34 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
President of the Western Pennsylvania
Historical Society
Among the letters received by the
Chairman of the
Fallen Timbers State Park Committee is
the following:
PITTSBURGH, PA., September 10, 1929.
MR. W. J. SHERMAN, Chairman,
Toledo, Ohio.
DEAR SIR--I have your kind invitation to
attend the dedica-
tion of a monument to General Anthony
Wayne on the site of the
battlefield of Fallen Timbers, Saturday,
September 19th and ex-
ceedingly regret that owing to a
previous engagement I cannot be
The ceremonies connected with the
unveiling and dedication
of this beautiful monument are of
particular interest to every
Pennsylvanian, for it was in Pittsburgh
that General Wayne, pur-
suant to President Washington's orders,
organized "The Legion
of the United States."
General Wayne started to organize his
Legion at Fort
Fayette, which stood at the corner of
Penn Avenue and Ninth
Street (as those thoroughfares are known
today) in Pittsburgh,
in the summer of 1792. There he gathered
together a motley
crowd, mostly adventurers from the
larger eastern towns and
cities. The terrible defeats of Harmar
and St. Clair and the re-
ports of Indian atrocities committed on
their troops served to
deter voluntary enlistments, and Wayne
was compelled to take
what he could get. Soon he discovered
that the environment of
Pittsburgh was not conducive to the
maintenance of good dis-
cipline. Pittsburgh was but a frontier
post infested with the usual
evils attendant on such places. Wayne
did not have the present-
day power of creating prohibition zones,
and he soon found that
Monongahela whiskey and military
discipline didn't mix. So he
very wisely in the fall of the year
removed his troops and their
equipment down the river on flatboats to
the open country at this
spot, which came to be known as
Legionville, where the men were
largely free from the temptations of the
frontier town.
At this camp, Wayne put his men through
a thorough school
of military training. He put into effect
the lessons he had learned
in the Revolution from Baron Steuben,
and which he had his
troops so effectively employ at Stony
Point when he captured that
place with the bayonet. He taught the
Legion all the drill of the