24 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications
their loss was far heavier than that
suffered by Wayne's soldiers.
Following the Battle of Fallen Timbers
many Indians fled to De-
troit, the British headquarters, and
General Wayne departed for
Fort Defiance. He did not live long to
enjoy the honor of his
victory, dying two years later.
"One of General Wayne's last acts
was to receive from the
British, Fort Miami, which they formally
surrendered in 1796
in pursuance to a treaty negotiated by
Chief Justice Jay. General
Wayne lived long enough after the Battle
of Fallen Timbers for
the Indians to learn to respect him and
love him. So pleased were
they, by their treatment at the hands of
General Wayne, that each
of the prominent chiefs, following the
surrender of Fort Miami,
wanted to see and talk with him.
"General Wayne was a great soldier
and a great citizen of
America, and it is most fitting that a
monument to his memory
be erected at the scene of the Battle of
Fallen Timbers."
The City of Toledo is honored indeed by
the presence of
distinguished guests on this occasion
and before this meeting is
over I am sure it is going to become
quite informal and I am
going to have the pleasure of
introducing these distinguished
guests to everyone present.
At this juncture I want to present to
you the first speaker on
the regular program.
I think that a sense of security in a
community is consciously
or unconsciously created when provided
by the truthful fabric
in the character of those citizens who
always feel their responsi-
bility to the rest of the community.
Nowhere is that fabric of
character worn more becomingly, nowhere
is it worn more tri-
umphantly than in our courts, and I am
very happy to say that
the Toledo Chapter of the Sons of the
American Revolution is
fortunate in having as its president a
distinguished jurist. I
count it indeed a pleasure and a
privilege to present to you at this
time the Hon. Roy H. Williams, Judge of
the Circuit Court of
Appeals, and the President of the
Anthony Wayne Chapter of
the Sons of the American Revolution, who
will now speak to us.
Mr. Chairman, Honored Guests, Ladies
and Gentlemen:
I was asked to come down and stand in
front of this instru-
ment called, I believe, a microphone. It
is hard to imagine, I may
say, that there may be an invisible
audience listening to what