsed, 242;
"Ezra Meeker, Ohio's Illustrious Pio- Liberty Party fights for, 245-246;
neer," 3-47; "Trial of William Bebb," boomed, 250; defeated,
252; men-
48-61; Reviews, Notes and Comments, ed, 302.
147-155; address at McGuffey meeting, Halstead, Mrs. Maude,
165-167; Reviews, Notes and Com- Hambleton,
John E., 180.
ments, 312-318; "J. Morton Howell," Hamilton,
Lt.-Gov. Henry, 579.
321-325; Reviews, Notes and Com- Hamilton, John C.,
ments, 478-492, 578-583. Hamilton County,
Ohio, 279, 302-303.
Gallatin, Albert, 69-70, 75-76. Hamlin, E. S.,
241, 285.
Gallia County, Ohio, 132-133, 201. Hanna,
Neri, 498.
Galloway, Samuel, 223, 228. Harmon, Governor
Judson, 314.
Gardiner, Mrs. Deborah Lothrop, 542. Harriman,
Shepherd F., 178.
Garrard, Captain William, 336. Harrison, General
William H., 332-339.
Garrett, George L., 178. Harrison County, Ohio, endorses Clay,
George, John, Jr., "The Miami Canal," 219.
92-115. Harsha,
Mrs. Anita H., 177.
Gibler, David, 483. Harsha,
Catherine, 180.
Gibler, Valentine, 483. Harsha,
Charles, 180.
Gibson, Colonel, 482. Harsha,
Jane, 180.
Giddings, Joshua R.: attitude on Wilmot Harsha,
Mary, 180.
Proviso, 202; aids Bailey, 232; letter Harsha, Paul,
to, 233-234; letter from, 241; at Buf- Harvard
University, 183-184.
692 Index
Harvey, Mrs. A. E., 177. Horst, John R., Jr., 177.
Harvey, Lucy M., 179. Horst,
Mrs. Metta W., 174.
Hathorne, Elizabeth, 529. Horst, Paul H., 177.
Hathorne, William, 529. Howe,
Henry, 346-347.
Hayden, Dr. Ferdinand V., heads U. S. Howe,
W. P. H., 179.
Geological Survey of the Territories, Howell,
Dr. J. Morton, sketch of life,
499; honors Dr. W. H. Holmes, 501- 321-323;
presents Egyptian mummy to
502; mentioned, 503-504; takes lead in Ohio
Archaeological Society, 323-325.
perilous ascent, 522. Howell,
Mrs. Jane (Miller), 321.
Hayes Memorial Building, Fremont, Ohio, Howell,
Joseph G., 321.
314. Howells,
Joseph A., sketch of life, 549-
"Hayes Series": Diary and Letters, Life 550; "Pioneer Life in Ashtabula
of President Hayes, 327. County,"
Hayne, Robert Y., 165-167. Howells,
Mrs. Mary Dean, 549.
Heberling, John, 496. Howells,
William C., 549.
Heberling, Mary, 496. Howells,
William Dean, 549, 550.
Heckewelder, John G. E., 88, 89. Hrdlicka, Ales, 507, 508.
Hegler, Almer, 174. Hulbert,
Archer B., Address on "The
Henkel, Rev. Paul, 120-121, 124-125. Provincial
Basis of Patriotism," 664-
Henry, Professor Joseph, 498. 676; brief
sketch of, 667.
Henry, Mary, 498. Hutchins,
Thomas, 345.
Henry, Patrick, quoted, 170-171. Hutchinson, Eleazer, 571.
Herkimer, New York: Anti-Slavery Con-
vention at, 204-206; 238-239, 250. I.
Higgins, Mrs. Rachel W., 174. "Ideals, Aims and Distinguished Char-
Hill, W. W., 179. acters
of the American Revolution as
Hillsboro public library, 176. portrayed by
McGuffey Readers,"
Hines, Rep. Oscar M., 484. 168-174.
"Historical Boundary Line Commemo- Indian
Boundary Line, 581-583.
rated by Monument," 581-583. Indians: cause of trouble with, 24-25;
Hodge, F. W., 345, 507. "Logan,
Tecumseh, the Shawano In-
Holmes, Colonel J. T., 493, 496. dians,"
78-91; Ohio Indians the brav-
Holmes, Joseph, 493. est,
80; prowess of, 80-81; disadvan-
Holmes, Mary (Heberling), 493. tages of, 81; unscrupulous traders,
Holmes, Rev. Obadiah, 493. 82, 87;
justified in resisting, 84-85;
Holmes, Osgood, 510. perfidious treatment of,
84-86; in-
Holmes, William Heberling,
511. stinct
of self-preservation, 87-88; life
William Henry, biographical of, 88; Gnadenhutten massacre, 88-89;
sketch of, 493-511; "A Bear Hunt in "An
Adventure with," 513-517.
