Ohio History Journal

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Charles Burleigh Galbreath 129

Charles Burleigh Galbreath              129


where strivings end, where peace is perpetual, and where mortals

on their way to a better estate find a fitting abode for the night

in this many-chambered mansion of rest.

"Hither have come the representatives of every walk of life.

Among them are those once eminent in the affairs of the city, the

state and the Republic. Of these it were superfluous to speak.

Their deeds have been recorded. Their place in local history at

least is secure. * * *"

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."



The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society

wishes to express its sense of deep loss in the passing of

its Secretary, Charles Burleigh Galbreath, who was also

Editor and Librarian of the Society. His life among us

has been for years a quiet and unobtrusive, but positive

and uplifting influence. He has stood for loyalty to the

Society and all its best purposes. He has walked with

us in a spirit of simple sincerity. We shall miss the in-

spiration of his presence, but his memory will remain

with us as a benediction.

Be It Resolved By The Ohio State Archaeological

and Historical Society, That we express our apprecia-

tion of his earnest and effective service to this institu-

tion, and that we cherish the memory of his brave, help-

ful and manly life.

Resolved, That we extend to his wife, son and other

surviving relatives the assurance of our sincere sym-

pathy in their bereavement.

Resolved, That these Resolutions be inscribed in the

official minutes of the Annual Meeting of The Ohio

State Archaeological and Historical Society, held April


1 Resolutions authorized at the annual meeting of the Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society, held April 24, 1934.

Vol. XLIII--9