A E.
F.--166th Infantry .................. 365 American history.................. 328, 333
A. L. A
.................................. 357 American
Land Board....................... 439
Andrew ............................ 172 American
liberty ......................... 315
George ............................ 308 American
Library Association, see A. L.
James ............................ 449 A.
John, opposed Society of Cincin- American
medicine ........................ 451
................................... 84 American
Museum of Natural History 282
John Quincy, opposed Society of
American Nation ..................... 350
............................. 84 American
people ..................... 312, 318
S. ............................. 449 American
Political Leaders................ 350
Samuel, opposed Society of Cin- American State Papers: Indian Affairs,
............................. 83, 84 184,
185, 186, 197.
County, Ohio........................ 381 American
Tract Society............... 450
College, see Western
Reserve Americana ............................. 383
University. Americans
........................... 324, 398
Ohio .............................. 364 Anders,
Camp ............................. 260
mound .............................. 382 Anderson,
Charles .................... 98, 135
A., & Co.......................... 447 Anderson,
Mrs. L. M....................... 274
Daniel ........................... 421 Anderson,
Richard Clough.................. 90
Frederick Herbert ................. 157 Andrews,
Israel Ward, 294, 295, 297, 299,
Galley ......................... 410 376, 378,
.............................. 452 --Centennial
Historical Address ........ 298
Fable ............................ 452 --Manual
of the Constitution of the
................................... 120 United
States ....................... 294
Margaret (Mrs. Harman Blenner- Andrews,
John W................. 376, 378, 394
...........431, 432, 436, 445, 450 Ann
Arbor, Michigan.................. 273, 329
Press .......................... 308 Annan,
John E............................ 111
Alabama ................................. 78 Antioch
College--Library................. 218
New York.......................... 441 Anti-slavery
activities in Ohio......... 95-96
Virginia ................ 419, 420 Anton,
Delaware Indian................... 256
Thomas Wildcat.................... 402 Appalachian
Mountains ................... 327
translation of Gospels............. 403 Appollonian
Gardens.................. 210, 217
occupation ............... 234 Appollonian
Society ...................... 210
77, 93, 327, 451, 452, 453, 465 Apprentices'
Library, see Cincinnati Ap-
College ........................ 258 prentices'
River .......................... 409 Archaeologist
............................ 881
Major ............................. 272 Archives,
value of, 316; accumulation of,
D. Howe ........................... 300 321.
Omega Alpha--Ohio Chapter............ 451 Arizona ................................ 381
................................... 204 Arlington
Cemetery ....................... 83
Tennessee ...................... 267 Armistice
Day ............................ 385
Clarence Walworth Armstrong,
Larkens ....................... 449
Cultural Period, 1763-1765........ 342 Army, see U.
S. Army.
New Regime, 1765-1767........ 342 Army Medical Corps, see U. S.
and Politics, 1767-1769......... 342 Medical
America.. 174, 204, 207, 252, 325, 326, 332, Army Medical Library
..................... 161
377, 401, 431; capitalism challenged Arnold, Benedict, 166;
treason of, 167-169.
65; presses in, 110. Art
Museum, see Cincinnati Art Museum.
Antiquarian Society Arthur,
Chester Alan................. 319, 343
--Proceedings ......................
340 Arthur,
Robert ........................... 270
Colonization Society............. 401 Articles
of Confederation, see U. S. Ar-
................................. 120 tides
of Confederation.
American Commonwealths ................ 349 Artz,
Frederick Binkerd
culture ..................... 105-106 --"The Electoral System in France
American Education Society .......... 101 during
the Bourbon Restoration, 1815-
Expeditionary Force, see A. E. 30"
.................................. 340
--France under the
Bourbon Restora-
flag ................. ........ 420 tion,
1814-1830...................... 341
Historical Association, .... 320, 327, --Reaction and
Revolution, 1814-1832,
357, 378. 341,
Historical Review, ..... 70, 328, 330, Ashland, Ohio
......................... 275
336. Ashland
County, Ohio .................. 195
Ashtabula County, Ohio...... 220, 221, 377 Backus
MSS., see Woodbridge-Gallaher
Ashville, Ohio ......................... 381 Collection.
Asken, Captain ........................ 262 Bacon, Francis ........................ 462
John ......................... 439 Bacon
Creek ..................... 262,
Askew, Colonel......................... 268 Baker, Newton Diehl............. 341, 385
Associate Reformed Church of North Baldwin,
Abraham .................... 186
America ........................ 93, 94 Baldwin, C.
C.......................... 377
--Synod of the West............ 119, 121 Baltimore, Maryland, 75, 76, 205, 209, 212;
Athenian youths, oath of.............. 219 imports from, to Cincinnati,
Athens, Ohio................. 290, 333, 372 Bancroft,
Hubert Howe
Athens Circuit Sunday School Union--
--History of California.............. 331
Constitution ......................... 450 Barber, Austin ........................ 292
Atlantic Ocean
...................... 428 Barber, David .......................... 292
Atlantic seaboard, value of imports from Barber, John Warner
to Cincinnati......................... 66 --Connecticut
Historical Collection, 166,
Atlantic states, 458; middle, 69. 167,
Atwater, Caleb Barber,
Levi....................... 292, 449
--History of the State of Ohio.... 327 Bareis,
Grace ...................... 374
Atwater, Jeremiah
.................. 180 Bareis, Helen, 358, 369, 370, 371; gift, 364.
Auchbrugger's Invent Novum...... 457 Barker, John Marshall
Aumann, Francis Robert --History of Ohio Methodism...... 347
--"The Development of
the Judicial Barnes, Gilbert Hobbs ................ 341
System in Ohio
.................. 334 --The Anti-slavery Impulse, 1830-1844,
Austin, John P .................... 178, 179 341.
Austria ............................... 322 --Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld,
Avery, Ebenezer, Jr.................... 183 Angelina Grimk Weld, and Sarah
Avery township, Firelands, see Firelands. Grimke,
182-184.................... 341
Axline, H
. A......................... 379 Barnett,
James ........................
Backus, Abner ......................... 449 Barnett, William................. 270, 272
Backus, Mrs. Anne Bingham, see Bing- Barnum, Noah
........................ 188
ham, Mrs. Anne. Barnum's
Museum ................... 278
Backus, Clarina, 406, 415, 416, 419, 420, 421, Barr, Ronald Walker.................. 157
425, 429, 442, 444, 446, 447, 448, 450. Barrett, S. A.
Backus, Elijah ............443, 446, 447, 449 --"Ancient
Aztalan".................. 31
Backus, Elijah, Jr., 406, 412, 418, 419, 421, Barry, Clark ............................ 266
422, 423, 424, 425, 427, 429, 430, 437, 444, Bartlett, Ruhl Jacob
445. --John
C. Fremont and the Republican
Backus, Elijah, Sr.,...... 406, 443, 446, 449 Party .............................. 316
Backus, Mrs. Elizabeth Huntington, see --"The Struggle for
Statehood in
Huntington, Elizabeth. Ohio"
............................. 335
Backus, Mrs. Elizabeth Tracy, see Tracy, Bartley, Mordecai, Camp......... 259, 260
Elizabeth. "The
Basket Maker".................. 388
Backus, Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt, see Pratt, Bassett, Joseph ........................ 448
Elizabeth. Bassett,
Thomas ....................... 449
Backus, Mrs. Eunice Lord, see Lord, Bateham, Samuel T.................... 188
Eunice. Bates,
James Lawrence
Backus, James, 406, 409, 412, 413, 415, 416, --Alfred Kelley, His Life and
Work 347
417, 418, 419, 425, 427, 429, 432, 444, 445, Battelle, Ebenezer .................... 446
446, 447, 448, 449; conducted French emi- Batterson, James B.,................... 218
gres to Gallipolis, 420. Battle
Creek, Michigan................ 273
--Journal ............................. 414 Battle Creek,
Tennessee............... 267
Backus, Joseph ........................ 406 Battles,
see names of Battles.
Backus, Lucy (Mrs. Dudley Woodbridge, Bauer, George,
gift.................... 385
Sr.), see Woodbridge, Mrs. Lucy Baum, Mrs. Amanda Sroufe, see Sroufe,
Backus. Amanda.
Backus, Mrs. Lucy Griswold, see Gris- Baum, Mrs. Anne Somerville Wallace,
wold, Lucy. see
Wallace, Anne Somerville.
Backus, Matthew, 406, 412, 422, 424, 425, Baum, David Chambers................ 219
444, 447, 448, 449. Baum,
Jacob ........................... 205
Backus, Rufus..................... 446, 447 Baum, Martin, birth, 204; apothecary
Backus Samuel.................... 406, 443 General Wayne, 205; settled in
Backus, Mrs. Sarah Charles, see Charles, nati, 205; opened store
in Cincinnati,
Sarah. 205;
elected director of Miami Export-
Backus, Stephen
.................... 405 ing Company, 206;
became president of
Backus, Thomas................... 437, 438 the banking
interests of the Miami
Backus, W. W......................... 450 Exporting Company, 207; married
Backus, William
.................... 405 Wallace, 207; philanthropist,
207; upheld
Backus, William, Jr.................... 406 rights of Cincinnati, 208;
elected presi-
Backus and Kindall, firm.............. 446 dent of select council, 208; built first
Backus family ......................... 405 iron foundry in West, 209;
sought Ger-
Backus genealogy................. 406, 446 man workmen
in East, 209; became
Backus home .......................... 407 president
of first "Gesangverein," 210;
aided in founding of Lancastrian school, versity, 92; clash with Holly,
92; presi-
210; founded
first public library in dent
of Miami University, 93; birth, 93;
West, 211; aided in founding of First associates, 93;
established Sabbath
German Protestant Church, 211; estab- schools for negroes, 95;
anti-slavery ac-
lished first woolen factory in Cincinnati, tivities, 95; liberalism of, 96; opposed
212; aided in
founding of Cincinnati by
Board of Trustees of Miami Uni-
Society for the Promotion of Agricul- versity, 96; demotion of,
97; clash with
ture, Manufactures and Domestic Econ- McGuffey, 97; removal, 97;
secured po-
omy, 212; projected
Jefferson Canal sition at Farmers' College, 97; later
Company, 213; hospitality, 214; built years and death, 98;
resume of life,
large home, 214; gave party, 215; aided chracter and influence, 98-102;
establishing first steam mill, 217; racy of, 99;
development of Miami
established cotton trade with Liverpool, University under, 99; introduced so-
217; death, 218; monument, 218; life ciology to the curriculum, 99; ex-
characterized, 219. pounded a theory of evolution, 100;
--Portrait ....................... fac. 204 developed the
study of political science,
Baum village
........................ 382 100; an educational
leader, 101; aided
Bay Psalm
Book ....................... 106 in establishing the Literary
Focus, 101;
Beach, David E ........................ 300 edited the Literary Register, 111;
Beaver College ........................ 316 lished works of, 130, 131, 132, 133,
Beaver River ......................... 251 135, 136.
Bechtle, Heinrich................. 207, 213 --Portrait
....................... fac. 92
Beech Grove ........................ 271 --Elements of Logic
................. 116
Beecher, Lyman ..... ............. . 98 --Elements of the Science of
Allyne.................... 157 ment .............................. 116
Bell, Minnie, gift...................... 34 --Manual of
Logic................... 116
Bell, Phelps & Aronhalt, gift......... 364 --Outline of the Church in the
State of
Tavern .........................
264 Kentucky ........................... 101
Belmont County, Ohio,.. 258, 259, 260, 272 --Sermons on Plain and
Practical Sub-
Ohio....................... 422, 423 jects ............................. 101
Benedict family ........................ 196 --Sketch of the Philosophy of the
Bennett, Martha Trimble, gift........ 365 ble
............................... 116
Bennett, Mrs. O. S., gift.............. 365 Bishop, Robert Hamilton, Jr., 112, 116,
Benton, Elbert Jay ................ 341-342 118, 120, 121, 133-135.
--International Law and the Diplomacy Bishop, William W., 112, 113, 114, 116, 119,
of the Spanish-American War.... 341 123, 130-133; left Oxford, 117,
--"The Movement for Peace without Bishop, Press
.................... 116
Victory during the Civil War". 336, 341 Bissell, W.,
.......................... 177
--"Northern Ohio during the War of Bittermann, Helen
1812" .......................... 336 --"The Influence of Irish Monks on
--The Wabash Trade Route......... 341 Merovingian
Diocesan Organization,"
Benton, Robert ....................... 363 337.
Bergundthal, J.............. 266, 269, 270 Black,
David .......................... 211
Berlin township, Firelands, see Firelands. Black River............. 220, 226, 230, 232
Bethel, Ohio
......................... 386 Black Swamp...................... 438, 440
Bethlehem, Palestine .................. 252 Blair, Francis Preston................. 98
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania ........... 252, 253 Blake, Captain ........................ 261
--Moravian Seminary, 421; archives, 256. Blake, Cincinnati attorney ............ 214
Thaddeus .......................
172 Blakeney, G.,
....................... 447
Beveridge, Albert J. Bledsoe,
Jesse ........................ 93
--Abraham Lincoln.................
457 Blennerhassett,
Harman, 423, 424, 431, 433,
Bexley, Ohio .......................... 365 444, 445.