Yellowstone Park," 511; "A Grizzly "Israel Putnam": 528-548; birth and
Bear Adventure," 511-513; "An Ad- parentage,
528-529; boyish exploits,
venture with
the Indians," 513-517; 529-530;
marriage, 530; the wolf hunt,
"First Ascent of the Mountain of 530-531; the call to arms, 532; Battle
the Holy Cross," 517-527. of Lake
George, 532-533; Rogers'
Holy Cross, Mountain of the, 517-527. Rangers, 533-535; promotion, 534; a
Honor Roll of Ohio -- Erie County edi. narrow escape, 534-535; again pro-
tion, 318. moted,
domestic affliction, 535; the
Honor Roll of Ohio -- Lawrence County, Cuban campaign, 536; Treaty of Paris,
317. 536;
Indian uprising, 536-538; Con-
Hop crop in Oregon, 25-26. spiracy
of Pontiac, 537-538, 539, 540;
Horst, Betty B., 180. Indians
sue for peace, 539; Bradstreet
Horst, Mrs. Blanche G., 177. duped,
539-540; more plots, 541-542;
Horst, Mrs. Joan B., 176. end of Indian uprising, 542; Putnam
Horst, John R., mentioned, 158, 174, 180; bereaved,
the Stamp Act, Second
speaks at McGuffey
Presentation marriage of Putnam,
542; British
Meeting, 160-164. land
grants, the Boston Tea-Party,
Index 693
543; Putnam active,
drives flock of Kelly,
Oakley G., 40-41.
sheep to Boston, 543-544; the first Kertley,
Captain Jeremiah, 336.
battle, Putnam
promoted, 544; the Kientz,
Philip, 600-601.
Battle of Bunker Hill, 545; again King, Clarence, 502.
promoted, further activities, 545; his King,
Leicester, 237, 240, 301
latest exploit,
546-547; illness and King, Preston, 210, 235, 242
death, 547; epitaph, 547-548. Kinnamon, Harrison, 573.
Israel Putnam Agricultural Park, 541.
J. Ladd, Story B., 512.
"J. Morton Howell
-- His Gift to the Lafayette,
Marquis de, 566, 567-568.
Museum of
the Ohio State Archeo- Lake
County, Ohio, endorses Clay for
logical and Historical Society," 321- President,
325. Lancaster
public library, 175.
Jackson, General Andrew, 283. Langley, Prof. Samuel P., 503, 506.
Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt, 84-85. Laning, J. F., 348.
Jackson, John R., 23. Laurens,
General John, 82.
Jackson, W. H., makes photographs for Law of the plains, 13-14.
Institution, 503, 512; Lawrence,
Abbott, 228.
photographs Mountain of
the Holy Lawrence County,
Ohio, 317-318.
Cross, 523-526. Leavitt,
Joshua, 234-235, 237.
Jaeger, C. F., 175. Lester,
Mrs. Annie J., "Ideals, Aims
Jaeger, Mrs. Eva (Sells), "Sketches of and
Distinguished Characters of the
John and Ann Simpson Davis," 563- American
Revolution as Portrayed by
571. McGuffey
Readers," 168-174; 179.
"Jefferson, Thomas, and the Removal "Letter
from Colonel John
Allen," 332
of Governor St. Clair in 1802," 62-77. 339;
sketch of Allen's life, 332-334;
Jenkins, Mrs. Elizabeth L., 175. letter from Fort Defiance, 1812, 334-
Jennyngs, Colonel William, 336-339. 339.
Johnson, President Arthur C., accepts Lewis, Alonzo V., 45.
gift to
Society, 158, 164-165; men- Lewis,
Samuel, heart of Liberty Party,
tioned, 175. 202-203;
offers aid to National Era in
Johnson, "Tom," 30. riot
case, 231-232; presides at last
Johnson, Sir William, 87, 538. convention of
Liberty Party, 237; at
Johnson, Judge William, 55, 59. Ohio Mass Free
Territory Conven-
"Jolly Old Pedagogue, The," 167-168. tion, 240;
at Buffalo Free Soil Con.
Jones, Mrs. Harry P., 152. vention,
249; plurality of, 301.
Jones, Dr. J. W., 175. Lewis,
Colonel William, 333, 335, 336.
Jones, Governor James C., 226. Liberty League, 232-233.
Jones, Senator Wesley L., 43, 45. Liberty Party: 232-255; 284-285; 300.
"Joseph A. Howells," 549-550; birth and Library of the
Society, Gifts to, 174-180;
parentage, 549; life-work, 549; ap- 318;
478-480; 488-489; 492; 590-592.
pointed Consul, 549-550; death, 550; a Liggett, Ensign
James, 336-338.
remarkable epitaph, 550. Lima Argus, 282.
Julian, George W., quoted, 291. Livengood, W. W., 179.
Lockwood, George R., 153.
K. Lockwood,
Rachael R., "A Pioneer Let-
Kahler, Mrs. Elizabeth B., 179. ter," 153-155.
"Kansas, Struggle for Freedom in," 492. Locofocos, demand bank reform, 189,
"Kansas' Dead in France": a poem, 144- criticized by
Whigs, 195; Richland
145. County
men demand imprisonment of
Kauffman, Theodore, 498. Corwin,
199; mentioned, 277; make
Lucy E., "Charles Richard charge
against Corwin, 300; confu-
Williams," 327-331. sion
in Hamilton County, 303.
Kellogg, Dr. Louise P., 345-346. Logan, Benjamin, 332.
694 Index
Logan, James,
Mingo chief, sketch of McLaughlin,
Andrew C., 264.
life, 82-83;
mentioned, 87; monument McLean,
Judge John R., "a favorite
to, 89; his
speech, 90. son,"
219; vote for, 227; legal opinion
Logan, Sally,
332. of
slavery, 242; a leading candidate
Logan, Judge
William, 334, 337. on
Liberty Party, 245; Chase on, 246;
Logan County,
Ohio, stands for Corwin, reserved
on subject of slavery, 247;
215. mentioned,
297, 302.
Tecumseh, the Shawano
In- Macon,
Nathaniel, 72.
