Ohio History Journal

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A.                                           B.

Abolitionism:  in  Ohio, 193-194; Demo-                                   Baatz, Capt. C. L., "Fort Laurens: the

crats denounce, 212; Liberty League                                        Story of the Acquisition of its Site

resolutions, 237; Free   Soilers, 240,                                           by the State of Ohio," 480-486; ad-

passim.                                                                                         dress at unveiling of Boundary-line

"Absquatulators," 278-280, 295.                                                         monument, 582-583.

Adams, Mrs. Cecelia (McMillen), 16.                                       Bailey, Dr. Gamaliel, 232.

Adams, Charles F., 250, 283.                                                      Baird, Prof. F. S., 499.

Adams County, Ohio, 133-134.                                                  Baker, Phoebe, 5, 8.

"An Adventure with the Indians -- 1875,"                                 Baldwin, Dr. James F., 176.

513-517.                                                                              Ballard, Capt. Bland W., 336-338.

Algonquin flag, 91.                                                                     Ballard, Mrs. Grace F., 176.

Alien, Rep. Charles, 228.                                                            Baltimore, Political bolt at, 243.

Allen, Colonel John, 332-339                                                     Baltimore Sun, 273, 276.

Allen, William, 188, 282.                                                            Banks in   Ohio, 189-193; state banking

Allen, William  B., 332.                                                                      law, 190; attack on state banks, 189-

Allison, Capt. J. S., 259.                                                                      193; the state debt, 191.

Allison letter, 259, 260, 293.

Allison letter, 259, 260, 293.                                             Barnburners: why so called, 205; conven-

American   Historical Association, 4.                                                tion  205-206, 238-239  speakers at Na-

Amistad case, 294.                                                                      tional convention, 210; coldly received,

Anders, Isaac Q., 176.                                                                       210-211; mentioned, 213, 243; National

Ann Simpson Davis Chapter D. A. R.,                                    convention, 244-245;                  Cass    unpopular

571.                                                                                            with, 256-257; charges               against, 284;

Anti-Slavery: renewed   interest in, 194;                                           their demand, 285; many support Cass,

the  Wilmot Proviso, 200-204; Ohio's                                        285; result of bolt, 301-302.

resolutions, 214; the  Liberty  Party,

232-255, 284.                                                                     Barnes, Mrs. Cleo, 177.

Anti-Slavery Bugle, 235, 238, 288.                                            Barron, Loyal W., 177.

Apportionment bill: 278; a bone of con-                                    Barthalow, Mr. and     Mrs. Wesley    C.,

tention, 278-282; effect on election, 302;                                      175.

called unconstitutional, 303.                                              Bartley, Thomas W., 209, 301.

Archbold, Edward, 279, 280.                                                    Bascom, Harold W., 177.

Armour, Allison V., 506.                                                           Batt, Charles P., 179.

Arnold, James, 183.                                                                   Battle of River Raisin, 333-339.

Arnold Arboretum, 183-184.                                                     "A    Bear Hunt in     Yellowstone  Park--

Artz, Harry L., 570.                                                                           1872," 511.

Artz, Harry L., Jr., 570.                                                             Bebb, Edward, 56, 57.

Artz, John A., 570-571.                                                              Bebb, Michael, 56.

Artz, Mrs. Sarah (Thomas), 570.                                               Bebb, Governor William, 188; elected on

Ashland County, Ohio, 219, 299.                                                       Abolition issue, 193; mentioned, 216,

"Ashtabula   County, Pioneer Life    in,"                                           289; asked to convene Legislature, 281;

551-562.                                                                                     plurality of, 291, 301.

Ashtabula Sentinel, 230, 298-299, 549-550.                              "Bebb, William, Trial of," 48-61.

Aviation: meet at Dayton, 39-41; flight                                     Beecher, Henry Ward, 6-7, 26.

from Vancouver to Dayton, 40-41.                                   Belmont County, Ohio, 201.

Benton, George W., editor, 179.

* Index to Proceedings of Annual Meet-                              Bessels, Dr. Emil, 499.

ing of Society and Board of Trustees fol-                                 Bibb, Henry, 249.

lows this general index.                                                              Bingham, John A., 223, 227.