Bible ................................... 451 Blennerhassett,
Mrs. Margaret Agnew,
Bichat, Marie Frangois Xavier........ 457 see Agnew, Margaret.
Bieninger family ...................... 210 Blennerhassett Island,....423, 425, 431, 444
Big Bottom ............................ 422 Blennerhassett mansion................ 445
--Park .......................... 354, 383 Blennerhassett
MSS., see Woodbridge-
Bigger, John
.......................... 206 Blennerhassett
Billroth, Theodor ...................... 459 Boebinger
family ..................... 210
Bingham, Mrs. Anne
(Mrs. William Boerhave,
Herman ................ 452, 460
Backus) ......................... 405 Bogotay, Mrs.
Paul.................... 363
Bingham, Luther G.,
293, 294, 296, 298, 299 Bohrer,
Benjamin .................... 454
Bingham, Thomas ..................... 406 Boice fort, 221-223, 227, 232, 234;
Binkley, Robert Cedric ................. 358 tion and location, 221;
excavation, 222;
Triumph of Nationalism, 1852- artifacts, 223; traits, 233; catalog, 235.
1871 .............. ....... 351 Bonaparte,
Napoleon .................. 457
Birney, James G................... 95, 98 Bond, Beverley Waugh, Jr ....... 341, 358
Bishop, Abraham.................. 178, 179 --"American Civilization Comes to
Helen.......................... 118 Old Northwest
"................... 338
Bishop, Peter ......................... 118 --"American Experiment in Colonial
Bishop, Robert Hamilton, 114, 117, 118, 126, Government"
...................... 338
400, 401; president of Transylvania Uni- --"Captivity of Charles
Stewart"... 338
--Civilization of the Old Northwest, 155, Brown,
John, Collection............... 390
156, 342. Brown
Publishing Company, Blanchester,
--Correspondence of John Cleves Sym- Ohio ......
.................. 159
mes .................................
342 Bruce,
David .......................... 124
Westward Journeys of John Bruen, David ......................... 95
Filson" ............................. 338 Brush, Elijah
.......................... 439
Bookkeeping, early .................... 424 Brush
house ........................... 439
Boone, Daniel ..................... 364, 402 Bryan,
Howard T., gift............... 364
Boston, I. D............................ 271 Bryan
State Farm, Yellow Springs, Ohio,
Boston, Massachusetts, 69, 74, 76, 411, 422, 218.
447. Bryant,
Charles W ... 376, 394
C. .........................
262 Buckeye Press
......................... 401
Bourne, Edward Gaylord.............. 328 Buckler, Francis William
Constitutional Precedents --Cambridge
History of British Foreign
in the French National Assembly,".336 Policy, 1783-1919 (contributor).... 342
--The American Nation; a History. 329
--Harunu'l-Rashid and Charles the
--History of Medieval and Modern Eu- Great ............................... 342
rope ............................. 342 Bucyrus, Ohio
......................... 894
--"Improvising a Government in Paris Buell, Don
Carlos........ 259, 261, 263, 268
in July, 1789"...................... 336 Buell,
Joseph .......................... 291
--Lecky's French Revolution (ed.).. 342 Buell,
Timothy ........................ 292
--"Municipal Politics in Paris in 1789," Buffalo, New York..................... 7
336. --Pan-American Exhibition...... 353, 382
Revolutionary Period in Europe, Buffalo Creek ......................... 265
342. Buffington
Island Memorial ........... 355
--Spain in America, 1450-1580....... 350 Bull, Eiphras
W...................... 183
--The Teaching of History and Civics, Bull, David ..... 446
342. Bullock,
William, described markets of
Bowen, Joel ........................... 291 1827
................................... 75
Bowles, N. H .......................... 269 Bunker Hill ........................... 165
Bowling Green, Kentucky .......... 264, 267 Bureau,
J. P. R ....................... 449
Boyd, Thomas Bureau
of American Ethnology, see U. S.
--Mad Anthony Wayne .............. 348 Bureau
of American Ethnology.
--Simon Girty,
the White Savage.. 348 Burke,
AEdamus, opposed Society of Cin-
Bradford, J. N......................... 384 cinnati ....................... 84
Bradford, Robert ..................... 89 Burke,
Pitts ........................... 215
Bradley, Daniel Burlingame,
Christopher ............ 291, 293
--Journal ............................. 403 Burlingame, Edward
.................. 293
Bradley, Philip B.............. 182, 183, 184 Burnet, Jacob,
207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 217,
Bradley, Walter ....................... 181 218.
Bradley, William
Aspinwall Burnet
Hotel .......................... 207
--The Etching of Figures........... 243 Burns,
James Jesse
Brand, H. A., gift.................... 365 --Educational History of
Ohio....... 348
Branden, J. ........................ 270, 271 Burns,
Brast, A. .............................. 262 --Early Architects and
Builders of In-
Breckinridge, Joseph Cabell........... 93 diana .......................
Brentice, George D.................... 262 Burpee, Charles W.
Brewer, John
......................... 263 --Connecticut
in the Wars, 166, 167, 168,
Brice, Lieutenant ..................... 270 201.
Bridge, William .......................
291 Burr, Aaron ................423, 431, 445
Briggs, ----- ..................
. 449 Burr, Thaddeus
................. 172
Brigham, Edward M., Jr ........... 273, 274 Burral,
Charles ..................... 171
Brinkerhoff, Roeliff, 353, 376, 377, 378, 379, Burrill fort, 226-230, 232, 234;
381, 383, 389, 394, 395. 226;
artifacts, 227-230; traits, 233; cata-
Brister, E. M. P................... 376, 394 log,
Bristol, Rhode Island.................. 450 Burton,
Theodore E................... 386
British army ....................... 314, 398 Burton
Historical Collection, see Detroit
British in Canada .................... 399 Public Library, Burton Historical Col-
British in Cincinnati in 1840.......... 70 lection.
British invasion of Connecticut, 165-169, Busch,
Cincinnati physician ........... 210
173. Bushnell,
Asa S........................ 382
British Museum
...................... 156 Bushnell,
Broch, L.
.......................... 272 --The
History of Granville, Licking
Bronson, Isaac ........................ 189 County,
Ohio....................... 349
township, Firelands, see Fire- Butler,
Richard ................88, 409, 422
lands. Butler
County, Ohio .................69, 205
Brough, John, governor ............... 365 Butterfield, Consul Willshire
Brough, John .......................... 291 --The History of the
Girtys......... 348
Broussais, Francois Joseph Victor.... 457 Byington, Cyrus ....................... 450
Brown, Charles E...................... 273
Brown, David ......................... 446 C.C. C. camps........................ 363
Brown, Jesse .......................... 446 C. D. & M. Electric
Co............... 365
C. W. A.............................. 287 Cassadaga,
New York ................. 357
Cadiz, Ohio ............. 120, 121, 122, 348 Cat
Nation, see Erie Nation.
Caldwell, Frank C................. 393, 394 Cathcart,
Wallace B.................. 387
Caldwell, Robert Granville Catholics
............................... 209
--James A. Garfield, Party Chieftain, Caulkins, Frances Manwaring
350. --History
of New London... 168, 169,
Caldwell, William
B................... 132 Census,
see U. S. Census.
California .............................. 343 Centennial Exposition of
1876 ......... 379
Calvinistic Book Concern .............. 122 Centinel
of the Northwest Territory. 106
Calvinistic Family
Library .......121, 122 Centreville, Ohio ..................... 258
Cambridge, Ohio ..................... 376 Century of Progress, see Chicago Cen-
Cambridge, Massachusetts ............ 329 tury of Progress.
Cambridge Modern History............ 345 Chaddock,
Robert Emmet
Cameron, James B..................... 109 --Ohio before
1850.................... 348
Camilla, British
ship................... 167 Chagrin
Falls, Ohio................... 21
Campbell, Bernard Roi, contributions to Chagrin River, in relation to Reeve
Natural History Department........ 357 5, 6.
Campbell, Ezra, gift................... 365 Chamberlain Memorial Museum....... 273
Campbell, James Edwin, 354, 379, 384, 385, Chambers'
Rebellion in Scotland...... 122
386, 389, 395. Chambersburg,
Pennsylvania.......... 435
Louis W., contributions to Champaign
County, Ohio.............. 69
Natural History Department........ 357 Champion, Henry ..................... 185
Campus Martius, 354; unveiling of tab- Channing, Edward
let, 385. --A
History of the United States,
Canada ........................308, 384, 422 175, 201.
Canadian Historical Review........... 340 Chapman,
Comfort, Jr........... 446
Canal Winchester, Ohio............... 364 Chaptal, Jean Antoine, Comte de Chante-
township, Firelands, see Fire- loup
................................ 452
lands. Charles
II, granted charter to Connecti-
Canterbury township, Firelands, see Fire- cut ......... ............... 174,
lands. Charles,
Sarah (Mrs. William Backus). 405
Capatina Creek ........................ 258 Charleston,
South Carolina........ 435, 466
Capitalism, challenged by unemployment Charlton, Mr............................ 419
and Russia............................ 65 Chase, Philander
.............. 245, 246, 248
Capitol, see U. S. Capitol. --Reminiscences
..................... 246
Carlisle, John
F .............75, 391, 404 Chase,
Salmon Portland............... 334
Carlisle Hill .......................... 239 --Statutes of
Ohio.......... 93, 195, 197
Carman, Harry James................. 308 Chase, Camp .......................... 269
Carneal, T. D.......................... 215 Chattanooga,
Tennessee .............. 267
Carnegie, Andrew ...................
383 Chauncey, Charles
.................... 171
Carnegie Foundation ...............
299 Chauncey, Ohio ..................... 365
Foundation for
the Advance- Chenward, John ....................... 173
ment of Teaching .................... 459 Chesselden's treatise on the
bones.... 452
Carpenter, Mr. ........................ 419 Chester, Starr...................... 181, 182
Carpenter, Helen Mary................ 308 Chicago, Illinois...69, 104, 217, 259, 280, 282
--"The Origin and Location of the Fire- --Columbian Exposition
...............379, 380
lands of the Western Reserve"... 333 --Century
of Progress.......... 280
Carr, Arthur B ......................... 281 --Society of
Etchers................ 243
Carriage Factory mound............... 381 Chicamauga, Battle of................. 259
Carrington, Edward ................... 449 Chidlaw, Benjamin W................. 98
Carrington, Tucker ................... 91 Chief Justice of the United States, see
Carroll, Captain ....................... 272 U. S. Chief Justice.
Carter, Clarence Edwin.......... 341, 404 Children's
Museum ................281, 284
Correspondence of General --Leaflets ............................. 284
Thomas Gage with the Secretaries of Chillicothe,
Ohio, 213, 238, 279, 332, 346,
........................ 342 353,
364, 365, 381, 382, 402, 436, 437, 441,
--The Critical Period, 1763-1765 .... 342 444, 449.
--Great Britain and the Illinois Coun- --Court House ....................... 239
try, 1763-1774....................... 342 --Public
Library .......... 239
--The New Regime, 1765-1767 ........ 342 --Ohio
Centennial ............... 353, 382
--"Notes on Gages MSS."......... 338 Chillicothe Daily News-Advertiser.... 238
--"The Significance of the Military Of- Chippewa Indians.............. 185,
199, 200
fice in America, 1763-1775"......... 337 Chittenden, H. T.............. 376,
378, 394
Aspects of British Adminis- Cholera epidemic................... 68, 114
tration in West Florida" .......... 338 Christ, Jesus .................. 251,
253, 254
Papers of the United Christian Indians ............. 251,
254, 256
States ...........195, 301-304, 358, 342 Christian Intelligencer and Evangelical
--Trade and Politics, 1767-69 .......
342 Guardian,........117,
119, 120, 121, 122, 129
Carter, Francis ....................... 159 Christian Life and
Character of the Civil
Cary, Freeman G ................... 95, 97 Institutions
of the United States.... 116
Cary, Samuel F........................ 95 Christianity
............................ 258
Lewis ....................437,
440 Christians .............................. 257
Christina, Mohican Indian woman.... 256 --Photograph ................facing 205
Christy, David, 119, 124, 136-137; promoted --Third St
.............. 209, 215, 216, 217
Historical Family Library....... 122, 123 --Twelfth
St. ........................ 218
--Cotton Is King..................... 120 --University,
156, 337, 338, 339, 342, 343,
--Ethiopia ........................... 120 358,
384, 467; presented Yorktown
--Geology Attesting Christianity.... 120 medal,
Christy, John........120, 121, 123, 124, 137 --Medical
College .............. 466, 469
Chronicles of America............. 319, 350 --Washington
Park .................. 218
Cicero --Williamson St ................... 215
--De Oratore ........................ 107 --Young
Men's Mercantile Association,
Cincinnati, Ohio, 81, 86, 91, 94, 106, 107, 77.
119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 157, 204, 205, Cincinnati, Society of, see Society of
219, 308, 327, 335, 337, 338, 349, 352, 365, Cincinnati
377, 378, 394, 398, 401, 403, 452, 453, 454, Cincinnati Journal
..................... 101
455, 466, 459, 464, 466; comparison of Cincinnati
Miscellany.............. 73, 76
plan and development of, to the Rus- Cincinnatus,
Lucius Quintus.. 82, 83, 84
sian Five Year Plan, 65, 79, 80; three Circleville,
Ohio.... 327, 365, 375, 380, 384
aspects of the economic life in, 65; the Cist, Charles ....................
