On June 22, 1932, in the presence of a
very large
representative and orderly assembly of
people the statue
of George Armstrong Custer was unveiled
with appro-
priate ceremonies. This celebration
occurred too late to
give an adequate account in the July
issue of the QUAR-
TERLY. A full account will be given in the October
issue. The excellent program was
carried out in every
Hon. Earl Lewis, State Senator, 20-22nd
St. Clairsville, Ohio, presided. Hon.
Frank Murphy,
Congressman of the 18th District,
because of recent ill-
ness and pressing duties at Washington
could not be
present to introduce numerous guests
but this duty was
most acceptably performed by the
Chairman, Senator
Lewis. Hon. O. C. Gray, Ex-speaker of
the House of
Representatives, formerly from Harrison
County, but at
present residing in Ironton, Ohio, made
a brief address.
Mr. Gray is the author of the bill that
provided for the
memorial. The presentation of a flag
was made by the
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Custer Tent,
Daughters of Veterans
of Cadiz, Ohio. Mrs. May Custer Elmer,
favorite niece
of General Custer, of Brooklyn, New
York, unveiled the
monument. Rev. Dennis W. Foreman,
Pastor of the
United Brethren Church of New Rumley,
the invocation and Rev. Charles
Gilmore, D. D., Pastor
of the United Presbyterian Church,
Cadiz, Ohio, the
benediction. Excellent music was
discoursed by the