Ohio History Journal

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Public Session of the Ohio Committee on Medical History and

Archives, 2:00 P. M., April 7, Ohio State Museum Library,

Jonathan Forman, Presiding

The public session of the Ohio Committee on Medical His-

tory and Archives was called to order by Dr. Jonathan Forman,

its chairman, at 2:00 P. M. on April 7, 1939, in the Library of

the Museum. The program was concerned with "The Pioneer

Physicians of Ohio: Their Lives and Their Contributions to the

Development of the State, 1788-1835." The first paper in this

series was written by Dr. D. D. Shira and was entitled "An At-

tempt to Regulate by Law and the Purpose behind the Move-

ment." Dr. Shira was not present and his paper was read by

Dr. Robert G. Paterson.


DR. FORMAN: I think it is well to call attention to the fact that

in these early days county prosecutors reluctantly prosecuted cases

against unlicensed practitioners until a new law provided that

half of the fine should go to the county where the case was tried.

Now, it seems that there is a penalty because of holding this

meeting on Good Friday, as Dr. Waite of Cleveland cannot be

with us. The next paper will be that of Dr. Howard C. Dittrick

of Cleveland, speaking on "The Equipment, Instruments and

Drugs of the Pioneer Physicians of Ohio."


DR. FORMAN: To go on now with the discussion of "The Method

of Treatment of Some of the More Common Diseases of the

Times by the Pioneer Physicians of Ohio" by Dr. David A.

Tucker, of Cincinnati.


DR. FORMAN: I will try to tell you something about "The Med-

ical Journals of the Pioneer Physicians of Ohio" of this par-

ticular time.



* Because of the educational and historical value of these papers it is planned

to publish them in the July, 1939, issue of the Ohio State Archaeological and His-

torical Quarterly. By this means the full proceedings of the 1939 Ohio History Con-

ference can be preserved.