70, 73, 80
City", 66; population statistics --Cincinnati
in 1841............... 68, 79
of, in 1810-1816, 66, 68, 69; imports to, "City of the
Straits"................... 437
in 1816, 66-67, 74; exports from, in 1810 Civil War, 109,
160, 258, 305, 307, 328, 349,
67, 75; economic development, 68; com- 357.
mercial domination and decline of, 69; --Medals
............................. 364
birthplace of settlers of, 70; occupational Civil Works
Administration, see C.W.A.
statistics, 71-74; women in industry, 73; Civilian Conservation Corps, see C.C.C.
wages paid in 1815-40 in, 73, 77; descrip- Clark, Mrs.
Edna................... 347
tion of wharf, 75; description of mar- --Ohio Art and
Artists............... 348
kets, 75; pork-packing industry in, 76; Clark, George Rogers
................. 85
manufactures of, 77; visited by Lafay- --Expedition,
402; see also Lewis and
ette, 90; members of Society of Cincin- Clark
nati in, 91; social life in 1825 in, 216- --Monument
......................... 386
217; Germans in, 206, 210; sugar refinery Clark, Harold
T............ 358, 370, 371
in, 209; Lancastrian school in, 210; pro- Clark,
James..................181, 182, 183
posed canal from, to Lake Erie, 212; Clark,
James, Jr......... 187, 188, 190, 191
panic of 1819 in, 212-214; Mrs. Trollope Clark, Joseph
.......................... 448
in, 326; history of, 349. Clarksfield
township, Firelands, see Fire-
--Apprentices' Library .............. 77 lands.
--Art Museum
....................... 378 Clay,
Henry................... 93, 260, 455
--Broadway St..... 208, 209, 212, 214, 215 Claybaugh,
Joseph .................... 137
--City Planning Commission Clermont County,
Ohio................ 69
--Official City Plan............. 68 Cleveland,
Grover ..................... 319
.............. 210, 455, 466 Cleveland,
Ohio, 7, 19, 30, 185, 188, 270,
--Congress St........................... 214 328,
329, 331, 337, 346, 348, 351, 352, 377
--Debating Society................ 466 --College
of Homeopathy............ 159
--Eden Park......................207,
217 Clinton
County, Ohio .................. 69
--Eye Infirmary .... 455 Clippinger,
Water Gillan.............. 341
--Fifth St .......................... 212
--Fourth St ......................... 214 Clonts,
Forrest William
--Front St.............. 205, 206, 207, 215 --"The Political Campaign of 1875 in
--General Hospital .................... 466 Ohio" ............................. 335
--Gilbert Ave. ....................... 217 Close,
William ......................... 188
--Library Society ................... 466 Clover,
Phil .......................... 880
--Literary Society....................
210 Cobb,
James D..................... 116, 135
--Ludlow St
..................... 209, 215 Cobb,
Jedediah ........................ 455
--Main St. ...................... 208, 216 Coburn,
Fred, gift..................... 365
--Market St. ......................... 215 Cochran,
William Cox
--Memorialists, see Memorialist of Cin- --"Perils of
River Navigation in the
cinnati. Sixties" ............................ 338
--Merchant's Institute .............. 77 --"The
Western Reserve and the Fugi-
--National Bank ..................... 213 tive
Slave Law".................... 336
--Pike St ............ 214, 217 Coe,
Katherine Hunter................ 157
--Public Library ..................... 215 Coit's
Coffee-House ......... .... 180
--Race St. ........................... 218 Coke,
Richard H., 116; published works
--School of Literature and Art..... 466 of, 134.
--Second Presbyterian Church...... 211 Cole, Arthur
Charles........... 337, 341
--Society for
the Promotion of Agri- --The
Irrepressible Conflict, 160, 342, 350
culture, Manufactures, and Domestic --"Lincoln's Election an Immediate
Economy ........................... 212 Menace
to Slavery in the States?" 337
--Spring Grove Cemetery ....... 218, 468 Cole, Ralph
D.......................... 386
Mill...................67, 77, 217 Coleman,
C. B.......................... 274
--Sycamore St............... 205, 207, 215 College
Hill, Ohio...................... 401
--Symmes St. ........................ 215 College of Homeopathy, see Cleveland
--Taft Museum
................... 215-216 College
of Homeopathy.
Collicott, J. G. --Public Statutes
Laws.............. 197
--"The Society and the Columbus Pub- --Revised Statutes......... 177, 180, 196
lic Schools"........................ 393 Connecticut Company,
location of claims
Collier, Sir George..................... 166 on lands
--"Address to the Inhabitants of Con- Connecticut Continental
Line......... 86
necticut" ........................... 167 Connecticut Gazette
.......178, 179, 180, 201
Collins, John
.......................... 291 Connecticut
Journal, 166, 167, 178, 179, 180,
Richard........................ 86 181,
Collins, T. H................. 269, 270, 271 Connecticut Land Company, 185,
187, 188,
Columbia, Ohio.................... 398, 404 189, 200.
Columbia, Tennessee .................. 265 Conner,
James.......................... 250
Columbia College....................... 308 Connley (?),
Lothrop.................. 449
Columbia hand-press ................ 110 Connor,
Robert D. W................. 404
Columbia Inn .......................... 208 --Portrait
............................ 311
Columbia University .................. 308 --"Shall the
Constitution Be Pre-
--Press ..............................
157 served?"
........................... 396
--Studies in History, Economics and Connors, M. S.......................... 365
Public Law ............. 343,
345, 348-349 Conroy,
Jack.......................... 157
Columbus, Ohio, 159, 258, 259, 260, 273, 274, Constitution, see U. S. Constitution.
307, 327, 336, 337, 347, 348, 349, 358, 363, Constitutional Convention, see U. S.
364, 365, 376, 378, 379, 381, 386, 391, 394, stitutional Convention.
437, 441. Continental
army, 81, 83, 85, 166, 169, 170,
--Art School ......................... 277 238, 443.
--Court House ...................... 377 Continental
Congress, see U. S. Conti-
--Fifteenth St. ...................... 384 nental Congress.
--High St ........................... 384 Continental Corps of
Artillery........ 86
--Medical College
.................. 159 Continental
navy, officers of, admitted to
--Ohio-Columbus Centennial ....... 384 membership
in Society of Cincinnati, 83.
--Public Library
.................... 395 Converse,
Benjamin.................... 446
Columbus, Delaware &
Marion Electric Coonskin
Library....................... 354
Co., see C. D. & M. Electric Co. Cooper, Myers
Y....................... 387
Columbus Sunday Dispatch............ 161 Cope, Alexis
.......................376, 394
Papers........................... 354 Corinth,
Mississippi................259, 267
Commissary Department, see U. S. Army Cornell, Helen Edith...................
Commissary Department. Cornish,
New Hampshire.............. 246
Committee on Early Ohio School Books, Cornish,
Ohio, 249; prospectus of, 246-247;
359. plot
of the in-lots of, 247-248.
Commons, John Rogers --Map
........................... fac. 246
--Myself .............................
330 Cornplanter,
Seneca chief............. 422
Communists ............................ 79 Corvisart-Desmarets,
Jean Nicolas de. 457
Comte, Auguste ....................... 100 Coshocton,
Ohio...............274, 276, 277
Cone, Adelia W........................ 104 Coshocton Federation of
Women's Clubs
Cone, Mary --Fine
Arts Department.............. 275
--Life of Rufus Putnam............. 346 --Scholarship
Department ........... 277
Conestoga wagon ...................... 412 Cotton,
John...................294, 296, 298
Confederate pikehead ................. 365 Coulter, Ellis Merton
Confederate States of America........ 98 --"Elijah Clarke's
Foreign Intrigues
Conference of State and Local Historical and
the Trans-Oconee Republic".. 338
Societies ............................. 357 Coventry,
Connecticut.....427, 429, 430, 444
Congregational churches .............. 116 Covington,
Kentucky................... 260
Congress, see U. S. Congress. Cowards,
John S........................ 200
Conneaut, Ohio ....................... 220 Cox, Isaac
Joslin..................... 384
Conneaut site, 235; traits............. 233 --"The American
Intervention in West
Connecticut, 180, 188, 191, 193, 196, 403, Florida" ........................... 337
412, 413, 414, 421, 425, 426, 434, 436, 447; --"General Wilkerson and
His Later
British invasion of, 165-169; appraise- Intrigues with
the Spaniards".... 337
ment of losses and granting of relief, --"The
Indian as a Diplomatic Factor
169-174; title to lands granted by, 174- in the
History of the Old
175; sold the Western Reserve, 184. west"
............................... 334
--General Assembly, 172, 173, 174; peti- --The
Journeys of La Salle as Related
tioned by citizens and towns for re- by
H. de Tonty and Others....... 342
lief, 166, 170; committees appointed to --"The
New Invasion of the Goths and
estimate losses, 171; passed
Act of Vandals"
........................... 338
Incorporation of Land Company, 177- --The West Florida Controversy, 1798-
178, 198; passed Act of Conveyances 1813
..................... 342
of Lands, 180, 198. Cox,
James M.......................... 385
--Governor ........................... 417 Cox, Joseph S ......................377, 378
--Acts and Laws..................... 196 Cox,
Mrs. S. V........................ 218
--Archives Crab
Orchard, Kentucky.............. 268
--Revolutionary War..... 171, 172, 198 Craig,
Parkers & Co................... 107
--Not catalogued.... 177, 178, 198, 200 Cram,
John O.......................... 293
--Charter ....................... 198, 174 Cram,
Jonathan........................ 293
Cram, Mary ............................ 293 Dayton,
Elias........................... 88
Cram, Rebecca......................... 293 Dayton,
Jonathan....................... 87
Cramer, Mrs. R. B., gift.............. 365 Dayton, Ohio, 278; named, 88.
Crary, Archibald....................... 446 --Public Library Museum .......277, 278
Crawford, John .....................294, 296 Dean, Thomas
A....................... 384
Crawford, William..................... 292 Dean,
William.................183, 185, 186
Crawford, William, Jr................. 292 Dearborn,
Henry...................184, 186
Croghan, George--Victory Celebration, Dearborn
County, Indiana............ 306
383, 384. Declaration
of Independence, see U. S.
Crothers, Samuel ...................94, 117 Declaration of Independence.
Crow, George H. Deeds, A.
S............................ 249
--My State-Ohio .................... 155 Deer Creek...........207, 210, 215, 217, 462
Cullen, William Deer
Creek Valley..................... 218
--Materia Medica ................. 452-453 Defiance,
Ohio......................... 348
Cumberland Gap ....................263, 403 De Fosset, Theressa
M................ 157
Cummins, Captain...................... 267 Delaware .............................. 174
.................................. 431 Delaware, Ohio ...........258, 259, 364, 365
Curtis, Henry B..........248, 376, 378, 394 Delaware County,
Ohio............249, 259
Curzon, Joseph......................... 306 Delaware Indians, 185,
186, 199, 200, 252,
Cushing, Nathaniel ..................... 89 254, 410
Cushing, Wade ......................... 91 Denison, University
...............337, 339
Custer Memorial ....................... 355 Dennett, Tyler
Manasseh, 290, 294, 297, 408, 447, 448 --John
Hay: From Poetry to Politics,
Cutler, William P........297,
376, 378, 394 328.
Cuyahoga County, Ohio ............... 195 Dennison, Camp
........................ 260
Cuyahoga River .....................184, 188 Department of Interior, see
U. S. De-
partment of Interior.
D. A. R................................. 386 Department of State, see
U. S. Depart-
--Ohio ................................ 360 ment of State.
Dakota Indians........................ 157 Derby, S.
C.......................376, 394
Dalzel, Andrew......................... 400 Deshon,
John........................... 171
Dana, W. I ............................ 198
Dana, William
Detroit, Michigan, 431, 437, 438, 439, 440,
441, 444, 449.
Danbury, Connecticut, 169, 171, 181, 182, --Public Library ................... 405
183, 187, 188, 199; British raid on, 165- --Burton Historical
Collection, 405, 429,
166; Arnold's conduct during invasion 441,
442, 469
of, 168; losses, 173. Detroit
Free Press..................... 308
--Congregational Meeting House... 166 Detroit
River........................... 440
Danbury township, Firelands, see
Fire- Devol,
Jonathan..............292, 410, 447
lands. Devol,
Gilbert.......................... 292
Danville Road.......................... 249 Dick, John
Darke County, Ohio ................... 69 --Lectures
on Theology.....121, 123, 136
Darling, Joseph......................... 182 Dickey, M. R.
.......................260, 268
Darlington, William M. Dickey,
Theophilus L. ................. 98
--Journal and Letters of Col. John May Dictionary of American Biography, 120,
of Boston .......................... 414 329;
Ohio contributors to, 341.
University................. 298 Diday,
John ....................261, 271, 272
Darwin, Charles........................ 100 Dilworth, Thomas
Daughters of the American Colonists --Spelling Boo ....................... 451
--Ohio Society ...................... 250 District
of Columbia.................. 109
Daughters of the American
Revolution, Divorce,
first granted in Northwest Ter-
see D. A. R. ritory ............................433, 444
Davey, Martin L. Dodge, Dudley
................... 292
--"The Society and the
State".... 393 Dodge, Hannah....................... 292
Davis, Alice S.,
resignation as cata- Dodge,
Nathaniel....................... 292
loguer ................................ 357 Donahey, A.
