The Literary Focus, a monthly periodical; edited and
published by the Erodelphian and Union
Literary Societies of
the Miami University. "Stilus
optimus et praestantissimus
dicendi effector ac magister." Oxford, Ohio, printed at the
Societies' Press, J. D. Smith, pr.,
Vol. I, June 1827-May 1828. 12 issues.
June-November 1827, published by
J. B. Camron, pr.,
Hamilton, Ohio.
December 1827-May 1828, published by the
Press, J. D. Smith, pr., Oxford, Ohio.
The Literary Register, a weekly paper; edited by the
Professors of Miami University. "Prodesse
quam conspici."
Oxford, Ohio, 1828-29.
Vol. I, June 2, 1828-December 8, 1828,
published by the
Societies' Press.
Vol. II, December 20, 1828-June 27,
1829, published by
C. A. Ward and W. W. Bishop.
The Oxford Lyceum and Journal of
Literature and Sci-
ence; ed. by W. W. Bishop. Oxford, Ohio. A. Noble, pr.,
Vol. I, no. 1, February 16, 1833-Vol. I,
no. 26, February
1, 1834.
Issued bi-weekly on Saturday.
The Oxford Chronicle; ed. by H. B. Mayo. Oxford,
Ohio. Published by W. W. Bishop, printed
by Andrew
Noble, 1834-?.
Only issues known: Vol. I, no. 1, March
22, 1834; Vol.
I, no. 4, April 19, 1834.
The Schoolmaster and Academic
Journal; ed. by B. F.
Morris. Oxford, Ohio. 1834-?.
Only issue known: Vol. I, no. 1, May 8,
1827-1841 129
The Christian Intelligencer and
Evangelical Guardian,
by an Association of Ministers of the
Associate Reformed
Synod of the West; ed. by David MacDill.
Hamilton, Ross-
ville and Oxford, Ohio, 1829-47.
17 vols.
Vol. VIII, whole number 85, new series
no. 1, April
1837: Oxford, Ohio, published by David
Christy, printed at
Vol. VIII, whole number 86, new series
no. 2, June
1837-Vol. VIII, whole number 91, new
series no. 7, Novem-
ber 1837: Oxford, Ohio, published by
David Christy, printed
by R. H. Bishop, Jr.
Vol. VIII, whole number 92, new series
no. 8, December
1837-Vol. IX, whole number 108, new series no. 24, April
1839: Oxford, Ohio, published and
printed by R. H. Bishop,
Vol. IX, whole number 109, new series
no. 25, May 1839--
Vol. XI, April 1841: Oxford, Ohio,
published by John
The Western Peace-maker and Monthly
Religious Jour-
nal; ed. by R. H. Bishop, Samuel Crothers, C. E. Stowe, J.
W. Scott, and Thomas E. Thomas. Oxford,
Ohio, printed
by W. W. Bishop, 1839-40.
Vol. I, no. 9, September 1840, printed
by John B. Peat.
The Societies' Press.
Monfort, David
A Farewell Sermon, Delivered at
Bethel. . . Eleventh of
November, 1827. . . Oxford, Ohio, J. D. Smith, pr., 1828.
Miami University
Catalogue of the Officers and
Students of the Miami
University, Oxford, Ohio, July 1828. Oxford, Ohio, printed
at the Societies' Press, 1828. 12p.
Catalogue of the Officers and
Students of Miami Uni-
versity, Oxford, Ohio, July 1829. Oxford, Ohio, printed at
the Societies' Press, 1829. 15p.
Bishop, Robert Hamilton
Address to the Graduates of Miami
University, Septem-
ber 30, 1829. Oxford, Ohio, printed at the Societies' Press,
1829. 8p.
A Manual of Logic. Oxford, Ohio, printed at the So-
cieties' Press, 1830. 109p.
A Manual of Logic. Oxford, Ohio, printed at the So-
cieties' Press, 1831. 5, 172p.
An Address Delivered to the Graduates
of Miami Uni-
versity, September 28, 1831. Oxford, Ohio, printed at the
Oxford Press, 1831. 12p.
W. W. Bishop
Bishop, Robert Hamilton
An Address to the Graduates of Miami
University, Sep-
tember 30, 1830. Oxford,
Ohio, published by W. W. Bishop.
1830. 12p.
Miami University
Catalogue of the Officers and
Students of Miami Uni-
versity, Oxford, Ohio, July 1830. Oxford,
Ohio, published
by W. W. Bishop, 1830. 16p.
A Catalogue of the Officers and
Students of Miami Uni-
versity, Oxford, Ohio, July 1831. Oxford, Ohio, W. W.
Bishop, pr., 1831. 15p.
A Catalogue of the Officers and
Students of Miami Uni-
versity, Oxford, Ohio, July 1832. Oxford, Ohio, printed
by W. W. Bishop, 1832. 16p.
Bishop, Robert Hamilton
An Address Delivered to the Graduates
of Miami Uni-
versity September 26, 1832. Oxford, Ohio, printed by W.
W. Bishop, 1832. 15p.
Miami University.