78-91: eulogy of Logan, 78; McPherson,
H. R., 177.
of the Shawano
or Shawnee In- McPherson,
Marian, 178.
dians, 79-81;
character of frontiers- McRae,
Captain R. O., 573.
men, 81-82,
86-87; sketches of lives of McSurley,
Ella G., 180.
Cornstalk, Tecumseh, 82-84; McSurely,
Ella G., 180.
unjust treatment
of Indians, 82, 84. Madison,
James, 70-72, 75, 76.
86; character of
Ohio Indians, 88-90; Mahan,
Asa, 249, 254, 291.
Ojibwa war flag,
91. Mahan,
Bruce E., 148.
London, Public
Library of, 176. Mann,
E. C., 174.
Loop, James L.,
55, 59. Maps,
Calendaring of, 148.
Lorimier, Louis,
344. Marin
(Molang), 535.
Pierre, 344. Marshall,
Chief Justice Carrington T.,
Lowden, Dr.
Thomas S., 180. 174,
Lowe, P. B.,
207. Martin,
Mat, 280.
Lowe, Wm. A.,
481-485. Mason,
Captain John, 79.
Lowell, Mrs.
Guy, 185. Massachusetts:
at Whig National Con-
Lower Shawanese
Town, 345-347. vention,
Lucas, Lida S.,
180. Massilon--Canal
Fulton Road, Unveiling
Lutheran church
in Ohio, 121-126. of
a Marker on, 581-583.
Lyman, General
Phineas, 543. Massingham,
James, 562.
M. Matthews,
Stanley, 229, 240.
McAllister, Mrs.
Sallie, 175. Meacham,
U. D., 55, 58.
McAuley family,
18. Medary,
Samuel, 209, 280-281, 287.
McClain, Mrs. J.
O., 179. Meek,
Dr. F. B., 499.
McClellan, Mayor
George B., 34. Meeker,
Ezra: sketch of life, 3-47; Ox-
Captain Virgil, 338. Team
Days on the Oregon Trail, 147-
McElroy, John,
quoted, 163. 148.
Alexander H., 163. Meeker,
Jacob Redding, 5.
McGuffey, Anna,
Tomb of, 156. "Memorial
Alcove," 157.
McGuffey, Mrs.
Laura H., Tomb of, 156. Mereness,
Newton D., 148-149.
164, 165-167,
169-174; tomb of, 156. Metcalf,
Governor Thomas, 293.
William H., influence of, 162- Mexican War, justified by Democrats,
164, 165-167,
169-174. 193;
increases interest in Abolition-
Society: meets, presents col- ism,
194; approved by National Demo.
lection of
McGuffey Readers to Ar- cratic
Convention, 211; condemned by
and Historical Library, Whigs,
217; Three-Million Bill, 198,
program, 157-158; addresses, 263.
158-180: J. F.
Carlisle, 158-159; J. R. "The
Miami Canal," 92-115; importance
Horst, 160-164;
President A. C. John- of
internal improvements, 92; de-
son, 164-165;
Hon. C. B. Galbreath, velopment
of canals, 92-93; reasons
165-167; Mrs. A.
J. Lester, 168-174; for
building the Miami Canal, 93-94;
list of Readers
and Donors, 174-180; progress
of construction, cost, diffi-
interest of
Henry Ford, 314-315. culties,
94-98; financing, the biggest
General, 482. problem,
98-104; methods of raising
McKay, Mrs.
Frances (Dana), 152. money,
98-103; administrative man-
President William, 185; birth- agement,
104-106; operation, articles
place of, 314. of transport, 107-108; decline, 108-
Index 695
111; results, commercial, financial, Dana,
John, 151-152.
111-113; bibliography, 113-115. Harmon,
ex-Governor Judson, 314.
Miami County,
Ohio, endorses Clay for Howells,
Joseph A., 549-550.
219. Shawan,
Dr. Jacob A., 490-491.
Daniel, 571. Ward,
Col. Harry P., 149-150.
Miller, Anson
S., 54-59. Wolfe,
Robert F., 315-317.
Senator Jacob W., 265-266. Official
Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors
Mills, Helen
M., 178. and Marines in the World War,
Mills, Dr.
William C., 175, 481. 580-581.
Minnich, Dean
H. C., 177. Ogden,
William H., 54.
Compromise, 264. Ohio:
Whigs and the Mexican War, 198-
Whittier C., "Kansas' Dead in 199;
Ohio man real author of Wilmot
a poem, 144-145. Proviso,
200, 304; Whigs support the
Lieutenant, 539, 540, 541. principle,
Democrats not adverse, 201;
Moore, Mrs.
Phebe A., 180. state
ready to meet the slavery issue,
Moorehead, J.
M., 224. 203;
Democratic State Convention, 206-
Warren K., "Logan, Tecum- 214;
Whig State Convention, 215-222;
seh, the
Shawano Indians," 78-91. at
National Convention, 223-230; Ohio
Morro Castle,
536. in the Buffalo Convention,
Jeremiah, 216. Bellgrove
mass meeting, 230; attitude
Morse, Rep.
Isaac E., 210. of
north-eastern Ohio, 231; Samuel
Morse, John
F., 304. Lewis,
231-232; Liberty Party, 232-231;
Mountain of
the Holy Cross, 517 527. Ohio
at Liberty National Convention,
Peter, 126. 237-238;
Liberty Party State Conven-
Egyptian, 321-325. tion,
239-240; Ohio Mass Free Terri-
Lieutenant Harrison, 336, 337. tory
Convention, 240-242; part of Ohio
Museum of the Society, Gifts to, 321-325, men
in politics, 243; Ohio at Barn-
597, 600-605. burner
National Convention, 244-245;
N. activity
of Chase, 245, passim; the cam-
Era, 231, 232. paign in
Ohio, 255-290; press com-
National Game
Conference, 46. ments,
258, passim; Weller, 270-272;
Liberty Convention, 234-235. Ford,
272-276; Democratic stand, 276-
Road, 94. 277; Whigs,
277-278; "Absquatula-
Nealon, Mrs.