V......................... 386
Davis, Edwin Hamilton --Ohio Railroad Map............191,
--Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Donkin
Thomas.....................19, 63
Valley ..........................220,
226 Doolittle,
Davis, George ......................271, 272 --Map of Firelands....... fac. 163, 201
Davis, Harold Eugene Dorn,
Walter L.
--"Burke Aaron Hinsdale"......329, 335 --Dynastic Politics and
Colonial Enter-
--"Religion on the
Western Reserve, prise,
1740-1763 ...................... 351
1800-1825" ..........................335 Doty, Thomas
Davis, Jefferson........................ 98 Doughty,
John......................... 88
Davis, Lewis........................... 218 Downes, Randolph
Dawes, Rufus R....................... 297 --"The
Evolution of County Bounda-
Dawson, Captain....................... 269 ries" ............................... 335
Dawson Construction Company....... 384 --Frontier
Ohio, 1788-1803, 352, 358, 397-
Dawson Library
........................ 354 399.
Dawson Ornithological Collection..... 390 --"Thomas Jefferson
and the Removal
Day, Stephen........................... 106 of Governor St.
Clair in 1802".... 335
Joseph Beatty
Eckelberry, Roscoe Huhn
Church in Eastern Ohio ..... 347 --"An Early Proposal for
a State Poly-
Benjamin....................... 76 technic School ..................... 334
in 1826...........68, 78,
79 --"The McNeely
Normal School and
Normal College"....... 334
Daniel, 93, 74, 80, 210, 212, 217, 401; Eden ................................... 424
Lenin of
Cincinnati, 65; birth, 451; Edgefield,
Kentucky................... 268
451; library, 451; apprenticed Edinburgh,
Scotland .............. 124, 400
Goforth, 452; medical education, 452- --University
..................... 100, 400
received diploma, 453; received doc- Educators
.............................. 401
degree, 453; described Cincinnati,
454; founded Medical College of Ohio, Eells, Hasting
dismissal from Board of Trustees --Martin
Bucer ................... 342
Medical College of Ohio, 454; opened --Europe
since 1500 .................. 342
Infirmary, 455; established Medical Egypt
................................... 285, 376
at Miami University, 455; re- Ehrenberg
School ..................... 465
vived Cincinnati College 455; became Elder, John...........................
educator, 456; death, 456; and Eldridge,
William.................. 183, 192
456; as a physician, 456-459; Eldridge
township, Firelands, see Fire-
of percussion and auscultation, lands.
as medical educator, 459; views "Elijah's
Island".................. 423, 431
the study and teaching of medicine, Elliston,
(Miss) George............... 157
appearance in classroom, 463; Ellsworth, Clayton
editor and author, 464-466; literary --"Ohio's
Legislative Attack upon Abo-
464; belief in infectious origin of lition Schools".................... 338
465-466; monument to, 466; Elyria
township, Lorain County, Ohio, 232
467; epitaph, 468. Emerson,
Caleb.......... 293, 294, 296, 298
............................65, 70 Emerson,
Mary......................... 293
Modus Operandi and the Ef- Emerson,
William..................... 293
of Medicine" ................ 459 Encyclopadia
Britannica............. 244, 275
of the Rise and Fall of the England, 106, 109, 156, 196, 249, 324, 326,
College of Ohio........... 454 380, 431, 439;
attempt to intimidate the
concerning Cincinnati..454, 464 colonies, 165;
presses in, 110.
of Cincinnati............68, 79 English
grammar ...................... 461
Essays on Medical Educa- English history......................... 334
tion and the Medical Profession in English language....................... 205
United States.................. 459 Englishmen
............................ 431
Systematic Treatise on the Prin- Entick, John
Diseases of the Interior Valley --Dictionary .........................
North America ..............456, 458,
464 Erie, Lake,
173, 174, 184, 188, 190, 198, 212,
Mrs. Harriet Sisson, see Sisson, 438;
location of aboriginal sites near,
Harriet. 5,
Isaac........................451, 452 Erie Canal, supported by Memorialists,
German minister in Cincinnati, 66, 67.
209. Erie County, Ohio..................... 195
Mrs. Orson D..............370, 371 Erie
Indians, geographical location of, 9;
William........................ 450 destruction
of, 9; village site of, 9.
Ireland........................ 431 Erodelphian
Society, see Miami Univer-
Adjutant....................... 272 sity
Erodelphian Society.
Creek............................. 449 Essays
in American History Dedicated to
River............................. 265 Frederick
Jackson Turner........... 343
Benjamin...................93, 454 Essays
in Intellectual History Dedicated
Herbert Smith to
James Harvey Robinson.......... 344
--William Howard
Taft............. 347 Ettwein,
John.......................... 254
Dwight ..................... 341 Europe,
79, 204, 251, 252, 253, 285, 320,
Mrs. Otway, gift............. 365 321,
326, 428, 458; merchandise from, in
Treaty ....................... 384 1816,
66; merchandise from, in Revolu-
Dutch descendants..................... 288 tion,
archaeological specimens.... 365
Freeman T............. 372, 392 European history....................... 351
254, 348, 405, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, European
War, see World War.
431, 436, 442, 444, 453; German im- Evans,
Joseph......................... 292
in, 212. Evans,
Joseph, Jr ..................... 292
Aurora, New York............... 239 Evolution,
theory of, first expounded at
Haven, Connecticut, 169, 178, 179, Miami
University.................... 100
182, 183, 192, 199; invasion of, 167; Ewbank,
Louis B.
of, 173. --The
Laws of Indiana Territory, 1809-
Pennsylvania................... 424 1816
............................. 304-305
Starling L...................... 364 Ewbank
House.......................... 306
Ohio............................ 365 Ewing,
Alexander H................... 218
John............................ 455 Ewing,
Mary E................... 218, 219
F. E. R. A........................ 360, 363 --Perkins township.................. 191
Fairfield, Connecticut, 169, 170, 171, 172, --Peru
township...................... 191
182, 183, 198, 199; raided by British, --Patterson township................. 191
166-167; losses of, 173; taxes on land --Richmond township................ 191
grant, 180. --Ridgefield township................
County, Ohio................ 381 --Ripley
township.................... 191
Fairfield Township, Firelands, see Fire- --Ruggles
township................... 191
lands. --Sherman township................. 191
Falconer, Cyrus........................ 108 --Townsend township................
Falconer, John Ironside --Vermillion township.......... 191, 195
--The Agriculture of Ohio........... 347 --Vredenburgh
township .............. 191
Fallen Timbers, Battle of ......88, 205, 387 --Wakeman
township........... 191, 193
--Fund .............................. 368 --Bibliography .................. 196-203
Falls of the Ohio...................... 213 --Map .................. facing 163, 201
Far East................................ 240 Firelands
Pioneer, 171, 184, 188, 189, 190,
Farmers' College............... 97, 98, 401 201, 202, 203, 336.
Fashions, early.................... 425, 429 Fisher, Dudley
T., Sr................. 369
Faubler family.......................... 210 Fitch,
Mr............................... 246
Fearing, Paul........................... 291 Fitch,
Jabez.............. 181, 182, 183, 199
Fearon, Henry B., described markets of Fitch,
Thomas.......................... 171
Cincinnati of 1819, 74, 75, 80. Fitchville township,
Firelands, see Fire-
Federal Emergency
Relief Administra- lands.
tion, see F. E. R. A. Flagg,
James ............................ 449
Federal Government ................. 92 Fletcher, Mr..................
439, 440, 441
Felch, W. Ferrand..................... 385 Fletcher, John..........................
--Library ............................. 354 Fletcher,
Robert Stillman
Ferguson, Adam........................ 100 --"The End of the Open Range in
Ferguson, Donald W.................. 308 Eastern Montana"................
Ferguson, William..................... 447 --"The
Government of Oberlin Colony,"
Ferm, Vergilius Ture Anselm 338.
--The Crisis in American Lutheran The- Flexner, Abraham
........................... 342-343 --Medical Education in the United
Fesline, Joseph......................... 70 States
and Canada.................. 459
Fess, Simeon D......................... 386 Flick,
Alexander C..................... 386
Field Museum Flint,
James, 77; described the Cincinnati
--Harris Extension................... 282 wharf in 1819,
Filson, John............................ 86 Flint Ridge...................... 12,
38, 355
208 Flora ................................... 452
Finley, E. B....................... 376, 394 Florence,
George ...................... 374
Firelands Historical Society........... 336 Florence township,
Firelands, see Fire-
of the Western Reserve of lands.
Connecticut, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 196; Florida Historical Society
origin of name, 175; location, 175; grant, --Quarterly Periodical ............... 341
175-181; surveys, 187-192; cost of sur- Foote, John
P.......................... 107
veys, 191; townships of, 190-191; parti- Foraker, Joseph Benson
tion of lands, 192-193; political organi- --Notes of a
Busy Life .............. 346
zation, 195-196. Foraker,
Mrs. Julia Bundy
--Avery township..................... 191 --I Would Live It Again............ 346
--Berlin township .............. 191, 195 Forbes, P. L.,
gift.................... 364
--Bronson township.............. 191, 193 Forman,
Jonathan...................... 159
township.................. 191 Forsberg,
Roberta ..................... 359
--Canterbury township............... 191 Fort Ancient, 353, 363, 379,
382, 383; cul-
--Clarksfield township................ 191 ture of, 8, 9.
--Danbury township............. 191, 195 Fort Hill
................................ 355
--Eldridge township.................. 191 Forts, see names
of Forts.
--Fairfield township............. 191, 196 Foster, Charles........................ 382
--Fitchville township .................... 191 Foster, Preston
Paine.................. 157
--Florence township..............191, 195 Fostoria, Ohio
......................... 382
--Groton township .................... 191 Fowke,
Gerard......................... 332
township................ 191 Fowler,
Lieutenant..................... 261
--Greenwich township ........... 191, 196 Fox, George R..........................
--Hartland township.................. 191 Fox,
John............................... 446
--Huron township............... 191, 195 France....................
322, 420, 428, 430
township..................... 191 --Army
and Navy, given right to or-
--Lyme township..................... 191 ganize a
branch of the Society of
--Milan township................ 191, 195 Cincinnati, 82-83.
--Margaretta township ............... 191 Franck, Peter
......................... 243
--New Haven
township.... 191, 193, 196 Frankfort,
Kentucky.............. 260, 268
--New London
township........ 191, 196 Frankfort,
Ohio........................ 365
--Norwalk township............. 191, 196 Franklin, Benjamin,
opposed Society of
--Norwich township.................. 191 Cincinnati
............................ 84
township................... 191 --Autobiography ..................... 452
Franklin, Tennessee.................... 264 Gephart,
William Franklin
County, Ohio ................ 360 --Trasportation and Industrial De-
Franklinton, Ohio............ 437, 438, 441 velopment
in the Middle West.... 343
Frederick the Great .................... 251 German
universities ................ 328
Fremont, Ohio...... 212, 352, 381, 383, 384 Germans, 204;
in Cincinnati, 68, 69, 70,
--Soldiers' Memorial Tablet ........ 385 206,
210; in East, 212.
French, Mansfield ...................... 294 Germany............
204, 209, 251, 322, 345
French and Indian War............... 252 Gerry,
Elbridge, opposed Society of Cin-
French Creek
...................... 226 cinnati
............................. 84
French emigres .................... 426, 428 Gerstaecker,
French Indians
...................... 252 --The
Wanderings and Fortunes of a
French language................... 430, 461 Number
of German Immigrants... 211
settlers .....................
446 Ghost
Dance........................ 157-158
Frenchmen.................... 431, 444, 449 Gibbon,
Friedenshuetten, Pennsylvania........ 254 --History
of the Decline and Fall of the
Frontier education ...................
401 Roman
Empire........ 123, 124, 136-137
Frontier religion ....................
401 Gibson,
Colonel ....................... 270
Fry, Camp ........................... 264 Giddings,
Joshua R.
Fulton, W. D.
354, 390
--Ohio Railroad Map ........... 191, 203 Gilchrist,
Marie....................... 157
Fulton Bagging Co ................... 73 Gilliam,
Florence Edna
--"Loyalists in
Prince Edward Is-
Gaar, Mrs. William
W ............ 273, 274
land" ............................. 340
Gabriel, Eli
............................. 359 Gilliam
, Tod ......................... 159
Galbraith, British
professor of history, Gilman,
Benjamin Ives........... 444, 449
324-325. Gilman,
Jane (Mrs. Dudley Woodbridge,
Galbreath, Charles Burleigh, 332, 341, 354, Jr.)
