Ohio History Journal

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598 Ohio Arch

598     Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

Zane, by W. O. McCluskey; Unveiling of Monument, by

Mrs. Catherine Long, granddaughter of Elizabeth Zane;

followed by addresses by Howard F. Sedgwick and Ma-

jor H. A. Dargue, both of Washington, D. C. The pro-

gram concluded with the singing of "America."




In 1917, the General Assembly of Ohio passed an act

authorizing the purchase, from Miss Minerva Tupper

Nye, of the portion of the old Campus Martius site in

Marietta on which the Rufus Putnam house is still

standing. By the terms of this act this lot was to pass

into the custody of the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society. Later the provisions of the act were

complied with and the property passed into the posses-

sion of the state.

The Putnam House has recently been repaired. A

new roof has been provided and the framework has been

substantially strengthened. The walls of the rooms have

been papered, electric lights and plumbing for city water

have been installed. The permanent preservation of

this historical building on its original site is now as-


The state acquired a part only of the original site in

the purchase from Miss Nye. Recently an additional

plot of ground lying within the site and bordering on

the portion already owned by the state was offered for

sale. It was about to pass into private hands to be im-

proved for residence purpose. No money was available

for its purchase by the state and the opportunity to ac-

quire and add it to the lot on which the Putnam House

stands seemed about to be lost.