Josephine S., 176. tors,"
278-280; Democratic State Con-
Nease family,
137-138. vention,
280-282; rise of Free Soilers,
New York
City: a troublesome ordinance, 282-288;
agreements with other parties,
33-35. 287;
state election, 288-289; results,
New York
State: Barnburner Convention 289-305;
Whigs in confusion, 290-291;
at Herkimer,
204-206, 238-239; repre- Ohio attracts nation-wide attention,
sented at
Whig National Convention, 292-293;
activity of Giddings, 293-296;
224. Corwin,
297-300; national election, 300-
New York Tribune,
293. 302;
the influence of the Apportion-
Nichols, Ely,
191. ment Law,
302-303; Ford elected
Nichols, Hugh
L., 314. Governor,
303; part of Ohio in na-
Nicholson, A.
O. P., 264-265. tional
politics, 304-305; "Acquisition
Letter, 265. of
Fort Laurens by the State," 480-
Nihart, W.
F., 176. 486.
Territory, Relation of Jeffer- "Ohio
County Boundaries, Evolution of,"
son to,
62-77. 340-477.
Norton ............. 210. Ohio
county histories, 317-318.
Nye, General
James W., 249. "Ohio,
Election of 1848 in," 188-311.
Ohio Mass
Free Territory Convention,
O. 240-243.
Obituaries: Ohio Press,
opposes Cass, 206; office
Charles P., 312-313. closed,
Curry, Col.
William L., 486-489. Ohio
Standard, 230, 283.
696 Index
State Archaeological and Historical 557-560;
death of Jonathan Rich, 560;
receives collection of
Mc- sketches of lives
of Horatio G. and
Guffey Readers,
157-180; receives George W. Rich, 561-562.
from Egypt, 321-325; holds Pioneer Life in Ohio, 153-155.
Meeting, 584-683. Plum,
Dr. H. R., 180
State Independent People's Conven- Plunder
Acts, 272-273.
229. Pocock,
Caroline, 149.
State Journal, 260-261, 262, 282, 283, Poe, Adam, 485.
291, 295, 315, 316.
"Ezra Meeker," 46-47; "Kansas'
Statesman, 263, 275, 277, 280, 286. Dead in
France," 145-146; "The Jolly
war flag, 91. Old
Pedagogue," 167-168.
Chillicothe," 80. Polk,
President James K.: criticized for
"Old Gimlet-Eyes," 209.
of Rivers and Harbors Bill, 195-
Vincennes, Capture of, 578-580. 196;
blamed for Mexican War, 196-
Dr. Edson B., drafts minority re- 197;
"well-represented" at Democratic
on Corwin, 199;
"bolts" the National Convention, 209; compli-
278; called an "Absquatula- mented
in Resolutions, 211; asks ap-
280; defeats Edwards for Sena- propriation to
complete Treaty of
295. Peace
with Mexico, 261.
Territory, 199-200, 262-263. Polson,
John, 130.
Trail, Plan to mark, 27-38; Me
Association, 43. Pomfret
(now Brooklyn), Connecticut:
Oregon Treaty,
9. "Put's
Old Wolf Den," 530-531; sends
Nicolas, 536-537. letter
to Boston patriots, with flock
sheep 543.
journeys to the Pacific, 8-23.
Conspiracy of, 537-538; Brad-
P. street
a dupe, 539-540.
David W., 342. Pope,
Hannah 530.
Parris, Rev. Samuel, 528. Portage
County, Ohio, 287-292.
Israel, 529.
Mrs. Alice H., 175.
Provincial Basis of," 664-676. Ports, Mrs. Julia P., 175.
Charles C., 174. Post,
Christian F., 485.
General John, 333. Postle, Dr. and
Mrs. W. E., 178.
Ed. N., 481-485. Potter,
Mrs. Nathaniel B., 186.
Theodore C., 148. Potterfield,
Jonathan, 153.
Bertha, 179. Potterfield,
Mrs. Rachel R. Lockwood,
Peter, 135. 153.
John, 564. Powell,
Major J. W., 503, 506, 507.
William, 563-564. "Presentation of
McGuffey Readers,"
at Whig National Conven- 157-180:
joint meeting of Archaeological
223. and
Historical and McGuffey Socie-
Clark E., 304. ties,
157-174; program, 157-158; intro.
W. E., 179. ductory
address by President of Mc-
Whig National Convention Guffey
Society, 158-160; presentation
223-230; 247. address
by John R. Horst, 160-164;
The, 232. address
of acceptance by President of
Alexander N., 303. Archaeological
and Historical Society,
Rep. Samuel H., 35. 164-165;
address by Secretary of the
"A Pioneer Letter," 153-155. same,
165-167; reading of "The Jolly
Life in Ashtabula County," 551- Old
Pedagogue," by Mrs. M. S.
introduction, 551; woman's hero- Stewart,
167-168; address by Mrs.