............................. 436, 444
360, 369, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 392, 396, Gilman,
Joseph......................... 415
402. Gilman,
Thomas........................ 292
--Newspaper Collection.......... 388, 391 Gilmore, W. J
............................. 381
--History of Ohio .................... 349 Gilmore,
William Edward
--"Mill Creek Park and the Source of --Life of Edward
Tiffin........... 346
Mill Creek".......................... 359 Glacial
grooves ......................... 355
Gallaher, Mrs. J. A ................. 405, 445 Gladden,
Washington ................. 364
Gallaher MSS., see Woodbridge-Gallaher --"Francis Charles Sessions
...... 380
MSS. --Recollections ........................ 347
Gallipolis, Ohio, 365, 378, 422, 426, 427, --"Rutherford
Birchard Hayes"..... 380
428, 444, 446, 449; settlement of, 420; Glass,
American........................ 275
map of lands
granted to French, 450 Glennie,
A........................... 449
--Centennial Celebration............. 353 Glines,
William ...................... 293
Galloway, Samuel, 116; published works Glover, Amos,
birth, 258; organized Com-
of, 133. pany F
of 15th Ohio Regiment, 258;
Galloway, William Albert dry
goods business in Delaware, Ohio,
Chillicothe ................
401-403 258; real estate, 258; politics,
Gallup, Caleb Hathaway .............. 383 death,
259; cited for gallantry, 259.
--"Boundaries of the Firelands" 190, 202 Glover, John
........................ 267
Gambier, Ohio............ 245, 246, 247, 248 Glover,
Jose............................ 106
Gard, Daniel Hosmer ............ 376, 394 Glover,
Samuel ........................ 258
--Library .......................... 354 Glover,
Samuel, Jr..................... 269
Gardner, Robert Edward Glover,
Sarah.......................... 258
--Arms Fabricators, Ancient and Mod- Gnadenhutten, 251, 254, 382; massacre, 254,
ern: A
Compilation................ 307 256.
Garfield, James A................. 259, 364 --Centennial
Celebration............. 353
Garloch, Daily A.................. 270, 271 Goethe ............................... 127
Garrison, Fielding H ...............459, 465 Goforth,
William................. 452, 453
Garth, George ........................... 167 Gold
Clause Case...................... 311
Gartner Village site................... 364 Good
Intent Mill ...................... 365
Gaston, Mr ............................ 214 Goodale,
Nathan ...................... 89
Gates, Beman ..................... 376, 394 Goodman,
Joseph C.................... 369
Gazley, Cincinnati attorney............ 214 Goodwin,
Howard R., 364, 390; identifi-
Geauga County, Ohio.................. 195 cation
of minerals found at Reeve site,
Ged, William........................... 124 11.
Geiser, Karl Frederick ............ 337, 341 Goshen,
Ohio........................... 383
--"New England
and the Western Re- Goslin,
Robert, 221; excavation of Reeve
serve" ............................
338 site
under direction of, 5; identifica-
--"The Western Reserve in the Anti- tion
of animal bones, 63.
slavery Movement, 1840-1860" .... 338 Gospel
................................. 253
General Land Office, see U. S. General Goss, Charles
Land Office. --Cincinnati,
the Queen City, 208, 213,
George, Henry--Club.................. 330 349.
Georgetown, Ohio .................... 386 Government
Printing Office, see U. S.
Georgia Historical Quarterly.......... 341 Printing
Graham, Albert Adams, 353, 376, 378, 379, Guitteau,
Judson....................... 291
380, 389, 394, 395. Guizot's
Gibbon ........................ 123
Grand Rapids, Michigan..... 286, 287, 289 Gulf of Mexico, see Mexico,
Gulf of.
Grand River....................... 220, 224 Gulich,
Jacob........................... 209
............................. 405 Guthe,
Carl E.......................... 273
Granger, Gideon....................... 186 --"Introductory Essay" to Benjamin
Grant, Ulysses Simpson March's Standards of Pottery De-
--Centennial ......................... 386 scription,
25, 32.
Granville, Ohio.................... 330, 394 Guthrie, William
Lehr Und Versuchs-Anstalt, --A New
Geographical, Historical and
239. Commercial
Grammar .............. 452
Gras, N. S. B.
--An Introduction to
Economic His- Haas,
Wilhelm........................ 110
tory ................................ 69 Hagenau, Alsace....................... 204
Great Britain .................. 81, 172, 322 Hagerstown,
Maryland............ 204, 205
--Public Record Office ............... 324 Hale,
Ashel............................ 292
Great Lakes ........................... 329 Hall
Seminary.......................... 400
Greece .................................. 285 Hallam's History
of the State of Europe
Greek flag ............................... 365 during the
Middle Ages............. 122
Greek language............... 205, 418, 461 Haller, Albrecht
von.................. 452
Green, Alonzo ......................... 293 Haloways, Captain..................... 262
Green, Charles.......................... 291 Hamburg, Germany
................... 209
Green, Daniel.......................... 292 Hamilton,
Alexander.................. 88
Green, Dudley .......................... 293 Hamilton, Howard, gift
.............. 365
Green, I. H............................ 270 Hamilton, Ohio,
97, 108, 115, 205; publish-
John............................ 293 ing in ............................ 109
Green, Mary........................... 292 Hamilton County,
Ohio, 69, 88, 211, 382;
Green, Richard........................ 292 named, 87.
Green, William......................... 249 Hamilton Intelligencer................. 115
Green River.......................... 262, 263 Hamiltonian "reactionaries"........... 311
Tree"......................... 208 Hammond,
Charles--MSS............. 360
Greene, Griffin...... 291, 292, 446, 447, 448 Hampden-Sydney
College.............. 90
Greene County, Ohio..... 69, 122, 205, 218 Hanna, Charles Augustus
Greene Ville, Fort .................... 205 --The Wilderness
Trail.............. 348
Greenfield, Ohio....................... 359 Hanna, Marcus
A..................... 382
Greenfield township, Firelands, see Fire- Hannah, merchant ship taken in
lands. tion,
168; destruction of, 169.
Greenman, Emerson F., 161, 274, 308, 332, Hanover
College..................... 117
363, 364, 387. Hardin,
Charles H.................... 98
of the Reeve
Village Hardin,
John........................... 88
Site, Lake County, Ohio".... 220, 234 Harding, Horace .......................
Greenville, Ohio .......... 308, 333, 381, 403 Harding, Warren G.......... 315,
318, 386
Greenville, Treaty of, 175, 184, 205, 302, Harkness,
E............................ 248
398. Harlan,
Aaron......................... 219
Greenwich, Connecticut, 171, 181, 182, 183, Harlan, Mrs. Amanda Sroufe Baum, see
199; salt works, 166; losses of....... 173 Sroufe, Amanda.
Greenwich township, Firelands, see Fire- Harmar, Josiah.................
87, 88, 409
lands. Harmar,
Fort, 290, 409, 450; Treaty of,
Greve, Charles Theodore 302,
--Centennial History of Cincinnati and Harmer, J. W.......................... 384
Representative Citizens............ 319 Harmon,
Judson.............. 382, 383, 384
Griffin, James B., 25; compiled surface Harper &
Bros......................... 329
hardness table........................ 57 Harris, Andrew L................. 357, 365
Griffith, Griffith Prichard.............. 91 Harris,
John........................... 448
Griswold, John......................... 406 Harris, Mrs. Walter
G., gift.... 357, 365
Griswold, Lucy
(Mrs. Elijah Backus), Harrison, Benjamin..............
98, 345
406, 409. Harrison,
Benjamin, Jr............... 90
Griswold, Roger.............. 417, 446, 448 Harrison, H.
H....................... 112
Griswold, Fort......................... 169 Harrison, Henry,
publisher............ 157
Groesbeck, Halley W.................. 157 Harrison, John P., 116;
published works
Groesbeck, William
S.................. 98 of,
Grosbeck, John H...................... 212 Harrison, W. H.,
gift.................. 365
Gross, Samuel D............. 455, 463, 467 Harrison, William
Henry............. 90
--Pathological Anatomy............. 456 Harrison County, Ohio................ 120
Groton, Connecticut, 171, 181, 182, 183, Harrodstown, Kentucky
............... 86
193, 199; destruction and massacre at, 169 Harsha, Paul,
gift..................... 365
Groton township, Firelands, see Firelands. Hart,
Josiah....................... 292, 448
Gruman, Samuel..................... 199 Hart, William ........................ 171
Grummion's Tavern ................... 206 Hartford, Connecticut...
171, 178, 200, 409
Gruner family ......................... 210 Hartland township, Firelands, see Fire-
Connecticut.................. 171 lands.
Guion, Isaac............................ 447 Hartshorn,
Mr.......................... 421
Hartshorn, Charles..................... 218 Hinman, Royal R.
Hartshorn, Eleanor .................... 218 --A Historical
Collection from Official
Harvard University, 115, 295, 298, 334, 351, Records
.................... 170, 171, 197
376, 382, 407, 410. Hinsdale,
Burke Aaron
Haskell, Jonathan...................... 89 --Old Northwest..................... 329
Havre de Grace, France.............. 420 Hippocrates
............................ 465
Hawes, E. M....................... 371, 372 Hiram College......................... 329
Hawks, Theron H...................... 300 Hirsch, Arthur
Henry................. 341
Hay, John
.......................... 331 --"The
Construction of the Miami and
--Abraham Lincoln: A History..... 328 Erie Canal ....................... 338
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 318, 319, 353, "Effort of the Grange to Control the
378, 380, 381, 383, 389, 395. Price
of Farm Machinery"....... 339
......................... 386 --Huguenots
of Colonial South Carolina,
--Library........................ 352, 383 343.
--Memorial, 354; dedication......... 384 Hispanic
American Historical Review 340
--Diary and Letters
................ 386 Historical
and Philosophical Society of
Hayes, Webb C., II,......... 358, 370, 371 Ohio ................................. 353
Hayes family........................... 374 --Journal
............................ 377
Healy, Paul W., gift.................. 365 --Transactions
....................... 377
Heath, William ......................... 82 Historical Family
Library........ 122, 123
Heckewelder, John................ 254, 383 Historical
Outlook.................. 308
Heckewelder, Polly ................... 250 Historical Society of
Northwestern Ohio,
Heckwilder, sheriff of Hamilton County, 372,
214. --Quarterly Bulletin............ 185, 203
Heer, F. J., Printing Company...... 307 Historical
Society of Ohio............ 377
Hedger, Andrews Historiography ........................ 351
--An Introduction to Western Civiliza- History
of American Life........ 160, 351
tion ................................ 343 Hite, Abraham, first white man to visit
Heflebower, Clara Keck................ 157 site of Cincinnati.................... 86
Heightshoe, Walter E., gift .......... 365
Heighway, Samuel..................... 206 Hoadly, Charles J.
Henderson, Alexander................. 293 --Public Record of
the State of Con-
Henderson, George W................. 293 necticut,
166, 167, 171, 172, 173, 174,
Henderson, John A................... 292 197.
Henderson, Mary P...................
293 Hoar, George
F ........................ 378
Henderson, Sarah M..................
293 Hobart,
John Henry.................. 246
Hendry, A. W. Hockett,
Homer Carey................ 341
--Early Political Divisions of the --"Federalism
and the West"........ 343
Region Constituting the Firelands, 202 --"The
Influence of the West on Politi-
Henry, Patrick ......................... 423 cal
Parties......................... 339
Hensel, M..................................317
Hensel, M ..............................
377 --"Internal
Improvements, 1815-25" 334
Heron, Andrew .......................
122 --Introduction
to Research in American
Herrick, Myron T...................... 383 History ............................
Herron, James ........................ 423 --"The
Literary Movement in Writing
Hescht, Jacob .......................... 261 History"
................................ 339
Hesseltine, William Best --"Little Essays on the Police Power"
--Civil War Prisons................. 346 339.
--Ulysses S. Grant.................. 350 --The Political and Social Growth of
Hessian soldiers, in New
Haven...... 166 the
United States............... 343
Hest, Jacob ........................... 266 --A Political
and Social History of the
United States...................... 843
Higgins, Ruth Loving --Western Influence on Political
--Expansion in New York
with Especial to
1825 ...............................
Reference to the Eighteenth Century,
346. Hodgins,
Thomas...................... 459
Hildreth, Charles C.................... 293 Hoeffer family...................... 210
Hildreth, George
.................... 293 Hogan,
Timothy S..................... 284
Hildreth, Mary Ann................... 293 Hoit,
Samuel........................... 292
Samuel Prescott, 292, 293, 294, Holden,
Joseph......................... 449
296, 298, 377, 449. Holland,
see Netherlands.
Hill, Alexander ........................... 449 Holley,
Horace......................... 92
Hill, Frank E., gift.................... 365 Holt, Edgar Allan
Hill, Lawrence Francis --"Party Politics
in Ohio, 1840-50",
--"Abolition of the African Slave Trade 335, 351.
to Brazil" ........................ 340 Hooper, Osman C..................... 161
--"Confederate Exiles in Brazil".... 340 --"The
Founders"................... 393
--Jose de Escadon and the Founding of --History
of Ohio Journalism........ 348
Nuevo Santander .................. 343 Hoover,
Herbert Clark............ 321, 325
Hillhouse, Mrs......................... 426 Hopel, Kasper
.......................... 206
Hills, Reuben E.,................. 123, 125 Hopewell
cultures...................... 363
Ohio......................... 365 Hopkins,
Library........................... 355 --"A Rare Abolitionist Document" 339
Hinman, George Wheeler ............. 295 Hopkins,
Joseph........................ 449
Hoppin, Charles Arthur Huntington,
Charles Clifford
--The Washington
Ancestry........ 359 --"A
History of Banking and Currency
Cave............................ 264 in Ohio before the Civil War," 333
Horst, John R.......................... 359 --History
of Ohio Canals............ 333
Hospital for the Insane .............. 306 Huntington, Elisha.................... 298
Hough, Benson W .................... 386 Huntington, Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph
Houghton, Frederick Backus) .............................
