Ohio History Journal



It seems appropriate to make the April issue of the

QUARTERLY a Memorial to the late Charles Burleigh Gal-

breath who for fourteen years was its editor. The April

issue of Museum Echoes was devoted largely to him. It

contained a brief sketch of his life written by the editor,

copies of the editorials appearing in the Columbus daily

newspapers following his death and three poems written

by local friends which were originally published in the

"A Verse for Today" column of the Columbus Evening


The sketch of his life appearing in the issue of the

QUARTERLY is taken from the Memorial and Tribute of

the Columbus McGuffey Society, and Mr. Shetrone's

contribution was originally written for the Kit-Kat Club,

of which Mr. Galbreath was a charter member. "The

History of Mill Creek Park" was his last historical work

and was in type at the time of his death.

Many expressions of appreciation of his life have

been received by the Society and by Mrs. Galbreath, and

memorial resolutions have been filed in the Society's

library from The Columbus Rationalist Society, The

Ohio History Day Association, The Gahanna McGuffey

Society, The Columbus McGuffey Society, The Ohio

Society of New York, and The Ohio State Archaeologi-

cal and Historical Society.

Vol. XLIII--8                   (113)