552; the Rich family, 553-562; in Annie
J. Lester, 168-174; list of Mc-
553; in New York, 554- Guffey
books and donors, 174-180.
emigration to the Ohio Country, Price,
Erwin H., "The Election of 1848
555-556; settlement
in Ashtabula in Ohio,"
556-558; pioneer experiences, Proctor,
A. M., 562.
Index 697
"The Provincial Basis of Patriotism," Richland
County petition, on Corwin's
664-676. imprisonment,
Pugh, Rep.
George E., 303. Riddle,
Rep. Andrew G., 273.
Purcell, Elsie
B., 179. Riegel,
Vernon M., 177.
Daniel, 544. Rivers
and Harbors Bill: vetoed by Pres.
Putnam, Mrs.
Deborah L. Gardiner, 542. Polk,
195; Whigs criticize his stand,
Israel, 528-548. 195-196.
Joseph, 528. Roberts,
Mrs. Carrie R., 176.
Hill," 547. Robeson,
Mary A., 185.
Robinson, Mrs.
S. U., 150.
Q. Roches
Moutonnees Valley, 520-521.
Quaife, Dr.
Milo M., The Capture of Old Rodgers,
Mrs. Ida, 775.
Vincennes, 578-580. Rogers,
Robert, 533.
Rangers, 533-534.
R. Roosevelt,
Theodore, 35-36.
Railroads vs.
canals, 109-112. Root,
J. M., attitude toward Wilmot
Raisin River,
Battle of, 333-339. Proviso,
202-203; scored for bolting,
Emilius 0., 481-484. 283;
mentioned, 295.
Caroline, 497. Ross,
Olin J., 179.
George, 263-264. Roush,
Rev. L. L., "The Roush Family
Charles, 199. in
America," 116-144.
Reese, Mrs.
Myrtis G., 176. "Roush
Family in America," 116-144: con-
Party, 205. tribution
of, to our country, 116-117;
Reviews, Notes
and Comments, by the motive
in emigrating, 117-119; John
Editor: Ox-Team
Days on the Oregon Adam
Roush's arrival, 119; marriage,
Trail, by Ezra Meeker, 147-148; Con- removal to Virginia, 119-120;
ference of
Historical Agencies in the nent
in planting Lutheranism, 120-
Upper Mississippi Valley, 148-149; 122;
his children build three churches,
Colonel Harry
Parker Ward, 149-150; 121-123;
descendants in Ohio, 123-126;
John Dana,
151-152; A Pioneer Letter, patriotism,
126-127; death of John
153-155; Death
of Grandson of John Roush
and his wife, 128; Jacob Roush
312-313; John Brown Home in visits Ohio
Valley, 128-129; five
313-314; Judson Harmon, 314; brothers
buy land in West Virginia,
Henry Ford and
the McGuffey Read- 129-130;
two settle in Ohio, 130; de-
ers, 314-315;
Robert Frederick Wolfe, scription
of Gallia County, 131-132;
County World War Histories, of Washington County, 132; the
317-318; Fairfield
County in the World Roushes
in Adams County, 133-135;
War, 478-480; Fort Laurens, 480-486; Virginia Military District, 134;
William Leontes Curry, 486- non's
Survey, 134; two Roushes set-
489; Dr. Jacob
Albright Shawan, 490- tle
in Highland County, 135; Cap-
Sarcophagus, or Mummy-case, tain
John, 135; George, 135-137; Daniel,
491; General
Thomas Ewing, 492; The 137;
Abraham, Jonas, Regina, 137-138;
Capture of Old
Vincennes, 578-580; Meigs
County, 138; Gallia County,
Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sail- 138-139; Henry, John, Jacob, 139-140;
ors and
Marines in the World War, Letart Township, 139-141; early mail-
Historical Boundary Line Com- carriers,
140; Ohio Land Company,
memorated by
Monument, 581-583. 140-141;
the family in Letart Town-
Rhea, Captain
James, 335. ship,
141-142; in the Civil War and
Rich, Mrs.
Anna S., 554. the
World War, 142; patriotism and
Rich, George
W., 556, 561. good
citizenship of the family, 142-
Rich, Horatio
G., 556, 561, 562. 144;
"The Roush Family Association
Jonathan, 553, 554. of
America," 144.
Jonathan, Jr., 554. Runyan,
George W., 303.
Rich, Mrs.
Ruth S., 554. S.
Rich, Mrs.
Thankful N., 553. St.
Clair, Arthur, 62-77, 187.
Rich family
(of Ashtabula Co.), 553-562. St.
Clair, Bank of, 190.
698 Index
Citizen," 280. Sherer,
Theodore, 281.
Sams, Oliver
N., 178. Sherman,
John, 223.
Santa Fe
Trail, 37. Shook,
Clinton B., 179.
Alice, 186. Silverwood,
Horace, 573.
Charles S., VI: sketch of life, Simmons,
John, 498.
appreciation, 182; career in Simpson,
Ann, 564-566.
182-183; work for Harvard Uni- Simpson,
John, 564-565.
183-184; for forestry, 184-185; Simpson,
Mary, 564-565.
Forest Reserves
proclaimed, through Simpson,
Mathew, 564-565.
his efforts,
185; his contributions to Simpson,
Mrs. Nancy (Hines), 564-565.
185; marriage, and family, Simpson,
William, 564-565, 571.
185-186. Simrall,
Colonel James, 336.
Charles S., Jr., 186. Sinkler,
Azro, 562.
Epes, 180. Sioux
Indians, 81-82, 91.
Sargent, Fitz
William, VI, 186. Sites,
Maud G., 342.