--"The Characteristics of the Iroquois Huntington, Samuel................... 336
Village Sites of
Western New Hurley, A............................... 269
York," 7, 31. Hurley, C...............................
Houghton, Henry
S.................. 159 Hurley,
N............................... 270
House of Representatives, see U. S. Con- Huron,
Ohio........................... 188
gress House of Representatives. Huron County, Ohio, 194;
creation of, 195
Howe, Frederic Clemson.............. 351 --Board of Commissioners.......... 200
--Robert M. La Follette ............ 350 --Office
of Recorder, 173, 179, 199, 200
Howe, George Frederick .............. 343 Huron
River.................... 185, 440
--Chester A. Arthur: A Quarter Cen- Huron township, Firelands, see Firelands.
tury of Machine Politics .......... 350 Hyma, Albert
--"The New York Customs House Con- --Readings
in Medieval History.... 344
......................... 339 I.
B. & W. R. R
Howe, Henry................. 377, 379, 390 Ilin, M.
--Historical Collections of Ohio, 327, 331 --New
Russia's Primer............... 79
Howe, Mark Anthony DeWolfe Illinois...... 78,
85, 116, 207, 322, 350, 390
--James Ford Rhodes............... 328 Illinois
College ......................... 295
Perley.......................... 291 Illinois
Historical Society.............. 304
Howe, William ......................... 166
Hoyt, Comfort .................... 177, 198 Illinois
State Historical Library
Hoyt, Simeon.......................... 188 Collections..........................
--"Hoyt's Survey..................188, 190, 201 Illinois
Territory...................... 305
--"Surveying the Firelands," 188, 189, "Importance of the Study of
190, 201.
in Ohio"............................ 376
Hubbard, Elbert........................ 239 Imrie,
Norman A.
Hubbart, Henry Clyde --"Some
Lions I Have Met"....... 391
--"'Pro-Southern' influence in the Free Indian
affairs....................... 302
West, 1840-1865"................ 339 Indian
communities (Moravian), govern-
Hudson Bay ............................ 465 ment
Hudson River, 85; miscarriage of British Indian tribes .......................... 439
plans to control...................... 165 Indian
wars........................ 88, 422
Matthew ..................... 206 Indiana,
78, 85, 111, 116, 156, 207, 272,
Hughes, Charles Evans ................ 311 304, 322,
381, 390; European goods
Hughes, H. R........................... 114 handled
by merchants of, in 1816, 66.
Hulbert, Archer Butler ............... 383 --General
Assembly.................. 305
--"Indian Thoroughfares in Ohio".. 333 --Historical
Bureau ................. 305
and Operations of
the --Militia--6th Brigade ............... 262
Scioto Group of Speculators"... 339 --State Library....................... 305
--Ohio Company Series.............. 408 --Supreme Court--Library .......... 305
--Paths of Inland Commerce........ 350 Indiana,
Bloomington and Western Rail-
--Records and Proceedings of the Ohio way, see I. B. & W. R. R.
Company ........................... 409 Indiana
Historical Collections......... 304
Hume, Edgar Erskine ................. 161 Indiana
Historical Society
--"The Naming of Cincinnati"..... 359 --Publications ....................... 305
Dumpty....................... 420 Indiana
Territory--General Assembly 305
Hunt, Jesse............................. 206 Indianapolis,
Indiana............. 273, 274
Hunt, Samuel F....................... 381 --Children's Museum, see Children's
Hunter, Dard, birthplace, 238; education, Museum.
239; accomplishments,
239; residence, --Second
Presbyterian Church...... 306
239; paper making
authority, 240; Indians, 88, 156,
158, 205, 253, 256, 363,
operated own paper mill, 241; charac- 364, 383, 397,
398, 412, 423, 425, 426, 431,
terized, 242. 447;
extinction of land titles, 181, 183-
--Bibliography................... 243-244 187, 193;
treaty with, 184, 185; Chris-
--Paper Making through Eighteen Cen- tianizing, 253.
turies .............................. 241 Industry,
Fort, 185; Treaty of, 185, 186,
Hunter, Harriet Rosemond ............ 239 187, 199,
Hunter, William
Henry............... 239 Innes'
treatise on the muscles........ 452
--"Addenda to the Pathfinders".... 238 Institute
for Education............ 293, 296
--"The Influence of Pennsylvania on Institute
for the Blind................ 306
Ohio" .............................
332 Iowa ................................... 116
--"The Pathfinders of
Jefferson Iowa
Historical Society............... 387
County" .....................
238, 332 Ireland,
Ann............................ 400
Huntington, Benjamin................. 446 Irene,
Moravian ship.................. 252
Iroquois Indians,
234; resemblance of Kahn
family .................... 210
Reeve site to
villages of, 8, 12, 21; Kalamazoo,
Michigan........ 284, 285, 286
classification of culture of, 8. --Museum ..................... 284
Kansas City, Missouri ................. 258
Jackson, Mr .......................... 435 Kansas-Nebraska Act.................. 120
Jackson, F. B ............................ 261 Kaskaskia,
Illinois .................... 444
Jackson, J. C............................. 262 Katzenberger,
George A............... 308
Jackson, Ohio .......................... 365 Kautz,
David ........................ 206
James, Alice Archer Sewell (Mrs. John Keeler,
Lucy Elliott
H. James), gift ................. 369-370 --"Spiegel
Grove, the Home of Ruther-
James, J. A., and Company, 121, 123, 124, ford B.
Hayes"................... 383
125. Keen and Colby,
publishers, Hamilton,
James, John H ........... 303, 355, 369
Keen and Stewart, publishers, Hamilton,
Jameson, John Franklin Ohio.................................... 109
--"Early Days of the American His-
torical Association" ................ 328 Kelley,
B. F., gift .....................365
Jamestown, Ohio--Ter-centenary Exposi- Kelly's Island
.......................... 355, 365
tion.............................. 354, 383 Kelmscott
Press ........................ 126
Kennedy, James Harrison
Janney, John J.................... 376, 394 --A History of the City of
--Treaty ............................. 448 Kenner,
Duncan F .................. 98
Jefferson, Thomas, 198; opposed Society Kent
Scientific Museum, 284, 286, 287, 289
of Cincinnati ......................... 84 Kenton,
Simon ................... 402
Jefferson, Ohio, Canal Company...... 213 Kenton, Ohio
.................... 378, 394
County, Ohio................ 238 Kentucky,
76, 76, 78, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92,
--Centennial ......................... 381 95,
99, 100, 108, 111, 444, 451; European
Jefferson, Fort........................ 355 goods handled
by merchants of, in
Jefferson Medical
College--Chair of 1816, 66;
movement to start branch of
Medicine ............................ 455 Society
of Cincinnati in, 88; frontier,
Jeffersonian "radicals"............. 311 398.
.........................330 --Legislature ...................... 213
Jesup, Ebenezer, Jr.................... 183 --Militia ......................... 88
Jesup township, Firelands, see Firelands. Kentucky
State Historical Society
Jobes, Frank H., and Son ............ 403 --Register
......................... 88
Johns Hopkins University......... 81, 330 Kenyon
College .......... 245, 246, 248, 308
Johnson, Allen.................... 341, 39 --Library
....................... 245
--Chronicles of America, see Chronicles --Seminary
.............................. 246
of America. Kerr, Louis .............................211
of American Biography, Kettering, Charles F .................. 386
see Dictionary of
American Biog- Kiefer, J.
Warren..................... 382
raphy. King, C
............................. 263
Johnson, Arthur Charles, Sr., 354, 356 King,
Edgar W ....................... 104
358, 369, 374, 386, 387, 389, 390. King,
Mrs. James M., gift ............ 365
Johnson, David ...........................274 King,
Margaret Rives
Johnson, John ...........................274 --Memento
of Ancestors and Ancestral
Homes ..............................216
Johnson Samuel ...........................175
Johnson, Tom
King, Rufus
--My Story ...............................346 --Ohio:
First Fruits of the Ordinance
Memorial Mu- of 1787........................
... 349
King, Zebulon...................... 89, 422
.............................. 274 King's Mountain
................ 165
Johnston, Andrew...................... 272 Kirkland,
Truhand..................... 191
............................... 264 Kit Kat
Club........................... 395
Jones, Colonel.......................... 270 Klauprecht,
Emil .................. 214, 217
Jones, A. W.,................ 376, 378, 394 Kline,
West Virginia
Jones, John D.......................... 70 --Mount
Hope Lutheran Church--Ceme-
Jones, Mrs. Mary McMahon.......... 384 tery ......................250
Jones, Mostyn, gift.................... 365 Klippart,
J. H .................. 377
Jordan, Wayne ......................... 308 Knapp family ..................... 196
Josephson, Bertha Esther........... 337 Knight,
George Wells............ 330, 351
Jouett, Charles.................... 184, 185 Knipfing,
John R.
Journal of Modern History.......... 340 --"German
Historians and Macedonian
Juettner, Otto Imperialism"
..................... 337
--Daniel Drake and His Followers.. 459 Knittle,
Rhea Mansfield
Jungmann, John G ................. 254 --Early
American Glass.............. 275
Junkin, George, succeeded Bishop to Knoop family ................... 210
presidency of Miami University, 97; Knox,
Henry, 82; conceived idea for
8-hour pro-slavery address, 97; resigna- Society of
Cincinnati ................ 81
tion, 97. Knox,
Weekly ................. .. 271
Justice, Charles ..................... 393 Knox County, Ohio
--"Former Secretaries"............. 395 --Recorder's
Office ................ 248
Koenig, Frederick ..................... 110 Lewis and Clark
Expedition .......... 426
Kulp, C. L., gift ...................... 364 Lexington,
Kentucky, 92, 95, 260, 400, 403,
Kunstgewerbe Schule.................. 239 451, 454, 456, 457.
Laennec, Rene Theophile Hyacinthe.. 457 Liberty Gap, Kentucky
................ 270
Lafayette, Marquise de, 292; visited Cin- Library of Congress, see U.
S. Library
cinnati ............................... 90 of Congress.
Lake County, Ohio, 224; location and de- Lichtenau
............................ 254
scription of Reeve site in Willoughby Licking County,
Ohio............. 330, 377
township ....................... 5 Licking
River....................... 86, 87
Lake Erie, see Erie, lake. Lincoln,
Abraham........ 238, 259, 365, 457
La Monte, John Life Lincoln,
Benjamin..................... 84
--Feudal Monarchy in the Latin King- Lincoln, Joseph ....................... 291
dom of
Jerusalem, 1100 to 1291... 343 Lincoln
Day............................ 327
Lancaster, Ohio................... 394, 421 Lindley, Harlow, 159,
273, 274, 341, 351,
School................ 210, 466 365,
361, 369, 374, 387, 390, 405; gift, 364
Land Laws of Ohio, 175, 181, 183, 194, 197 Lindley,
Jacob..................... 449, 450
Land Office, see U. S. General Land Link family ............................ 210
Office. Listerine
....................... 113
Landing, Connecticut.................. 406 Litchfield,
Connecticut...... 434, 435, 444
Lane, Thomas.......................... 292 Literary Focus, 101,
105-112, 128; launched,
Lane Seminary..................... 94, 116 107; financial
difficulties, 108.
Langer, William
Leonard Literary
Register .............. 111-113, 128
--Rise of Modern Europe............ 351 Littell,
William...................... 447
Langley, Batty Little
Miami Railroad................. 466
--The Builder's Jewel ............... 306 Liverpool,
England .................... 217
Laning, Jay F. Lloyd,
William Allison
The Growth and History of Ohio 202
--The Agriculture of Ohio ........... 347
Lankes, Julius J....................... 243 Lockwood, John,
petition of.......... 170
Lanman, James........................ 449 Lockwood family
....................... 196
Larsen, Arthur J. Logan,
D............................... 262
and Feminist: Letters of Logan, James, Mingo chief............ 240
Jane Grey Swisshelm, 1858-1865, 306- Logan
Elm.............................. 354
307. --Park
.......................... 384, 386
Laselles ................................ 440 Logan's
"Lift Thine Eyes"........... 375
Lathrop, Rufus......................... 446 London,
England.................. 168, 239
Latin-American history................ 329 London Times .........................
Latin language ................ 205, 418, 461 Long, Robert G.,
gift................. 364
Latourette, Kenneth Scott Long Lance,
--"Chinese Historical Studies during the --Redman
Echoes..................... 359
Past Seven Years"............... 337 Longworth,
Joseph..................... 215
Laurens, Fort................. 184, 354, 385 Longworth,
Nicholas......... 215, 216, 217
Lawrenceburgh, Kentucky ............. 268 Lookout Mountain, Battle
of......... 259
Laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-1809, 304 Lorain,
Ohio, 220; aboriginal site near 5
Laws of the Northwest Territory..... 304 Lorain
County, Ohio............. 226, 232
Laws of the United States........ 175, 183 Lord,
Ebenezer ............. 407, 437, 441
Lawson, Alexander.................... 293 Lord, Eunice (Mrs.