A Catalogue of the Officers and
Students of Miami Uni-
versity, Oxford, Ohio, July 1833. Oxford, Ohio, published by
W. W. Bishop, 1833. 15p.
1827-1841 131
Bishop, Robert Hamilton
An Address Delivered September 25,
1833, to the Grad-
uates of Miami University. Oxford, Ohio, published by W.
W. Bishop, 1833. 15p.
Elements of Logic; or a Summary of
the General Prin-
ciples and Different Modes of
Reasoning. Second edition re-
vised and enlarged. Oxford, Ohio,
published by W. W.
Bishop, 1833. iv, 175p.
Sketches of the Philosophy of the
Bible. Oxford, Ohio,
published by W. W. Bishop, 1833. iv, 305p.
On verso of title page: Oxford: Printed
by Andrew
Noble, Main St.
Scott, John W.
The Cholera, God's Scourge for the
Chastisement of the
Nations; a Discourse Delivered on the
Occasion of a Fast
Observed in Reference to the Approach
of the Epidemic, Ox-
ford, Ohio, August 16, 1833. Oxford, Ohio, published by
W. W. Bishop, 1833. 15p.
Thomas, Thomas E.
An Address Delivered September 22, 1833,
before the
Society of Inquiry on Missions of
Miami University. Ox-
ford, Ohio, published by W. W. Bishop,
1833. 16p.
Miami University
A Catalogue of the Books in the
Library of Miami Uni-
versity, Arranged according to
Subjects, A. D. 1833. Ox-
ford, Ohio, published by W. W. Bishop,
1833. 24p.
The Ninth Annual Catalogue of the
Officers and Stu-
dents of Miami University, July 1834.
Oxford, Ohio, pub-
lished by W. W. Bishop, 1834. 16p.
Thomas, F. W.
An Address Delivered before the
Erodelphian Society
of Miami University, at Its
Thirteenth Annual Celebration,
August 7th, 1838. Oxford, Ohio, printed by W. W. Bishop,
1838. 22p.
Young, John C.
An Address Delivered before the Union
Literary So-
ciety of Miami University at Its
Thirteenth Annual Celebra-
tion, August 8th, 1838. Oxford, Ohio, printed by W. W.
Bishop, 1838. 29p.
Scott, John W.
An Address Delivered before the
Athenian Society of
Indiana University, at Its
Anniversary Celebration, Septem-
ber 25th, 1838. Oxford, Ohio, printed by W. W. Bishop,
1838. 32p.
Bishop, Robert Hamilton
The God of Israel, the Protector of
the Fatherless and
the Widow, a Sermon Occasioned by the
Death of James R.
Hughes, M. D., of Oxford, Ohio. Oxford, Ohio, printed by
W. W. Bishop, 1839. 12p.
Mayo, H. B.
An Address Delivered before the
Citizens of Oxford on
the Fourth of July, 1839. Oxford, Ohio, printed by W. W.
Bishop, 1839. 16p.
Caldwell, William B.
Address Delivered before the
Graduates of the Erodel-
phian Society of Miami University, at
Its Fourteenth Anni-
versary, August 7th, A. D., 1839. Published by order of the
Society. Oxford, Ohio, printed by W. W.
Bishop, 1839. 22p.
Olds, Chauncey N.
A Valedictory Address to the
Graduates of the Union
Literary Society of Miami University,
Delivered August 7th,
1839. Oxford, Ohio, printed by W. W. Bishop, 1839. 21p.
Miami University
The Fourteenth Annual Catalogue of
the Officers and
Students of Miami University, July
1839. Oxford, Ohio,
printed by W. W. Bishop, 1839. 16p.
Fifteenth Annual Catalogue of the
Officers and Students
of Miami University, July 1840. Oxford, Ohio, printed by
W. W. Bishop, 1840. 19p.
Third Triennial Catalogue of the Officers
and Gradu-
ates of Miami University, March, A.
D. 1840. "Prodesse
1827-1841 133
quam conspici." Oxford, Ohio, printed by W. W. Bishop,
1840. 42p.
R. H. Bishop, Jr.
Miami University
The Tenth Annual Catalogue of the
Officers and Stu-
dents of Miami University, July 1835. Oxford,
Ohio, R. H.
Bishop, Jr., pr., 1835. 16p.
Bishop, Robert Hamilton
An Address Delivered September 30th,
1835, to the
Graduates of Miami University. Oxford, Ohio, 1835. 15p.
Miami University
Ordinances Passed by the President
and Trustees of the
Miami University, in Addition to
Those Published in 1833,
with Extracts from the Journal of
Proceedings. Oxford,
Ohio, 1836. 11p.
The Eleventh Annual Catalogue of the
Officers and
Students of Miami University, July
1836. Oxford, Ohio,
R. H. Bishop, Jr., 1836. 16p.
Galloway, Samuel
Address before the Society of Inquiry
on Missions, of
Miami University, December 19, 1836. Oxford, Ohio, R. H.
Bishop, Jr., 1837. 32p.
Olds, Chauncey N.