Henrietta (G.), 182. "Sketches
of John and Ann (Simpson)
Ignatius, 182. Davis:
their Forbears and Descend-
Sargent, John
S., 186. ants,"
563-571; Introduction, 563-564;
Sargent, Mary
N., 186. arrival
of immigrants with Penn, 563-
William, 181. 564;
William Simpson, 564-565; mar-
Winthrop, 72. ries,
564; family, 565-569; sketches of
Winthrop, IV., 186-187. John
Davis and his wife, Ann Simp-
Winthrop, VII, 187. son,
565-567; Col. John Davis, 567-569;
family, 181-187. assists
in welcoming Lafayette, 567-
Sawyer, 241. 568;
Captain W. W. H. Davis, 568-
Schenck, John
N. C., 216. 569;
Descendants of John and Ann
Schultz, Rev.
Frank A., 573. Simpson
Davis, 569-571; Lester Sells,
Abigail J., 4. 569;
W. W. Cromley, 569-570; F. and
Scott, Col.
John M., 333, 335, 336. H.
Van Petten, 570; H. L. and J. A.
Scott, Dr.
William H., 175. Artz,
570-571; Revolutionary soldiers,
General Winfield, suggested for 571.
220; Ohio agrees on, at Skinner,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H., 174.
Whig National
Convention, 223; vote Slavery
in the territories, 264 passim.
on, 226-227. Sloane,
John, 217, 223.
Scouts, Boy:
incident concerning, 173; Smalley,
James C., 177.
select site
for Memorial, 581, 582; Smith,
Gerrit, nominated for President
assist in
raising funds, 583. by Liberty
Party, 233, 235; makes
Seip Park,
599. minority
report, 237; defeated, 239.
Amaziah, 569. Smith,
J. C., 210.
Sells, Mrs.
Cora N., 178. Smith,
James, on traders, 80.
Sells, Mrs.
Florence (Davis), 569. Smith,
T. C., 289.
Sells, John,
571. Smith,
Truman, at Whig National Con-
Lester, 569. vention,
224; firm for Clay, 226; warns
Ludwick, 571. Whigs,
293; attacks Giddings, 294.
Seven Years'
War, 532-536. Snider,
Judge Van A., 178, 318.
William H., 293. Snyder,
Mrs. Angie H., 177.
Benjamin F., 148. Sohn,
Mrs. Nannie T., 176.
Shawan, Dr.
H. K., 491. Sons
of the American Revolution, Ohio,
Shawan, J.
A., Jr., 491. 483-484,
Shawan, Dr.
Jacob A., 490-491. Spalding,
R. P., 209.
Shawan, Mrs.
Jennie K. (Holmes), 491. Speer,
Mrs. Belle, 175.
Shawan, R.
F., 491. Spencer,
Oliver M., 303.
Indians: "Logan, Tecumseh, the Spencer,
Platt R., 561.
Indians," 78-91; origin, 79; Spindler,
Nicholas, 279, 280.
estimate of,
80-81; summary, 90-91. Spooner,
Lysander, 232, 237.
Shawnee Town,
Lower, 345-347. Standing
Stone Fork, 348-350.
Index 699
Stanton, Edwin
M., 235, 236, 238. against
St. Clair, 67-68; cabinet mem-
Colonel, 541. bers
act upon them, 68-70; Gallatin,
James, 503. Madison
oppose dismissal, 69-70; Mad-
Mrs. James, 504. ison
warns St. Clair, 71-72; Territorial
Richard T., 304. Republicans
displeased, 72-73; Con-
Stewart, Mrs.
Martha S., 158, 167, 175. stitutional
Convention meets, 73-75;
Stewart, Paul
R., 582. St.
Clair's Secretary complains, 73-75;
Stanley S., 176. St.
Clair's intemperate speech, 75-76;
Stone, Mrs.
Elliott, 152. Cabinet
members again consulted, 75;
Struggle for Freedom in Kansas," St.
Clair is removed from office, 76;
492. Worthington
forgives Jefferson, 76-77.
Stuber, James
W., 46. Thompson,
Dr. William O., 175.
Charles, 234, 246. Thrailkill,
Marshall E., 178, 180.
Sweetser, Rep.
Charles, 295. "Three-Million
Bill," 198, 263.
Samuel, 181. Tilden,
Daniel, 223, 227, 244.
Toll-rates in
Ohio, 100.
T. Townsend,
N. S., 304.
Benjamin, opposes Cass, 206, "Trial of
William Bebb," 48-61: a chari-
208; at
Barnburner National Conven- vari
and its results, 48-51; the true
tion, 244-245;
mentioned, 288. account--extract
from Rockford Re-
Tappan, Eli,
208-209. publican,
52-53; extract from Ohio Re-
question, 194; the Walker tariff, pository,
53; story of trial, 54-58;
194-195. Thomas
Corwin's connection with the
Captain, 572. case,
53, 58, 60; Bebb acquitted, 58;
Taylor, James
W., edits Cincinnati Signal, extracts
from Rockford Register, 58,
206; sends
editorial to Zachary Taylor, 59;
discrepancies of early story, 60;
delegate to Barnburner Con- lessons,
60; death of Governor Bebb,
vention, 245;
at the Utica Convention, 61.
301. Trumbull,
John, 545.
Zachary: suggested for President, Tryon,
Governor William, 546, 547.
220; opinion
on slavery, 220-221, 258- Turner,
T. J., 55.
259; estimate
of, 221-222; delegates ad- Tut-Ankh-Amen,
323, 491.
vised against,
222; Pennsylvania's
second choice,
223; Ohio against, 223;
endorsed by
Weed, 224; vote on, 225- Vail,
Mrs. Margaret D., 178.