Thomas Backus), 437
Lawson, Alexander, Jr................. 293 Lord, Thomas,
Jr..................... 446
Lazarus, F. & R., & Co., 83rd Anniver- Lord mansion ......................... 438
.................................. 359 Losantiville, Ohio...................... 87
Lebanon, Kentucky .................... 268 Loudon,
Samuel................... 446, 448
Lebanon, Ohio-Centennial.............382 Louis,
XVI............................. 420
Lecky, William
Edward Hartpole Louisiana,
78; value of trade in, in 1816,
Revolution................. 342 67.
Ledyard, Bridgett ...................... 193 Louisiana Purchase
Exhibition, see St.
Ledyard, Ebenezer..................... 171 Louis Louisiana
Purchase Exhibition.
Ledyard, William, 168; death of..... 169 Louisville, Kentucky, 69,
72-73, 213, 260,
Lee, Alfred Emory 261,
263, 267, 268, 456.
--History of the City of Columbus, 349
--Medical Institute.................. 456
Lee, Robert E.......................... 272 Louisville
Legion....................... 262
Le Favour, Helen..................... 284 Loveberry,
Clarence................... 381
Leffingwell, Christopher................ 414 Loving,
Starling....................... 159
Leffingwell, Samuel.................... 446 Lowell, Massachusetts, comparison of
Leland, Waldo G.................. 316, 317 wages paid in, to Cincinnati in 1844, 73
L'Enfant, Pierre Charles ............. 83 Lower Sandusky
River................ 384
Leonard's Greater Cincinnati and Its Lucky Strike........................... 113
People ............................... 211 Ludlow, Israel......................... 206
Lesser, Alexander Ludlow Maxfield ..................... 190
--Pawnee Ghost Dance Hand Game, 157 Lunt,
Ezra ............................ 447
Levy, William Aurback...............
243 Lutheran Society, German members of,
Lewis, John M .........................
188 in 1815 ............................... 70
Lewis, Lothrop......................... 180 Lyme township,
Firelands, see Firelands.
Lystra, Kentucky ...................... 245 Madden,
Nep................. 269, 270, 272
Lytle, William.................... 206, 215 Madison, James ......................
Madison, Wisconsin.................... 273
McArthur, John, 116; published works of, --Museum ......................... 382
134, 135. Madison fort, 232, 234; description and
McClain, Edward L.................... 359 location,
224-22; traits, 233.
McClelland, C. P. Magazine
of History: Extra Numbers, 201
--History of Ohio Canals............ 333 Mahoning
Valley Historical Society
McClenahan, Major...........265, 267, 268 --Historical
Collections......... 202, 203
McClintick, William
Y................. 382 Mallow,
Henry ......................... 250
McClintock, Petrea ................... 279 Mallow,
Mary.......................... 250
McCook, Alexander McDowell ........ 259 Malone,
Dumas................... 329, 341
McCoy, Anna Parret, gift ............ 365 --Dictionary of American Biography,
MacDill, David.................... 119, 121 seeDictionary of
American Biog-
McDonald, James...................... 384 raphy.
McDowell, Joseph N................... 455 Manchester,
Virginia............. 271, 272
McFarland, Dale, Jr................... 449 Manhattan Bank....................... 433
McFarland, Elizabeth E., bequest, 357, 374 Mansfield, Edward
McFarland, Nathan.................... 447 --Cincinnati
in 1826 ......... 68, 78, 79
"McFingal" ......................... 436 --Memoirs
of the Life and Services of
McGhee, Joseph Daniel
Drake................. 70, 213
--Ohio Railroad Map............ 191, 203 --Personal
Memoirs ............. 216, 218
McGhee, William...................... 260 Mansfield,
Jared....................... 453
McGrane, Reginald
Charles ....... 120, 341 Mansfield,
Ohio, 259, 260, 353, 377, 378, 394
--The Correspondence of Nicholas Bid- Manufacture of
Pulp and Paper: A Text
dle .................................
343 Book
of Modern Pulp and Paper
Evolution of the
Ohio-Erie Practice
...................... 334 March,
--Life of William
Allen............. 343 --Standards
of Pottery Description.. 32
--"Ohio and the Greenback Movement" Margaretta township, Firelands, see
339. Firelands.
--Panic of 1837
....................... 343 Marie Antoinette .....................405
Aspects of American
State Marietta,
Ohio, 156, 238, 292, 293, 295, 296,
Debts in the Forties"............. 337 298,
360, 365, 371, 372, 374, 377, 378, 380,
--"The Veto Power in Ohio"...... 338 385,
394, 398, 409, 414, 416, 417, 419, 420,
--"William Clark's
Journal of Wayne's 422,
423, 432, 435, 438, 439, 442, 444, 445,
Campaign" .......................
339 446,
447, 449; founded, 89; named, 405;
description of stockade, 411; description
McGuffey, William
Holmes, 93, 114, 126, of museum 411-412; trade in, 424; fron-
of museum, 411-412; trade in, 424; fron-
211, 401; opposed Bishop, 97; edited the tier life at,
426; inhabitants, 430; slav-
Register, 111. ery
in, 434; poll book, 450.
............................. 387 --Centennial
Celebration........ 353, 390
--Centennial Celebration. 353, 390
--Society of Columbus............... 387 --City Hall........................... 378
McHenry's Tavern .................... 208 --Congregational
Church, 291, 292, 293,
Machetanz, Frederick Karl............ 358 299.
McIntire, A. R........................ 382 --Market
Square..................... 415
Mcintosh, Nathan .................... 292 --Mound Cemetery.................. 415
McKinley, William..................... 318 --Muskingum St...................... 424
--"Address" delivered at Greenville, --Ohio St............................ 424
Ohio .............................. 381 --School
Association................. 292
McKinley, William, assistant reference Marietta
College, 290, 295, 296, 297, 298,
............................. 357 299,
300, 333, 338, 339.
McLean, John................ 187, 190, 191 --Board
of Trustees....... 293, 297, 300
McMaster, John Bach --Charter
.................. 294, 296, 300
History of the
People of the --Library
............................ 296
United States................. 174, 202 --Historical
Collections.............. 409
McMicken, Charles..................... 120 Marietta
Collegiate Institute and Western
M'Millan, Hugh........................ 122 Teachers'
Seminary, 296, 298, 299, 300
Co..................... 156, 160 --Board
of Trustees ................. 294
McMurtrie, Douglas C................. 104 --Charter.........................
294, 295
McNeal, Edgar Holmes Marion,
Ohio ..........................364
--Europe in the Middle Age ........ 343 Marlborough-on-the-Hudson
.... 240, 243
Marquis, A. N., and Co.
--Source Book for Mediaeval History, --The Industries of
McNutt, Paul V. Marryat,
Frederick ............... 70
--The Laws of Indiana Territory, 1809- Marshall, John
.................... 311 312
1816...............................304-305 Martin,
Absalom ...................... 450
Harriet.................... 80
McPherson, Harry R .............. 363, 388 Martzolff, Clement L.
McRae, John J., 116; published works of, --"Early Religious Movements in the
135. Muskingum
Valley"............... 333
McReisson, John.................. 262, 264 --"Ohio University" ................ 333
--"Zane's Trace"
.................... 333 Miami
County, Ohio................... 69
Maryland ........................ 174, 175 Miami Exporting Company, 213; became
Maryland Continental
Line........... 87 first
banking institution in Ohio... 206
Marysville, Ohio....................... 359 Miami Indians.........................
Massachusetts ...... 298, 313, 322, 335, 378 Miami Journal ......................... 110
--Legislature, opposed Society of Cin- Miami
of the Lake.................... 185
cinnati ............................. 84 Miami
region, 212; surplus products of,
Massachusetts Colony.................. 174 in 1816,
66; manufacturing wealth of,
Massachusetts Continental Line...... 86 in
1816, 67; territory included, 69; rela-
Massachusetts Historical Society tion
of Cincinnati to, 76.
--Proceedings ........................ 340 Miami
River, 184, 379; freight on.... 66
Massie, David Meade Miami
township, Green-County, Ohio, 219
--Nathaniel Massie, a Pioneer of Ohio,
346. Miami
University, 92, 104, 161, 337, 339,
Mathews, Abel....................... 446 342,
352, 400, 401; charter granted, 92;
Mathews, Alfred first
president, 92, 93; organization, 93;
--Ohio and Her Western Reserve.. 349 conduct
of students at, 96; development
Mathews, John..... 411, 419, 435, 436, 444 under Bishop, 99; printing and publish-
Matthews, John ....291 ing at, 105-137; first catalog of, 109;
Maumee, Ohio....................... 212, 387 published works of, 129,
130, 131, 132,
Maumee River............... 185, 403, 438 133, 134, 136.
Maxwell, William
............... 106 --Erodelphian Society
........... 109, 112
Code ........................ 106 --History Department...............404
May, James ............................. 414 --Library .............. 123
May, John.............................. 447 --Medical
School................... 455
May, Joseph ............................ 411 --Union ........................ 109, 112
Mayfield, R. N., gift................. 364 Miami Valley......................... 99
Mayflower, flat-boat................390,
410 Miamisburg,
Ohio................. 205, 386
Mayflower Day........................ 385 Miamisburg mound.............. 354, 386
Mayo, Daniel .......................... 206 Michigan, 85, 156, 273, 322, 372, 390,
Mayo, H. B., 114, 116; published works --Governor
..................... 407, 428
of, 132, 134. --University ................
329, 341, 344
Mayslick, Kentucky ............... 451, 453 --Library School..........
...... 308
Maysville, Kentucky .................. 451 --Museum of Anthropology
Mead, John ............................ 171 --Ceramic
Repository......55, 57, 64
Mead family ................ 196 --Occasional
Contributions....... 32
Meade, George Gordon................ 272 Michigan-Indiana Museums Association,
Meade, William........................ 245 273.
Meadville, Pennsylvania ............... 258 Michigan-Indiana-Ohio Museums Asso-
Medical College of Ohio.... 455, 456, 459 ciation
............................... 274
--Board of Trustees.................. 454 Michigan Territory............... 439, 444
Medical Corps, see U. S. Army Medical --Secretary
.................. 437, 441
Corps. Middlebury
College ................... 298
Meeker, Claude ....................... 379 Middletown, Ohio.................. 5, 418
--Library ....................... 354, 386 Milan township, Firelands, see Firelands.
Meier, Ludwig Heinrich .............. 209 Miles, Marcus.......................... 182
Meigs, Return Jonathan, 418, 419, 424, 446, Military
America: British Archives, 167
447, 449. Military
Institute, see Ohio Military In-
Meigs, Return Jonathan, Jr., 291, 446, 447 stitute.
Meigs, Fort ......................... 440 Mill
Creek............................ 224
--Seige of--Centennial ............384 Miller,
Asher ......................... 173
Memorial Day ......................... 384 Miller, Edward Alanson
Memorial Day ...............
384 --"History
of Educational Legislation
Memorialists of Cincinnati, 67, 70, 76; in Ohio from
1803 to 1850"...... 333
publicity agents for their city, 65; pur- Miller, John H., gift.................. 365
pose of, 66. Miller,
Oscar F ................... 366, 374
Mercer County, Kentucky............. 400 Miller,
T. Ewing ............ 376, 378, 394
Merchant's Institute, see Cincinnati Mer- Millersburg, Ohio ..................... 184
chant's Institute. Millersburgh,
Tennessee............... 271
Meritt, Benjamin Dean Millport,
Ohio.......................... 365
--The Athenian Assessment of 425 B. C., Mills, C., B.......................... 264
345. Mills, E.
C ............................
Merrimac ..............................
Mesnard, Erie Mills,
Isaac, 178, 181, 182, 183, 189, 191,
--"Surveys on the Firelands, etc.," 189, 192, 199, 200, 201; appointed
as agent
190, 202. to
attend treaty of Fort Industry, 185
Metzler, Sigmund ...................... 277 Mills, John .................. 294, 296, 298
Mexico, Gulf of ................... 465, 466 Mills, Katherne S..................... 278
Meyer, Jacob Conrad Mills,
William Corless, 332, 353, 354, 382,
and State in Massachusetts 383, 384,
390, 396.
from 1740 to 1833 ................ 343-344 --Archaeological
Atlas of Ohio, 220, 387
Miami canal, freight on ............... 75 --Certain Mounds and
Village Sites, 387
William Stowell Mount
Pleasant, Tennessee........... 265
--Story of the Western Reserve of Mount Sterling, Ohio................. 365
Connecticut .................
184, 202 Mount
Vernon, Ohio....... 218, 378, 394
Wisconsin--Public Museum Mountain
House.................. 239, 241
............................ 31 --Press .............................. 240
Indians......................... 240 Moxahala,
Ohio........................ 437
.................... 85, 307, 350 Mumford, Charlotte
Woodbridge...... 448
Historical Society Mundhenk
family...................... 210
Narratives and Docu- Munfordsville, Kentucky.... 262, 263, 268
ments ..............................
306 Munro,
Josiah.................... 291, 448
Comte de Munsee
Indians......... 185, 186, 199, 200
--Considerations sur
l'Ordre de Cin- Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 267, 268; Bat-
cinnatus ........................... 84 tle
of, 259.
