At the October, 1934, meeting of the
Board of Trustees of
the Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society a recom-
mendation was made that a Board of
Editors be appointed to
cooperate with the editor in determining
the character and quality
of material to be published in the
QUARTERLY. It was suggested
that the members of this Board be chosen
pretty widely from the
historical activities of the State,
making it a capable and repre-
sentative body.
At the same meeting the editor submitted
a recommendation
that there be a greater variety of
material published in the
QUARTERLY, making possibly a more
general appeal to readers,
but at the same time maintaining a
standard of historical and
scientific accuracy and dignity, and
that the more lengthy contri-
butions formerly published in the
QUARTERLY be reserved for
publication in the new series of Collections
provided for in 1930.
This was approved by the Board. The
Board also authorized the
discontinuance of the old Publications
series of the Society since
that series was simply a duplication of
the regular QUARTERLY in
bound form.
The Board also approved a recommendation
that action be
taken to improve the appearance of the
QUARTERLY as much as
possible. This issue speaks for itself
in this particular.