Ohio History Journal

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PROCEEDINGS                         217


lands as sites for the establishment of state parks along the shores of

Lake Erie for conservation and recreation purposes.

"Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted

by the secretary of this organization to Conservation Commissioner L.

Wooddell, and to each member of the conservation council, and to the

chairman of the Senate Conservation and Finance Committees, and to the

Governor of the State of Ohio."

Mr. Miller read a report of receipts from the concessions at the va-

rious State parks.

Mr. Johnson suggested that the Board present felicitations to Mr. H.

Preston Wolfe on the occasion of his wedding and to Mr. H. C. Shetrone

on the occasion of his completing the twenty-fifth year in the service of

the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society.

Mr. Spetnagel moved that the Board express its appreciation to

President Rightmire for his entertainment of the Board members at

luncheon in the Faculty Club. The suggestion was heartily approved.

On motion of Mr. Miller, the meeting was adjourned.


Ohio Academy of History Session, 12:30 P. M., April 1,

Deshler-Wallick Hotel

The first annual joint meeting of the Ohio State Archaeolog-

ical and Historical Society and the Ohio Academy of History

was held at Columbus on April 1 and 2. The arrangements for

the joint meeting were carefully planned and were admirably

carried out.   Although sessions were held at the Ohio State

Museum, at the Deshler-Wallick Hotel, and at the Ohio State

University Chapel there was not the least confusion.

Friday noon, April 1, following the annual business meeting

of the Society, a luncheon was held in the Spanish Room of the

Deshler-Wallick   Hotel.    Following   the  luncheon, Professor

Harold Davis, of Hiram College, president of the Ohio Academy

of History, presided and welcomed approximately fifty members

of the Academy and of the Society. Professor Homer C. Hock-

ett, of the Ohio State University, chairman of the Nominating

Committee proposed Sellaw A. Roberts, of Kent State College,

for president of the Academy, and John O. Marsh, curator of

History, Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society, for secretary.

Both were elected.    A  resolution, that the Ohio Academy of

History co-operate with the Ohio State Archaeological and His-

torical Society in a second annual joint meeting, was unanimously


Following the brief business meeting several papers were

read. The first speaker was Professor Walter Dorn of the De-