Ridge, Battle of .......... 259 Muse
of History....................... 329
culture ..................... 234 Museum
Bulletin....................... 284
River, 267, 329, 413; traffic Museum Echoes, 351, 354, 358, 363, 373,
67; Germans on, 207. 389.
Valley, 78, 99, 466; classifica- Museum of Anthropology, see Michigan
of culture groups in, 8. University
Museum of Anthropology.
Valley Historical Association, Museums,
exhibits of interest, 274-275;
339. cooperation with
schools, 276, 281-284,
--Proceedings ........................ 337 285-286;
children's regard for, 276; and
Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 337, adult
education, 276; and women's clubs,
339. 277;
special display collections, 279-281;
..............................319 and
the community, 280; traveling ex-
Thomas D.................... 455 hibits,
282-283; educational aspect of,
early transmission of......... 433 285;
building up interest in, 287-289.
David ....................... 129 Muskingum Academy, 290, 292, 293, 294,
Joseph G ..................... 98 295,
296, 297, 298, 299.
River............... 409, 410 --Board
........................... 296
James ........................ 88 Muskingum River, 254, 383, 397, 405, 406,
James, professor ............. 330 408,
409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416,
Joseph........................ 437 417,
418, 419, 422, 429, 436, 449.
township, Knox County, Ohio, 247 Myers,
Allen O.
history of ................. 452 --Bosses
and Boodle ................. 347
Montgomery County, Ohio............ 69 Myers, Mrs. Laura E.,
gift........... 365
Canada ................ 357, 439 Myers,
Philip Van Ness
Edward A..................... 200 --Outlines of
Medieval and Modern
F. P., gift................... 365 History
....................... 332
Jonas................ 294, 296, 298 --Rome,
Its Rise and Fall......... 332
William E...... 376, 378, 379, 394 --History of Greece.............
Warren King, 332, 353, 380, Mygatt,
Eli............................. 199
--Description of Fort Ancient...... 379 Napier,
William F. P.
Moravian Seminary, see Bethlehem, --Peninsular War...............
122, 136
Pennsylvania. Napoleon,
see Bonaparte, Napoleon.
252, 253; in Ohio, 251; in Narragansett
River....................... 174
............................256 Nash,
George K.............................82
Giovanni Battista Nashville, Tennessee, 264, 265,
267, 268, 272
--De Sedibus et Causis Morborum, 457 National Archives Establishment, see
Forrest U.
S. National Archives Establishment.
--Connecticut as a Colony
and as a National
Bank.......................... 213
State .....................
166, 167, 202 National
Tube Co. site, 228, 230-231, 232;
George................ 436,
444 description and location, 230;
John Hunt.................. 272 230-231; traits, 233; catalog, 236.
Maria (Mrs. Dudley
Wood- Navy Department, see
U. S. Navy De-
Jr.) ............ 436, 444, 445, 449 partment.
N............................. 188 Nazareth,
Palestine .................... 252
Richard.................... 5, 221 Nebraska
............................... 348
Thomas..................... 450 Neff, John
F............................ 259
Pennsylvania ............ 436 Negroes,
425; in Cincinnati in 1815.. 70
Benjamin Franklin...... 115, 116 Nelson,
General.................................. 265
Thomas ........................ 116 Nelson,
Alexander..................... 423
William ...................... 126 Netherlands
........................288, 322
Jeremiah..................... 336 Neufeld,
Maurice F................... 161
Josiah............................. 336 Nevelle,
Prestley....................... 90
Oliver P ....................... 98 Nevin,
Camp...................... 260, 261, 263
Builders................... 239, 384 New England, 69, 174, 218, 298, 398, 405,
............................... 355 419,
428, 430, 444, 450; influence of, in
City ................. 239, 354, 382 Ohio,
Gilead, Ohio................... 184 New England Quarterly.............. 341
Mount Logan.......................... 240 New Guinea............................ 365
Hampshire........................ 174 Norwich township, Firelands, see Fire-
New Hampshire Continental Line...... 86 lands.
New Haven,
Connecticut, 169, 171, 178, Notestein,
Wallace.................... 334
179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 199, 201, 424; Noyes, Arthur
raided by British, 166-167; losses of, --Europe--
Its History and Its World
173. Relationships,
1789-1933 ............. 344
--County House...................... 192 --The
Military Obligation of Mediaeval
New Haven township, Firelands, see Fire- England
with Especial Reference to
lands. Commissions
of Array............. 344
New Jersey............. 174, 205, 398, 451 --Readings
in Mediaeval History.. 344
New Jersey Continental Line .......... 86 Nye,
Anselm Tupper........ 294,
296, 298
New London,
Connecticut, 171, 181, 182, Nye,
Arius....................... 294, 296
183, 199; attack upon, 168-169; taxes on Nye,
Edward.......................... 293
land grant, 180. Nye,
Huldah........................... 293
London township, Firelands, see Nye,
Ichabod................. 291, 293, 296
Firelands. Nye,
Rowena........................... 293
New Madrid,
Missouri................ 444
New Orleans, Louisiana, 69, 266, 398, 453; Oak Hill,
Ohio................... 365
imports from, in 1816, 66; trade with, Oak Park,
Illinois..................... 5
206; navigation down Mississippi to, 207 Oberlin
University, 329, 330, 333, 338, 339,
New Philadelphia, Ohio................ 275 340,
389, 395.
Testament........................ 124 --School
of Theology................ 342
New Windsor on the Hudson......... 85 Octagon
State Park Fund............. 368
World............................ 420 Oehler
family.......................... 210
Ohio, 85, 87, 90, 116, 156, 180, 195, 205,
New York, 246, 322, 349; Iroquois Indians Ohio,
85, 87, 87, 90, 116, 156, 180, 195, 205,
207, 221, 234, 239, 241, 246, 247, 251, 254,
in northern....................... 8, 21 258,
273, 276, 290, 291, 298, 300, 301, 304,
--Division of Archives.......... 386-387 315, 318,
329, 336, 339, 342, 346, 348, 350,
--Museum 351,
360, 371, 376, 377, 382, 383, 390, 400,
.................. 31 403,
405, 436, 437, 438, 444, 446, 453; ex-
New York,
New York, 69, 74, 168, 312, amination of
aboriginal sites in north-
348, 412, 447; imports from, to Cincin- ern, 5;
pipestone of, 21; transportation
nati in 1816, 66; British stronghold in, of goods
in, in 1816, 66, 74; attempt to
165. establish
Society of Cincinnati in, 88-
--University ........................ 344 90;
members of Society of Cincinnati
Newark, New Jersey................... 279 in,
91; printing and publishing in, 106,
Newark, Ohio.................. 21, 260, 394 111;
poets, 157; influence on settlement
Newburgh-on-the-Hudson, New York, 81 of by Revolution,
165; location of
Nicolay, John George Western Reserve of Connecticut and
Lincoln: A History.......... 328 Firelands in,
175; size of counties in,
Nile Valley............................ 376 189;
Connecticut place names in, 196;
Noble, Andrew............... 113, 114, 116 map of,
203; people, 250; first historian
Nolin, Kentucky....................... 263 of
327; educational institutions in, 330,
Nolinsville, Kentucky.................. 268 335;
history teachers in, 331; libraries,
Norfolk, Virginia................. 267, 423 331;
history of farming in, 347; religious
North, life in, during Civil War, 160; history in, 347; history of, 349, 352,
failure to submit to British in Revo- 381,
384, 397, 420; historiography in,
lution, 165. 349-350; effort to
organize historical
North America......................... 285 society
in, 353, 399; paintings relating
North Carolina........................ 322 history
of, 357; historical material in,
North Dakota-University.............. 337 359; country, 407; land
warrants of, 450.
Northwest, Old, 86, 87, 89, 156, 348, 360, --Centennial, see
Chillicothe, Ohio,
371, 397, 450; ceded to U. S., 85; see Centennial
also Northwest
Territory. --Columbus
Centennial, see Columbus,
Northwest Territory, 195, 207, 211, 238, Ohio,
Centennial Celebration.
290, 291, 301, 302, 303, 334, 357, 378, --Department
of Public Instruction, 138
392, 399, 408, 416, 431, 444, 449; see also --Director of
Education.............. 380
Northwest, Old. --General
Assembly, 377, 379, 383, 386,
--Legislature ........................ 433 392.
--Centennial, see Marietta Centennial. --Governor
.................... 380, 395
--Sesquicentennial .................. 390 --Historical
Commission............. 385
--Journal .............. 302, 303, 304, 355 --Legislative
Committee............. 385
Northwestern University ............. 337
Northwestern University .............. 337 --Legislature,
70, 80, 109, 120, 194, 196,
Norwalk, Connecticut, 169, 170, 171, 172, 294,
332, 361, 372, 377, 379, 380, 383,
181, 182, 183, 199; raided by British, 166; 454; granted
charter to Miami Uni-
losses of, 173. versity,
92; granted charter to Miami
Norwalk, Ohio...... 199, 200, 308, 333, 336 Exporting
Company, 206.
Norwalk township, Firelands, see Fire- --Senate
........................... 351
lands. --Act
creating counties in the Western
Norwich, Connecticut, 406, 407, 413, 414, Reserve ......................... 195
415, 416, 417, 418, 436, 437, 443, 446. --Act of Incorporation of Ohio Com-
Norwich, England............ 405, 421, 425 pany of Connecticut Sufferers.. 181
--Act taxing Firelads............. 193 --Fiftieth
Anniversary..... 355, 375, 391
--Michigan Boundary
................ 372 --Golden
Anniversary, see Fiftieth An-
--Military Institute..................
98 niversary.
--Militia, 449, 453; 6th Brigade, 259, 261; --Library, 259, 352, 354, 357, 359, 360,
1st Regiment, Volunteer Cavalry, 365; 361, 362, 370, 381, 385, 386, 391,
15th Regiment, Volunteer Infantry- 396, 405; dedication of, 384.
Company A, 261, 262, 270--Company --Archives Division...... 360,
363, 354
F, 258, 259, 262--Company T, 262; --Manuscript
Division ............ 443
Regiment--Company H, 266; --Newspaper
Division.... 360, 390, 392
930th Regiment Volunteers--Company --Membership ........................
A, 272. --Nominating
Committee ......... 369, 370
--State Commission.................. 380 --Sixth Annual
Meeting............. 379
--State House..... 353, 379, 380, 381, 387 --State Appropriation ............... 368
--State Library............. 378, 385, 392 --Tenth Annual Report..............
--State Seal.......................... 240 --Treasurer
......................... 368
--Supreme Court..................... 395 --Thirty-first Annual
Meeting...... 385
--Acts .................
181, 194, 195, 196 --Twenty-fifth
Annual Meeting..... 383
--Land Laws...... 175, 181, 183, 194, 197 --Bulletin
of Source Material for the
--Laws ...............
380 Study
of American History....... 138
--Ohio Railroad Map ........... 191, 203 --Ohio Historical Collections 92, 351,
Ohio, battleship,
silver service of.... 390 354,
397, 400, 358, 359; provided for, 1.
Ohio Archaeological Convention....... 377 --Publications, 138-155,
373; discontinu-
Ohio Archaeological Society...... 353, 395 ance of, 1.
Ohio Church Society --Quarterly,
86, 138-155, 220, 294, 308,
--Papers ......................... 347 327,
329, 332, 333, 351, 356, 357, 358,
Ohio Company, 290, 294, 296, 297, 298, 363, 369, 379, 381, 882, 383,
386, 389,
299, 300, 333, 390, 398, 405, 409, 414, 396; improved appearance of, 1;
447, 448. published,
353; binding of, 373.
--Directors ............................... 408 --Reprints...........
161, 308, 404, 469
--Map.................................. 450 Ohio State Colonization
Society...... 95
Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society, Ohio State Museum, 11, 63, 115, 161, 274,
327 352. 308,
354, 356, 362, 364, 373, 374, 382, 395,
--Publications ......................... 335 396,
404; see also Ohio
State Arch-
Historical Collections,
see Ohio aeological
and Historical Society; dedi-
State Archaeological and Historical So- cation of, 384.
Historical Collections. --Archaeology ........................ 363
Ohio History Conference ............. 387 --History,
Ohio History Day..................... 386 --Loan
Collection............. 363, 388
Ohio History Teachers' Journal ....... 341 --Museum Echoes, see Museum Echoes.
"Ohio in Africa"...................... 120 --Natural
History.......... 357, 363, 390
Ohio Medical University.............. 159 --Parks
......................... 363, 388
Ohio Mound ........................... 382 --South Wing
............................ 387
Ohio National Bank--Citizen's Office.. 368 --World War
Memorial.... 354, 386, 387
Ohio River, 79, 86, 106, 107, 184, 212, 238, Ohio State University, 104, 239, 331, 335,
254, 295, 329, 388, 390, 397, 398, 403, 405, 339, 340, 341, 343, 345, 350, 351, 352,
408, 409, 410, 411, 413, 415, 417, 420, 423, 360, 364, 365, 376, 378, 382, 386, 395,
431, 434, 445, 451, 452; chief route of 404, 451.
westward in 1816, 66; --Chapel
.................................. 372
traffic on, 67; steamboats on, 74; Ger- --College of Education..........
334, 344
man contribution to navigation on, 207 --College of
Medicine............... 159
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical --Engineering
College............... 347