227; movement
against, 243, 247; com- Vallandigham,
Clement L., 281.
with Cass, 256-258; letter to Van Buren,
John, at Barnburner's Con
259-260; evasive concerning vention,
205; makes address, 238;
263-264, 176; "to be voted for lauded
for leading bolters, 242; men-
293; defeated by Corwin, tioned,
244, 250, 287.
279; election
and its results, 300. Van
Buren, Martin, 244; nominated for
sketch of life, 83-84; men- President,
245, 250-252; mentioned,
tioned, 87,
336. 338; compared with 282;
stand on slavery attacked, 283-
Brant, 89-91. 284;
jest at his expense, 285; influence
Texas: at
National Whig Convention, 225. grows,
286; attacked by enemies, 295-
Thomas, Thomas
W., 265. 300;
election, 300; opposition to, 302.
Jefferson and the Removal of Vance,
Joseph, 217, 223, 228.
Governor St.
Clair in 1802," 62-77; Vance,
Joseph (of Knox Co.), 241.
62; St. Clair's paternal- Van
Metter, J. J., 215.
istic ideas,
63-64; Cause of clash with Van
Petten, Mrs. Anna F., 570.
the people,
64; Division Act of 1801, Van
Petten, Edwin, 570.
Opposition of Worthington and Van
Petten, Franklin, 570.
others, 65;
removal of St. Clair sug Van
Petten, Harold, 570.
gested, 65;
Statehood enabling act, Van
Zandt case, 234, 246.
65-66; St.
Clair's days numbered, 66; Vaughn,
J. C., 229, 242.
skeptical, 67; list of charges Veto,
700 Index
Vincennes, Capture of Old, 578-580. policy
denounced, 207; many county
Virginia Military District, 134. conventions, their
slates, 215-216;
Conventions, 216-220; choose
W. Taylor
for President, 220-221; but are
Wade, Benjamin F., 550, 562. lukewarm,
221-222; National Conven-
Walker tariff, 194-195, 207. tion,
223-230; Taylor nominated, 226-
War of 1812, 332-339; "Fort Morrow sol- 227;
Ohio grows warmer for Taylor,
diers honored," 572-577. 239; fear
of Free Soilers, 244-245;
Ward, Mrs. Caroline (Pocock), 149, 150. belittled
by opponents, 248; stand of
Ward, Colonel Harry P., 149-150. Ohio Whigs on Oregon Bill, 262;
Warren, Colonel Joseph, 543. "Whig perfidy," 263, 274-275; de-
Warren County, Ohio, endorses Clay for nounce
"Absquatulators," 280; effect
President, 219. of
election of 1848 on, 290-291.
Washington, George: mentioned, 126, 127, Whitcom, Lot, 15.
553; in Ohio Valley, 128, 129; in Ohio White, President
Andrew D., 327.
but once, 139;
appoints surveying White, Mrs.
Lovina, 175.
staff, 141; special messenger of, 541; Whittlesey,
Elijah, 294.
removes Putnam from command, 543; Williams, Charles
Richard: sketch of life,
letter to Morris 546; woman as spy 327-331.
for, 565. Williams,
E. R., Sr., 180.
Washington, D. C., 35-36. Williams,
Henry A., 180.
Wayne, General Anthony, 86, 583. Williams, Dr. Henry G.,
Weaver, G. C., 178. Williams,
J. Minor, 178.
Webster, Daniel: the reply to Hayne, Williams,
Dr. Orr H., 180.
166, 171-172; confers on Three-Million Williamson, 88.
Bill, 198; suggested for President, 223; Willis, Senator
Frank B., 176; address at
the vote, 225-226. Wyatt
Cemetery, 573-577.
Weed, Thurlow, 224, 243-244. Willison, Robert
H., 174.
Weller, John B., "Hard money Weller," "Willisons,
The," 158, 174.
192; suggested
for Governor, 206; Wilmot,
David, 205, 304.
nominated, 207; endorsed, 208; de- Wilmot
Proviso: the real cause of dis-
nounces Wilmot Proviso, 272; his sension,
199-200; how Ohio voted, 200-
stand on banks, 274-275, 276; Barn- 201;
not all Democrats oppose, 201;
burners cannot support, 284-285; de- passed
in House, defeated in Senate,
feated, 288-290. 204,
262, 263; Taylor and the Proviso,
Wells, Colonel Samuel, 335-336. 220-221,
258-259; pronounced illegal,
Wesley, Edgar B., "A Letter from Col- 229;
endorsed by Liberty Party, 238;
onel John Allen," 332-339. Cass
opposed, 263, 264-272; its real
Weston, Edward P., 46. author,
200, 201, 304.
Wheaton, Mrs. Eva T., 177. Wilson, A. D.,
Whigs: Ezra Meeker at Convention, Wilson, Colonel E. S.,
sings and sells
song-books, 7-8; in Wilson,
Mrs. E. S., 176.
majority in Ohio Legislature, also in Wilson, Henry,
Ohio delegation in Congress, 188-189; Wilson, John M.,
good record,
189; criticize banking Wilson,
Woodrow, 497.
system, 190; create sinking fund, 191; Winchester,
General James, 333-339.
taxation measures criticized, 193; op- Winthrop, Robert,
pose Sub-treasury system, 195; blame Wisconsin
Historical Society, 340.
the President for War, 196-197; "Mex- "With John
Burroughs in his Favorite
Whigs," 197; oppose executive Haunts," 676-683; introduction, 676-
usurpation, 197; denounced for stand 677;
first visit to Burroughs' home,
on War,
197-199; applaud Corwin's 677-678; Dr.