An Address on the Nature and
Cultivation of a Mission-
ary Spirit, Delivered before the
Society of Inquiry on Mis-
sions of Miami University, Sunday
Evening, February 26th,
1837. Oxford, Ohio, printed by R. H. Bishop, Jr., 1837.
Miami University
Twelfth Annual Catalogue of the
Officers and Students
of Miami University, July 1837. Oxford, Ohio, printed by
R. H. Bishop, Jr., 1837. 12p.
Catalogue of the Officers and
Students of Miami Univer-
sity, for the Winter Session of 1837
and 1838. Oxford, Ohio,
printed by R. H. Bishop, Jr., 1837. 13p.
Bishop, Robert Hamilton
An Address Delivered to the Graduates
of Miami Uni-
versity, August 13th, 1840. Oxford,
Ohio, printed by John
B. Peat, 1840. 18p.
The Nature and Value of Brotherly
Love, a Sermon De-
livered on Sabbath, February 7th,
1841. Oxford, Ohio,
printed by John B. Peat, 1841. 20p.
Scott, John W.
A Synopsis of the Course of Lectures
and Instructions
in Chemistry, in Miami University,
with an Appendix on
Chemical Nomenclature, Definite
Proportions, Formulae of
Decomposition, etc., for the Use of
the Classes. Oxford,
Ohio, printed by John B. Peat, 1841. 51p.
Miami University
The Sixteenth Annual Catalogue of
Miami University,
July 1841. Oxford, Ohio, printed by John B. Peat, 1841.
David Christy
Dick, John
Lectures on Theology; published under the superintend-
ence of his son; with a biographical
introduction by an Ameri-
can editor. Oxford, Ohio, printed and
published by David
Christy, stereotyped by J. A. James
& Co., Cincinnati, 1838.
iv, 5-573p. Calvinistic Family
Library, II.
Napier, William F. P.
Peninsular War. The publisher is aided in the selection
of works for the Historical Family
Library by a committee
of literary gentlemen. Oxford, Ohio,
David Christy, pub-
lisher and proprietor; stereotyped by J.
A. James, Cincinnati,
1838. 504p. Historical Family
Library, II.
At head of title: The Historical
Family Library, Devoted
to the Republication of Standard History:
Volume II, Con-
taining Napier's, etc.
Gibbon, Edward
History of the Decline and Fall of
the Roman Empire.
A new edition revised and corrected
throughout, preceded by
1827-1841 137
a preface, and accompanied by notes,
critical and historical,
relating principally to the propagation
of Christianity; by M.
F. Guizot, Minister of Public
Instruction of the Kingdom of
France. The preface, notes, and
corrections, translated from
the French expressly for this edition,
with a sketch of the life
of Gibbon. In two volumes. Oxford, Ohio,
published by
David Christy, stereotyped by J. A.
James, Cincinnati, 1838-
1841. 2v. Historical
Family Library, III, IV.
At head of title: Guizot's Gibbon.
John Christy
Claybaugh, Joseph
Introductory Address to the Students
of the Theological
Seminary, of the Second A. R. Synod
of the West, at the
Opening of Its First Session,
December 2, 1839. Oxford,
Ohio, printed by John Christy, 1839.
At head of title: The Christian
Intelligencer and Evan-
gelical Guardian--Extra.
Introductory Address to the Students
of the Theological
Seminary, of the A. R. Synod of the
West, at the Opening
of Its Second Session, November 9,
1840. Oxford, Ohio,
printed by John Christy, 1840. 12p.
The Literary Focus, a monthly periodical; edited and
published by the Erodelphian and Union
Literary Societies of
the Miami University. "Stilus
optimus et praestantissimus
dicendi effector ac magister." Oxford, Ohio, printed at the
Societies' Press, J. D. Smith, pr.,
Vol. I, June 1827-May 1828. 12 issues.
June-November 1827, published by
J. B. Camron, pr.,
Hamilton, Ohio.
December 1827-May 1828, published by the
Press, J. D. Smith, pr., Oxford, Ohio.
The Literary Register, a weekly paper; edited by the
Professors of Miami University. "Prodesse
quam conspici."
Oxford, Ohio, 1828-29.
Vol. I, June 2, 1828-December 8, 1828,
published by the
Societies' Press.
Vol. II, December 20, 1828-June 27,
1829, published by
C. A. Ward and W. W. Bishop.
The Oxford Lyceum and Journal of
Literature and Sci-
ence; ed. by W. W. Bishop. Oxford, Ohio. A. Noble, pr.,
Vol. I, no. 1, February 16, 1833-Vol. I,
no. 26, February
1, 1834.
Issued bi-weekly on Saturday.
The Oxford Chronicle; ed. by H. B. Mayo. Oxford,
Ohio. Published by W. W. Bishop, printed
by Andrew
Noble, 1834-?.
Only issues known: Vol. I, no. 1, March
22, 1834; Vol.
I, no. 4, April 19, 1834.
The Schoolmaster and Academic
Journal; ed. by B. F.
Morris. Oxford, Ohio. 1834-?.
Only issue known: Vol. I, no. 1, May 8,