Clara Barrus, 677, 679;
anti-war speech, 198; unanimous for taking
photographs, 678, 680; walks
anti-slavery principle, 201; their stand with
Burroughs. 679; Burroughs and
on Wilmot
Proviso, 201-202; Gallia Chapman,
and Walt Whitman, 679,
County Whigs,
201; their banking 680,
682; discussing Thoreau, 680;
Index 701
Burroughs' love of
trees and flowers, Worcester
Convention, 229.
678, 679, 682, 683;
Emerson and Bur- World
War histories, 317-318.
roughs, 683. Worthington,
Governor Thomas: leads
Witter, Rev. D., 272. opposition
to St. Clair, 65-69; letters
Wolfe, Andrew J., 315. of,
72-73, 76-77.
Wolfe, Edgar T., 316. Wright,
Silas, 235, 257.
Wolfe, Harry P., 316. Wyatt,
Nathaniel, Sr., 572.
Wolfe, Nancy J,
(Barton), 315.
Wolfe, Robert F.,
death of, 315; sketch X.
of life,
315-316; aids Ohio State
Xenia Torchlight, 219.
Archaeological and
Historical Society,
his generosity and
modesty, 317.
Wood, Judge, 276. Yancey, Rep.
William L., 210.
Wood, Amos E., 207,
Wood, Edwin F.,
Woodruff, Ansel, 562. Zeisberger,
David, 88.
Woods, Auditor, 240. Zeledon,
Dr. Jose, 499.
Woods, John, 216. Zimmerman,
Dean, 176.
Wooster, Ohio, Bank,
189-190, 275. Zimmerman,
Homer, 180.
A. B.
Abolitionism: in Ohio, 193-194; Demo- Baatz, Capt. C. L., "Fort
Laurens: the
crats denounce, 212; Liberty League Story
of the Acquisition of its Site
resolutions, 237; Free Soilers,
240, by
the State of Ohio," 480-486; ad-
passim. dress at unveiling of Boundary-line
"Absquatulators," 278-280, 295. monument,
Adams, Mrs. Cecelia (McMillen), 16. Bailey,
Dr. Gamaliel, 232.
Adams, Charles F., 250, 283. Baird,
Prof. F. S., 499.
Adams County, Ohio, 133-134. Baker,
Phoebe, 5, 8.
"An Adventure with the Indians -- 1875," Baldwin, Dr.
James F., 176.
513-517. Ballard,
Capt. Bland W., 336-338.
Algonquin flag, 91. Ballard,
Mrs. Grace F., 176.
Alien, Rep. Charles, 228. Baltimore,
Political bolt at, 243.
Allen, Colonel John, 332-339 Baltimore
Sun, 273, 276.
Allen, William, 188, 282. Banks
in Ohio, 189-193; state banking
Allen, William B., 332. law,
190; attack on state banks, 189-
Allison, Capt. J. S., 259. 193;
the state debt, 191.
Allison letter, 259, 260, 293.
Allison letter, 259, 260, 293. Barnburners:
why so called, 205; conven-
American Historical
Association, 4. tion 205-206, 238-239 speakers at Na-
Amistad case, 294. tional
convention, 210; coldly received,
Anders, Isaac Q., 176. 210-211;
mentioned, 213, 243; National
Ann Simpson Davis Chapter D. A. R., convention,
244-245; Cass unpopular
571. with,
256-257; charges against,
Anti-Slavery: renewed interest
in, 194; their
demand, 285; many support Cass,
the Wilmot Proviso, 200-204;
Ohio's 285;
result of bolt, 301-302.
resolutions, 214; the
Liberty Party,
232-255, 284. Barnes,
Mrs. Cleo, 177.
Anti-Slavery Bugle, 235, 238,
288. Barron,
Loyal W., 177.
Apportionment bill: 278; a bone of con- Barthalow,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley C.,
tention, 278-282; effect on election, 302; 175.
called unconstitutional, 303. Bartley,
Thomas W., 209, 301.
Archbold, Edward, 279, 280. Bascom,
Harold W., 177.
Armour, Allison V., 506. Batt,
Charles P., 179.
Arnold, James, 183. Battle
of River Raisin, 333-339.
Arnold Arboretum, 183-184. "A Bear Hunt in Yellowstone Park--
Artz, Harry L., 570. 1872,"
Artz, Harry L., Jr., 570. Bebb,
Edward, 56, 57.
Artz, John A., 570-571. Bebb,
Michael, 56.
Artz, Mrs. Sarah (Thomas), 570. Bebb,
Governor William, 188; elected on
Ashland County, Ohio, 219, 299. Abolition
issue, 193; mentioned, 216,
"Ashtabula County, Pioneer
Life in," 289; asked to convene
Legislature, 281;
551-562. plurality
of, 291, 301.
Ashtabula Sentinel, 230, 298-299, 549-550. "Bebb, William, Trial of,"
Aviation: meet at Dayton, 39-41; flight Beecher,
Henry Ward, 6-7, 26.
from Vancouver to Dayton, 40-41. Belmont
County, Ohio, 201.
Benton, George W., editor, 179.
* Index to Proceedings of Annual Meet- Bessels,
Dr. Emil, 499.
ing of Society and Board of Trustees fol- Bibb, Henry, 249.
lows this general index. Bingham,
John A., 223, 227.